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Judges, Juries, and Jinn


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"Hubby chose me because I'm a slut. That's the kind of wife that he wanted and he told me so. He encouraged me to fuck whoever I wished and then some. All that he's asked in return is sloppy seconds, details, maybe some pics, videos, and the occasional hall pass for him and threesome of both kinds. He's really wanting me to get bred by at least one other man besides himself during our marriage. I think that he wants to breed me himself, too, but the idea of another man's baby bump definitely turns him on, no doubt of that.

"Before you ask, no, it isn't a fully open marriage on his end. Hence the hall passes. That's not my doing. If it were up to me, we'd just be swingers. That's how he wants it, because he can only find some women slutty enough for his taste. So when he does ask for the rare hall pass, I tease him about it, but I gladly hand it over from my little box of hall passes. Without the hall pass, it would be cheating, but to be honest, I would probably get a rush out of him cheating on me. It would be so naughty of him and I would love exacting my 'revenge,' too. It would be such a sexy revenge, not a mean or vicious one," the blonde cutie showed her dimples again.

"Well, Jack, you really are a stud, you know. No question of that. You're banging the hostess, plan to start in on the waitresses and busboys, maybe the husband, maybe Amy's husband at this rate, certainly Amy herself, and who else? Maybe Heather and Candy again? I can only guess how many folks you've fucked over the years since we parted ways. Did ... you ever do any of our former teachers, working in our old high school as you have? I did it with Mr. Malloy once or twice, actually, and his wife never did find out," Roni teased me, just as Lupe brought my fajitas and took down the ladies' orders.

"Good thing that I'm the judge and can set the recess times, right?" Roni said as she began fondling Lupe's ass under her skirt and collecting salt for her margarita.

"You're a judge? Wow! Would this be out of order, then?" Lupe asked as she slipped Roni more tongue than a butcher at a shop in Montana.

"Maybe. I might well have to hold you in contempt of court and find an appropriate penalty," Roni teased her some more.

"So ... you really want some of this, do you? Or does all of this competition discourage you?" I needled Roni, who just laughed and put her head on my shoulder while Amy did the same to the other.

"Papi, I'm in love with you and I have been since high school. That will never change! Never! I've fucked plenty of men ... and women, to pass the time, but I've never loved a man quite like I love you, not that I haven't tried now and then to get over you. I just can't, baby. I'm in love with you and I always will be. I was a rotten excuse for a girlfriend and I'm sure that you've had lots better, but that's the honest truth here.

"I charmed the pants off you quite literally ... and also off your mother. Yeah, that's another dirty secret. I fucked your mom. Not your dad. Just your mom. I cheated on you with your own mother. I guess that's why she sided with me so much. She saw me as her little Latin bedtoy, I think, and I was fine with it. But I felt guilty as fuck and so I provoked that fight. And, yes, if I'm being honest, I spend our prom night in your mother's arms, which is how your father caught us.

"That's why they got divorced, in case you wondered. It was my fault. Well, partly my fault. They were both cheaters. That's when I realized that monogamy was bullshit. Goofy, silly nonsense that priests, pastors, etc. like to sell society in order to control them and cut down on sex. That and what happened when I learned about you and the ladies. I think that your father could have forgiven them doing that to him, but not to you. He didn't know or care what you were doing, but he saw what we did as a major betrayal.

"So, honey, sorry for that ... for being so cold to you in court for a second, though I had to get your attention, sorry for dumping you, sorry for not telling you about the twins, and sorry for the bullying. Sorry, dear ... for being so fucking cruel! There is so much more to tell you, but I can tell you that there is a major legal reason why I could never be your wife, not even now. I'm a judge, after all. I know the law. Just saying that for the record. You and I, whatever happens, and I do want us to be lovers again, but we can never get married.

"It's all tied in together, and yes, I told your father the truth later. There was a moment of mutual forgiving right before his death. Yes, I was there when he died while you were in Iraq. I also made love to him, had a nice little tryst with him at the very end there. My notion of atonement for it all. The affair, the bullying, all of it. The twins. He died knowing that I was the mother of your children and that I truly loved his son. I promised him that I would someday win you back and I would grow old with you. I fully intend to keep my word about that. You're stuck with me now papi. You'll never be rid of me," Roni swore to me, much to my shock.

"Nor me," Pilar told me from behind, Lupe standing behind her as they both personally plated the rest of the meal.

"Nor me," Amy added, as Roni and she now caught up with in their ravenous hunger for their lunches, "I won't be happy until I've become your mistress, girlfriend, whatever, or one of them, for the rest of your life.

"Face it, Uncle Jack. You've got at least three Tejanas and a blonde, and all of us are playing for keeps with you, just like we are with the others in our lives. You're not the only collector around," Lupe added her two cents as she stuck her tongue in my ear.

"Uncle Jack?" I asked, rather curiously.

"Si, Tio Jack! You're Tia Pilar's other man, so just like Lewis is Tio Luis or Uncle Lewis, you're Tio Jack! You're also papi now ... just you wait until I get my hooks into you!" Lupe told me as she actually fed Amy for a second with a fork that she had slipped up into her own twat.

Amy just ate it up with no qualms or sense of disgust and then told everyone, "Feel free to do all of this kinky stuff at my place. Ryan not only won't mind ... he'll join in and I'll be happy to not give two fucks about hall passes tonight. By the end of the night, Ryan will realize that he has a permanent hall pass with you guys, anyway. I hope that you end up sodomizing him tonight, too, babe. He's just such a deliciously understanding guy, I want the guy to have as many options as possible, whether he uses them or not. So, how about it?"

"Well, now I know why I've stayed in El Paso," I chuckled, "damn, I'm such a lucky bastard! Yes, you four with me tonight, probably Ryan as well, from the sound of it, even if it kills me. Even if it does! I'd die with such a wide grin on my face."

"Oh, papi, just you wait until I get Heather and Candy back into your arms, as they should have been all along. Then there's my neighbor, Violet, and boy does she have the most delightful red hair and freckles! Honey, you're gonna be so hip deep in pussy and ass that you won't know what to do with yourself, as you should be! Violet likes to eat me out and I know that she's between husbands, so perhaps she can be your wife in time. She'll never even have the chance to ask for monogamy. It will just never happen," Roni assured me as we finished devouring our lunches and drinking our various poisons.

"Don't forget me, hon," I heard a very familiar voice indeed.

"Mom?" I saw my mother standing there, still shockingly beautiful in her classic sandy hair and freckles, but a lot more ... revealing clothes.

Mom pulled me in for a steamy kiss, definitely a lover's rather than a mother's, her tongue sliding in and out of my mouth, telling me simply, "yes."

"Yes? Yes what, Mom?" I asked my mother, who didn't look her sixty years of age at all.

"Yes, much of this was an ambush. Except Amy. She was a very nice surprise and we had very little time to prepare when we learned that you had jury duty. Pilar was in on it for sure. It wasn't hard for Roni to pull strings to get put on the bench, among other things. Lupe was part of it, too. So, how about we get out of here as quickly as we can, go to my place, and yes, you're invited, too, Amy, and your husband, and fuck like minks! I have an angry son who I've mistreated years ago to appease. Let's heal this breach our way ... in bed. Oh, and yes, I made love to your father several times at the end to make it up to him, too. But now I have to give it up to my son and I'll have you know that this is yours, on tap, for the rest of your life or mine at least," Mom declared her true feelings.

Somehow, I'm still not sure how, I ended up getting hustled into Mom's car and a bunch of us headed to her place ... the same old childhood home that I had years ago, in fact. We had been estranged for so long that I hadn't returned in forever, but there it was. Mom undressed the moment that I walked inside, slowly disrobing to tease me first, after which she simply ripped off my clothes with little thought as to the consequences. I saw that she had no hair on her snatch and that she had kept herself in remarkable shape, especially given her status as a divorcee from a long dead man.

"Wow ... Mom ... wow!" I reacted to Mom's sheer beauty and sexual allure, astonishing to that extent at her age ... maybe not quite Dana Delany territory, but not far off.

"I did it all for you, baby. For you. To stay attractive and sexy for you! You see, I sold my soul to stay young and pretty for you. I got two other wishes. Care to guess what they were?" Mom informed me, shocking someone who didn't know that was possible.

"I have no idea, to be honest," I told Mom, as she put her arms around me and put her tongue inside my mouth again.

"That you'd be irresistible to men and women alike. That was one of them. Think about it. When was the last time that you've struck out with a lover of either sex? How many of them have simply hit on you? You'd have a lot of people into you, anyway, but this level of ease and number of partners who just won't leave you alone until you agree to fuck and keep them? That's the second wish, honey. Needless to say, I didn't exclude myself from that, though I've wanted you for years, anyway," Mom told me with a very tender kiss.

"But Mom, won't this mean spending eternity in Hell?" I asked with some actual concern for her at last over something that I wasn't sure even existed.

"Oh, I didn't sell my soul to Satan, dear. I sold it to a jinn. But, yes, there's a price to pay and the jinn will have their due. There is no escaping them. When I die, I become jinn, too, and I have to spend eternity granting people wishes, too. That's how they repopulate, you see. Last wish, by the way, was that you would have no negative consequences to whatever you do in life. Nothing that you do would ever have you suffer as a result, even if it would normally cause that. I figured that you had enough pain and atoned well in advance for any evil deeds you might do.

"So, yeah, no matter who you fuck, you'll never get HIV or AIDS, which means that you can never carry them. You'll only impregnate women if you wish to do so, but if you do wish to, then, yes, you'll knock them up, and if so, you'll always have great relationships with the baby mamas and a chance to be involved in their lives. By the way, I'm still very fertile, thanks to my wish, if you want to put a baby in your own mother, and if you do, there will be no risks of deformity. Incest with no consequences at all, just like in all of the best porn," Mom explained to me with a very loving kiss indeed.

"Why, Mom ... why?" I repeated myself between kisses to Mom's very soft, wet lips.

"Because I wanted to make it up to you, honey. All of the things that I did wrong, in my marriage, in my relationship with you and your siblings, all of it," Mom told me with tears in her lovely, lonely eyes.

"Siblings? I have no siblings! I was an only child, for reasons that still escape me!" I ranted.

"That's where you're wrong. I made your father get a vasectomy as the price of continued marriage, that's true. Something that he deeply resented and which added to his wrath when he caught me with Roni ... you see, and Roni was gonna tell you this, but ... I'll do it instead. I'm the one who kept you from knowing this, but...

"Roni's your sister. Half-sister. Your father had an affair with her mother and impregnated her, angering me greatly, hence the vasectomy condition, which also freed me from having to fuck him until he healed. He was effectively cut off without me getting any of the blame. But the main issue for me was not having to worry about any more bastards. I'm the one who kept you apart.

"Yes, I had a lesbian affair with my stepdaughter, and boy was your father livid when he caught us together! Here I had excluded her from our lives, then I encouraged her to date you, and then ... I slept with her myself. What hypocrisy on my part! I had punished Roni and your father and her mother for years in various ways, though most of the punishment for your father came from not getting to see me swell up with children. Then I turned around and cheated, too.

"The fact was that your father cheated more than that, as did I. Your father wasn't punished for fucking around so much as embarrassing me by knocking another woman up. Otherwise, I couldn't have cared less. But yeah, me betraying my son and his daughter by setting you up together and then seducing her, and I did seduce her ... it was too much for him to stomach. She doesn't see it that way. She thinks that her clumsy efforts at seduction were what it took to make me succumb to Sapphic lust, but that's just not true.

"The truth was ... I wanted her already. I wanted the forbidden allure of that wonderful mestizo flesh, nice and brown and sweaty, aching to be kissed and licked. I wanted what you found so irresistible about a girl who had even bullied you. I wanted to sample her sweet, luscious ass, too. And I did ... it was delicious, I won't lie about that. I was so far from the good Jewish wife and mother right then that it was absurd. I didn't care. I wanted her and I took her for my own pleasure, my son's girlfriend and former bully.

"So, you see, baby, I really have a lot of reasons to atone. Though to be honest, if I had to do it again, I would simply have lured you all into a foursome, six if you count Heather and Candy, and why not? And I would have asked him to reverse that damn vasectomy so that he could breed again," Mom confessed to me, much to my shock.

"I knew it! I knew that you wished that you had opened up your marriage completely. Well, Mom, it's not too late with our sweet Jack, is it? How about it? Surprise, surprise! Now you know why I bullied you, too. I was angry and jealous that you had Dad's love and attention, but I got none of it. I was the bastard, the embarrassment. I was ... the black sheep. You were the golden boy. That's how I saw it. Then I discovered what you were really like ... and I fell head over heels in love with you. I felt rotten ... so bad about it.

"The more I felt bad about it, though, and about the affair, well, you get the idea. I picked fights and I also got turned on by that. Remember, our first time happened after that one spat. I seduced your mother at least partly to get back at Dad and also to miss with her, but also because she was such a gorgeous woman. I wanted to win her love on some level, the approval of the very woman who once rejected me. There was so much at the root. Part of me wanted to lure your parents into a foursome with you. I know, I know, kinky as fuck. I was the girl from Poison Ivy, but nicer and browner, of course," Roni admitted her honest feelings at last.

"Damn ... what are your thoughts on this, Pilar, Amy, Lupe?" I greeted the others as they walked inside the house.

"Well, I only caught the tail end of it, but it's pretty intense. So ... Roni, you're Jack's sister? And he knocked you up? And you knew that he was your brother, but he didn't know that you were his sister when he fucked you? Damn! That's very hot, honey! It's like that movie, Taboo, but nicer! Quite the plot twist there. And so your twins ... wow!" Amy reacted with at least some delight.

"In case you're wondering, the case was pled out and I recessed for the sentencing to begin tomorrow. The jury was dismissed, no more need. It's all me from here on out. I'm probably going to go easy on the poor bastard. He'll get six to twenty months, max, I think.

"But, yes, I'm Jack's sister and there's something else that you need to know, Jack. I ... live with your mother and I have for years. We've worked out our issues and now we're lovers again, you see. We've resumed our love affair and I have to admit that bringing you back into the fold ... that will be the best for all of us. That jinn spell ... I know all about it and I made my own pact with the jinn. The first was to keep you close and draw you back into my arms as soon as possible.

"The second was eternal youth and beauty, of course. I never wanted to age. The third was to have you control my fertility. You decide if and when I ever get pregnant and the identity of the father. That's entirely your choice. I will have no say in the matter whatsoever. Honey, I'm all yours, including my womb. I'll share you and fuck whomever you wish, but I'll also only breed when you wish me to, you see.

"Oh, and I have another surprise for you. David, Liz, come on out. You remember the twins, right? Meet your father, though you know him as Principal Jacobs, of course. He's your father and I think that he's ready to take you to bed, too, am I right? Remember, no consequences to incest, too, Jack. Per your mother's wish. They've lived with us for years and never left the nest, knowing that I promised that they could share Daddy with their grandmother and me.

"That moment has come at last," Roni told us, as two very attractive young adults, a young man and woman in their twenties, joined us in the nude.

"I made my own wishes, of course," Pilar now broke into my thoughts.

"The first was that I would never age or die, as they wished. The second was that all of my household, from my husband to my nieces and nephews, would be your sexual playthings, eager and ready to do your bidding, and so they are. That's why they're so keen to fuck you and Lewis, of course. I fudged the truth earlier, mostly because I wanted you to relax, but didn't think that you were ready to hear about the jinn pact," Pilar winked at me, making it obvious that she was very much part of this circle that was just waiting for me to come around.

"And the third wish?" I probed, now quite curious, of course.

"That's yours to make. I give it to you. The jinn said that it was unusual, but it was my wish to make and thus mine to give to whomever I pleased. So, papi, what's your one wish?" Pilar wondered.

"That I am able to control every human orgasm in the world. Every kind of human orgasm, too. I do mean that. Every human orgasm on Earth. I, and I alone, decide who cums and when, from myself to you to all others. This means that I can make anyone cum on command and also deny them any relief, keeping them on the edge indefinitely. When I'm asleep, no one cums. At all. In the whole world. This will only end upon my death. This has to be a secret, of course. No one can know this, or else some folks might try to kill me. I think that you can see the appeal of this power, can't you?" I decided, loving the sense of control that it gave me over all others in the world.

No one would be able to manipulate or control or frustrate me again, but I could do that to them at any time. If some man pissed me off enough, he could jack off until he was blue in the face, but he'd never get to cum until I showed him mercy. If I wanted to make total strangers cream themselves in public, so be it. I could have each of the ladies at Casa de Pilar and even at court turned into quivering hot messes of lust and need, too. I saw from the looks on their faces that all of my new lovers were perfectly happy to be under my thumb, but that was clearly Mom's doing. She had turned them all, including herself, into happy playthings, fuckmeat for yours truly.

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