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Judges, Juries, and Jinn


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"Oh, honey, that's the wildest thing that I've ever heard! I think that I'd like to make three wishes, too," Amy announced, causing me to lift one eyebrow.

"Then simply speak this sentence in the language of the jinn and make your requests in your own tongue. When you've done that, you must cut yourself on your left hand as a show of sincerity and expose the wound and your naked skin to the open air for a moment. Jinn are creatures of the wind, so they must have tribute to their power of the air, you see," Mom explained to Amy, who was very thrilled and willing to do exactly as she was told, even as David and Liz embraced their naked father at last.

Amy did what she was instructed, and sure enough, we heard a crack of thunder, saw a bolt of lightning, and felt a powerful wind knock her off her feet. When she rose, her eyes turned a very odd shade of red, followed by green, and then blue again. She then began kissing each of us on the lips, which pleased me, even as if it intrigued me.

"My first wish, for which I call upon the powers and spirits of wind, is for everlasting beauty and youth, never to age or die from the same. My second wish is that whenever you kiss, fondle, grope, whistle, swat, or hug any grown man or woman, see him or her naked, flash or moon that person, or otherwise tease or flirt with any man or woman, or get teased, flashed, flirted with, or mooned by said person, that person becomes your willing and abject sexual plaything, your personal fuckmeat, completely subservient to you, for the rest of your life. My third is that you will always be young and handsome while you live," Amy winked at me, allowing me to see the effect instantly as she turned entirely into my property by means of her wish.

"Oh, shit... , " I ran to a mirror, and sure enough, years had dropped from my face, my laugh lines and wrinkles all gone.

"And we're all yours, baby. Since you're younger now, you'll have more time to enjoy us, too. You'll also have more energy, strength, and stamina to better savor the experience. So, tell me, what do you say to bring all of your loves into one house, one roof? By the way, remember how your mother mentioned 'siblings' as in plural? Well, let's just say that she wasn't completely honest about me. I wasn't an accident or surprise. We arranged for my placement on the jury with you. Technically illegal, but we got away with it this time.

"You see, dear brother, I'm your other half-sister, just like Roni. We all have different mothers, but let's just say that the vasectomy was reversed after your father caught your mother and Roni together and they got divorced. My mother was a nurse during the reversal and she took full advantage, let me tell you that much. Roni only pretended not to know about me," Amy winked at me, thus making it even clearer what she wanted from me.

"Well, I have wishes, too," Lupe now spoke her mind, "if you ladies can make them, so can I."

Lupe didn't hesitate to repeat the same ritual, and I had to admit to being intrigued, even though it delayed further gratification. Naturally, her first wish was to stay young and beautiful, but her next really blew my mind.

"I wish that you, Jack Jacobs, can speak someone's name, and no matter where that person is, who that person is, he or she will instantly appear in front of you and become your sexual plaything, your personal fuckmeat, without terminating their current relationships in any way, and that they will gladly await as well as obey whatever instructions you give them on how best to serve you," Lupe proved very clever by this wish, to say the least.

"And your last wish?" I asked her out of sheer curiosity by this point.

"As with Tia Pilar, I yield my last wish to you, Tio Jack," Lupe knelt in front of me as I stroked her hair and gestured for David and Liz to kiss her on the neck.

"Very well, then. I wish that any significant others of the persons who have become my sexual playthings, if they are not already so, also become my personal fuckmeat, no matter who they happen to be. If I claim their partners, they are automatically enthralled to me as well through their romantic and sexual bond with that person. That should make any jealousy easier to control, I think. This should also expand my circle of lovers, to say the least.

"Also, I wish to make wishes as well. If my lovers wish to face this eternity for my sake, I shall not let them suffer it alone," I announced as I began the ritual of binding myself to a jinn.

"My first wish is that any of my offspring who are of age shall live together with me for as long as I and the rest of the family live. I don't wish to be separated from any of my family ever again. My second wish is that none of my adult offspring ever lose their age or beauty. My third wish is that any adult in my presence will always have the immediate, uncontrollable urge to strip completely naked and stay that way, no matter where we are. That should eliminate threats from concealed weapons, but it should also make high school very entertaining, especially given Amy's own wish," I declared, getting real grins from everyone in the room.

"So, is it just us for the night or do we add people to this imminent orgy of debauchery in service to our new lord and master?" Mom spoke again, caressing me as she guided my cock into Lupe's eager mouth.

"Lewis Campbell," I spoke the name of PIlar's husband at last, "what's your last name, Amy?"

"Logan," she answered me with a kiss, enjoying the sight of Lupe's wet lips and tongue on my prick.

"Thank you, dear. Ryan Logan," I summoned Amy's husband, too.

Both men took a second or two to realize where they were and then they undressed immediately for my viewing pleasure and that of the ladies. Instantly, of course, this made them my complete sexual thralls, absolutely submissive to me and eager to please me. Amy licked her lips first, followed by Pilar, and then Roni, Mom, Lupe, David, and Liz.

"Catalina Cortez. Marisol Dominguez. Luna Moreno. Yesenia Del Fuego. Nadia Hernandez. Tricia Castillo. Domingo Moreno. Alberto Del Fuego. Ivan Hernandez. Fernando Beltran. Heather Estrada. Candace Strong," I stated the names of Pilar's remaining nieces and nephews who were of age and also of my two prom dates who shared me in my first threesome.

The sight of all of these lovely ladies and gentlemen in my presence stirred my loins and now I wished to fuck every person in the room until I was done with them. If I made sure not to come until I was good and ready, I could fuck everyone for hours and that thought delighted me. I could even go from one hole to another, wash it off, and then resume fucking until I was good and ready to cum. There was one to make sure that I got them all in the first night and fully demonstrated my power over them.

"Alright, everyone, including Mom, and yes, you and David, Liz, I want you to line up. Heather, Candy, what are the names of my now adult spawn by you two?" I demanded, slapping each of them on the bottom.

"Michelle Estrada is mine," Heather blushed as she confessed to me that she indeed had my love child who was now of age.

"Aurelia Strong," Candy informed me as well, looking a bit sheepish.

"Michelle Estrada and Aurelia Strong," I spoke their names and they appeared as well, stripping immediately as per my wish.

"Catherine Samudio. Erica Samudio. Roberto Samudio. Nina von Tannenberg. Ulrike von Tannenberg. Helmut von Tannenberg. Orson Baker. Miriam Baker. Linus Starfield. Wendy Starfield. Oscar Morales. Anita Morales. Cristina Morales. Dino Renzi. Dina Renzi. Andrea Renzi. Isabella Renzi. Carlita Fuentes. Nancy Fuentes. Armando Fuentes. Victoria Ortiz. Rosa Mercado. Stacey Burke," I called out the names of several teachers, parents, and students from my high school, because why the hell not?

They all promptly appeared and divested themselves of clothing.

"Line up, all of you, next to each other, until I have a line as far as possible across the house. Bend over, too. Spread your cheeks for inspection. I want to see what I'm getting here, because from now on, your pretty asses are mine! Lupe, that includes you now. Now, I have as much stamina as I wish or need, having wished to control everyone's orgasms on Earth, including mine. Wow, quite a collection here! Now, I'm going to swat your buttocks first, each of you, until I'm bored with that," I said as I began smacking everyone in turn on their exposed bottoms.

"Now, who else should I claim and add to my collection? Oh, yes. Dana Delany," I announced, making the Hollywood cougar appear before me and instantly disrobe for me.

"Fall in line, Dana," I ordered the actress, who shivered in front of me and bent over with my other playthings, "now, honey, spread your cheeks and let me inspect your crack. Yes, yes, very nice. Now, bite your bottom lip. Get used to that, folks. It's something that you'll need to do a lot while here with me," I told her as I lubed up a bit with some canola oil from Mom's old pantry.

"Prepare for it to hurt a bit, to put it mildly," I warned, as I eased my cock into Lupe's ass next, rewarding her for her oral servitude to me.

"Oh ... Dios mio!" Lupe began cursing as she felt every inch of my hard rod push into her tush from behind.

"You like?" I asked her while going deeper inside her ass.

"Yes ... fuck yes!" Lupe admitted to me, "I'm really such an anal slut! All about that..."

"Oh, fuck, yes, I love that about you," I groaned as I fucked her culo even harder.

"It's gonna be a regular Sodom and Gomorrah here, isn't it?" Mom commented while awaiting her turn.

"You betcha!" I chuckled as I plundered Lupe's booty in earnest, "now, everyone else, masturbate while waiting until I say to stop. That includes you, Mom."

Butt-fucking a sexy Latina was one thing. Doing so while a whole line of naked, eager personal sluts waited their turn, including my own mother, sisters, son, daughters, my students, their parents, a few teachers, and one celebrity, well, that was just icing on the cake. Add the compulsory masturbation and things were really overheated, but I could decide how long to edge and when to cum for all of us, and the night was very young indeed. I could keep these new lovers of mine on edge for hours if I wished, or show some mercy and let them cum a lot sooner. It was all up to me now.

"I want you to cum on every stroke now. Let them hear it and envy you!" I told Lupe as I began pumping hard in and out of her, the orgasm escaping her lips per my command every time I thrust inside her again.

I fucked Lupe for several more strokes as she creamed herself on each of them, finally deciding to cum up her ass as a way of marking my territory, not that I really needed to do so. There was just a very primal thrill in shooting my hot jizz up her tight culo and filling her bowels with my spunk. It was a very visible proof that she was my slut, after all. I admired her sweet, slick ass for several more minutes as I kept fucking her in spite of my release, slapping her cheeks to her rather vocal delight.

"Pick two sluts for the night, and it can't be me or Dana. Whoever you pick can't cum until they have done everything that you demand of them. No matter what it is, too. They have to do it. Take your pick, my sweet lady, as a reward for your loyal service to me," I instructed Lupe now.

"Okay, my two sluts are Uncle Lewis and Ryan Logan. I want to make both men, happily married men, my bitches for the night. First, they must crawl to me on their bellies. They have to do whatever I want, right?" Lupe adored the idea of dominating her uncle and Amy's voyeuristic hubby.

"Indeed, they do!" I grinned.

"Yes! Yes! Honey, you've encouraged my slutdom and now it's your turn to spread your wings! Sauce for the good and all that jazz. Turnabout is fair play," Amy kissed Ryan hard on the mouth as he crawled to Lupe's feet alongside Lewis.

"Both of you ... lick my ass clean of Senor Jack's cum! All of it! Stick your tongues back there, I don't care if they get tangled together, in fact, even hotter if they do! That's right, boys, you're tongue sluts for now!" Lupe encouraged the menfolk to rim her with the gusto worthy of a sexy Latina with a spectacular butt.

In spite of the knee-jerk reactions that one might expect and which still showed a little on their faces, the men got on their knees behind Lupe and spread her cheeks to devour her derriere and the creampie left by me. Judging by the way that the two guys licked and sucked at Lupe's backdoor, lapping up all of my cum from her sweet, perky ass, there was no doubt that they got into it pretty damn fast. I wasn't too surprised by that, of course. Once liberated from society's taboos and expectations, not to mention their own self-delusion, the fellows could certainly embrace the pure deliciousness of a senorita's slick, sweaty bottom.

"Alright, everyone, let's form a circle and watch this action, well, except you, Mom ... oh, damn, Mom!" I reacted sharply to the way that my own mother knelt and sucked my cock straight from Lupe's ass.

"It's just a mother taking care of her son, right? Mmmm ... Lupe's butt is so yummy, you know! So's your dick! I love it, honey!" Mom winked at me as she licked me from head to base and inhaled my prick.

"Well, a son could definitely get used to this!" I also winked at Roni, who licked her lips as she looked at David and nodded.

"Admittedly, I want my turn with you as soon as I can have it, but I would definitely be up to pleasuring my handsome boy there," my elder sister admitted aloud.

"And what about daughters?" Liz gave me the pouty look for the first time, quickly being joined by Aurelia and Michelle, each of them quite ravishing to be honest.

"Well, daughters are the apples of Daddy's eye, right?" I gave each of them kisses while Mom continued sucking my cock and swiped me extra well that time in response.

"I just wish," Roni made a very sad face, at which Amy nodded in understanding.

"I know, sweet sisters. I know," I pulled them closer for kisses, too.

"It was all my fault, ladies, so any time you want ... to punish me. Well, along with how else I seek to atone, I will do my best to do so for you. I am so sorry!" Mom apologized profusely to them.

"Mom, you're atoning quite well right now, don't you think, not to mention last night, though you might still have amends to make with Amy here. Jack, Mom let me suck her tits last night and she insisted that I call her 'Mom' from here on out, too. Should Amy call her that, too, if she wishes?" Roni asked me while Mom resumed sucking my dick with obvious lust.

"So ... you're really sucking your own son's cock right now?" Dana commented at last, rather shocked at that fact, even as she also stared hungrily at me as if I were a T-bone steak.

"Straight from another woman's ass, too. Don't forget that part. You haven't lived until you've sucked Jack off right after he's butt-fucked someone!" Mom declared with a very delightful smile.

"Speaking of that, those men are still licking her booty, too! Granted, she's gorgeous, fantastic tush complete with great buns especially, but wow ... this is normal for ... wherever we are, for you guys? Where are we, anyway?" Dana drew closer to me, letting me pat her on the head.

"El Paso, Texas, sugar. No, this isn't normal anywhere, but fuck normal! I'm in love with my son and I hope to have his baby someday soon. Sucking him off after he's fucked both Pilar and Lupe, in fact, hey, that's just a treat to me! I'll suck him until he tells me to stop, period. Care to join me?" Mom offered the actress the chance to help her suck my cock.

"Please ... please, Jack? I really want to try it!" Dana pleaded with me, confirming just eager she was to please me, in spite of the culture shock.

"Sure, honey. Help yourself!" I invited Dana fucking Delany, of all people, of China Beach, Desperate Housewives, and Exit to Eden, among other things, to help my mother give me a blowjob.

"Thank you ... I just hope that there's still some of Lupe's ass on it by now," Dana thanked me before her voice became muffled from taking her turn of dick in her mouth.

"How does it taste, Lupe's butt, that is?" I challenged Dana while Mom took another turn with me.

"Yummy! Perhaps I can eat her ass sometime, too!" Dana said as she winked at Lupe directly, still moaning from the tongues between her cheeks.

"So, you know and accept that you're with me to stay, then? I play for keeps. You can still act, of course, but this is your new home. This means that when I want to fuck your other holes, I'll do that, too. I know that you're a celebrity, but here, you're my personal cum slut now. You're fuckmeat now, Dana. Are we clear?" I insisted, getting another wink, a kiss to my balls, and another stroke inside Dana's hot, eager throat for an answer.

"Oh, God, I hope so ... I've never had so much fun in my life! Besides, we both know that I became your private plaything the moment that my clothes hit the floor, don't we, babe? I, Dana Welles Delany, am the happy concubine and fucktoy of ... what's your name again?" Dana blushed in spite of her wild side coming out as she realized that she didn't actually know my name.

"Jack Jacobs," I told her simply as I relished the enthusiasm with which she sucked and licked me as did Mom.

"Of Jack Jacobs, then. And with your permission, good sir, I'd like to get some ink to mark that fact soon. I'll wear a collar, too, if you wish. You can escort me to parties with a leash, if you wish to do so, babe. I played a Domme in that film, but with you, I'm completely submissive. I'll French kiss you in public, too, where the paparazzi can easily catch us. Hell, I'll kiss you on the red carpet in front of every camera around, and a very wet, sloppy kiss, too! I'd suck your cock in public, too!" Dana punctuated that point by licking the underside of my dick while Mom licked the top side.

Meanwhile, Lupe was so close to cumming that it was terrifying, but she hadn't dared to cum yet, so I flipped the "switch" inside her head that permitted her to gush all over both men. She splattered Lewis and Ryan with her pussy juices while I came all over Dana's face and Mom's, giving both ladies a facial. I pulled both women up to my level and hungrily made out with Dana and Mom in turns, not caring about the cum drying on their faces. There was even spunk in their hair, which made me grin as I grabbed a camera and took some pics of two lovely cougars, one my own mother, the other a famous actress, wearing my hot jizz on their foreheads, cheeks, lips, and chins.

"Remember, pumpkin, your uncle and Amy's hubby here are your two playthings all night long. Why don't you three retire until supper and tell us all about it then? As for me, I have two sisters to bed now. Pilar, by the way, you've been a real sweetheart as well. Why don't you take Mom and Dana here to bed in my old bedroom and enjoy them thoroughly? They're your sluts until supper. Do as you please with both of them. Tell me all about it at supper, too. Roni, Amy, are you ready to join me in the master bedroom? By the way I'm claiming it from now on and will share with whomever I please on any given night, but always including me.

"David, Liz, Aurelia, and Michelle, you four ... find a suitable location in the house and get to really know ... each other, if you know what I mean. Oh, and David, the women are in charge in your case until supper. Don't worry, you'll get your turn. I just want to make sure that they have a time of pure pleasure and at least once in a while, that requires a chance to teach a man how to satisfy them. You're a man now, my son. Make me proud. Make your sisters see stars!" I told my son with a hug at last for him and a loving kiss for each of my daughters on the lips.

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