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Julia, An Exploration Ch. 01 Pt. 01

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Julia finds the desire to be seen.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/04/2018
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Innocence Exploring

Julia felt a little ashamed of herself. She didn't even know how to begin to understand where these feelings had begun to move her in to action. Or was it in reverse? Did her actions start and then the feelings followed? She wasn't sure at this point.

Growing up a typical Southern girl in Nashville, she had always been the a-typical sweet girl next door. She went to church with her parents. She was conservative in her dating practices. She never kissed a boy on the first date. Heck, she had hardly kissed many boys until she finally left home for college. And, whew, what different world that The college life.

Julia was an intelligent girl. She always made great grades in school and when she was ready to graduate high school, she made her applications to several different schools on the east coast and a few on the west coast. But when it came right down to it, when the offer came from the University of Southern California, the thought of being near Hollywood and all the excitement there was just way too appealing. She was going to be a lawyer one day. She knew that. But she wanted to have fun while she was young and, of course, get a good education at the same time.

In her freshman year she lived in the dorm on campus. Most freshmen did. She joined a sorority and soon found herself falling deep in to the typical life of a USC girl. Going to football games in the fall and there were parties every weekend. The dress codes at most of these events was short skirts and tight tops. It seemed that the skirts kept getting shorter and the tops kept getting tighter. It was exciting and fun, but it was all pretty much in innocence. Of course the boys loved it, but things never really seemed to go overboard.

She had, of course, met several boys, made out with a few and had only had sex with far. She was after all, still a conservative southern girl.

But this, this was coming from some other place in her psyche. A place she had had very little time or interest in exploring. Until now.

It had happened once before, but only briefly. In this very same room under very similar circumstances, but more accidental than purposeful. That was a few days before. Now she had had time to think about it and actually came up with a plan.

For her sophomore year, she had convinced her father to allow her to move in to an apartment a short drive from Campus. She had promised that she would be working and able to pay for part of the rent. She and her best friend Jeni had found a nice and quiet place that would be great for better study habits. Especially away from the distractions of campus life.

Living in a secure building made her father feel more comfortable and living on the third floor gave Julia the view of down town LA she had desired. It also made her feel more comfortable to be able to leave windows open to enjoy the nice SoCal weather in the comfort of her own room. And that's where it happened, the first and the second time. Her exhibitionism.

The first time it was unintentional. She had walked in to her room right around dusk. She was headed to yoga class and wanted to change. Without thinking she simply walked in her room, removed her pants and top she had worn all day and walked from her closet to her dresser. She hadn't noticed that the blinds were still open. She didn't think that with it getting darker outside, with the light on and the blinds open, that pretty much anyone on the adjoining building's third floor, could see right in to her room and to see her standing there with just a bra and thongs on.

She reach down in to her drawer and grabbed Lulu Lemon yoga pants flapping them out of their fold and then putting them on. Right there in front of the open window. With her back to that window, she would have been bending over slightly, exposing her ass for a clear view of whoever might be out there. This thought, however, was not in her mind at that time. Not until after. She grabbed her top and started out of her room to finish getting ready in her bathroom. It was then that she looked back and with a bit of shock, noticed that the blinds were open and that she had possible just exposed her almost nude body to someone, anyone that had a good line of view in to her room.

When she first noticed, she had audibly drawn in a breath and she began to blush. She quickly hit the switch to the light and walked in to her bathroom. She looked in the mirror taking in the shocked look on her face. She instinctively held her top up, covering her breast as thought through what someone may have just voyeur-ed. She through the top on and tried to shrug off the thought. Perhaps no one saw a thing. Mostly likely, no one saw. "Oh well," she thought and quickly grabbed her keys and left the apartment. She wanted to get out fast, just so that "if" someone did see, that they didn't have enough time to catch her leaving in the garage. She didn't want to chance an encounter with someone that may have just seen her near nude.

Having made it to the car without seeing a single sole, she started up the engine of the Benz her father had bought her. Being a daddy's girl did have its perks. As she backed out of her parking spot, a man walked out of the stair well. He looked right at her and they made eye contact. Julia quickly looked away in fear that he might have been a beneficiary audience member of her accidental exhibition show. Once again she tried to shrug all of this off. Besides, when they made eye contact, there was nothing in the guys facial expression that was obvious to the notion of him having knowledge of what had just happened in her apartment. Nothing at all. She shrugged it off.

Since that occurrence, since that time, she had played it through in her mind a few hundred times. And when she thought of it, she had very conflicting feelings. Of course she was embarrassed in the thought that someone may have seen her in a thong and bra, but then, and this is what concerned her, when she thought of it, it excited her just a bit. What if someone had seen her, looked in to her private moment, and liked it. It was then that she realized for the first time in her life, consciously at least, that she wanted to be desired. She wanted to be exposed, viewed, and looked on with lust. And it was this thought that was shocking her to her core.

She had been to the beach and the pool many times, wearing bikinis that were every bit as exposing and flattering to her figure as the thong and bra she had had on that late afternoon. Yet, it had not given her thought in those settings. Of course there was the comparisons with the other girls and what they were wearing and of course the guys would be there too, looking at her, but not in her private space. In her room. No, this was different.

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to see what these feelings were about. Could she be? Surely not. But then a plot formulated in her mind. And that gave the answer that, yes, she just might be an exhibitionist. Wanting to expose herself to strangers. And this is where the plot thickened in her mind.

On a day when she know her roommate would not be home, she arrived home from class about thirty minutes before the sun would be setting. She quickly made her way to her bedroom and turned on the switch, lighting the lights hanging over her bed. A cute and simple set of bulbs hanging down from the ceiling and almost centrally directed over the pillow set on her bed. She glanced up to confirm that the blinds to her window were still open. She quickly turned and went in to her bathroom, leaving the bedroom door open. She flicked the bathroom lights on and removed her street cloths. She wanted to take a quick shower before getting ready for yoga. She again, left the door open to the bathroom and now fully nude, put her hair up in a bun. No need to wash it now. Not before yoga. And besides, it would take too long to dry.

Julia thought herself as being very naughty leaving the doors open, but there was no one home and there was no angle at which she could see her own bedroom window, meaning that there was no chance that anyone could see her in the bathroom; nude and showering.

Looking down the hall and out the living room window, she could tell that it was quickly getting dark outside and sped up her actions. The water being sufficiently hot, she got in the shower, washed her body and face, rinsed and turned off the water. Grabbing her towel off the hook, she figured that the entire shower process took only about 5 minutes. The light should be just right outside.

After drying off, she wrapped the gray towel around her body. It was large enough to completely cover her torso and trailed down past her ass. She took one last look in the mirror. She caught herself pursing her lips at herself as she turned to make her way to the bedroom. With no more thought, she crossed the hall to her bedroom and, at a slow pace, made her way to her dresser. She purposefully kept her face averted from the window. "If" in fact there was someone watching, she didn't want to give on that this situation was planned, when, in fact, it was. She turned to her dresser and faced it, meaning that her back was now to the open window.

With the towel still covering her body, she opened a top drawer, pulled out her favorite thongs and placed them on the dresser top. This was it, the moment and she let the towel fall from around her right side and flung it off to her left. She was now completely nude in front of her wide open window. This thought made her instinctively start to exit the room. This was the good little girl side of her trying to stop her, but it didn't work. She stopped herself and went back to her dresser. Still with her back to the window and still fully naked. She was now not in a hurry, but she wasn't moving too slowly either. She was trying to act normal. She wanted to give the full impression to a possible voyeur, that this was completely accidental. She picked up her thong and put it on, lifting her right leg to pull them on, then her left. She reached down in the bottom drawer, knowing that that would give a full view of her ass to the window, grabbing her yoga pants. And the thought now overtook her, was there someone watching. Uncontrollably, she instinctively looked over her shoulder to the window. It was a very quick look and she didn't see anyone, but unfortunately she thought, that could let anyone looking to gain the understanding that this was a purposeful event. That she wanted to be seen. "Darn it," she thought as, with her body now facing sideways to the window, she put her yoga pants on. Even with her accidental lapse of control, she was undaunted in her current plan, she wanted to continue to be exposed.

She stood motionless, still facing the dresser, trying to give the impression that she was considering which bra to wear. She looked down and saw that her nipples were fully erect at the excitement that she was feeling. Her right hand found its way to her left nipple and she gave it a little tweak. Her heart was pounding.

Still taking her time, she picked up her top and paused. "Bra or no bra," she thought and dropped the top. She picked out a bra and made sure that it was unfolding correctly. She pulled the bra around her waist and reached back to buckle it. She then put her hands in the straps and pulled the bra completely up over her breast. She pulled the straps over her shoulders and made sure that they were sitting correctly in place. She grabbed her top and put it on. That, she thought, was plenty of time for whomever may have been so lucky to see her.

She walked out of her bedroom flicking the light off as she passed by the door. She went in the bathroom and gave herself a good look in the mirror. A sly grin came across her face and she almost said to herself, "you little devil." She turned off the bathroom light and walked towards the living room and to the front door. It was at this point when she had another thought. How could she know if someone saw?

She turned off the kitchen light and walked to the front door. She opened it, and then let it close in front of her. She was not going to yoga. Not right now at the least.

She stood there at the door, frozen in thought and then turned back towards her bedroom. She slowly walked down the hall, trying to be invisible. At least to anyone in the opposite building. She thought for sure that devoid of natural light in the apartment and no electric lights glowing, that no one outside her apartment could see what she was doing. She reached her bedroom door and found herself peeking around the corner and at the open window. With her hands on the doorjamb, she looked out the window to the building across the way. It couldn't have been more than 40 or 50 feet away. She could now see inside some of the apartments. She slowly walked back in the bedroom, watching the window all the while. She couldn't see anyone. She made her way, ever so slowly back to the very spot in which she had stood when she had been fully nude just moments before. She stood motionless but facing the window this time and fully clothed as well. Her eyes went from window to window of the units facing her apartment. Some were lit, but most were not. She picked out the few that would have had a direct view of her fully naked body. There were on only four at best. She looked toward one just above her floor level. The lights were on and she could see movement inside, but there was no one looking in her direction. Perhaps only someone cooking their evening meal. Not a prospect for her voyeur. "Oh gosh," she thought. She wanted a voyeur. "What the heck is going on Julia," she said to herself out loud.

Another lighted apartment had curtains that were drawn. Perhaps they looked and then closed them. "Maybe," she thought.

There were three units with no lights on at all. She could hardly tell if there were someone inside any of them. Most likely not. But perhaps. And the thought of that made her excited and concerned at the same time. Usually the thought of someone, a man, watching her from the dark would make her cringe, but not this time. This time she imagined that there had been someone standing right in one of those windows, in the dark, watching her. This time it made her heart beat wildly with exhilaration. She stepped back a bit and felt the dresser behind her. She leaned on he just a bit as she continued to gaze out through the window and at a completely darkened apartment across from hers. Both of her hands were now on the dresser and she imagined someone, him or her, watching her while she had dropped the towel on the floor. They had seen her bare ass and back side. They had seen her touch her nipple. Although, she was certain that they could not tell that that is what she had done.

Instinctively her right hand moved towards her stomach. Still staring straight ahead she couldn't control the thoughts running through her mind. "Did they like what they saw? Did they watch for long? Did it turn them on?" Her fingers pushed her yoga pants away from her stomach so that they could get in between. With her left arm still on the dresser, her right hand pushed its way down between her pants, then her thong, and then to her mound. She pushed on her clitoris with her index and middle finger and her eyes closed but for a second. The thoughts continued to run through her mind and her finger found their way to her pussy lips. Knowing, hoping that no would could see in her window now, her fingers spread her open now swollen lips enough to enter her. She was wet. Very wet. She was extremely excited by the thought that, perhaps he or she was now in their darkened apartment, doing something very similar as she at this very moment and thinking about what they had just seen.

With her fingers still inside her, she pushed on her clit with the palm of her hand. Still staring straight ahead she felt the familiar signs of an impending orgasm, but this would be more. The dresser shook a bit as she felt her legs begin to start to go out from under her. She had to put more weight on the dresser and the items on to it clinked together. Not wanted to knock over anything on the dresser or perhaps the furniture itself, she regaining enough composure to control her legs, but she bent slightly at the waste and gasps as the explosion from inside her let loose. She was gone. Lost in the orgasm, but still transfixed on the darkened windows across the way. The orgasm lasted for almost half a minute and her body convulsed forward at the waste, yet she never changed her gaze.

A few more seconds past and so did the convulsion of the orgasm. With her hand still down her pants and still bent at the waste, she made her way out of the bedroom and in to the bathroom. She placed her left hand on the counter and the sturdy support of it was comforting. She slowly pulled her right hand out of her thong and pants. She could feel that her fingers were very wet with her juices.

In the dark, she looked straight at her reflection in the mirror and began to wonder what all of this meant.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Keep Writing

NIce hook, now you need to follow up with her development as an exhibitionist. Lots of possibilities for sure so explore and keep it mostly realistic :-)

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