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Julia's Carelessness

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Glamorous girl unintentionally exposes herself in public.
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Julia woke up very early that morning after her 20th birthday party, and spent a fabulous night at a party surrounded by her family and was very happy about it. She jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower, she had to hurry because of a test she had to take at 7:00 am and it was a little more than an hour drive to the university campus from her parents' house where she spent the night instead of her house in the university village.

Her birthday party ended too late and her parents suggested that it was safer for her to not drive to campus so late, something she meekly accepted because she was so happy. Soon she got out of the shower and in front of the mirror she began to dry her well-formed body, followed by her beautiful red hair, then looked at the clock realizing that she had little time to get out.

Julia was a very sweet girl with an affable character, very intelligent and capable, besides being a little dreamy and creative, this trait sometimes made her a little distracted leading her to pass situations like forgetting the place where she left her keys to mention the most common thing in her daily life.

Once her beautiful red hair was dry and perfectly combed, she took some nice black panties with lace from the dresser drawer followed by a nice matching bra she was putting on her nice round breasts, she looked at the time again on the beautiful watch her mother gave her the night before and started to hurry her arrangement, Sitting on the bed, she began to put on the stockings that she quickly fastened to her garter belt, put on some nice high-heeled shoes, followed by a beautiful and shiny silk blouse with the intention of looking very formal in her examination as dictated by the etiquette regarding the attire imposed by the professor of that subject at the beginning of the semester.

Julia looked at the clock again and hurried out of the room. Fixing her hair took more time than I thought at first and therefore she could not stop in the kitchen for breakfast, no one in the house was awake, not even Beth the helpful housemaid who had been serving Julia's family for many years and who was soon out of the house in front of the beautiful brand new golden Corvette Stingray 1976 with fine camel colored leather upholstery and equipped with a 427 engine which she received from her parents as a birthday present.

Soon Julia was on board warming up the engine and enjoying the powerful and smooth purr of that dream machine. Julia was always fascinated by powerful cars and on more than one occasion she got into trouble for taking the DeTomaso Mangusta that her father has reserved for his weekend trips with his wife for a ride without permission. He loved his daughter deeply and found it difficult to be very hard on her in terms of discipline and so when it was appropriate and when he saw his daughter's grades, he wanted to be generous and gave his little Julia a sports car so she could enjoy it as only she could.

It was beginning to dawn and the humid asphalt was devoured by that beautiful and imposing golden figure recently imported to the country. Julia who skillfully guided cautiously without forcing that powerful new engine soon arrived at the university campus where she parked to walk to the building where that important exam would be applied.

It was just a few minutes before 7:00 and a few students watched in sighing as the beautiful Julia descended from that imposing machine.

"What a beauty"

"Many days like this"

As they passed by, those present said that Julia returned their thanks with a beautiful smile illuminating her face while her elegant and accelerated steps were directed towards presenting her exam. Through the corridors, some of her classmates stopped their activity and contemplated with their mouths open, the beautiful Julia in whose large turquoise eyes shone that morning a very special light. The footsteps of her heels flooded that silent school corridor where only a few of her classmates remained silent watching her enter the room to take her place.

Seconds later, Professor Johnson, the professor who was teaching that class and would be giving the exam, entered the room. In his presence, all the students remained silent because of the extreme seriousness of that strict and learned professor.

After a silent and exhausting hour, Professor Johnson concluded the test so one by one the students went to the desk to leave their exams and Julia was the first to get up from her seat to hand in her exam before the silent look of everyone in that room.

Professor Johnson looked up from his book and saw Julia approaching with her distinctive and elegant walk, accentuated by those high heels that were the only thing that could be heard in the air in that place.

"Miss Imrie, I am sorry that I am not well versed in current fashions, but I strongly urge you to stick to more formal dress in our next class." said the professor in a seriously polite and authoritative tone.

Julia nodded as an automatic response and did not understand what was wrong with her attire, one of her classmates in front of her indicated with his eyes followed by a discreet gesture to attend below her waist.

Julia's beautiful legs, wrapped in black socks, looked longer that morning, she directed her attention with her right hand down the silky, elegant blouse and at the end of it she could feel the garter belt and panties at the end of her smooth thighs. A flushed Julia, only able to smile nervously at everyone, apologized to Professor Johnson and left the room for the corridor that soon became a concert of whistles and wolf howls.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well, a cute little story that left her a little embarrassed. Nicely written.

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