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Julia's Discovery Ch. 07

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A middle aged widow enters her deceased husband's sanctum.
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Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 04/29/2004
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It was late when Julia got home, she was still buzzing from her day with Jane, her nipples felt sensitive as they brushed lightly on her blouse and she was well aware of the wet patch on the back of her skirt as she got out of the car, before leaving Jane's house she hadn't bothered to put her bra and knickers back on, instead she just put them in her bag.

She had planned a fairly early night, she was really rather tired, but she was also aware of the warm feeling in her vagina and the sensations that still echoed in her clit. On the way back she had stopped off to buy some cigarettes, something she admonished herself for, she had stopped smoking years ago when she became pregnant with Elise, and she was ticking herself off again as she poured herself a cognac instead of preparing a cup of herb tea for a nightcap. She was even more alarmed when she took the bottle downstairs with her, in case she might want another.

In her bedroom she went straight through to the bathroom, glass in one hand and lit cigarette in the other. She looked at herself in the mirrored walls for a full two minutes as she sipped and smoked and then exhaling smoke luxuriously through her nostrils she said, 'Julia Amy Ellis, you are in danger of becoming such a slut! Whatever would Elise make of you?!'

Placing the brandy glass on the rim of the washing basin she stepped out of her skirt and then removed her blouse and now naked she made appraisal of her body as she gazed at her reflection from various angles. 'Not bad, I suppose, for my age, the tits haven't gone too far south, the bum's ok still, legs not so bad.' She looked at the patch of hair between her legs as she thought of Jane's smooth cunt with her pronounced, thick elongated labia and that lovely piece of gold jewellery in her clit hood. 'M, mm, I think most of that has got to go,' she murmured, tracing a hand down over her belly. She parted her legs and touched herself, sliding a finger between her lips and drawing it back along until she made a light contact with her sensitive love-button. She circled it a few times and then dipped her finger into her wet opening and pushed it in up to her knuckle. Her nipples were firm and erect again, as they had been so many times today. 'No, wait, you can make yourself come after you have dealt with the hair!'

From a cupboard she took her razor and the lotion she used with the water when she shaved her legs. She sat on the bidet, legs splayed and lathered her pubic hair and set to work, gently shaving until she had removed all of it around her vagina, leaving her vulva smooth but with a small triangle on her mons. She rinsed and patted herself dry and went to the mirror to inspect her handiwork. She liked what she saw; her sex was now more exposed and though her labia wasn't quite as pronounced as Jane's, it stood out much more and was very clearly defined. The triangle of hair above her clit was still just a little too long so she clipped away with a pair of sharp nail scissors until she was satisfied with the neatness of the look.

Now that she was shaved, she was aware of the sensation of the 'nakedness' she felt between her legs as the warm evening air played over her body. For the first time in her life she was beginning to feel that she was a truly sexual being. She splashed another shot of brandy into her glass and placed it on the bedside table and then sat on the edge of the bed and spread her legs lewdly. Reaching down she enjoyed the sensation as she pulled her lips apart and fingered her wet entrance. She brought her fingers up to see the milky secretions smeared on them and then she sucked them clean, all the time remembering the taste of Jane. Pulling back her prepuce she touched her clit lightly, knees jerking at her own touch. Slowly, slowly she circled it with her finger occasionally allowing it to stray directly onto the bud. She lay back and spread wider, now she had two fingers in her love-tube, and almost as if they didn't belong to her, they were pumping in and out, back and forth as she worked her clit with her other hand. She thought about Jane inserting the dildo into her fanny, her tongue sliding and dancing around her clitoris, she thought about Jane's cunt in her face, in her mouth as she lapped at her juices, causing gasps and cries of pleasure from her. Her hips were rocking back and forth, her climax was near and she came with the vision of kneeling naked in front of Jane in the garden as she reached up and pulled her knickers down and the wonderful vision of her beautiful bejewelled cunny.

Julia slept deeply and soundly, awakened by the sound of her radio alarm. Lazily she padded to the bathroom and showered, almost surprised when she started to lather between her legs at the lack of hair. She was meeting Jane again; together they were going shopping in Soho.

They agreed to meet in Chez Maxim's, off Wardour Street, and Jane was already there waiting, sitting at the bar, an ice-bucket with a bottle of champagne beside her and a sly insouciant smile on her lips.

'Jane, you naughty girl,' said Julia, kissing her politely on each cheek, 'I think if I carry on like this I'll turn into a lush!' She sat next to her as the barman poured their drinks. Jane laughed as they clinked their glasses and said, 'Here's to fun!'

They lit cigarettes and then Jane leaned in to say in a playful whisper, 'so I wonder what you are going to want to put in your cunt.'

Julia glanced up quickly but the barman was at the far end of the bar talking quietly into a telephone. 'Your fingers and your tongue,' she said, kissing her on the mouth. 'I've got a little surprise for you,' she added quietly.

'Oooh, what is it?' Said Jane enthusiastically.

'You'll see, all in good time,' Julia replied impishly.

They ate delicate salmon blini's with caviar and radicchio, engrossed in each other's company, Julia was clearly excited about what they were going to do. 'You're looking forward to this, aren't you,' said Jane teasingly.

'Yes but I'm a bit nervous I must admit. I'm glad I had that drink now.'

Jane giggled, 'don't be nervous, it's a shop for perverts where they can buy naughty things for their cock and pussy pleasure – you'll love it!'

'My treat,' said Julia, when the barman presented the bill.

'No mine,' replied Jane, you did lunch yesterday,' as she reached for her bag.

'But I was stalking you to confront you about all of the filthy things you got up to with my husband remember, and today you are being my ally in further filth – 'sides, I'm a rather wealthy woman you know!'

'I'm not so badly off myself, thanks to Sean, and the fact that my father left me a tidy little sum that will cover many a rainy day! This my dear, is my fucking treat!' She drew Julia to her and kissed and placed her mastercard on the bar, oblivious to the barman who stood a discreet two feet back from the bar.

'Vixen!' said Julia as they linked arms outside.

'Bisexual rich bitch!' retorted Jane and they both broke out in fits of laughter.

Intimates was a large building just off Greek Street and only a short walk from Maxim's, 'Come on,' said Jane as Julia hesitated for a moment outside the entrance, 'prepare to see the world of sex commercialised!' Inside it was all low lights with mannequins displaying what Julia at first regarded as cheap and overpriced underwear, she stopped to check the price of a rather ordinary black translucent nylon thong, something she would never in a million years think of buying for herself. 'Sixteen ninety five!' she exclaimed, 'you could get something like that in Marks for a fiver!'

'Come on,' said Jane pulling her away, of course you'd never buy knickers here, 'they're for the cheating husband or boss who's fucking his secretary, dropping in to get something he thinks is sexy for the girlfriend to go with the cheap sparkling wine, box of naff chocolates and wilting roses that he thinks will impress before a night of unbridled, so he sees the naughty knickers and yet again misguidedly thinks it will get her going and shells out the dosh! That's how places like this actually make their money, the good things are upstairs.'

'Did Robert ever buy you nasty knickers?' There was almost a plaintiff note in the question which for a moment Jane didn't want to address.

'No, not ever, he always liked the ones I had on at the time.'

'Sorry, I didn't mean...'

'My fault,' Jane broke in, 'it was insensitive of me, the remark about the cheating husband was stupid – I'm the one who should apologise.'

'I've come to realise,' Julia said earnestly, 'that my marriage was breaking down. Robert would occasionally buy me underwear, very tasteful, silks and things but I never took the hint, too caught up in my own little Beatrix Potter world of being the perfect housewife and mother. I've only myself to blame but that's all done with now, no wonder he turned to you and Alice Markham. When I think about it, I'm glad you fucked him and glad too he went to his orgies because the only sensual thing he got from me was lavender in the bed linen and the perfect coq au vin!'

There was a moments silence and then Jane said 'you are amazing!' She clasped her arms around Julia's neck, drew her in and kissed her. The embrace was held for a long time and only broken when a gaggle of Japanese tourists entered the shop.

'Come on then,' Jane said, 'let's go and look at the cunt toys!'

Julia was both amazed and fascinated by the display of goods on the first floor of Intimates. 'My god, who uses those things,' she said staring in awe and disbelief at a shelf full of rubber dildos thicker and longer than her arm. Jane giggled and said, 'come on, the user-friendly items are over here.' She led the way to a glass counter displaying vibrators and dildos of all sorts, some with wires and switches in various colours from lurid pink, to day-glo orange and just plain black.

'Now the rabbit is a must,' Jane said enthusiastically, 'perhaps my favourite fuck toy, good size and fit, and it does the most wonderful job up your fanny and that little thing there does your clit a treat!'

'I'll have that then,' said Julia with a smile, 'anything else you'd recommend?'

'I think you should have a couple of silicone ones, like these,' Jane answered, pointing to a selection of dildos in different sizes, 'something to fill your puss while you fiddle about with your clitty, you don't always want the vibrating action.'

'M,mm, ok, - ooh, what's that,' Julia exclaimed, her eyes lighting on a long beaded wand.

'Anal beads, they're great, how are you with anal?'

'Can't get enough!' joked Julia with a giggle, and then, 'as you might imagine it's something I am not overfamiliar with.'

'Then you should try, nothing ventured as they say. It's wonderful, you put them slowly up your bum and keep them there, and as things get hotter, you pull them out one at a time. It's fantastic to pull them out really quickly just as you cum, adds another dimension altogether.'

'Well, if you're sure.' Julia said cautiously.

'Try it and if you don't like it you can always give it to a charity shop!'

'You are silly,' said Julia with affection, 'gosh, this is so much fun!' Her eyes roamed the shop, 'Oh, I've got to see those,' she said, pointing to the bondage corner, full of leather corsets, whips, handcuffs and other accoutrement. She was really enjoying herself, and it was so downright naughty being in this establishment devoted to sexual pleasure. She was aware of the tingly feeling in her clit and the dampness of the crotch of her knickers as she walked over to examine the bondage things. She spent a good ten minutes examining and marvelling at all of the items on display. She thought some of the photographs of the girls modelling the leather-wear were really rather attractive.

When she returned Jane was talking to the assistant, a pale gothy punky girl in her late teens or early twenties wearing tight leather trousers and one of the less revealing leather Basques that Julia recognised from the display. She had dark black hair cut in a severe bob, she was very pretty although Julia didn't really approve of the rings in her lip and the eyebrow piercings. Jane was smiling, as the girl handed her a small bag and her MasterCard.

'Right, have you decided then?' Jane beamed. The assistant looked at Julia with a lovely smile and said hello. Julia pointed to the rabbit and felt a flush in her cheeks'. 'Yeah, good choice,' said the assistant, 'couldn't live without mine! This is the best one, seems a bit expensive but it's worth every penny.' She put the box on the counter as Julia pointed out two of the silicone dildos in a small and medium size. She hesitated and then, feeling her face flush even more, she pointed to the anal beads. 'Cool,' said the girl matter of factly, 'What colour?'

'Um, the, er, blue I think.' Jane started to giggle and the assistant now had the broadest grin. They were interrupted by a man carrying a leather suspender belt. 'Do you mind if I just sort this,' the assistant said.

'Not at all, go ahead,' said Jane containing her giggles.

'Will this fit a size sixteen – there don't seem to be any sizes on them?' The man said.

'Yeah, they're all just one size, they have lace- up sides so it just adjusts.'

'Good, I'll have it then,' he said handing her the suspender belt and thirty pounds.

'Shall I gift wrap it?' Asked the assistant.

'No, it's for me, just put it in a bag,' the man answered without a trace of embarrassment. 'Cool,' said the girl cheerily, 'have a good time' she added without a hint of sarcasm.

'I will, thanks, going to a club tonight,' he said as he left, putting his purchase into his shoulder bag.

'You're very good if you don't mind my saying so,' Jane said to the girl.

'I like my job, better than being stuck in a dreary office, and you meet all sorts you really do!'

She put all of the things on the counter and began scanning them into the till. 'Anything else or is that it?'

Julia's eye had been caught by a translucent purple dildo about two feet long with the helmet of a cock fashioned at each end. She pointed to it and said, 'that looks interesting, what do you think Jane?' Jane nodded and winked.

'Oh yeah, cool,' said the girl enthusiastically, 'Razza loves it!'

'Razza?' Asked Julia somewhat perplexed.

'Rachel, my girlfriend,' said the girl with a smile as she placed the double ender on the counter.

'Then I'll take that too,' she said producing her mastercard.

'I'll give you one of our more discreet bags,' the girl said, and that's for you.' She placed a plastic bottle into the bag.

'What is it?' Julia asked.

'Slick, it's a really good water based lubricant and you're going to need it until your own juices really get going, and it's a must for anything anal.'

They thanked her and the girl said, 'Enjoy, I'm sure you will,' with a warm friendly smile.

'She was so sweet,' said Julia as they emerged into the sunlight.

'And damn cute with it,' Jane replied, 'I wouldn't mind fooling around with her.'

'Not so sure of the facial piercings though,' said Julia, 'surely must be difficult kissing with rings through your lips.'

'They all do it these days, she had pierced nipples too – I could see as she bent down at the counter. I'm toying with the idea of getting mine done, its supposed to be really horny by all accounts.'

'When did you get the one in your clit-hood?'

'I did it as a celebration when the divorce came through, a mark of freedom in a way.'

'That was so much fun,' Julia smiled as she hefted the Intimates bag, 'this is quite heavy. I think I need another drink, let's go back to Maxim's shall we?'

'Good idea, but I'd like to pop into Marks first, it's just across the road, come on.'

Marks was beginning to fill with the early lunchtime shoppers. Jane led the way through to the dresses department and picked out a floral linen dress in yellow and navy.

'Bit old for you isn't it?' Julia said surprised at her choice.

'Just follow me,' Jane answered setting off for the fitting rooms. There wasn't a queue and they went straight through. Jane pulled Julia into the cubicle and closed the door. She cupped Julia's face in her hands and kissed her deeply and passionately, lips parted, tongue probing. She hung the dress on the hook, 'I'm not going to try it on, just wanted to get you in here.' She kissed her again, her hands roaming over Julia's breasts. 'What knickers have you got on?'

'Just some bikini pants.'

'Perfect,' Jane said dropping to her knees.'

'Jane!' exclaimed Julia, a hint of panic in her voice.

'Shh! not so loud, just lift your skirt and show me.

Julia hitched up her skirt. 'Lets get them down, Jane said,' I've got a present for you.' She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of Julia's knickers and pulled them down around her thighs. 'Wow!' When did you do that?!' She was face level with Julia's freshly shaved cunt. She leaned forward and kissed her damp labia, sliding her tongue between them and along her wet slit. Julia's legs trembled.

'I did it last night,' Julia gasped, 'when I got back from you.'

'It's lovely,' Jane said, reaching for her bag. She produced the package that she had bought at Intimates and opened it and took out a small anatomically shaped rubber looking device which was obviously some kind of dildo. 'Open your legs a bit.' Julia did as she was asked, squatting slightly. Jane stretched Julia's fanny lips open with her fingers and slowly eased the object inside her which entered about three inches inside her cunt. The base was flat and curved and gripped her mons with a light pressure on her clit. 'Didn't need any lube then,' Jane giggled, 'now pull your knickers back up and let's get out of here.'

'Jane, you are so, so bad!'

'I know, let's go,' she took the dress from the hook and unlocked the cubicle door as Julia pulled her knickers up and collected her things.

'Sorry, not my colours really,' she said nonchalantly to the assistant on the way out.

Julia felt the plug inside her and the light stimulation it afforded both internally and on her clit as she walked, the sensation was exquisite. 'Bloody hell, this is incredible,' she said with an expression of surprise and delight on her face. 'I think I'll probably come before we get to Maxim's.'

'Just you wait!' Said Jane slyly, slipping her arm around Julia's.

By the time they reached Maxim's, Julia's nipples were hard, erect and tingling and her cunt felt hot and open, her clit buzzing with the stimulation. 'Let's sit at that table by the window,' Jane suggested.

'Wow, this is fantastic!' Julia said as she sat down, pressing the toy deeper into her fanny. The barman approached and Jane ordered a bottle of Cliquot.

'So you like it then,' Jane said with a quizzical smile, 'feels good and horny doesn't it? I've got one and I just had to get one for you, every girl should have one.'

She reached into her bag and spilled out her cigarettes, lighter and other odds and ends. They lit the cigarettes as the barman uncorked the champagne and charged their glasses.

'Cheers, my dear,' Said Jane, raising her glass.

'Well, I don't know quite what to say,' said Julia, I haven't enjoyed myself as much, since, well, the last time we had sex.!'

Jane laughed and absently picked up a slim disc shaped object from her things on the table.

'Oh my!' Julia took a sharp intake of breath and jerked her knees together as she felt the toy vibrating on her clitoris and g. spot. 'Jesus, what's happening?' She squirmed in her seat. Bloody hell!' The barman looked up from polishing his glasses.

'Shh! He'll hear you,' said Jane, 'remote control, see,' she held up the disc. 'Now let's see, that was level one, this is level two.' She pressed a tiny button on the disc and Julia gasped as the sensations in her cunt became more intense. 'Oh, oh god, what are you doing?' She brought her thighs tightly together but it only served to heighten the sensations. 'No, no, switch it off!'


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