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Junction Pt. 04


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She looked over, "I trust our scientists more than this human. I would want to question them on this rhetoric. I know Crostanlir oversaw this area and I know what Jace did for Kindra. But he is not elven. He is an entitled human who brought down a mass murder but also several of our own."

Brandialshane looked at her, "For cause, not malice."

She sighed, "I will grant you that and I know you hold him in high regard but I would trust our own kind first."

Brandialshane looked to his other daughter. She smiled, "I would uphold your ruling on him. He has helped to purge some of the corruption in our people. Something that needed to be done. Something my brother refused to do to protect you.

Yes, he is human, but he did not get to be entitled by not being skilled. He has calmed tensions along our borders and seized weapons that could have been used to attack us. Found those looking to overthrow this family. I would allow no more than 2 to participate by being in the room.

Ask for tests, not allow them to inject him with anything they might have come up with within the research efforts that we have tried. Anything that we know would kill him by resequencing his genetics to try and remove species 874 from him.

I would want Kindra or the Director to be present to ensure they oversee this and keep them in line. Both have a level of respect he trusts. Kindra would be best. Given this rhetoric, I would say we need to speak with all 6 of them. Get them to understand.

They are messing with powers beyond them and an attack on him would be an attack that would destroy their families. Send only the 2 with the largest families to lose. No bags, no equipment. Let the human geneticist bring that forward to do the testing, what lab are they using?"

The Director shook his head, "At his home. No lab. The work with the samples will be done at the new CGR facilities. Spread across geneticists to get multiple opinions on him. Transported to those locations after collection.

He has an agreement not to be brought to those labs apparently. The other option would be the Marshal services doctor's office. Yet he is considering leaving the service because of information leaks from the staff back here and following orders from your brother Crostanlir's directions.

Those members have been fired from the Marshal service as of an hour ago. Information to the Elven House is to come from me when directed by the Minister of Defense only."

The Minister of Defense made his presence on the call known, "I appreciate both women's honest assessment of how they would rule in this matter. I will give this information to the Gold Dragon King to rule on. I suspect that he will likely choose the plan laid out by Verashorna.

He is more cautious and less open to blind trust given the researchers keeping information from the Royal family. All 83 City-States have done this and most removed the top 10-20 researchers from their entitled races for withholding this information.

We stopped at 1, partially due to the losses at CGR, but also to try and keep some of our best and brightest moving forward with honest communication. We want to keep the best researchers available, but if we have to cut deeper, we would do so giving the failings of the past.

I wanted to add a few other points to this conversation. Levaransin and Verashorna, your names being on the list to succeed your father was not the Gold Dragon King's idea or mine. Your 2 names were thrown out by Jace during his meeting with your brother Crostanlir and the Gold Dragon King at who would be better to lead than him.

He knew nothing of either of you personally. But Commander Triviliana spoke highly of you both with Jace. We monitored Jace closely during every briefing and every operation. The Gold Dragon King did personally in his case.

He put Jace through extreme testing never before done with a subject coming out of CGR. He had one of his agents monitoring him 24/7. Then giving him the highlights to watch. Commander Triviliana talked for hours about his family with Jace.

Jace saw him as a surrogate father and a trusted mentor. Our rules with Elves in Spec-ops are changing because of his death. The elven commander will make the call based solely on those under his command who are on the missions to which position they take.

No preferential treatment beyond the Commander, regardless of race. If Commander Triviliana had that option, Jace would have ensured he completed his tour most likely. He would have been 1 of 5 to ever survive an 8-year tour as an elven Mastro97A asset. Brandialshane being the last to do so centuries ago. Likely your father's replacement because of that accomplishment.

He was undone by a new elven lieutenant, assigned to that group by the general your brother tried to fiercely protect from the information gathered on that mission. If any elf was responsible for your brother's death, it was the Lieutenant, the General, and your brother Crostanlir.

Together they ensured he did not get the accolades he would have deserved for being the soldier he was. Kindra was the focus of many of those conversations. He loved his wife dearly and Jace feels as if he knows her to a degree. Enough to trust her.

Marshal Cooper has recommended that Kindra and Director Younger both be present for this physical. We will see that that happens, regardless of the plan the King adopts in this matter."

The director dropped from the call. Brandialshane looked over at his 2 daughters, "I saw the recording. Jace called you both out as worthy heirs. Levaransin, I told the King that you are more like me in your view of things. Especially with entitled humans.

I do not hold them all at the same level, but Jace earned my respect for completing that task and what he did for the wilds that border us. Verashorna, I told the Gold Dragon King that if his plan was for entitled individuals to be looked upon as equals to our entitled race.

That you were likely a better candidate if that is his plan going forward. You both proved my assessments of your characters were accurate. I was asked to let you answer how you would face this challenge. Still, Jace called you both out as better than your brother. Take heart in that.

That means his trainer and your brother, Commander Triviliana, held you both in higher regard than Crostanlir. High enough to lead our people. Jace knew neither of you and spoke as your brother would about your character.

I will make a decision before the end of the month. There are others on the list as well that I have to assess. I request that you do not speak of this meeting with the others. I am still considering other options as well."

They left but Kindra looked at him, "You know who to choose already."

Brandialshane nodded, "I do, but I want to see what transpires as my request gets ignored. Royal politics is a touchy situation and can be filled with a lot of backstabbing. Jace hinted at that with Crostanlir's directly. The Minister of Defense brought some of that to light that I did not catch it and it likely cost you your husband.

This is your paperwork. Showing you as a member of this house for life. You carry my grandsons. You will only be allowed to marry another royal after this as you were not born to the house. It was what my son wanted for you. In case he passed. He gave you that chance and I am recognizing it.

One of my last official acts. I have held this for 30 days to avoid any objections. It is in the records now and before I am officially asked to appoint a successor or they are appointed. That keeps anyone from challenging it. A request I made of the Gold Dragon King was the delay to see this through in honor of your husband."

She hugged the Elder Ruler and left him as he went about monitoring the 2 sisters.


Jace fucked and made love to both ladies over the next 7 days straight. He sent a message to Coop to inform the others he was prolonging the Honeymoon and they would have to push the physical by one day.

He slept for 4 hours 3 times during those 7 days. He masturbated while watching the ladies and collected samples when he awoke to let them finish their love or fuck sessions. Both ladies were turned on by him doing that in front of them. He made love to one while the other slept. He then fucked the other while the other slept.

Then mixed it up every day to keep them guessing. He ate often and he monitored his genetics daily to see what happened. After 3 days his dragon genetics reached 10% and then stopped. Then his elven genetics did it as well while his dwarven genetics went away completely when his dragon genetics increased.

They did not change after that. His left eye now looked fully draconic in appearance, other than the color still being blizzard blue. That was not a bronze color for eyes, but perfect for a frost giant. His skin became more bronzed and his scales were more pronounced.

They extend up to his torso front and back to the edge of his neck now. The ladies noticed but they expected it would show up at the physical. His troll genetics stabilized while his frost giant genetics went up by only 1% on the first day and stabilized. He now read as 10% Bronze dragon, 10% Species 874, 10% eleven, 4% frost giant, 6% Troll, 60% human. He had a feeling the metamorphosis had been completed.

He woke the morning after with both ladies wiped out having gone through 102 healing potions to keep up with him. He cleaned up and turned his comms back on and contacted Coop, "Safe to return though your daughter and Sarah are both wiped out and naked. Have Hellen come as well. I am naked but she will want to see this."

Cooper and Helen walked in and looked at Jace in shock. Coop spoke first, "That will make a fucking statement for those coming to do your physical in an hour."

Hellen looked at him, "The numbers shifted more in just a week."

Jace nodded, "I think they are stable now. I kept records."

Sarah looked over and worked to pull Rayne out of bed as those 2 went to shower. Jace got his pants on before the ladies came in with the breakfast buffet but they nearly dropped the food after seeing him naked from the waist up and looking into that dragon eye.

Shelby asked, "Why the pale blue dragon eye, and only the one?"

Jace smiled, "Frost Giant Genetics on the eye color. The other is artificial and connected to cybernetics. They will have a tough time matching that, nothing in stock anyway."

Jace had Coop send a message to Doctor Bowman to come to look to redo his cybernetic eye to match. An image was sent but he was simply told, 'some resequencing' took place. Not the how of it.

Jace and Coop got a message back, "Can be done, but it is a special order. Will take a couple of days. I will have to get an image of the one to make a copy. Will be by shortly. I was asked to come and help with a physical on you today. Now I know why."

Jace smiled, "Understandable."


She smiled to herself as she spoke with the others, "I am showing it has stopped his Ki is still rising. I believe it will stop at 500 based upon the scale and the previous subjects across the world who underwent a metamorphosis. He appears to be stable, we will need to watch his personality type as well.

Will he continue to work for law and order? For the betterment of humanity as a whole? It could go to 1000 Ki, but I doubt that. Not looking at the inherent numbers. They have no idea how Species 874 DNA is modifying the individual.

Not the way we understand how it works. With the death of the last of them, we know time is running short on this experiment. We need to know if he is the right one, else try again but on our own. Provided we remain undetected."

One of them sent a message back to her, "He plans to learn to enchant from his wife, Rayne. Something else we should monitor, that you should monitor for us as you understand magic far better than us. A better form of stealth she said. It could prove to make extraction difficult in the future when needed. We will see what he creates. He might be able to avoid us detecting him."


An hour later he answered the door in full armor with his Judge at his side. He looked out to 9 vehicles parked out front, Kindra with her 6 guards, The Director with a contingent of Marshals, and 6 doctors in lab coats with 2 of them being elven.

Jace sighed as he looked out at everyone from behind those dark sunglasses. "Is all this really necessary for a simple physical?" He had 2 alerts he flagged. One presented a problem for him at the moment. The other he would handle inside. Jace sent a message to Director Younger, "Kindra's Guard detail. The last rank, the man on the right. I want to know why he is carrying a tranquilizer gun with an unknown agent for ammunition?"

The Director moved down and subdued the man himself. Kindra asked, "What is going on?"

Jace sent her a message, "Tranquilizer gun with a foreign agent in it. My biomonitor is not recognizing it as a known agent. Suspicious to say the least. One of your doctors has a syringe in his lab coat with something similar.

I can say it is not the same material but has some of the same characteristics. Him we can deal with inside. He would have to get a hold of someone to use it. One problem at a time."

She looked at the Director, "Secure his hands. I will get our people to question him on his intentions with that weapon."

Jace looked out, "Nobody can teleport inside of the main home. It is shielded for incoming teleportation. You are free to try. As such, all guards, and Marshal can wait outside with the new and beefed up security detail around my house.

There are 40 men and women on guard currently. Licensed bounty hunters, all of them. Lethal force authorized and all prior military. Some prior spec-ops, just not my unit.

I was the last to wear these colors unless they have reconstituted it in my absence. I am not in the need to know for that unless a 'reunion' for the unit occurs. I have one every morning when I wake up."

Coop and a couple of the marshals chuckled as they knew he was the last man standing in his unit.


Jace knew his lieutenant Susan Summers lasted 2 missions in her new unit and had died somewhere. Body not recovered, just listed as Killed in Action (KIA) on mission 10.

She had dropped a message in his box only once. It said, 'Check.' It let him know she made it through another mission. If he saw a 'checkmate message', he knew she had been injured severely. He checked her general file when it changed to KIA and knew she was not recovered. Likely a unit wipeout.


Jace looked back as Doctor Bowman arrived and he waved him in, "Come on in Doctor Bowman, Kindra, Director, and your 6 doctors. I can tell you the portable CT machine is useless. I have enough titanium in my body to affect any image you get.

MRI you will get what you get but no dyes are authorized. You are here for blood semen and measurements. A scan with no dye should be safe enough. No IV's either."

The one doctor he was concerned about looked at him, "Is it something you can turn off? Why no dyes?"

Jace laughed, "Why are you here? Genetics right? Not cybernetics. Doctor Bowman can answer that question. The short answer is fuck no, titanium microfilaments over the bones, all of them. As to no dyes, I am not allowing anything to be injected into me. Including what you have in your lab coat pocket."

The Doctor looked scared. "Take the coat off and don't force me to shoot you."

The Doctor made a move for the pocket and the Director Younger took him down. Jace pulled it out and held it up as the Director got him cuffed and to his feet. Jace uncovered the needle and stuck it into the Doctor, "Now tell me what it does? Or do I press the plunger?"

The Doctor looked scared but stayed silent. Jace pulled the plunger and took blood from the doctor. He capped it and handed it to Kindra. "Evidence. You can see what it did to his blood. The fact it looks like it is turning black and thick as sludge tells me it is nothing good."

She looked across, "You know they will kill your family for this."

Jace shook his head, "I need peace with the Elven people. If he is found guilty, leave it with him. Spare his family. Get your telepaths to get answers."

Jace walked back to his room, "The reason this physical was demanded by the King." He took his glasses off to a bunch of shocked faces. Dr' Bowmen looked up, "I will scan a hi-res image of your eye and it will take a couple of days to get your cybernetic replacement for the other. You are not the first to have dragon eyes, it is just rare. The color is even more unusual in dragon eyes."

Jace nodded, "I want it perfect, the color came from the frost giant genetics but the genetic resequencing was not done by a doctor. More like a metamorphosis. I kept track over the last 7 days, you have 100 samples for you to take back with you.

The last 42 occurred over the last 7 days and each has the day and a list of the differences in the genetic profile. They are bagged with the ejaculation number, the date, and the percentages of my genetic transformation. Nothing changed in the last 36 hours so I think we are safe on it being completed."

Kindra looked at him as he displayed the percentages. She was shocked, 60% human. I thought it would have been lower."

Jace nodded, "Theory, nothing went higher than Species 874 and it did not increase Species 874. As 1 capped out, another started. It started removing dwarven DNA on day 1, added slightly to the frost giant DNA. As frost giant and trolls are technically both giants, I think it looked for the best traits from them both. The Dragon DNA increased first followed by the eleven and they both stopped at 10%. In short, I collected a lot of research material while on my honeymoon."

Sarah chucked, "He averaged over 40 ejaculations a day. I cannot begin to tell you how many we had. We stopped about 18 hours ago after 7 straight days of sex. Talk about staying hard.

He never went down until we were done, even then it did not go down for hours as we all slept for about 12 hours. Thank whoever created healing potions as I drank 61 of the things. Rayne got the other 41. Thank Shelby for buying 200 of the suckers and we are still moving slowly."

Jace looked over, "Dr. Bowmen, Your next patient, while you are here. See about a cybernetic unit for her. Another 950 series. She has the crystals picked out she wants. While we have you here. Not to shock you Kindra but I am wearing nothing under this armor and I am about to store it."

She chuckled and he stored it. Her eyes went wide, "Oh my gods!"

The ladies laughed as they took care of jacking his cock off 6 more times alternating who did what to collect 6 more samples, numbered them, and then did the personal measurements.

The doctors ran tape measures over him and noted the differences. The scales told a tale of their own. Dr. Bowman had to pull out the calculator to figure out the titanium weight to go along with the bio scanner report and noted the significant increase due to the metal in his body. They collected almost 30 vials of blood from him. Two complete sets of samples, 1 for each of the 2 labs.

Height 197 cm (75.56 inches) Now 199cm (78.35 inches)

Hair: Smoky Black #100C08 96%, with traces of Smoky topaz 2% #933D4, with 2% of the hair colors between the two shades. Unchanged.

Eyes: Blizzard blue, #ACE5EE. Augmented eye synched to that color. Now draconic in appearance and functionality while color remained unchanged.

Weight: 89kg biomatter, 11kg internal Enhancers, and Augmenters (174.17 lbs., 24.25 lbs.) Now 93kg biomatter, 16kg internal Enhancers, and Augmenters (205.03 lbs., 35.27 lbs.) Note: Augmenters increase due to higher density titanium filaments over every bone.

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