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Junction Pt. 04


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Brandialshane asked, "It looked like my son was defending himself from Jace."

The King brought up the detection meter on the display and Brandialshane looked over, "He detected it before any dragon in the room did?!"

The King went over and had a seat, "Yes. He is undergoing some changes. We are monitoring him. Keep this informal but the information is classified, old friend."

Brandialshane nodded and Kindra spoke, "My husband commented that Jace could be a conduit into the magical realm. Something he saw in the field led him to believe that if he gained mastery over his magic he could be devastating. I would say he is partially right from what we have seen except some of it appears to be manifesting into his physical form.

He moved almost twice the speed of any elf without casting a spell to do it. Whoever held back his magical training might have unintentionally forced his body to take that excess energy and focus it differently. We have seen this in some of our magically skilled warriors, they develop harder skin, faster reflexes, and keener senses, and greater Ki capacity. How is his Ki? Any changes?"

The Gold Dragon King nodded, "More than tripled."

Kindra nodded, "I would suspect it would stop at 1,000Ki, like our elves, half of what you have naturally. Possibly less. He is not his own race, but he is unique."

The King nodded, "He asked that his line be stopped to keep from becoming a race. His request to the CGR council that still lives. All except the chairwoman whom Sylvia ensured she killed to get to her 3 children inseminated by Jace's semen.

She had used her only favor from her military service to keep her own children with her and out of the program. To keep them out of CGR as she did not trust Sylvia at all. Sylvia was thorough in ensuring we had limited samples of species 874 DNA. Jace knew nothing of those children being done."

He brought up another meeting but left the audio off. It showed Jace slammed the bracelet down on the table.

Kindra gasped, "He removed a dragon control bracelet?! In your presence even?"

The Gold Dragon King nodded, "We train Spec-Ops with magical talent in how to do that, but not on Dragon level enchanted items. He proved to us it was a wasted effort. Not a threat. Just a demonstration that if he was so inclined, he could attempt to fight his way out if needed. Instead, he just made some requests regarding some personal freedoms for his family.

While he and Commander Cooper agreed to help us with reestablishing our Genetics program. He was not overly demanding if you will and he still worked to protect us. This was before the meeting with your son. I say worked because he is now looking to quit the Marshal Service because of the Elven threat he perceives.

He said war is coming from the elves or our enemies. We need a solid elven leader who will remember the entitled race is not the ruling race over everything. We have entitled humans who hold revered slots and those must be respected at equals with your people."

Brandialshane nodded, "Verashorna would be more agreeable with what you are proposing. She has been overseeing our human interaction efforts. Language training, cultural activities, and archery skills if you will.

She served 12 years in your military before having children and leaving. Old enough now not to have more children, so pregnancy would not become an issue with her needing to step away.

Her elder sister is not as keen on any human being seen as 'an equal.' Talented yes. Equal, no. Her views would be closer to mine and less idealistic for what you are asking for, but if she knows of the requirement she might work to support it. It has been over a thousand years since a woman has led us. It might be time for a change to go along with this change of course for our people."

The King dismissed them as the Director of the Marshal service arrived. The King pulled up the transfer request on the screen, "Did you see this?"

Director Younger looked at the file, "No. Why is Jace wanting a transfer, your Majesty?"

The King shook his head, "He sent a message."

The Minister of Defense interrupted him, "To me and you only, Your Majesty. I think he saw the Director being called in over this and wanted to ensure he was just as surprised as we were when we showed him the message. This corresponds with Jace's statements during your meeting. This was handled at a level below the Director."

The King sighed, "I want a departmental memo sent out to all elves in the Marshal service. All communication with the Elven Royal Family in regards to Marshal matters is forbidden. All direction is to come from the top-down.

The Minister of Defense to you. You can relay the information we deem they should have to the Elven Royal Family. Jace still trusts you but some elves in your ranks broke protocol. Crostanlir is dead after attempting to cast a spell in my throne room after being placed under arrest.

His father will be putting forward a different successor. That is what we discussed just moments ago. Jace was here at the time and he was the target for that slaying spell. Jace unloaded a full magazine on full automatic from that sidearm he carries.

All shots went into the shield and into Crostanlir to disrupt the casting. Yet I am the one who killed him. I proved to Brandialshane that I was the one who killed him and he was dead for a legal reason. I told Jace to take a few days off.

His quick action ensured he was not stepped on when I attacked. If he needs a few more days, let him have them. He has given me a lot of things to review in regards to our Military and our Marshal Service."


Jace was home and in the shower. Rayne washed down his armor while Sarah came in and joined him in the shower. He stood there and hugged her. She asked the wrong question for the right reasons, "You said the King started dining early?"

Jace sighed, "He bit the likely new head of the elven people, Crostanlir, in half and swallowed the elf from the naval up in front of me. Blood went everywhere. The eldest brother of the elf who raped you. The eldest brother of my former commander who trained me and who I respected. He attempted to cast a slay living spell on me at the time."

She looked at him, "That is like a really high-level spell."

Jace nodded, "I know it is in the top tier of spells, one I have never tried to cast. I unloaded a full clip on him. I had the gun flipped to fully automatic in the King's throne room which is typically a forbidden thing to do for a non-dragon. I could have been killed by the guards during the encounter.

I could not tell where he was going to cast, I just knew he had started casting and my military reflexes kicked in to terminate him. I got his shield down, the King dined on Crostanlir. He likely finished after I left. No sense in letting a good meal go to waste. It's a dragon thing I have heard on more than one occasion."

Sarah shook her head, "I hear about dragons eating people but had never seen it."

Jace sighed, "The seventh time witnessing it and 3 of those I was the target. One I lost a leg to in the attack."

Sarah looked at him, "The wilds attack with the red dragon and then the blue."

Jace nodded, "Lost the left leg from the knee down to the red. Have troll DNA but took forever to get it back. I had to shut down the titanium mesh and muscle enhancers until the bone returned. Those enhancers slowed the growth. The things you learn after the fact."

She started stroking his cock and Jace smiled. Then his face turned very serious. He stopped and left the shower. He grabbed his necklace and had his armor on, grabbed his bow, and the Judge.

He looked at everyone, "Panic room!" He contacted Coop who had gone out to dinner with his wife, "Motion sensors have gone off here. At least 6 on the grounds, make that 12."

Coop sighed, "They did not waste any time. Contacting the Marshal's office."

Jace went invisible and teleported up to the roof as nightfall came. They had better stealth which meant they had a better chance of seeing him if elven. He overlaid a map of the ground with what was being picked up and started casting.

Clouds started forming overhead as he heard the weapons fire from the security detail who were investigating. He followed the sounds and his map when he unleashed the first lightning bolt into the woods behind the house from the storm above. Ending the invisibility of 3 of them. He fired a full round of plasma bow shots at the 3 on the ground all going for the head.

Two hit the third had rolled behind a tree. He started getting shot center mass with sniper rounds. He dove for cover before he took too much damage. He had no chance to get back into the house at this point because of the shielding they had in place. Whoever these guys were, they were good.

Jace found his communication was being jammed now. He went old school and teleported out to the outer wall invisible. He still picked up 10 targets moving to surround the home. All of his security people were dead already. Their trackers having gone silent before his comms went out.

He moved in on the nearest one and had another lightning bolt strike down in the area. They hit the ground and rolled behind a tree from the house side. They stuck their head up to get a look and he impaled it to the tree with a solid arrow. The third one he missed from earlier.

He went up and sliced out Ki units from their legs and they all had two including a 5,000Ki unit in the off leg currently being used. He saw two throw grappling hooks to get to the roof. He took aim and stayed with solid ammo and waited for them to be close to the top. The lightning struck one and he shot out the line on the other sending him to the ground.

He moved up and pulled the judge and put a 3 round semi-auto burst into each one's head. He let them know right where he was at and they knew he was on the ground. He got shot point-blank with a shotgun in the back from one who teleported in behind him.

Jace rolled forward and put three shots into that man's chest from the Judge. He teleported out to the security shed. There was blood everywhere and he went to recharge and had lightning bolts firing from the sky every few seconds from his vantage point. He could not use the 5,000 Ki units but he drained the remains of the other 3 he took.

He saw what remained of the force as they moved toward him, 5 of them. He looked at the 5,000 Ki units and set them down and cross-wired them to explode. He remembered the GWPS in those units. He teleported back to the outer wall as 2 went inside, one was a woman that entered the shed.

One of them must have kicked a unit or messed with it because the shed exploded. The 3 remaining were headed toward him as he put in a fresh clip. They were no longer stealth and making a break for the wall it seemed. He dropped the first two with rounds to the head. The third put three shots from a judge into Jace. He was all over the place and using both hands but he did a number to Jace's health.

Jace took a full clip and threw it in his direction. The man fired at it and missed it. Jace did not miss and shot it right next to the man's head setting off all 15 rounds in the clip into one big explosion. Jace found the jammer on his remains, destroyed. He contacted Coop, "12 hostiles down, all security down. All the ladies are in the panic room. Out beyond the pond near the wall, Hurt badly."

Coop drove onto the property with 3 other Marshal cars following him and he drove across the lawn to find Jace. Jace had removed the Ki units he could use and left the 5,000 Ki units alone for now. He set one to recharge himself.

Jace moved the bodies together and started running facial recognition. He looked at the names that came up and sighed. He contacted the Minister of Defense. He answered as it was not that late, yet.

The Defense Minister looked at Jace, "What's the matter?"

Jace sighed, "12 man strike team hit my home. It looks like they were gunning for me. All humans. Facial recognition shows them being military, not ours, and 'cooks.' Out of HonYoko. Where is the other 12 and did they send 2 Mastro teams, 36 to another location? This is a military assault. Protect the King. I have Marshals here. Private security is dead. All 16 on duty."

The Minister nodded, "You alright?"

Jace nodded and then passed out. Coop looked at Jace's comms, "I got him. Got 3 other marshals who followed me into the grounds. He looked out and saw 2 more arrive and 2 of the 3 who followed him in had non-standard guns in their hands. He woke Jace up with a hard slap.

Jace looked at him as Coop spoke, "We got more company."

Jace nodded and teleported them to the Evergreen office. Jace sighed and told Coop, "Contact Hellen."

Coop nodded, "She was still in the car."

Helen responded, "Marshals are in a shootout with the marshals that followed you in. I got into my home and then to the panic room. What is going on?"

Jace sighed, "Military attack. Stay holed up. Minister contacted."

He sent another message to the Minister, text only, "Escaped grounds. Two squads dead, Third squad in shooting match with marshals and dressed as marshals. Regenerating right now out of the area. They are using those 5,000Ki units in the off leg and 2,000 units in the other."

He got a message back. "Air units are useless in that area. Sending in a Mastro team."

Jace sighed and sent back, "Stand them down. These guys are good with one target. Me."

Jace looked at Coop, "See what they have for vehicles downstairs."

Coop stepped away and saw Jace disappear. Coop shouted, "Fuck!" He went down to find a couple of Marshals to drive him back into town. He contacted the Minister of Defense and the Director, "We got a fucking shooting match! Jace took me to Evergreen en route back home with full lights and sirens. He teleported back if I had to guess. He looked fucking pissed off."


Jace reappeared at the security gate. The guards there were dead, this was the gate to the inner area. He stepped through and checked his map. He had 12 more bodies searching the grounds for him. Jace took his gloves off and sent a text message back to the Minister of Defense, "The gloves are fucking off now."


Yankee 4, any signs of the target?"

He heard back, "Negative contact he teleported away from what we can tell. Wait someone just teleported to the main gate and is headed toward the house. Were you able to get inside?"

He heard back, "Picking up no life in the houses from our scanners. If they are in there then they are in a panic room."

The commander was directed by their control, "Negative. Not enough time to try and extract as military units are being deployed toward that location based on comms intercepts. The best bet is the target near the gate. Capture if possible if it is him. Gun camera footage showed he got fucked up pretty badly by Sam and the Judge before he blew up Sam. Mans a fucking monster of a combatant. To take out 12 of you."

The elf looked out and Jace was not in stealth. "Spotted him, and it is him. Using a tranquilizer gun."

He fired and shook his head, "He has a shield or a wall up. We are closing in on him."

Jace stood out in front of his home inside of a wall of force. When the 12-man team came out, two dressed like marshals. He ran all the facial recognition.

He nodded, "Mastro unit out of HonYoko."

One of the men looked at him, "How would you know what we are?"

Jace stood there, "Captain Jace, Spec-Ops Mastro97A Unit Zulu 1. The commanding officer, that separated and joined the Marshal service after becoming a bounty hunter. You are all under arrest. I have 2 for impersonating Marshals."

They chuckled and one man fired on him and it bounced away. Jace smiled, "Sniper and evoker. You have done fucked up."

The elf teleported behind Jace and Jace did not even look just sliced behind him with his swords and cut the elf into 3 parts. He held the two swords off to his side, "Who's next to die?"

Jace moved his arms and they all started firing on full auto. Then he slammed them together into two walls of force cylinders and then slammed those together into one as he slowly started crushing them in it. He had them secured from the neck down. He loaded up a fresh clip and shot the man in the center's head off. "Who's in command here, now?"

One of the men screamed, "Fuck you, ass."

As his head exploded Jace asked, "Who's next? Nobody? You want to live, you will start answering questions, like what do you want with me?"

The man left in charge started talking in his headset, "Our unit has been neutralized by this one man he's." Jace shot off his head at the neck and grabbed the headphones.

Jace asked the person on the other side, "Hello HonYoko Military control. You want what is left of this unit back or should I just eliminate them all now?"

The man asked, "How in the fuck did you take down our entire unit? I am only picking you up in the area."

Jace smiled, "Dragon, Blue, and male. I can tell by your voice. HonYoko Mastro unit Double Zero."

The man called out, "That is not their designation."

Jace sent a wall of force through and cut off the remaining heads. "Was Yankee 4, now Double Zero as they are all dead now you fuck. Next time, send an Alpha unit instead of the Failure squad. He crushed the comms.

The Dragon ran the audio back and then through several filters. He sent a message to their Minister of Defense. "Yankee 4, Zero survivors subject still alive and took them down ALONE.

The asset you sent them after identified himself as a Captain Jace, Spec-Ops, Mastro97A, Unit Zulu 1, who is a civilian now. A Marshal as he is out of the service and still took them all out single-handedly. Final report HonYoko Genesis Station."

The Minister of Defense walked into the throne room to see images of the 24-person assault team's heads, or portions thereof, on a display with a man standing behind the stack of them with the San Angeles Gold Dragon King in another frame.

Jace spoke, "Sending a Mastro unit after me? That was a bad idea. You should do better at ensuring they bring nothing along to trace back to you. I got 24 cooks according to your military records. They are fertilizing my lawn here in San Angeles. An 'elven cook?' Yeah, we know that is a fake entry. Well, they fought like our cooks.

Yankee 4, one of them had that stitched inside of his fucking uniform 2 others had codebooks for radio communication with Genesis Station. Right here on this page. As he held it up. They are a disgrace to Spec-Ops units. Good thing they are dead.

I told the blue dragon I had on your communications. 'Send an Alpha squad instead of your Failure squad.' You might stand a chance at getting one or 2 of them back, brain dead, but back.

We have 23 dead. Our King will wish to talk to you about restitution. 16 on-ground security guards from a company I own. 5 marshals and 2 property gate guards for the housing project your men killed that I am aware of. Possibly more Marshals, Your Majesty, I leave the perpetrators to you."

Jace dropped from the call and the Gold Dragon King looked over, "You are asking for war!"

The Blue Dragon King looked at him, "What are you hiding?"

The Gold Dragon King laughed, "Nothing not already discussed with RECD Senior Leadership who will be all over your ass in the next hour. I am calling a meeting. You will pay for this attack on a non-military asset."

The Blue Minister of Defense looked over, "He stated, according to my sources, he was a former Mastro Captain and now Marshal."

The Gold Dragon King smiled, "Thank you for confirming those men were yours. I asked Jace to ensure that it got received by your end without being obvious. This is, of course, being recorded."

The Gold Dragon King ended the call. The Blue Dragon King looked at his Minister of Defense, "Stand down. If one member of their military can take out our best Mastro unit single-handedly then we need to go back to figure out where their training is failing. Two god damned codebooks and they had the unit's ID!?"

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