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Junction Pt. 05

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Jace's view of the world is changed. He fights back.
43.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/06/2020
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Junction, Part 5

Synopsis: Science unleashed brought about the salvation of humanity and the creation of a new reality. Now Jace finds the true reason he was created and works to save humanity and this new reality.

Inspired by multiple roleplaying gaming systems too numerous to mention. © EmotionalStorm January 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.


The Gold King sent in dragon doctors to do genetic analysis while the Director ran one through the tech crystal's Bio Monitor and he collected the same information.

The Minister of Defense shook his head, "Only Dragon DNA. I added a new biomonitor when I upgraded to a 990 processor. It has 2 additional rail cages for crystals. Only in the Dragon models.

Non-detectable to non-dragons without the same level of processor and tech enhancements installed. We had words with the manufactures when they set them up to reflect 95% or higher on dragon readings as being pure 100% Dragon, as you know, Your Majesty."

The Gold King nodded, "Confirm her story about TriMarka, check her DNA against the Royal lines database."

The Minister of Defense bowed and was gone over an hour when he returned from the CGR facility, "Based on historical records we recovered from one of the lower houses, she is of Royal Blood from TriMarka, Your Majesty."

The Gold King sighed, "Get her dressed. Bring her to the War Room yourself. I will assemble the RECD."


The Gold King was in the RECD meeting room off of the war room. He transmitted the DNA information on the captured White Dragon they all heard about. Then he sent them the findings from the historical records, "She is of Royal Blood and entered my Palace with this ring to hide her form. Either unaware or did not care that Jace Rivers checked everyone he meets against facial recognition. Given his disdain for being attacked covertly."

The White Queen was still in magical suppression manacles. She looked across at her audience, "I was unaware he did that with everyone. All of you turned your backs on TriMarka when the virus was released by Sylvia and her sister Regina. You attacked instead of seeking answers. Created by their mother Vinina Xorlosa. I knew her, she was an arrogant human psychopathic bitch.

The Virus nearly killed me. She worked a means to get dragons able to use Ki, at my father's request. Her solution was an unacceptable affront to our dragon lineage and I told him so. He publicly stated he did not want human genetics in our people and told her that option was not worthy of consideration. Publicly, in front of the Royal House.

Yet privately he backed her work. She created it anyway, to prove it would work. She made it a virus and tested it on captured dragons from other kingdom's first. Half of them died. The room was made a vacuum to kill them all. The bodies burned and disintegrated in her lab.

The air burned as it went through multiple furnaces with separate flammable decontamination fluids containment stages that were burned off to contain the virus. It was airborne but susceptible to being burned to ensure its destruction.

The room took no chances in its efforts to contain the damage. My father told her the resequencing needed to be honed to allow more of the dragons to survive. He wanted 90% or better, not half. I can prove this. She never released the virus.

It was incomplete work as she went to make changes to it to allow more of them to survive. Instead, her daughters killed and ate the woman and then released the great experiment into this world. It was not what Species 874 wanted for Dragons, Ki belonged to them and humans alone.

I can fix Dragons DNA to remove those small percentages. With little if any danger. Elves and dwarves are just as likely. Giants are more hit or miss. Lower life forms are not worth the bother as they are not sentient.

This solution is designed not to work on humans. They want them to use Ki, but not as batteries. Humans are the ones Species 874 wanted in the design. When they saw metamorphosis started to hit they had hope. Yet you generally killed them or they died in the field in your militaries.

All except one, Jace Rivers who metamorphosed late, after the military but this was no different than having unpaid gene resequencing. He became the stable baseline they were searching for. You will not be able to use Ki units directly with this solution.

You already have designs for rapid Ki regeneration. With slight modifications, they can be made to work on those without Ki to regenerate your life directly. Your Ki storage units could also be converted. You would not be reliant upon other races to gain Ki, or longer lives if you will at all as you would work off of life Force or LF instead of Ki.

I created the schematics for the changed devices, as they're relatively minor but a geneticist, a skilled geneticist, would have to know how to do that. Hence why I designed the new modules. Ki was needed for humans.

They don't want to kill them, they believe humans are a predecessor ancestor to them. They are trying to regain some of what was lost with the experiments done to them in this world. They reached out for humans and our world, known as Getobia by us previously, got caught in the middle.

It was not considered important initially until they found out about all the sentient life that was here and the destruction it caused. The humans did not cause Junction. Species 874 did once they located humans.

Their 'aim' through space and the realities passed through our 'planet' as humanity's 'Earth' was on the verge of self-destruction. They had no time to choose a different path, the stars, and realities aligned as Earth was in the middle of destroying itself. It started fracturing during the transfer, which impacted us all.

I can prove all of this. I just need my ring to be returned to me. Your other option is to ignore me, the dragon crystal near my heart will inform them I am dead or 10 years will have passed. In which case this experiment will likely be destroyed, as this world will come to an end.

If they cannot establish a new monitoring system over this planet. Unlikely, given the fate of the last one. That means Junction will be destroyed. I am a walking ground station to them at the moment. They want most of humanity, given the mixed races and such to go with them.

Other races would be allowed to go if they choose to go and are of benefit to them. Elves, dragons, giants, humans, halflings, and dwarves even. I would choose to go with them. Once humans are gone from here, my line of research would be next to useless in this world.

I can make a difference in one of the other 3 worlds they are looking at, all of them are 'human capable', and therefore compatible with us. They all have their own Weave connections, but they do not block their ability to communicate. The Weave is there but exists in harmony with those worlds. Not as the barrier it is here."

The Bronze King from LonUblin looked at her, "Why do they need humans to have Ki?"

She smiled, "Because it is a means of passing knowledge into their predecessors. Not meant for war. To extend life, sure. To increase fertility, absolutely as they are a dying species in the scheme of things without humanity, without Jace. Without most if not all of the other humans in this world.

Look at my questions to Jace. I asked about rapes and his involvement in getting them prosecuted. The last thing any of us needed was another Sylvia. Not that he is a geneticist. Right now he is indoctrinated to believe he is a weapon when he is, in fact, the salvation to this ancient species. A species that could remove us from this Galaxy in a heartbeat.

He is the salvation of this world as we are now on a deadline. Destroying the planet, or destroying our sun were options mentioned to me. With the technology they have, they have options beyond what we could do. The Weave is so thick on this planet they can only communicate through those crystals. My ring will connect me with a Species 874 computer on this planet.

It can show you the events that transpired to create Junction. They are looking to leave it to you, as well as those who choose to stay behind. Provided Jace agrees to go with them. Jace is evasive, he knows how to hide, get into the Astral Plane and hide if need be. He will fight any attempts to subdue him.

As the press conference showed my misguided attempt. I was trying to bring down his force wall. He has incredible magical potential to keep that in place against a dragon, and this is not the first time he has used that to trap a Dragon.

The Red and Blue in the Avalon wilds, Mission 5, 7, 9 12, 13, and 15 he undertook for you King of the Gold Dragons of San Angeles. Species 874 monitoring skills are better than yours, but they cannot track him into the Astral Plane.

When he did that there was a lot of concern about him having been destroyed until he returned to the surprise of us all. He was near us but had not gone through metamorphosis yet. They sensed he had the potential. I don't know how they judged that, so don't ask me to explain that. Holding back his magical training likely retarded that change.

I know why you did not find him when he traveled to the Astral Plane, I have been to your city a few times. I cast detection spells from the press corp outside your palace when he returned. He was in the upper echelon of the Astral Plane.

An area you would not think to look for him, because he is not a Dragon. You did not bother to check where in the Astral Plane he went, but you searched for him. I am a master level generalist wizard, not a specialist, like Jace who is a very talented Evoker and Enchanter now.

Yes, he has been learning to enchant from his wife. His armor is unique and created havoc in us monitoring him when he activates the stealth field he built into it. It was a proof of concept. As to the monitoring stations, we cannot tell you which of you brought them down.

Several of you thought about it, HonYoko, San Angeles, LonUblin to name a few, but several others as well who were more likely. They could not monitor you all at all times and they were focused on Jace and those around him. How it was done was quite clever though.

We know Jace did not do it, but he had the talent to do it. He holds many things back. I suspected he knew he was being monitored, his foray into enchanting to create something to block even dragons locating him while on the surface proves that fact.

First time out on the first item he modified and he mastered that! He has mentioned what Species 874 does has a lot of unknowns, and to be able to enchant as well as a dragon, let alone the work he did on his Brother-in-law's spine."

The White Queen pointed at the Minister of Defense, "Would you display that mastery of the art to the others."

The Gold King sighed and nodded. He put the display up so they could all watch his efforts to repair a spinal column while not in the room and not a doctor. They had hospital surveillance footage as well. To show Jace's Ki meter.

The White Queen smiled, "I am glad he did not shoot me with those damned guns and stuck to magic at the press conference. I think he was trying to show not everything he does is killing, it was just what was bred into him, to begin with.

He did acts of rebellion against Sylvia on many occasions while in her lab. Including breaking into her computer accounts and reviewing some of her research when given the openings. He gave us hope, the scientists I worked with as he worked means to cut her from his life.

We also knew Crostanlir was directly involved in the death of his brother. He saw him as a threat and a rising power. They monitored those who were close to him and those who had input into his military missions."

The Gold King nodded to the Minister of Defense, "Give her the ring."

She put it on and slipped the manacles. She waved an incantation over the ring and it revealed another crystal, "Place that on your input port to your computer. Isolate if you wish. It will let me connect to Species 874 computers. You all know the reason why we call them that correct?"

They all remained silent.

She continued, "874 scientists stayed behind, they communicate telepathically with their kind, from one end of the world to another. Possibly farther. When we asked, in the beginning, who they were they translated it into 874 scientists. We translated it into species, they did not care how we addressed them.

They have no base language, No vocal language. Other than their operating system which is all numbers and symbols. They hear us and can translate our languages into text responses. Synthetic voices if needed, but they did not see the need with me. Their knowledge of genetics is far superior to any efforts you have ongoing."

The Minister of Defense did isolate the computer and then it connected. She played the data with a draconic translation running on the formation of Junction, what they learned, and what they found out. The monitoring of over 100,000 different evolutions of mutations around the world.

It showed her percentages and her being injected with a cure to remove the virus from her system and the changes it did. She looked at the Council, "I need to talk with Jace Rivers. Show him what I know instead of trying to get him to come against his will. We have years to work on this as we need to build another space station and get it into orbit. At least one."

The Gold King sighed, "Jace spoke with me on this subject in private at the commerce meeting. He liked to throw around different ideas. He is a very tactical thinker and would have made an excellent General for my military. He mentioned a few places in which to expand my Kingdom's land holdings.

Part of that was Oslon Island, to potentially launch a dragon designed and manned space station into orbit. Not to monitor the world, just our own Kingdom and nearby space in case Species 874 returned, yet again."

She looked across, "Do I have the Council's support to approach Jace Rivers, with your Minister of Defense attending of course. To go over this data with him and explain why I am here?"

She watched the Council vote and she got 50 out of 83 who were willing to allow her to plead her case to Jace directly. Including the Gold King.

The Gold King sighed, "Take her with you, both in human form and talk with Jace and his family in this matter. You will need to convince them all regardless as Jace is very dedicated to his family."

The White Queen sighed, "Thank you, for your hospitality in this matter. Why I did not fight your guards and simply surrendered to them to force this meeting. My plan B if you will."

The Gold King stayed behind and worked out payments for the expansions he wanted to make in 3 different directions. He got them to cut the cost on Oslon in half and set up a worldwide peace treaty for the next 10 years with all of the Royal Families.

That would at least give him time to work this arrangement with the White Dragon Queen and Species 874. Several saw this as a good thing, to get Jace out of the picture, still, when he was done he fell to 7th place in the standings with the adjusted costs. The Gold King placed in steep penalties for any who attacked him before those 10 years were over. Including Mastro attacks and espionage.

Things to kick up his standings if they crossed the line with him. It did not stop them from going to war with each other. As to their human populations, that would depend on what Jace decided, and each would have their say in the matter for their populations.


The Minister of Defense decided on a surprise approach with Jace for a change. As they left the compound the White Queen looked at the Minister of Defense, "I kept Mr. Tillman out of the conversation. We know he is another metamorph, but institutionalized. He might be dead or he might have been moved.

He is likely the one who brought down the stations, learning of them from Jace. A theory we cannot and do not wish to prove. I just wanted you to be aware that Species 874 is through."

The Minister of Defense stated nothing as he teleported the 2 of them to the entrance to the inner gate. The guards looked over, not knowing they were dragons and one had a weapon at the ready. He held his hand under the scanner and the man backed down, "Minister of Defense! I assume you are here to see the Cooper family or the River family?"

The Minister nodded, "The Coopers to begin with." The man contacted the house and they told him to let him pass. It was not like they were going to go stop a Gold Dragon from getting in, but they followed protocol. They stepped through and the White Queen teleported them in front of Cooper's home.

Coop opened the door and was shocked to see her again with no restraints. The Minister of Defense sighed, "We have a lot to talk about. You still have that server here?"

Marshal Cooper nodded, "One in each house synced but otherwise off the Weave. You have something to show us I take it?"

The White Queen nodded, "Yes, information from Species 874 that Jace and all of you need to see. If you could invite them over and ask Linda and Carmen to wait in their rooms. This is not for your servants, not yet anyway. This is an initial briefing."

Coop contacted Jace with a text message, "You and your wives. My house. Keep your weapon holstered we got Dragon visitors."

The two dragons went and had a seat on the couch. She took that ring off again. Coop scanned her, she registered as a pure dragon, with no signs of the virus. He sent back, "Your White Dragon is one of the visitors and she took that ring off, she is a pure dragon. No Species 874 or human in her."

Jace appeared with Rayne and Sarah. She looked over, "Do not bow and save the 'your Majesties' for your King. I am technically the White Queen of TriMarka. I am also an enchanter, inventor, and geneticist who was held in stasis by Species 874 until they found a way to reverse the virus that originated out of our City-State."

She managed to get them to all sit-down and waited for Coop to return with the computer and the Minister of Defense handed him the crystal to attach. Jace saw the code and knew it was an 874 operating system on that computer they were connected with.

She had Jace hijack the display to put it onto the bigger screen. They sat down and watched the truth behind the formation of Junction. Jace knew part of this, but not to this level of detail.

Humans had nothing to do with this world being formed other than being human and being on the verge of extinction by killing themselves. She then explained what Species 874 was trying to do, and turning people into batteries was not a part of their plan. She explained what she could do for the dragons in that regard to free them from the Ki addiction they developed.

Jace looked at her, "Can you do it with the humans as well? The devices, even if they have the Ki being done. The regeneration if you will and the new Energy storage that will recharge our health as well?"

She sighed, "I had not planned for that, but it could be done. Can I ask why?"

Jace nodded, "When I spend 1,800 Ki to save a family member's ability to walk it would be great to think I saved his ability to walk. Not that he just benefited from the killing of 18 humans to do it."

She nodded her understanding and smiled, "That was an impressive feat of magic. We have been monitoring you since you turned 16, I have anyway. The others did much sooner, since the beginning. You were one of many, given your creator and your bizarre method of creation.

The things you did at age 10 to survive were shocking to watch, I truly felt for you and the hell they put you through. I did not see it until much later. When you were 15 and I was finally cured and brought out. I spent the next year getting caught up on all of the mutations that occurred that failed.

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