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All Comments on 'Just Accept It...'

by BigGuy33

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  • 517 Comments (Page 5)
AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You know, it amazes me to think that the people who say how “stupid” a story like this is probably still read comic books (oh, excuse me, ‘graphic novels’) and pay good money to watch Marvel movies about Captain America and The Hulk. Anyway, good story, BigGuy, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Struggled hard to score this story. I usually rate them on how many emotions it can pull out of me. Those emotions usually being anger, disgust, revulsion or sorrow, sympathy for both husband and wife based on the situational scenario. This one pretty much just made me laugh my ass off from start to finish. The absolute insanity of the wife and mother thinking this was healthy normal behaviour and that the husband would just go along to get along. In the end I give it a solid 4 because making me laugh so hard and long about a cheating wife is first for me so job well done I guess....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Umm. To the Anon who commented about the tossing the phone into the ocean from the plane. I might have missed it, but where does it say Henry was airborne?

He says living in another country with different names. He turns to his kids and ask them what do they want to do today? Sounds like they already landed. Tossing the phone in the water could be tossing a.tiny flip phone into the toilet. Kind of a poetic end as the phone makes it's way through the sewer lines.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I like this story. It is pure fantasy and imaginative. It is entertaining and the female characters are cut and dry evil. If only we all had a special ops team to call on to solve our marital and in-law problems. Hooah!

Darkness86Darkness86about 1 year ago

Good story although too short needed to be longer and Henry should've told Laura his revenge

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Would like to see a follow up on this to see what became of them and how they coped without her children. Did they try to find to them. How did the girls react having no mother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

My third or 4th time reading this and it’s still great. 5 🌟 stars.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Second of third time reading this story and still 5 stars. Liked getting both husband's and wife's side of the story.

Would like to see a sequel. Maybe rescue father-in-law; foil any attempts by Laura at any further marriages. Have grown daughters visit mom and grandma in their more age extolling their father and step-mother and other siblings. Dad became extremely wealthy.


inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

Awesome little BTB. Wish I could give it 10 stars.

The only possible improvement would be as prior commenter said, to set up a gift that keeps on giving, to make sure she never finds another guy to marry her.

Initially I was going to criticize not getting the father in law freed from his wife, but then I realized - he IS freed. He has no child to care for anymore; and no assets to worry about losing. Just divorce the bitch if you really were trapped and not a willing participant.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Could have been a good story, but what is with all the stupid secret agent Rambo garbage?. The whole thing just went right out the window. So it really is in the wrong category. You should have put it in sci-fi and fantasy. Even then it's just a waste.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Worthless. No real redeeming value if it's out in la la land like this. Write a story where a real person can solve a problem and it's worth something. This is not.

Calico75Calico7512 months ago

My second or third read. A great little fantasy with an excellent ending. No one was physically hurt and the evil women were given a hurt that keeps on giving with all the regrets. Sorry about the father-in-law, but he is free to leave his wife now if he desires. Well done!


I read this story frequently... it's absolutely gotta be one of the ten best on literotica site !!! Luv it

Grote_01Grote_0111 months ago

Only one word : excellent

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A sequel would be great, 40 years on, when on her deathbed she sees him one last time and he tells her nothing but rott in hell.

Nothingman83Nothingman8311 months ago

Low friends in low kind of heroes.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Think this is an excellent story. As a combat vet myself I can absolutely guarantee that Mom Slut, Dad wimp, Daughter slut and the 3 arseholes would have serious mobility problems and very little interest in sex after that

26thNC26thNC11 months ago

Again for this great BTB. This one is so much better because he burned mama in law too.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Entitled bitch

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

"And if you get me off real good I'll give you a really nice blow job. I won't be able to fuck you anymore. He wants my pussy to be only for him. But I'll take care of you in other ways."

====> Really? a wife of 7 years and mother of their children? Please. Well this is certainly fiction. Eveb if some delusional wife wanted to engage in some extramarital sex with a sexual power play dynamic, they would not be so in your face and assertive about it. How does those words just quoted not immediately sever a marriage? Lol. Silly.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Both are cruel assholes

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

To previous commenter , there are millions of cucks and weak men out there.

HelgamiteHelgamite10 months ago

Here in the USA, women are viewed as better parents than men, men are seen as subhuman in the matter of divorce and family law. Even if the woman cheats and is proven, she will most likely get 50% of your blood sweat and tears financially. The laws will make you a slave to the mother as she will be able to hold and brainwash the children against you if you don't play her game.

The laws in the USA are extremely sexist towards men in general and very few men actually get justice served. Divorce and family law is very one sided towards and in support of women.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This could use another chapter

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

that's because in many cases it's true.

114FSO114FSO10 months ago

Serves the Bitch Cunt Whore and her Slut mother right.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc10 months ago

I found this gem as part of catching up for LT's approved sequel. Fun read but truly needed a sequel from you. At only two pages it lacks a lot of depth, especially how he caught onto Laura's scheme. 4.6*

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

2 sluts, one old and worn out, and the other trying to be the same, and a stupid old cuck are getting theirs. They need to be really hurt, a ball bat rammed inside the whores would fix them, and cuck could watch, closely!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x10 months ago

"And if you get me off real good I'll give you a really nice blow job." - How can he get her off "real good" if he can't fuck her? Eat her out? With her pussy full of other guys' cum?

JustplainjeffJustplainjeff10 months ago

I just ran across this gem, too. So, Armenian, right? Are you sure mom and daughter aren't Kris & Kourtney? Or Kris & Kim? Or Kris & Khloe? Or Kris & Kendall? Or Kris & Kylie? I think you get the picture of what I think about Margaret & Laura.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades10 months ago

Enjoyed the read.. Thanks for your Writing.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So our proud military is in the business of kidnapping, thief and turning tell and running away. Must have been Air Force. Navy man keeps the child the wife becomes very obedient and he doesn’t have to abandon his country he served

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great fantasy! Would that it were so easy!

Still, one can dream, as one buries the wife's dismembered cadaver throughout the forest...

Appears now that the MIL will have to be similarly treated.

rickylaw01rickylaw019 months ago

Great story. Love a story where the man is actually a man and doesn't give in to a cheating wife. So many of these stories have the man as a wimp. This story was a great change.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Epilogue: Laura slowly but steadily lost all her marbles over the next year. Her idiocy led her down a path of self-destruction. Her parents aged right before her eyes and both died within two years almost penniless.. Another year passed and she thought she was beginning to cope better but then an unmarked envelop appeared in her mailbox. It was full of pictures of her kids and Henry. The girls were beautiful and had grown quite a bit. But there was also thumb drive included and she plugged it in and watched. There was a woman with them and they were calling her mommy. Henry encouraged them saying this was their new mom who would always love them and they would be a family. Then Henry moved into another room for a quite close up. "Hey cheating skank slut Laura, how is life working out for you all alone? I hear your useless parents kick the can, good for them. I'll send along some pics from time to time so you can see what a great life your daughters are having without you! So long for now supped bitch whore!" She collapsed in sobs, utterly alone with only herself to blame. Somewhere on the other side of the globe, Henry laughed and laughed.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This story is a bit of a guilty pleasure. Nicely written, but the one big problem I have with it is his bragging about his army mates. Wouldn't take a pro-bono feminist lawyer more than an hour to get the names, the airfield, the planes destination and so on. He'd be hunted down in no time at all. Now sure he could have gone to an extradition free country, but really who wants to go somewhere they don't speak English and is an under developed country. How is that for looking out for the best interests of your children. Nice fantasy, but perhaps he should have used his intelligence and kept his mouth shut. Maybe that's why he was army and not navy/marines or airforce.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

as it should be. You seem to think that your wife should be held captive by finances. Says quite a lot about your failure to be a man.

rbloch66rbloch669 months ago

I can almost hear screams of hopelessness from the women. Pretty harsh, but necessary.

Tootight1Tootight19 months ago

It is a nice story. As a dream it went well, the way some would have desired. The real side of the story is that, most people don't have the same back rounds or friends like he had, or the ability to pull it off, and they get smashed by the system. Call them what you want, it could be you next. I have read this story before and still a good read, if only for dream sake, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Stand up for yourself children. Just accept it really.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nice short and sweet story. Karma is a bitch!! Five stars ⭐️ for this one.

dgfergiedgfergie9 months ago

Definitely a good one. Don't all us cheated on husbands wish we could do something like our MC did. Maybe not quite so drastic but just a little punishment for the lack of respect shown by the wife, ans mother of his children. Second reading and still good. I truly believe that there should be some penalties for breaking the marriage vows. Think about it, why do we have marriage anyway? Basically to establish a family and making a commitment to each and the family as a whole. Some of us lose site of this and become disillusioned and fail to communicate with each other about what we really want and expect from the marriage. End of my conjecture. Considering the present divorce rates many of us have difficulty making long term commitments. I gave this one 5 stars many moons ago and stand by that today.

drycreeksdrycreeks9 months ago

Lt56linebacker is doing a rewrite says he wants a different ending so i wanted to read the original he said it was great i agree. It was enjoyed n appreciated got u favored.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too fantastic . Unreal .

Whilst it's a good action story with the right ending justice wise , no one really has the friends or means to carry this off . It's a dream , pure fantasy .

So many of your stories has the husband wimp out and forgive with not a hint of retribution . And here the guy goes like Rambo ?

I'm looking forward to finding something in-between .

DK . 3 *

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

To damn off the wall. Interpole would be looking for him.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Excellent, just missing the wife's final life of regret.

dgfergiedgfergie8 months ago

an ok story but not really a viable option for most of us everyday dads. Women, the only thing wrong with them is men. I guess we are gluttons for punishment. You can't live with them and you can't kill them............heard that somewhere.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

U intrinsically dislike these stories that make a big deal out of the military. They often seem very disrespectful, as if the military is just full of cucks, and on the flip side they give the impressions that massive numbers of ex military aren't either on disability benefits of living in cardboard cities.

Perhaps most damning about this story is the idea that he'd actually want to spend his life being Mr nanny. He wouldn't, and he only took the kids out of spite. It'll all backfire on him once they become adults and realise what he cost them.

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyErotica8 months ago

By reading the comments, I guess some people don't understand the meaning if fiction.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I don't read BigGuy33 stories....they suck.

RePhilRePhil7 months ago

Boy we readers are a bunch of assholes!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Whoa, that’s Cold! I like it. Thanks, BigGuy, for a very nice story.

PondLife2023PondLife20237 months ago

Now that’s the way to right a story! Sad there was no mention of the “Dates” untimely demise in a blazing car! But we can’t have everything.

Huedogg2Huedogg27 months ago

the cuckolds/simp/bitch asses have spoken. btb'er have also spoken.....5 stars across the screen.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter7 months ago

Yes, it is FICTION. However like so many of these, the entire premise is so blatantly outrageous that it beggars any point of connection, which, I believe, is the ultimate point of writing intended for readers to identify with. I found it very average.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The husband will pay wen 2 girls grow up without their mother an they find the truth out teenage angst will seem like a tea party teenagers can be the most vindictive people ever an can’t wait for him to get his. Yes she’s a cheating slut but doesn’t deserve no contact with her kids at all she will be hailed a hero victim by everyone including the kids by u keeping her away so well done u will be lucky if u ever see ure grandkids dick

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit7 months ago

Well BigGuy33, when you pinch someone else's story to butcher, then re-present as your own, YOU are supposed to credit the original author! The original WAS a great success on this site, and I am quite SURE that the ORIGINAL AUTHOR will be in contact with you one way or another, very shortly!

DeanofMeanDeanofMean7 months ago

Read this a few times now, still a 5, despite the superhero hubby with a unique set of skills. I Do enjoy the romp every time though i kinda wish there was like a 6 months later 6 yrs later kinda thing just to watch the suffering, I mean what fun is revenge if you don't rub it in and of course teach the girls the truth a trickle at a time..

juanviejojuanviejo6 months ago


BabalooieBabalooie6 months ago

Good one. Five stars.

rbloch66rbloch666 months ago

Decisive and effective.

Buster2UBuster2U6 months ago

Super BTB Whoa, for 20 big blazing stars. Very Well Written, all details taken care of. Thanks for your superb effort. Buster3U

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A cozy story for a winter's evening. Nothing like a brightly burning bitch in the fireplace to keep things snug and warm. 5 stars!

NitpicNitpic6 months ago

Now that is how to put some one in their place.Iwould have cut her dad some slack for having to put up with his shrew of a wife.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A most excellent piece of great fiction. Six out of five stars!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Gay soldier boys that can't satisfy their women. What's new?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very few have the connections to pull this off..........still loved it.

The only way to ensure the indoctrination of the kids is stopped and never allowed to poison them again. May mother and daughter catch a permanent STD and die a miserable and lonely death.

Just as a side note to talking about gay soldier boys and what he thinks they can’t do. Why don’t you take your ass down to military hang out and spew that shit....once you get out of the hospital you can swing by see your portrait. You know the impression your face made when it was smashed into the wall. Naw.... don’t go get yourself all fucked up. Just grab your sign and go out the rest of your cowardly crowd and scream about shit you are told to because your stupid to have an original thought.

Surviving under the freedoms that protected by same brave men and women that obviously detest. To bad we can’t get group to go one these countries you think are soooooooo great and hold these protests. Oh right I forgot.......over there your would stoned to death.......oh well no big loss.

fredbrownfredbrown5 months ago

Never knew a wife to pull the crap Laura did, but what "DearOleDad" did is fairly common when one of the parents is from a different country ......

26thNC26thNC5 months ago

Don’t mess around with retired military, you may lose your kids and all your money.

NicealloverNiceallover5 months ago

On my second reading and I think it’s a fun read.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Short, sweet and great entertainment!

Odess83Odess835 months ago

Самое страшное, что действительно есть такие женщины! И есть мужчины, что с этим соглашаются...

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Scary that the only reason he got away with it was because he was some ex-military black ops guy. Anyone with less than those credentials would be screwed. Speaks volumes about the blatant misandry in the divorce and family laws.

nixroxnixrox4 months ago

1 star - As a non-violent alternative, he would have left the father-in-law alone in his misery and then taken the sick mother-in-law (still tied to the chair) and dropped her off in the middle of a 4-way-stop intersection - miles from her house. That would have given both SLUTs more things to worry about. PLUS he should send Christmas cards with pictures to the grandparents, so they can see what a mess they made.

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld4 months ago

Do not fuck with those formerly in the military. If they retain their friendships, they don't have to be black ops, the training is there. Would have served to bitch right to have arrived home to no home but a smoking shell. The grandparents got what they deserved, as for the wife, it would have been fun to break her, teach her she is not special and her only redeeming quality was having his children. Then have the husband sell her as a whore to a group of loggers in Brazil. She would sexually satisfy them until she died flat on her back being gangraped.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

This story would have been better without the ex-military secret spy stuff and if the guy had simply just looted everything, grabbed the kids, beat the hell out of his wife and in-laws and left. Hell, they wouldn't even have to leave the united states - having fake SSN's and going to public school is something that illegal immigrants do all the time.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

lost interest at the first of way too many POV changes. It's called 3rd person. Look it up.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Too fucking rushed. He wasted time speaking to the slut. It was good he ran after taking their monies.

Elias1Elias14 months ago

Excellent ... This is how in my mind I would react if I could.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Terrible. Also, misleading advertisement. It was supposed to be similar to To Cheat or Not To Cheat by hansbwl. The outcome was certainly nothing like it was advertised to be. Dirty, rotten liars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good story, but the aftermath would have been better if it included Laura's final regrets and suffering. Maybe some arguments with and her parents.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

So rather than hit or physically restrain his wife he lost the war and just gave up and let her go. Totally cuckish behaviour.

Let's not forget that a woman doesn't just come to the conclusion that her husband can be disrespected and cheated on without serious pointers from his prior behaviour.

The after showing what a loser cuck he is, he goes through a whole load of unnecessary bs.

It isn't easy to take young children out of the country without both parents. It isn't easy to get credible false IDs birth certificates etc., especially without marking yourself to criminals as someone to be fkd over.

While it might seem cool to have a whole team of ex-squadie wannabe criminals, it does mean that once again a military man is a cuck loser, and ironically is so lacking in awareness and intelligence that he'd marry such a woman and into such a family.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I love this! Well, it might seem or actually be a little too much and unbelievable, it was still a good and fun read. Unlike the poster about a week ago, I seen nothing to me that was a cuck at all. The poster might be right saying he produce some things that made her think she could get away with it, but that doesn’t mean she should try that.

Even if they were those things, doing what she planned, and ultimately did was beyond disrespect and betrayal. Five stars on this fun read. Bob

Chimo1961Chimo19613 months ago

A sequel showing her frantically spending all her and her parents money in a vain search for the kids, would suit this tale.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Turbo-solution, and fun to boot, would recommend!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Nasty, soul crushing btb. No one is a nice person here. 4 stars.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief2 months ago

Nice story but I think it ended too soon and there wasn't enough BTB. Poor Gary, he got fucked so many times he should just drift off into the night and let the two bitches fight over what's left. Laura got off too easy as did her date. He deserves at least a busted kneecap or a crushed testical or two. With Henry's connections I'm sure he could have arranged for Laura to be dumped naked in the middle of a bad section of town. If she made it home she could count herself lucky. I guess Henry still had a soft spot in his heart for her, lol. I know it fiction but it just kind of brought out the dark side of me when she did what she did.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Very realistic.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Check Mate. With a little help from his friends... more than a little more help from her friends. (Accept It?)

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 months ago

lol that anon "very realistic" i hope that was sarcasm

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

"(though he had no problem handing it out to his buddies)"

That was an unwarranted cheap-shot by the author at the MC. Very bad form: -2 points.


deependerdeependerabout 2 months ago

"brothers in arms" = "exmilitary gang"


The cities have the Bloods and the Crips. The burbs have the Nerds and the Vigilantes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Fourth time through and it is just as much fun as the first time. She should feel lucky, if she really thinks about it and he could pull this off then imagine what he could have done to all three of the losers in that house. I would have taken a page from another story and had all 3 tied up and explained like he did except that they wouldn’t have time to look for him since their days and nights Luke be filled with working in the whorehouse that they were sold to down in Mexico. I would even have them surgically altered to really fuck with their minds. Still this is a great story that I love to read. Five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!

AmbulAmbulabout 1 month ago

With her love of cock and now insufficient funds to support herself and her parents, Laura will no doubt become a whore, selling her body to strange men. She already is comfortable fucking strange men, so that will be no problem. Avoiding unwanted pregnancy and STDs will require constant vigilance, and she may even come to embrace her new life. Drugs could of course intervene and she could end up as a junkie whore on the street sucking and fucking for her next fix. This was quite a fantasy story.

Harvey8910Harvey8910about 1 month ago

This was a good story and I gave it five stars. The consequences of Laura’s actions were justified. She tried to threaten Henry with financial ruin if he did not go along with her fucking other men while he remained married to her and support her financially. This was a well-thought-out plan and a very good short story about the consequences of cheating on her husband. Great job!!!

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Been writing stories for years, since I was a kid. Those were more tame and usually involved the head cheerleader falling in love with me. You won't see any willing cuckold stories, or any humiliation. I work in Loving Wives, Romance, and am branching into incest/taboo and gro...
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