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Just One Kiss Pt. 04 - Epilogue

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Keri surrenders to her new passions.
6.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/05/2024
Created 01/26/2024
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Chris and Keri's second date involved an amusement park in town that only operated during the warmer months. The place had the unimaginative name of Funville, which the media and residents of town regularly poked fun at. Even though small and relatively unsophisticated, the place boasted a low entry cost which included entry to every ride.

Keri watched a chunk of peeling white paint snap free of the strut attaching their cart to the Ferris wheel, which made her chuckle. Her father had brought her here every summer when she was younger, even though the three-hour drive made it a bit inconvenient. Her two older sisters consistently got jealous of the attention, but she paid it no mind. She was daddy's girl and that was all that mattered.

Chris heard her almost silent laugh and caught sight of the paint chip as it sped away into the fading light of the evening sky. "I had to paint some of this when I worked here before college," he shared, as he squeezed her hand.

Keri looked over at him and smiled. "I thought you were terrified of heights," she responded, clearly still amused.

Chris ran his fingers through his hair, looking away for a moment for some clever response to hide his embarrassment. "Um, year, that's why I said I painted some of it, I almost got fired over that," he replied. Sensing an opening, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips, waiting to feel if the move was welcome or not.

Keri almost squealed in surprise as she felt the firm lips on her own, enjoying the feeling and relaxing into it. He really was a good kisser, which made it easy to return the gesture, especially knowing that he was thoughtful enough not to just shove his tongue in uninvited. The kiss lasted for two minutes and nearly led to full-on making out, but the car jostled as the ride stopped, presumably to start letting other people off.

"That was really nice," she volunteered, as they both pulled back. She felt pleased that no thoughts of kissing her female friend had cropped up, which hopefully signaled that it was all in the past.

"Well, if you like, there is more where that came from," Chris said, playfully nudging her with an elbow.

Well, shit, that sounded so much like what Carmen had whispered to her during the dared kiss that it pulled images and feelings into her memory. Fortunately, they faded away after some mental push, but the occurrence rattled her a bit.

The two of them left Funville about forty-five minutes later and drove back to campus, where Chris put his car into park. "Well, that was a lot of fun, I like hanging out with you. And other things," he joked, though the implication was clear enough.

Keri smiled, even though this was the part of dating that always made her nervous. Some of her past boyfriends started pressuring her for sex when they reached that point, and more than once, she had run off because of a bad reaction when she said no. A couple of the more decent guys she had dated were more understanding, though even then it didn't seem entirely genuine. Chris, on the other hand, while certainly every bit masculine, had never once made her feel like she owed him that way.

"Me too."

Chris hesitated. "If it's okay with you, we could go to my dorm room, or yours. But really, it's up to you," he said, a nervous expression on his face.

Keri felt herself melt inside at how nervous he was even to ask, and the vibe she got was nothing but sincere. All that made it seem easier to say yes, not even taking into account their shared chemistry. The prospect of sleeping together was exciting and she felt ready for it. "Yes, that sounds good, but let's go to mine, it's quieter," she said, trying to ensure her voice didn't betray her nervousness. The last thing she wanted was to scare him off.

They made their way up to her floor, with the whole place strangely quiet. "This is me," Keri said after they made their way down the hall, fumbling with her keys to open the door.

Chris took in the sight of the room, which was distinctly feminine but also perfectly organized. He had dated a couple of other girls on campus, and their rooms looked like a tornado had torn through them. "Wow, it's pretty nice, mine is a lot more sloppy," he confessed.

Keri smiled as she sat her purse on the desk by the window, which was framed by pastel-colored curtains. "Thank you, I try to keep things organized, or I can't find anything. My room was a pigsty growing up, but I changed my ways," she said, waving her hands out dramatically for effect. Noticing that he was lingering by the door, she moved closer, kissing the tip of his nose to make the mood more relaxed.

Chris felt a flood of relief because he wasn't sure the best way to ease into physical things without appearing too timid, or worse, too aggressive. With Keri that close, it was a simple matter of slowly cupping her face and leaning in for a simple, soft kiss. His heart started beating faster as he felt her lisp respond to his, prompting him to continue. For him, the experience was exhilarating and ever so promising, which heightened his expectations.

Keri could tell that he had shaved in preparation for their time together, unlike the first kiss at the party which had left her face stinging. She breathed in his clean scent, which seemed like a combination of aftershave, cologne, and the soap he had used to clean his skin. The smell wasn't at all unpleasant, but it felt neutral at best, and sterile at the worst. Chris' physical warmth was pleasant, but the feel of his body seemed inflexible, not to mention the nudge of his growing erection.

Chris wanted to open his mouth and slowly introduce tongues to their kiss but didn't want to frighten her. So far, everything was going well and he silently vowed to maintain the course. He felt her lips part slightly, which was his cue to move forward. Keri was caught off guard by how his mouth tasted, as with the array of scents from her partner, it seemed bland, but she willed herself to let the feeling pass.

Bit by bit, clothes started dropping off, a top here, a belt there, until nothing separated their two bodies. Chris slipped his hand up to cup Keri's breast, moaning very gently at how soft and wonderful it felt, especially as the nipple hardened under his touch. From his standpoint, things were progressing as perfectly as possible.

Compared to her previous male lovers, Chris was head and shoulders above them all, his touch was hungry but gentle, and his overall approach was beyond considerate. He guided her body to the bed while kissing her neck, which made her giggle and squeal. He started caressing her breasts and kissed down toward the nipples before sucking one one. It felt good, and she was enjoying herself but would have preferred a longer period of kisses on her neck.

"Ahhhhhh," Keri moaned as the sucking motions began, enjoying the feeling, only for her reverie to break when she felt fingers on her labia.

Chris felt her freeze up, which immediately made him withdraw his hand and stop what he was doing. Looking up from her midsection, he asked, "Hey, are you ok? Am I doing something wrong?" He had experienced a few girls bailing during lovemaking and knew when to stop and ask questions if something seemed off.

Keri smiled, saying, "No, not wrong at all, what you're doing feels great, just slow down a little, that's all. No worries, ok?" She had always liked a slower, steady progression, which the time with Carmen had done perfectly, though she was trying not to compare. It was different, not better, and just fine the way it was. Deep down, however, she wondered if that was the case, but was afraid to admit it to herself.

Proving that he was a good listener, Chris withdrew his hand from between her legs and slipped it over the other breast, cupping and caressing it as he sucked on its twin. Keri moaned and felt pulled back into ecstasy, stroking and cradling his head as he lavished attention on her sensitive spots. After spending a decent amount of time there, he resumed stroking her wet pussy, the squishing sounds turning him on.

Keri let the feelings wash over her as her arousal slowly rose, happy that things were progressing as well as they were. She gasped as his finger sank inside her, enjoying the sensation of being penetrated, as he tried not to do too much after entry. She shivered when the hardness of how erection brushed her inner thighs, wondering how it would feel inside of her.

After several more minutes of fondling, Chris rose to his knees on the bed, giving Keri her first unobscured view of his manhood. His cock looked average in length and adequate in girth, with a vein up the side with a mushroom head that looked perfect for the task. After he lingered in that position for a couple of seconds, she understood what he was thinking about.

Keri looked at his erection and had to remind herself that giving was important in pleasing a partner, though she had never really enjoyed going down on a guy. One of her early boyfriends had been big on dirty talk that bordered on the offensive, and that still lingered in her mind even years later. She reached out and wrapped her hand on the shaft, making him nearly grunt in response.

"Something you need to know about me is I prefer if you go down on me first. It'd be easy for you to cum when I suck you and I can get at least one orgasm for sure that way. That ok?" Keri asked, guessing that Chris was the kind of guy that would understand. This approach had been almost foolproof for her because if they insisted or objected, they weren't worth giving herself to them.

Chris nodded and watched as the beautiful blonde parted her legs, revealing a lush pussy with full lips, shaved bare, that looked positively inviting. He did enjoy going down on a woman, so he hoped this was a match made in heaven. He settled between her legs and pulled her closer to his face.

"Oh shit, yeah!" Keri gasped as a finger slipped back in her, while Chris slowly licked up from her opening. He found her scent pleasant and her taste tangy which just made him want more, his finger moving slowly in and out. After a minute or two, he added a second digit and continued licking her insistently but not too quickly. To his credit, Chris took his time stimulating her, and soon she was squirming and cooing at the attention.

He felt her shake and stiffen, which signaled an orgasm, which pleased him, but also knew it wasn't as big as it could have been, though her moans indicated it was good. Once her climax had subsided, she patted for him to sit on the edge of the bed for her part. Kneeling down a bit, she parted her lips and took his cock inside, slowly sucking it, waiting for his moans to tell her what felt best. "Ohhhh yeah that's perfect," he praised as she got more into it.

Keri listened carefully to his breathing and body language so that she could time the moment when she should stop. Before long, she could tell it was time and released him, teasing his cock as she laid back on the bed, legs parted. There was no way he could misinterpret what she wanted, and with a smile, he hovered above her before positioning to enter her. He took a moment to unwrap a condom before doing the deed, to protect them both. Then, he mounted her.

As Chris pushed carefully inside her, he felt her pussy grab his shaft, surprising him with how tight she was. Keri drew in a sharp breath as her vaginal walls adjusted to his size, reminding her that it had been a while since she last had sex. Her insistence on him eating her pussy wasn't just protective, it has had a practical purpose since she rarely came from being fucked.

The two of them resumed kissing, only this time with more fervor and a lot more involvement of tongues. His thrusts were slow and steady at first, but as his self-control started to fade, the rate and intensity increased. None of it was at all unpleasant, as the friction inside her stimulated her clit, though not even close enough to get her off. Chris let out a guttural moan as he erupted inside Keri's pussy, panting hard trying to catch his breath. Moments later, he lay next to her and smiled as he fell asleep. Some girls got irritated when that happened, but she didn't see it as a big deal. They had both gotten off and had a great time together, so what was there to fuss about? To his credit, Chris stayed until morning before heading off to start his own day.

For breakfast, Keri ate some pop tarts that she kept in her junk drawer for those rare moments when she didn't want to go through the trouble of getting breakfast on her own. She reviewed the unfolding of their lovemaking session together in her mind as small bites of the pasty disappeared. 'Damn, he is a keeper, he listened, was gentle, fun, and not a doormat, but still...,' she thought to herself.

Keri felt her stomach churn as she thought about everything she had felt and experienced with Chris the previous night, knowing that compared to all the previous guys she had dated, it was perfect. He was perfect, as much as anyone could be. But was he perfect...enough? What Carmen had made her feel was on a completely different level, and though she had been assured time and time again that it didn't make her a lesbian, she had to admit it was amazing. She had two lovers, a first for her, but sooner or later that would blow up in her face if she didn't make a choice.

Picking up her phone, Keri pulled up the string of text messages between her and Carmen, but before taking any action, she clicked on the picture in it. While looking at the image, she felt a shiver pass through her as the feelings she experienced bubbled up inside her, all from just a photo. 'What the fuck is the matter with me?' she said to herself as she let out a labored sigh.

One of the things that was irritating her the most was that the usual sense of satisfaction that came after a sexual encounter seemed lacking. Keri grabbed the bottle of SmartWater she bought a day ago and took a sip. Just as she started to sit it back down, her eyes caught how much was already gone.

Keri swirled the water around a bit, noting that it was around half-full, if not a bit more. Yes, that was exactly what she was feeling after sleeping with her new boyfriend. Was it good? Yes, and better than most, for sure! Did she enjoy it? Again, yes, Chris made sure she came so they both got what they needed. So what was it? Half-full, maybe more, is how things felt, good, but not enough. She started to ask what was enough, but the answer scared her and challenged her own sexual identity. 'So if I am straight, and it was the best so far with a guy, why isn't it enough? Does that make me bi? Lesbian? Confused? Damned if I know, but no, I am straight,' she mentally debated.

Keri drank down the rest of the bottle of water when Carmen's words from their original kiss came back to mind. 'If you ever want more,' she thought. Did she want more? Was she going to be honest enough with herself and brave enough to confront that question? After all, that would settle a lot of things in her mind, but that would cross a line for sure.

Carmen was moving around her dorm room, hair up, half-dressed, humming as she cleaned things up a bit in the event she hosted any would-be partner later. Hearing the phone chime, she stopped in mid-step and picked it up, the light from the window reflecting off of the glittered case enclosing it. The message was from Keri, which made her smile as she recalled the entire experience at the pool. It had been somewhat unexpected but was one of the hottest things she could ever remember. 'You busy? Kinda need to talk to you and get my head straight,' the message said tersely.

She almost laughed at her friend's choice of words, since straight was probably the sticking point in the girl's head right now. Guessing there was a mighty mental struggle going on, she felt some compassion, since settling that question in her own life some time ago. Carmen's first experience had been with one of the cheerleaders in her high school, who had come on to her and wound up confirming her gayness.

'Absofuckinglutely, girl! Just hanging out in my room and cleaning things up. Come on over and we can talk about anything you need, she texted back.

' Thank you so much! Be over soon'

While she was waiting for Keri, Carmen rushed through cleaning her room to give her time to do her hair and makeup. It was a presumptuous move since she really didn't have any clear indication that something would happen, though she more than hoped that it would. Judging by the blonde girl's reactions during their last tryst, she might be seeking more of that, but couldn't be sure. Hearing the knock some thirty-five minutes later, she opened the door, now looking her best.

Keri felt nervous, second-guessing her reasons for coming, which a short time ago seemed perfectly reasonable but now felt like self-deception. "Um, hi, thanks for this," she said, moving inside. Instantly, Carmen's unique combination of scents wormed their way into her nose, assaulting her senses. Her long wavy dark brown hair spilled over her shoulders, and her tastefully revealing white frilly blouse provided a sexy contrast of colors. "Wow you look amazing," she said, sitting down on a desk chair not far from the bed.

Carmen chuckled as she sat down on the faded tawny comforter laid over her sleeping space, bringing her legs up in a crossed position. "Thanks, and glad you are here. I was worried I scared you shitless after what happened at the pool and all," she said, studying Keri's face and body language. Like everything else lately, the messages that Keri was unwittingly sending were mixed and conflicting. For instance, she chose to sit close, not even two feet away, but her arms crossed in a protective position as if fearing an attack of sorts. The girl's feet were planted on the floor and pointed towards the door, but her legs were apart as though expecting or inviting something sexual.

"Looks like you and Chris have hit it off, I am happy for you, he seems like a great guy," Carmen said casually, hoping to break the ice with something neutral.

Keri nodded vigorously, sporting a shy smile, a strange reaction from a girl who had gotten everything she wanted. "Yeah, it's pretty early on, but he is sweet and gentle without being a pussy." she said, suddenly clamping a hand over her mouth, her face turning beet red.

Carmen shook her head as she let out the kind of laughter that comes from deep down. "Wow, I've never heard you say anything that blunt before, it was fucking hilarious," she said, wiping moisture from her eyes.

The blonde girl put a hand over her eyes and just shook her head with embarrassment. "Shit, what I meant to say was being a doormat. Not sure what the hell is up with me lately," she said after regaining her composure.

"Nah, it was funny, plus it brought you out of your shell a bit. You have an amazing personality, but it's like you are holding it inside for some reason. You know, afraid of showing it," Carmen observed, hoping it wasn't too much of her to say.

Keri sighed. "My parents were pretty strict growing up. I heard 'Keri Lynne, please behave' or 'Keri Lynne, that's not how we act.' So yeah, maybe that's why I am wound so tight." she confessed, wondering what on earth made her offer that up so freely.

Carmen recognized the vulnerability in admitting something like that out loud, which just made her like the girl all the more. Intending to come across as platonic, she pulled the rolling desk chair closer and pulled her into a loose hug. "S'ok, just be you, I've got your back," she said in a sweet tone, somewhere above a whisper but below normal speech. Just then, she felt Keri relax and settle into her neck, almost nuzzling, which made her sense the real reason for her visit. She wanted more, more of what already happened, which made her own body react.


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