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Just Plain Crazy

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Crazy wife needs more than husband can provide.
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Okay, this isn't anything I ever expected my life to be. I never thought my wife Janice would ever need more than me.

And I never imagined me putting up with it. Whenever I heard about or read about some cuckold, my reaction was always "Burn the Bitch". I couldn't see how anyone would put up with the disrespect or the humiliation for even one minute. I always thought it would be a struggle not to just pound the bitch's face into mush. Just the thought of my wife cheating would have me clench fisted and shaking.

It seems nothing works out like you imagine. I though my wife and I would settle down during those years between our youngest son leaving home for college and my finally retiring by enjoying each other's company, taking the vacations we always dreamed of, and exploring each other's sexuality in ways we were unable to, working and raising our children.

But on a Friday evening not long after my son's departure, the cliches began: "Honey, we need to talk"; "I've been a loving and faithful wife for 35 years, but.." and "I've never known anyone but you and I've decided to take a lover." And of course, "This won't take anything from you - I'll still be your loving wife and will be there whenever you want to make love. But you know you hardly ever want to do it more than once a week, and frankly my libido needs more than you're providing."

Surprisingly, my first reaction wasn't to pound her face in. It was to gasp and wonder if I was having a heart attack. Janice must have had the same thought, because she rushed to get me some water and aspirin.

When I recovered my breath, I found tears streaming down my cheeks. "You can't do this. We love each other...."

Janice smiled sadly at me, but I could see she felt in complete control of the situation. "We still love each other, but, Honey, I already have." I gasped again, and my brain started spinning, trying to understand what she was saying. "I had to find out if having a lover was worth the risk before I told you. It's been three months, and while I still love you as much as ever, I love him too.

"The reason for our discussion today, is Wally wants me to spend some nights at his house. And some nights he'll be staying here with me. You'll have to move into the guest room. On the nights we're to be together, you can join me in my bed, but beyond that, you'll stay in the guest room."

That brought me back around, and I finally felt my rage rising. "What the fuck! I paid for this house. I'm not moving into any guest room. I'm not a fucking guest!"

"It's your choice, dear. I'm going to spend the weekend with Wally at his house, and if you're not in the guest room when I return, I'll just move in with Wally and we can get divorced. I'd hate to see you throw away 35 years of companionship, but the ball's in your court on that one. But you're not really using my vagina and I'm not going to spend the rest of my life trying to get off before your dick goes soft in me. Half the time you don't even come so it's frustrating for both of us. At least with Wally's rock hard cock, at least one of us gets off." With that, she went to fetch her overnight bag, gave me a kiss on the top of my sobbing head, and went off into the night.

I started sobbing. I couldn't help it and hated myself for it. I couldn't believe what she did. Obviously, she didn't care what I thought or felt. And I let her do it. I was a fucking wimp.

And "Wally"? What fucking kind of name was Wally? She was leaving me for a "Wally"? I could picture the wimp. Wimp? It was apparent from Janice's attitude that no matter how big a wimp Wally was, she though I was a bigger one.

I wept myself to sleep. My pillow was wet with tears, and I couldn't fathom how my life had been destroyed overnight. I couldn't believe I was facing life without Janice. She was my life. The bitch, how could she?

Over the weekend I went though waves of despair and anger. I gathered all the wedding albums and pictures and through them into the fireplace, but then took them out before I could light them on fire. I loved the bitch. I couldn't live without her.

That thought stuck in my mind. Also, the thought of what a divorce in a no fault state with a wife who had never held a job outside of the home made me realize that without her I wouldn't have much of a life without her, while she could collect my alimony while living with Wally.

I wept some more before finally deciding that if she only spent a couple of nights a week with Wally, maybe I could deal with it. Then I got mad at myself and shoved my fist through the wall.

While I iced my hand and repaired the wall, I realized I had only hurt myself. And divorcing Janice would only hurt me. I was approaching 60, my hair was thinning and my stomach was approaching the "bowl full of jelly" descriptive, and divorce wouldn't leave enough money for a balding fat man to get laid often, if ever. At least with Janice it seemed like I'd still get the same sex I was getting before her lover entered the picture. Three months, she said. I thought back and discovered that my sex life had been unchanged.

And even though she had only been gone for a day, in between the nightmares of picturing her with her lover, I missed her. I didn't really know what to do with her not there. I know that sounds pathetic, but she was my life.

Fear makes cowards of us all. I feared losing her completely. Sunday afternoon, I moved into the guest room. And sobbed and felt sorry for myself while I did it.

It was actually Monday morning when she returned, as I was getting ready for work. She planted a kiss on me, which I though might have been somewhat salty. Had she given Wally a blowjob that morning? My stomach heaved.

After the kiss, she flounced upstairs and checked to make sure I had moved to the guest room. "Wonderful, sweetheart! You'll see this is the best thing for everyone!" I went out the door wondering how this was wonderful to me. I wondered that all day long.

I wondered about it even more when I got home and suggested that we go upstairs so I could "reclaim" my wife, and Janice smiled sadly and shook her head.

"Honey, Wally says we can only make love when he okay's it. He doesn't want sloppy seconds or any trace of you when he and I make love. And he and I have a date tomorrow, so I'm off limits right now. I'll ask him when your turn is, and let you know, okay?" She smiled at me like she was doing me a favor.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. "You're my wife, not his. How does he get to decide when we fuck?" At this point, I refused to call it making love. I just wasn't feeling the love.

"Sweetheart, Wally's an alpha, and", she sighed, "You're not. I love you, but you're not an alpha. Wally knows how to make this work, and you'll just have to be patient. Everything's going to be wonderful, you'll see. I've made your favorites for dinner, and after dinner I'll tell you all about my weekend with Wally, and ....."

I couldn't believe it. "I don't want to hear about your fucking weekend!" I interrupted her. "You can keep the fucking details to yourself." I'd never used the word "fuck" so much in my life. But somehow, it seemed appropriate to the conversation.

"I'm sorry, honey, but Wally says I have to tell you. He says this will only work if you know the details. You need to understand how virile he is and how he satisfies all my needs that you can't. You'll see." She coyly smiled at me. "Wally says it'll probably make you harder than you've been in years."

"Fuck you," I yelled and stormed out of the house. I wept into a whiskey at the local bar, and eventually stopped for a hamburger before I went home.

Janice wasn't there when I got home. It was Thursday before she showed up. "Wally says if you're going to pout, then I should stay with him. And he says no sex for you for two weeks, and then only if you'll listen to the details of our relationship. Wally's and mine. The sex, I mean."

I didn't run off, but I refused to listen to anything about Wally. She said that was too bad, and the next day left to spend the weekend with Wally.

I'd had it at that point, and made an appointment on Saturday with a divorce lawyer, who was a friend of a friend. However, that only confirmed that in our no-fault state, I'd be poor, sexless, and funding Janice's sex life.

Monday night, after Janice came home, I listened to all the gory details.

She did things with Wally that she either hadn't done for me in years or had never done. I learned that for him she swallowed, did anal, and did anilingus with him. She not only rimmed him, but he rimmed her. She loved it and told me that it was going to be part of my repertoire, whenever we were allowed to have sex or even when we weren't. "Wally says you can eat my pussy or my ass whenever I want, as long as I don't do it to you or have sex without his permission. Excuse me, my cunt. Wally says it's his cunt and I should call it that."

She told me Wally could get it up three or four times a night -- more if he took a blue pill. She talked about the different positions he preferred, and how he would lift her up, slide her onto his cock and pound away while she orgasmed again and again. My vision of wimp Wally was dissolving as she described his prowess.

I admit, after so long without sex hearing her enthusiastically relate her debaucheries made me hard. I'm ashamed of that, but there it is. I asked if we could sleep together.

"Sweetie, you know what Wally said: because you pouted and refused to listen, you have to wait two weeks before we can even ask for permission to sleep together." Ask for permission? What the fuck.

"But I'll tell you what -- I'll let you eat my cunt and asshole tonight. How would that be."

I was back at the bar, weeping into my whiskey -- that's how it would be. Whiskeys, I should say. Finally, at two a.m., the bartender took my keys and called me a cab. Janice was gone when I got home.

Three weeks. Three weeks of agony, wondering where Janice was, and was she ever coming back. Most of her clothes were still here, but a lot were gone. I realized I knew nothing about Wally, other than his first name and an embarrassing amount of details about his sexual skills. Janice's phone went directly to voicemail, and she didn't respond to any of the messages I left, or any texts or emails I sent.

I thought of reporting her missing to the police, but it was obvious that they would see she left voluntarily and I didn't think I could take the embarrassment of explaining the situation to them.

I called her friends, pretending that I was just looking for her that evening, that she wasn't home when I got there and I thought maybe she was at a friend's. Not sure who believed me, but finally her friend Sally said, "Joe, you know she's with Wally. She's fine. Don't worry about her." Sally refused to say anymore or give me any information about Wally. I got angry and aggressive, threatening her and screaming over the phone.

"I'm going to tell Janice and Wally what you said. I'm sure you'll regret threatening me."

Every cloud has a silver lining. The next night, Janice came home. But the cloud was big, black and hard as a rock, and not just his cock. Wally was 6'2", 200 pounds without an ounce of fat and so black he was almost purple. The cliches just keep coming.

He came in, backed me up to the wall, towering over my 5'8" and put his face directly in front of mine. "You've disrespected me. You've disrespected Janice and you've disrespected Sally." He put a finger on my chest bone and pushed me into the wall. I didn't think one finger could hurt so much. He held the pressure as I winced, until I actually whimpered. Later, I thought of what I wimp I really was, but at the time the pain was all I felt.

Wally smirked, and pushed me to the couch, making me sit down. "Janice," he directed, "go make us a nice dinner while Joe and I have ourselves a discussion." Janice simpered and rushed into the kitchen.

Sitting down, Wally said, "Joe, until you accept the situation, you'll get no sex. And I'm moving in here with Janice for awhile to ensure you don't dis her or me anymore. Plus, you're going to apologize to Sally. I think a nice rim job will do just fine."

"Fuck you," I started to yell when out of nowhere a fist slammed into my gut. All the air rushed out, and I gasped like a fish.

"Now Joe, I told you not to go dissing me or Janice. There are consequences to every action. Janice," he called. When she came out, he told her to fetch the box he'd given her. When she came back, she looked sad and said, "Joe, you shouldn't make Wally angry," as she handed him the box.

"This here is a cock cage and you're going to wear it until you learn some manners befitting a cuckold like yourself." I started to object when Wally slapped my face harder than I thought someone could be slapped. Janice exclaimed, "Joe, behave, please. Don't make him hurt you."

Wally grabbed my shirt and tore most of it off me. "Get them clothes off now! Don't make me beat you, boy." Boy? This guy was probably 15 years my junior. But the slap had brought tears to my eyes, and the humiliation brought on sobs. I felt weak and had trouble standing. Wally held up his fist threateningly, and I removed my clothes, unable to think of any workable response.

When I was naked, Wally had Janice fit the cage on me. "You need to know how to put it on him. I think he'll need to wear it a lot at first, before he settles down."

"Now," Wally continued, "Shall I call Sally over for her apology, or do we need more discipline?"

Sally and Janice had a good laugh at my cock cage and my naked, flabby body. Sally told me to stop my sniveling, as she took off her clothes. While Janice went back to the kitchen, Wally told me that Sally was going to give him a blowjob, and I'd be eating her ass until he came.

I was hit again before I would start rimming Sally, and again I was slapped after I started gagging and ran to the bathroom to spew the vomit that flooded my mouth. Eventually, however I managed to control my stomach while I "tossed my first salad". Unfortunately, Wally has amazing stamina and was in no hurry. It went on forever.

When it was finally done, Janice had dinner prepared and we all sat down to eat. Sally and I were both naked. I could hardly eat, but Wally insisted that I clear my plate. I didn't think I wanted any more "consequences", so I choked down my dinner and got up to leave.

Wally stopped me. "I'm going to let it go this time," he said, "but in the future you'll ask permission to leave the table, either mine or Janice's when I'm absent. And Janice was nice enough to cook us dinner, so one of your chores from now one is to do the dishes. Get to it"

I did the dishes, dreaming of taking a kitchen knife to Wally, Janice and Sally. But I was pretty sure the knife would end up in me if I tried. I thought of buying a gun, or poisoning them or burning the house down with them upstairs, fucking.

Yes, Janice, Sally and Wally were all upstairs, loudly and energetically fucking. In my marital bed.

I'll spare the details, other than to say Wally stayed in what was now Janice's bedroom for the next three weeks, which was one week shorter than I was to wear the cock cage. Sally visited regularly, and Janice and Sally screwed Wally multiple times each day.

After a week, Wally had sent Janice into my room after one such session. "Joe," Janice demanded, "Wally says for you to clean me up." She began to climb up on my bed, where I had been sleeping.

"No!" I recoiled. Janice shrugged and said, "Joe, until you get with the program, we can't have sex. I thought you loved me. Wally was going to give me the key to your cage, but now you'll have to stay in it longer."

Longer was another three weeks. After being gone for a week, Wally returned and sent Janice back after their first coupling of the night. To my shame, I cleaned her and she went back to Wally. In just a couple of minutes, she bounced back, smiling and removed the cock cage from my penis. She patted the freed beast, and said, "See! Just go along and everything will be fine." Then she gave me a sensual kiss and returned to Wally's bed.

You wonder how I put up with this, why I didn't leave, or attack them or do something to show I wasn't a wimp. Well, I guess I was, or am, a wimp. I loved Janice, and even in the cock cage, I needed her there. I never realized how much until I was going to lose her.

Would you lay down your life for your lover? I guess I had.

Janice spent a couple of nights away with Wally, and when she came home, she told me the details. The first night, she and Sally romped with Wally. Then the second night Wally came home with a friend.

Janice was shocked. She told Wally that she couldn't -- that she'd feel like a whore.

Wally shook his head at her. "Janice, you were sleeping with me and Joe, albeit at different times. You sleep with Sally and me, no problem. Now I want to share you with Jimbo, and you think that's whorish? Why? Don't you like Jimbo?"

Janice admitted that Jimbo was a nice guy and very sexy, but she'd never been with two guys. "You'd never been with another woman, either, had you? You enjoyed that didn't you? Why not see what being with two guys is like?" Wally had reasoned for her.

"Jimbo brought us drinks while Wally was talking to me. I found out later that he'd spiked mine with some ecstasy, which may have helped convinced me, because it was incredible. I've never felt so alive, or cum so hard. Two cocks in me at once. First, they spit-roasted me, but later they DP'ed me. I was afraid, but it didn't hurt any more than regular anal can, and they pounded me so good -- you should have seen it, Joe."

She had insisted I eat her while the details were forthcoming, and she was cumming hard, either from my ministrations or just the memory of Jimbo and Wally both slamming into her, I don't know which. It made her too sensitive though, and she made me switch to eating her ass. I complied, not wanting to go back in the cage.

"Wally says I was made for multiple lovers. He says we've got to try a gangbang soon. I'm his little black cock whore, he says."

"Oh, and he says if you're good, we can make love next Tuesday. He'll be gone Wednesday and Thursday, so I'll be clean for him by Friday."

I'm not sure if I'd call it making love anymore. I just wanted to fuck and looked forward to Tuesday. But that was to be a disappointing adventure.

I came home from work, eager to go for it, but Janice insisted on dinner first. Then of course I had to do the dishes, and Tuesday was the night I cleaned the bathrooms. My chore list had grown to included almost all the household chores other than cooking and laundry, neither of which Janice trusted me to do after a couple of disasters. I did my own laundry of course, as well as the bedding and towels. Actually, Janice only did hers and Wally's.

When I had finished cleaning the toilets, Janice was watching a movie on TV. She allowed me to feel her up, but nothing more. "After the movie, honey."

It was after ten when we finally went upstairs. I kissed her neck, sucked on her nipples and licked her pussy (excuse me, her cunt, as Wally insisted it be called. That reminds me of the most misogynistic joke ever: What's the difference between a pussy and a cunt? Answer: A pussy is everything warm and wonderful in the world, and a cunt is someone who has one!).

Janice finally got into it enough to allow me to climb onboard. After months without sex, I don't think I even lasted a minute. Humiliated, I cringed as a frustrated Janice told me how much better Wally was and what a pathetic, disappointing lover I was. Then Janice sent me back to my room.

In my bed I lay wondering how I got here and why I put up with it. I went over all the reasons and it still came down to the fact that I loved the woman I was now starting to think of as "the bitch". But I told myself again, I love her. Whatever crumbs I can get is better than none.


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