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Just Ten Things Pt. 01

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Four never-married ladies decide they need excitement.
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All of my writing is fiction, and the stories and characters are products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed. All characters within the story that need to be are 18 years of age or older. I hope you enjoy! And take a second to vote and comment.


It had been a totally depressing day for me with no real estate deals completed today or this week, as a matter of fact, and none pending in the near future. But it was Friday, and I could go out with the girls and probably get good and sloshed and forget about the week I'd had. I guess I usually got to the point of slurred speech at Morey's Bar and Grill, much like the other three did. When four never-married and thirty-plus women get together on Friday night at a bar, that's what's supposed to happen, isn't it?

And that's why three of us take an Uber to work on Fridays. Only Amber, the baby of our group at thirty-one, drove to work. But she could stumble the three blocks to her place after our little party would break up.

"You about ready?" Bonnie called to me from her small office down the hall.

"I've been ready since about Wednesday," I yelled back at her.

"Yeah, me too," she grumbled, now leaning against my doorway. "Everyone else is gone, and I texted Amber. She'll be here in three minutes."

I put everything away, locked my door, and we headed to the parking lot to find Amber just pulling in.

"Good week, you guys?" she asked innocently as we climbed into the car.

"I'm going to tear your finely-manicured fingernails out one by one just for bringing it up," I growled at her.

"Whoa, sounds like the start of a great evening."

Twenty minutes more of chatter and griping, and we were at Morey's, where Christine had a table ready.

She greeted us. "A glass of chardonnay, one martini, one margarita, and my Michelob to start with."

Everyone nodded, and I took a very large and undignified gulp of my chardonnay. I waved at Eddie behind the bar, and he brought the bottle to the table. Maggie, our regular server, would pour and keep track of how many times she did it, as always.

"Um, Sandy, what the heck was that?" Christine asked, giving me a one-eyed look.

"You mean this," I snapped, downing the rest of the glass.

She looked at the other two, a question on her face.

"Don't ask," Bonnie cautioned, and we all sat down.

As I hit the chair, I realized how stupid I'd just been. Those two quick swallows were causing eye-focus issues, and if I wasn't careful, I'd be in for a short evening.

"Are you okay," Christine asked, leaning forward and looking me straight in the eye ... I think.

"Just frustrated with my day or the whole f'ing week, I think." I waved at Maggie, who poured my second glass.

"You going to suck them all down that quickly all evening?" she asked with a wink.

I giggled. I'd always giggled a lot, something I wasn't too fond of.

"No, I'll slow down...I hope."

I giggled again.

"You know what you need," Amber said, Shaking her head and sipping from her Margarita.

"What, a little more self-controlled drinking of my wine? You'd like me to sip, as you're doing, like a lady rather than like the lush I apparently am this evening?" To emphasize what I was saying, I took a dainty sip from my freshly filled glass, my pinky extended high into the air.

"No, you need a little excitement in your life."

I looked at her blankly. "Huh?"

Amber cleared her throat. "You know what I'm talking about, some great entertainment, a cruise, a man, maybe some wild sex."

"Amber," three voices said in unison, three of us glancing around to be sure she hadn't been heard by others.

"Don'tAmber me. When's the last time any of you have had wild and blood-boiling sex?"

"Make that any of US," Bonnie tossed in, poking Amber's shoulder.

"Aren't we all kind of old for that?" Christine suggested.

"I'm only thirty-one," Amber answered, a pleading look on her face.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Christine retorted. "I'll have a zero in my age again after my next birthday."

"You'd better hurry then, Chris. No wild sex after forty."

"You had to say that word, didn't you," Christine said, curling her nose at me.

"And how come, no matter what we start talking about, it always ends up being sex?" I asked, taking a second, careful sip from my still nearly full glass of chardonnay.

"This started with Amber mentioning excitement, remember?" said Christine, the older and wiser one."

"Well, sex can be exciting, right, Sandy?"

I snorted. "I barely remember, but Harvey and I were so out of sync that on the day I decided to tell him that it wasn't working, he decided to propose to me. Very awkward."

"But the sex was good, right?" Bonnie wasn't letting up.

"Why are you picking on me? I'm not the only one who's had sex, am I?"

"I think we've established in our time together that we've alldone the deed pleasant or unpleasant as it might have been."

We all looked at Amber, expecting her to blush, but she held it together.

"And she said excitement, and that rang a bell," Bonnie said. "I heard about something exciting from a college sorority sister that I keep in touch with. As an incidental, her name was Candice Parker in college, but now she's married to Tim Kane. She's now Candice Kane."

"Candy Kane," I said with a giggle.

General laughter from the other three.

"But here's the important thing," Bonnie continued. "She told me about a game they played that turned out to be fun and exciting and unusually daring."

"Daring? Are we daring?" Christine asked, looking at each of us."

"I guess we could be if we wanted to," I answered. "There's really nothing to hold us back.

"And that's the question, I guess. Do we want to be?"

"Tell us about the game, and we can decide." Cautious Amber chiming in.

"Oh, no. That's part of the excitement, and that can begin right now." Bonnie grinned at each of us as we all took another sip of whatever we were drinking.

I waved at Maggie again and soon had glass number three of chardonnay. I noticed that second margaritas and martinis were getting low, and Christine excused herself "to make room for my fourth Michelob." We were all much looser and happier than when we'd arrived.

Christine returned and sat down. " Now, continue, Bonnie."

"Well, a part of the fun and excitement is each of us agreeing to do whatever the game requires."

"But if we don't know?" Cautious Amber again.

"Amber, I bet your heart is beating faster right now just thinking about this." I stuck my finger in the middle of her very ample chest.

"It is," she admitted.

Amber had always been a little shy, was five foot three or four, on the edge of chunkiness, but with very large boobs. A cute face should have had boys after her all the time, but a bad experience a few years ago had left her uninterested in relationships, even to the point of hardly ever dating.

Then let's all agree and get on with it."

I heard my name. "Sandy, are you in?"

"One hundred percent," I responded, hoping I wouldn't be sorry later.


"Okay, I guess." She was staring at her Margarita.


"Yes, I'm definitely in."


"Could be my last chance, so I'm definitely in."

"Since I brought it up, I'm in, of course." Bonnie smiled at us.

"So tell us about the game." Bonnie was my best friend, and I was anxious to learn what lay in store for us.

"Here's what the game amounts to. We all write out challenges for someone. We'll draw at random, and if you draw your own, we'll draw again.

"Challenges?" Amber looked nervous. "Like blindfolded pin the tail on the donkey?"

"Um, not exactly, but let me explain. There should be ten things to do on the list, and if you can somehow connect them, it would be great. They should be things you wouldn't normally do yourself. Amber, would you skinny-dip in Alum Creek for ten minutes?"

Amber's eyes opened immensely wide. "You mean that could be on a list I might get?"

"Could be. And if someone saw you?"

"I'd be so embarrassed."


Amber smiled. "But I'd be so excited I wouldn't know what to do." Amber's body language had almost immediately changed.

"We all agreed to do this, but when we start, someone may go way beyond what another is willing to do with their challenge. If so, play it by ear. But remember, this is supposed to be daring and exciting, so we'll all be stretching our limits. Who knows, we may like it so we'll we'll want to do it again."

I didn't consider myself a timid person, but I knew Bonnie and knew she could put together a wicked list if she wanted. And I was sure she would. I was already getting some ideas for mine. Yeah, some good ideas.

"There are a couple of ways to do this. You can write a list of one through ten things to do. Or you can have them do number one and find a note about number two. That way keeps them in suspense. Write your lists. Next Friday, give them to me when we get here, and I'll put them in numbered envelopes. We'll figure out how to choose and I'll take the one that's left.

We talked a little more, finished our drinks, and called our Ubers. We were all excited, just as Amber had suggested.


I made more than one list, and the tasks involved depended on the level of my orneryness. I even surfed some softcore porn looking for ideas. I actually tried to keep Amber in mind, which I hoped would keep me from stretching things too far. But remembering the change in Ambers's attitude, I decided to just myself go.

The following Friday at work, I couldn't sit still. It had been a good week, and I'd made a lot of money, but I still couldn't sit. Several people commented about my smile and my giggles. I hoped I was still smiling and giggling after I chose my envelope tonight at Morey's.

"I hope you didn't forget your list," Bonnie chuckled, obviously ready to go.

I gave her the finger.

As usual, Amber and Christine had gotten to Morey's before us. Bonnie handed each of us a numbered envelope, and we secretly put whatever we had inside, and she pushed them into her purse.

"When we're a little more relaxed," she said, smiling at us and intensifying the drama.

We ordered, drank, and ordered more. And, of course, we hinted and speculated, but Bonnie ignored our heated panting after what remained very secure in her purse.

When we were at the point of slurring our words, Bonnie spoke.

"It really doesn't matter who chooses first, so Amber, go ahead."

A deep breath. "Three."

Bonnie pulled an envelope from her purse and handed it to Amber.

"I hope I haven't made a big mistake," Amber said in a trembling whisper.

"I don't know what's in the envelope, but if you suck it up and do it all, you'll be proud of yourself and what you've done." I always tried to be positive and a little encouraging

Amber looked at each of us in turn. "I guess if you guys can do it, I can.". She didn't open her envelope, though.

"Chris, your turn."

Christine was nibbling her lower lip. "I need something appropriate for an older woman." She said that with a smile on her face. "How about number four."

Once more, Bonnie reached into her purse and handed Christine the white envelope with a very visible four on it.

I thought I heard her murmur, "Why did I agree to this?" which pretty well echoed my sentiments. But it was my turn to choose either one or two. It wasn't like a knowledgeable choice, just a guess, so ...

"Two, l guess, Bon."

She handed me the envelope, and it felt different.

"There's something inside," I said to Bonnie, and the look on her face told me what I had feared. I'd drawn her challenge and knew I was in deep shit.

"That leaves number one for me," she said, smiling at the other two but obviously gloating at what was in store for me.

"Take lots of pictures to share with us next Friday," Bonnie advised.

We drank some more and chatted nervously about what lay ahead, each of us knowing what one of the others would be doing. It was finally time to call the Ubers, but I was able to corner Bonnie.

"What awful things can I expect from your tormented mind?"

"Nothing awful," she said, "just some things that you wouldn't do on your own."

"Will certain private parts of my body be exposed so that they can be observed by, well, others?"

"Would you do that on your own?"


"Then it's a possibility, I guess," she answered, adding a sinister chuckle.

My Uber arrived, so I scowled at Bonnie and headed home.

I'd had enough wine that thinking about the lumpy envelope didn't keep me awake. But when I awoke on Saturday, fresh thoughts of my challenge filled my head even before I realized I was hungry for breakfast.

It only took me a few minutes to decide that I'd take Tuesday as a day of vacation and not only find out what was in store for me, I'd be doing it. I did just that, and on Tuesday morning, I was anxious, nervous, frightened, and a few other things as well.

I ate breakfast and then tried to figure out what I'd wear for my special day. I decided on a thin orange T-shirt that I knew would be pleasantly cool, a pair of white shorts, and some comfortable sandals in case walking would be involved. I was tempted to wear my sports bra just in case removing my shirt was part of what was going to happen, but I decided to just dress normally and face whatever happened.

My special envelope contained a key and a note telling me it fit a locker at the north end of the Greenwood Mall. I was to open the locker and read the contents of the note numbered one, which I'd find inside. Simple enough so far.

I drove to the mall and found the lockers. When I opened the one that matched the key, I found the note, just as indicated.

- Remove your bra and put it in the locker, then read note number 2

There didn't seem to be anyone around, so rather than head to a restroom, I unfastened the bra, worked the straps out the sleeves, and put it in the locker, hoping I'd be able to retrieve it sometime.

I lamented my choice of shirts as my breasts weren't huge, but they were moderately large, and the thin orange T-shirt wasn't going to do anything to restrain them, and I could already detect nipple bumps. If I did much walking, I'd have to move slowly to keep the girls from swinging from side to side. I opened note 2.

- Drive to the Atlas Adult Gentlemen's store on Whitaker Street and purchase the item number shown below. Then return to the locker for note number 3

Now, my mind was working, trying to imagine what I would be buying at an adult store and how it would be used. At least, if I purchased it, it would be mine to keep. That made me giggle.

No matter how carefully I walked, my boobs bounced and swung, and I finally stopped worrying about it despite the leering looks I was getting from the men I passed. In addition, the bouncing caused the material to attack my nipples, which were now at full attention, another thing that I stopped worrying about as there was no solution available.

The drive to the Atlas store was only about ten minutes and when I went inside, there was only one other person there besides the clerk who greeted me.

"Welcome, honey. We don't get many lookers like you in this dingy place. How can I help you?"

I knew I was tall and shapely with long ash-blonde hair and amber eyes, so I wasn't surprised at what the man said, nor that he couldn't seem to take his eyes off my breasts.

"I need one of these," I said, handing him the note.

"Don't recognize that," he said. "Did you find it in our catalog?"

"A friend gave me the number." I didn't want to chat; I wanted to get whatever it might be and leave.

"I'll check our stock."

He disappeared through a small door and was back in about thirty seconds.

"Honey, you are going to enjoy this," he said, a rather lecherous smile on his face.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Well, for letting me look at those gorgeous tits and nipples you're sporting there, I'm gonna give you a twenty-percent discount."

There was no way I could keep my cheeks from pinking when he said that, but I hoped it was dark enough that he wouldn't notice. At least he didn't ask me to lift my shirt.

Total is "fifty-three dollars and twenty cents including tax."

Refusing to look at the box until I was outside, I tapped my credit card, grabbed the box and receipt, and, as I started to leave, bumped into the only other customer.

"Great tits, lady," he said. "Really nice."

I couldn't get out of the door fast enough.

I wasn't going to stay in the Atlas parking lot to look at what I'd purchased, so I zoomed away as quickly as I could, even with curiosity nearly getting the best of me. But, proud of myself, I resisted and headed back to the mall to check note number three.

When I was parked at the mall, I finally checked the box. I had purchased a clitoral stimulator that used both vibration and suction and had a remote control. Oh, lord, what did Bonnie have in store for me? The only way to find out was to go inside and check the next note.

I opened the locker and found note 3.

- Take the keyring to the other end of the mall and use one of the keys to open the indicated locker. Remove your panties and put on the vibrator. Put the panties in the locker and read note number 4

I closed my eyes. All sorts of thoughts and visions were filling my head. This time, I'd go to a restroom. Once there, I found an empty stall, removed my panties, and read the instructions that came with the vibrator. Batteries were installed, and I stepped through the loops and fastened the small belt around my waist. Each time I moved, the device rubbed my clit, and I shuddered.

I stepped out of the stall and noted that the restroom was empty except for myself. Why not? I decided and pushed the button on the remote. My body jerked and spasmed. Holy shit. I wish some of the men I'd dated in the past were as talented as this little device. But it was comfortable, and I walked back to the locker with minimal stimulation and grabbed note 4.

- Go to the library just two blocks away, sit on one of the benches along the sidewalk, and actuate the vibrator for three seconds for each man who passes by. When you've orgasmed, remove the vibrator, put it in the locker with the panties, and read note 5

It was a short walk to the library, but it gave me plenty of time to contemplate. On one hand, I'd be orgasming, which would be a very pleasant experience given my brief experience with the vibrator. I'd always orgasmed in private before, though, not sitting on a bench in front of a library with people walking by. Would I be able to stay silent? I'd never had to before. Guh. This was certainly something that I wouldn't do on my own.

I sat down when there was a gap in the people walking by. Remote in hand, I was ready.

Of course, the first men by were a pair that would require a six-second shot from the vibrator. It was now or never, and I pushed the bottom. The twenty-percent discounted device sucked and vibrated at the same time, and my hips arched up, despite my efforts to say put. Six seconds of that was a long time, and I wished I was at home in my bed to enjoy the rest of it. But that was not to be.

Several more single three-second bursts and a few six-second ones had my nipples rock hard, and I was concerned that my pussy was wet enough to short out the batteries in my little suck-vibe thing. Just the excitement of doing this in public and in secret as well, had me reeling like it wouldn't be long.


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