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[K][T] and Family Ch. 02


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Two could play at that. I reached out and grabbed each rigid nipple between thumb and middle finger, using lots of nail. I pulled Sheila into my lap by her tits. She gasped, but my intent was her command. We had just spent five minutes establishing the rules. I decided to be cruel. "You will breast feed your infants until two teeth are fully grown in." There was no reaction that I could detect, but Sheila would follow my instruction to the letter, or explain to me why she could not. "Now lay over my lap so I can reward your impertinence."

Sheila never hurries, but she can be swift when the situation calls for it. In only a second or two she was laid out over legs. Rather than administer corporal punishment immediately, I chose to loosen the ties on her corset. Sheila clearly intended to wear the corset til Friday, when she picked up the one for the wedding. That meant she would need me to loosen and tighten it for her. As the tension yielded, Sheila did not exactly sigh, but something flowed out, so I swatted her in rebuke. Sheila wiggled like a puppy being scratched.

I took the right, my spanking hand, and grasped the globe of her ass. This also brought a comfortable reaction. My left, the off hand, came over to grasp her far cheek. However, I only tweaked the cheek, then dry thrust two knuckles into Sheila's ass. I told her she could come as often as she liked til I reached ten. Sheila came immediately. She called the swats, coming again on five and almost missing eight.

By the time I reached twenty, my hand was numb. Starting at eleven, I told her she could come if she was using me for my position. At fifteen I said she could come if she was using me for my money. At twenty I said she could come if she loved my sister, Jo. I was going to add "more than me", but Sheila's orgasm beat me to the punch, so I relented.

Instead, I told her to take off her disreputable clothes and give me a proper bath. I had fistfuls of hair in each hand as I face fucked in a stinging shower. Once I found release, I told Sheila not to come and tested all her erogenous zones, excepting her genitals. Sheila should never have told me how sensitive CC's wrists were. Sheila has the same issues.

When we reached the bed, I climbed in. Rather than let Sheila follow, I told her to assume Second Position and settle in for a long stay. If Sheila was disappointed, there was no visible sign. I settled in for sleep. I was drousing, but I remembered to give her permission to come and to sleep. That as my last recollection for the night.

In the morning, Sheila was still kneeling.


Sean was not well pleased when I pushed him to dance with Siobhan. I understood that dancing with a sibling is inherently unattractive, but I did not anticipate animosity. The late Herr Gruber reared his ugly head. So, we left the music with Siobhan and retired to retire. Sean showed his ability to read me by saying, "Now would be a good time to ask."

I did not have a question. I wanted to tell him no intercourse. But that was not the nature of our relationship. Instead I told him that I was not protected and asked to serve him another way. Sean went to a newly arrived leather arm chair and waved for me to proceed. With his assistance, I removed all of Sean's clothing below the waist. That chore completed, I began working Sean's feet, then up the leg.

Before I was well started, Sean indicated five minutes. Shit. I would be pressed for time. I finished what I was doing by licking the back of his knee, then slid around and nuzzled his neck. The hair on Sean's neck stood up, so I knew that this approach would bear fruit. I chose to change tactics in spite of it.

Something I had been wanting to do for some time was strip for Sean. I am not the exhibitionist that Christine is, but I can see the rush she gets from it. As with anything, such things have a proper pace, so I refused to rush. If it came to that, there were faster methods of bringing climax than of disrobing. On top of that, I had chosen something intricate so Sean could have fun undoing everything. Sobeit.

I started with the lace collar. The top is a vintage replica. Originally collarless, someone had added an Audrey Hepburn inspired collar of hand crocheted lace. It came almost to my chin and had a lot of tiny seed pearl buttons. I looked straight into Sean's eyes as I undid them. Sean looked straight back, though I knew he could see all of me through his side vision. The connection was intense, so I switched to the wrists to prolong it. Next came the belt and the skirt. I laid both on the arm of a nearby chair. Only then did I unbutton the front.

I paused a moment when I reached the bottom. In spite of all the fussing with buttons and belts, I was still almost covered. I did not feel covered. I felt exposed. Taking the next step required significant force of will, but I made it. I opened the blouse and shrugged it off and laid it aside. Then I reached behind and opened my bra. Rather than drop it off. I held it in place while I slid it off my shoulders. Then I lowered it with both hands. It occurred to me that this was the first time I had voluntarily shown my breasts to anyone but Julian and his dykes. In comparison, the panties were nothing.

Standing with the important parts revealed, I checked the time. Damn. I had less than twenty seconds. Drastic measures were called for. When other things are not available, nails have many uses. I ran my thumbs up the inside of Sean's thighs. My mouth took the tip of his cock. I applied teeth while my fingernails scratched his testicles. Right on schedule, Sean's cum filled my mouth. As you requested, Sir.

Sean did not let me rest on my accomplishment. He grabbed a nipple with each hand, using a lot of thumbnail. I loved the irony. Then Sean pronounced my fate. "You will breast feed your infants until two teeth are fully grown in. Now lay over my lap so I can reward your impertinence." I did not know how I felt about breast feeding teething infants, but I could obey a command with alacrity.

Once I was laid over Sean's knees, he rested his hand on my ass, gently squeezing my glut as if it were a melon. His other hand came across, but I did not expect it would be gentle. I was right. After a quick fake, Sean plunged his middle finger two knuckles into my anus. Yikes. I did well to restrain my reaction and I had been prepared. Sean told me that I could come for the first ten strokes, which was rather devious. I would have admired his form, but I had a count to announce.

"One. Sir, may I have another.

"Two. Sir, may I have another. ...

Eight. Sir, may I have another." Something massive poured out of me. I do not know what I had been carrying, but I felt its release acutely. Was this what Francine received from her Priest?

"Nine. Sir, may I have another.

"Ten. Sir, may I have another?" For the first time I was unsure if Sean would continue. If he did, we would have a ways to go.

"Eleven. Sir, may I have another.

"Twelve. Sir, may I have another. ...

"Nineteen. Sir may I have another." From personal experience I knew that my ass could take this longer than Sean's hand, hard as that may be to believe. I suspected the next blow would be the last.

"Twenty. Sir, may I have another?" Sean told me that I could come if I loved Siobhan. That was unexpected, but I was more than prepared. Relief washed through me like a flood. I think Sean had begun to say something else, but reconsidered. Instead, he rubbed my burning butt. Then his finger withdrew from my anus. He told me to finish stripping and give him a proper washing.

In the shower, Sean set the force to stinging. Rather than allow me to fellate him, he grabbed my hair and forced himself down my throat. With no concern for me, he pleasured himself. After he had released his load, he told me not to cum, then began teasing me all over my body. I quickly came to appreciate just how sensitive Christine's wrists were.

That type of foreplay will raise a temperature, but not to boiling. Sean did not come close to getting me off. Instead, he dried us with hot air and led me to the bed. He climbed in for sleep but ordered me into Second Position. I was already frustrated. I watched him settle down for sleep. Just before he drifted off, Sean gave me permission to cum and to sleep—but not to move. I knelt in the deep pile of our carpeting and watched him sleep.

Time sense is strange when posed. Short periods of time can seem eternal, but long periods can fly by. Christine could spend hours in this pose, blissfully unaware of the passage of time. Since nothing else made sense to me, at least not then, I considered Christine.

What was she to me. We were lovers, Dom and sub, employer and employee, friends, confidants. Christine had asked to be my slave, so that she could get as close to me as possible. Rather than accept or refuse, I had offered her a choice. Tess could have become my slave, but only that. I would not trust a slave. Christine could be my friend and confidant, but she would have to retain her will and her discretion. The price I had forced on Christine was one of responsibility.

Christine had chosen well. One had to know her well, but she had matured enormously in a short time. Christine's self confidence was vastly improved. You could see it in the way she upstaged Francine—three times in one day. Just thinking about Christine's joke at the diner made me smile. I doubt anyone had gotten Francine that well in years, if ever. The scene at the club was even more telling. Yes it upstaged Francine again, but that was a sidelight. That scene was about me.

Even as I thought it, I was struck by the arrogance of the concept. That scene was not about me. That scene was about what our relationship meant to Christine. Oh. I had been feeling guilty about the pain I inflicted. It had blinded me to why Christine chose to accept it in the first place. Guilt sucks life out of you. I had already known that much. I had not realized how it could suck the life out of things that matter to you. Damn.

As soon as I decided I needed to make amends, it occurred to me that Sean had left me in a penitential position. I was helpless and exposed—and it would not change any time soon, unless I chose to change my relationship with Sean. That gave me something else to think about. I never noticed when I slipped away. Christine calls it her special place. Maybe I found it.

The next thing I knew, it was morning and Sean was rising for the day. He did not tell me to rise, but I understood that such things were in my purview. Like Christine, I had to accept a measure of responsibility. In the morning light, that was a lot less problematic than it had been before. Perhaps my vigil had not been wasted.

I was still horny.


I woke up both horny and at ease. It was the strangest dichotomy. The night before I had realized that I could have Elspeth in my bed and at my beck and call—but I wanted something better. Just days before, both concepts would have been unthinkable. Had I matured? With certainty I had learned, but had I matured. LM Bujold said that maturity is not a reward that someone gives you. It is something you must take for yourself. I decided that I had come close enough.

With that in mind, I reviewed my life and habits to see what would change. Oh dear. People often refer to misspent youth. I was 24 years old. I was still a youth, but whole sections of my life now felt old, worn or childish. Looking through my wardrobe confirmed it. 80% of what I had brought was designed to make a statement that I no longer felt was appropriate. I needed to go shopping.

At that thought I burst out laughing. The person, other than Sheila, who would be best suited to advise me was Elspeth. Irony, thy name is woman. I donned one of the power suits that Sheila had bought me, complete with the towering pumps. Christine was not available to tie the corset, but I put it on for form's sake. Even untightened it served as a reminder of both my posture and new commitment.

My first stop was Security. In addition to everything else, I wanted to get their reaction. Stopping at the door, to make sure Doctor Richards was firmly in place. When I stepped through the door, I was expected. If I had not been, heads would have rolled. Even so, the shock was profound. Every eye turned. Every conversation stopped, including those on a phone. I allowed a small smile. Gerald came to meet me personally.

"Good morning Gerald. What can you tell me?"

"Miss Jo, I can see you have been spending time with Miss Sheila. That is a hell of a look on you. Savor the first time your thesis adviser sees it.

"The news of the morning centers around morning TV. One of the Richard's VPs is going to talk about the wedding preparations. Everyone, meaning myself, Sean and Miss Sheila, have a bad feeling. Mr. Winston has access to too many things, in addition to the catering division.

"Other than that, we are now getting a serious number of requests for press access. The ones we will give for the actual ceremony have been dedicated. However, interest is starting to come from places like the Wall Street Journal and Forbes magazine. Something will have to give. Miss Sheila has many talents, but soft handling idiots is not among them. Sean, as both groom and CEO, will get a lot of interest, but be prepared to deal with attention as soon as you leave the grounds.

"Other than that, nothing on your level. Food deliveries, arrivals of performers, photographers and such. What can you tell me of your plans, Ma'am?" It was not a thirty minute brief in fifteen seconds, but I knew that this was the grown up version. Hmmm.

"I am first going to the motel. What you have said makes me think that they will soon be swamped with press. We need to do something about that. Arrange rooms somewhere else. Pick up their luggage. I will tell them when I meet them. If any of them wish to stay here, see what room can be made. Evaine is already staying with the Amish. There are only eight others. A couple can have my current room. I will rough it in my old bedroom. Other than that, we will play it by ear.

"Give me a roomy car. If the Mercedes is available, that would be perfect. I need to get some outfits between the jeans and this Boardroom suit. At least some attention to hair and makeup will not hurt. I had intended Dillards, but it may be better to go out of town. Other than that, the Amish should be allowed a great deal of access. I told them that Sheila prizes "well made and enduring." There is plenty of that around, if they wish to see it.

"Speaking of the Amish, make plans to move the main wood stove out of the big kitchen. I intend to donate it to their church. I will let Legal know. Other than that, everything through Helen, as usual. Good?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Gerald had more to say, but he did not deem it suitable. I could fix that.

"And...?" Gerald did not blush, but he did look a bit sheepish.

"I have told Miss Sheila that it is a pleasure working with a professional." Meaning that this was the first time that applied to me. I can twist a compliment, but I chose a different route.

"Gerald, did you really refer to Sheila as 'precise'?" I could see that Gerald also heard what I did not say. His reply also had two edges.

"Ma'am, Miss Sheila is truly gifted." Was that not the Gospel truth? If he only knew. Then again, perhaps he did.

"Preaching to the choir, Gerald. I already know."

"That you do, Ma'am." That was another left hand compliment. I considered them for a moment, before I realized that Gerald had not once expressed displeasure or impatience. In my experience with him, that made this morning unique. It had to be the clothes.

Sean had reserved the Mercedes, but I made a call and cleared that up. Then I had my first experience driving in heels, stick shift no less. Doctor Richards can deal with these little annoyances. I may not have been wearing that posture trainer, but my persona kept me straight as a board. Such was my mood when I pulled in to the Waffle House.

If I had thought they stared the day before, their open mouthed shock gave me a new standard. Unfortunately, I also spotted an obvious news hound eavesdropping. Rather than give him anything thing but a cell phone grade photo, I tossed my head toward the door and headed back out. When we met up outside, I held a very short meeting.

"Guys, the press interest in this wedding is getting serious—as in national media. Every stringer and wannabe in New Jersey will be here shortly. There was one in the restaurant just now. Do not expect to return here tonight. Elspeth, you come with me. I need advice. Move it people." Damn if they didn't. Wow.

Elspeth started toward the motel, but changed her mind. Instead she looked at me expectantly. Rather than answer I held the door on the Mercedes. We were on the road toward Union before either of us spoke. Elspeth said, "What do you want from me." She might as well have offered me the family silver.

I thought about how I should say what I had to say. So much of what had been important now seemed trivial. Elspeth and her many slights was part of that pile. That said, she was almost begging to be used in some way. I could see a future of Elspeth as my personal servant/sex slave/whipping boy. That said, she was not Christine.

It may be odd to say that a 22 year old Ivy League degree graduate, from an old money family, was lacking when compared to a 19 year old ex-waitress, but there it was. Christine had shown true loyalty and personal sacrifice. I did not expect that from Elspeth. That said, Elspeth could be of genuine service to me. If I read her correctly, that would have great value to her. To care and provide is what mothers should be all about.

"I considered taking you back to my room last night and fucking your brains out. I considered it long and hard. In the end, I chose not to for three reasons. First, there are two men who have expressed interest. I intend to see where that goes. Second, I have had an expert makeover, which put me in a forgiving mood. The real reason is that I do not think it would be good for you. I think you will make an excellent wife and an exceptional mother. I do not want to keep you from that.

"I know it is not currently considered appropriate to talk of finding a man to make your life complete, but I think that is the route you are suited for. Just choose wisely. Your best match may need your sharp expressiveness. He may be too quiet for his own good. Or not. I am not the Oracle at Delphi. I am saying, look past the surface and try to hear what the quiet ones have trouble saying.

"For myself, I need your sartorial skills. Sheila and Francine—yes the bride and her Broadway diva best friend—are not available today. Friday we will be going for the final fittings. I expect part of that to be hair and makeup. I also need something between the jeans and what I am wearing now. This is good practice, but I need everyday clothes that are presentable. Where should I start?"

There was a long pause. Considering Elspeth's penchant for cutting remarks, this was a good thing. Of course, I now had Sheila to use as a standard. Elspeth was well short of that. In any event, her first response was laughter. After a moment, I joined her. If someone had told either of us we would be having this conversation, we would have thought them insane. Finally, we wound down.

Elspeth said, "If you only knew how many times I have made fun of your appearance, half wishing I could take you for a makeover. On second thought, maybe you know. Damn you look good in that suit. Who picked out the Blahnick pumps? I would kill for those in my size. What did you pay? $750?"

"I'm not sure. It was either Sheila or Francine. They were really excited about finding them. The shoes came in a plain brown box. No name. This suit is supposed to be Dior, but the label says Carriage Club. All I know is that we filled up this car and the bill was just under $3000."

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