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Kat sets out to seduce her Mom...or does she?
20.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 11/21/2010
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I'd like to thank my editor drbob80 for his input and leftylooo and lancerinLA for their thoughts. They all helped in shaping the final version of this story.

The story takes a little while to get to the sex, so please be patient. I believe it's worth the wait.


My husband, Alex, and I had Katarina "prematurely" about five and a half months after we got married. The day we got married was one week after we graduated from high school and two months before my eighteenth birthday. We named Katarina after Alex's grandmother. Grandma Katarina passed away just before our Katarina was born and Alex missed her very much.

Alex's dreams of being an aerospace engineer were gone when I got pregnant and we got married. Alex's brother-in-law got him a job in construction and he never looked back. He never had any regrets and the college prep classes that he took in high school actually served him well. He excelled at his job and soon earned more responsibility and in turn, more money.

One of the nicest things about the construction industry is that most employers really don't care about your educational background as long as you understand the job and can get it done. Alex understood very well and always got the job done properly and within budget. The result of his success was that we never suffered financially the entire time Katarina was growing up.

In reality, Katarina, Alex and I all grew up together. Even though we had tried several times through the years to get pregnant again, it had never happened. Consequently, Katarina grew up as a very content and happy only child. The three of us were very close and, for the most part, were a very traditional family. We sat down to dinner together almost every evening at the dinner table, we allowed no TV, and each of us talked about their day.

Alex's stories were always very funny, filled with good-natured jabs at the guys with whom he worked and who worked for him. He affectionately called them 'idiots', because as he frequently said, a bunch of men on a construction site were just big kids playing in a sandbox, which was filled with full-sized, real-life construction toys. Katarina's and my stories were often joint stories, because we were frequently together, either alone, with her friends or mine.

As Katarina grew up her personality blossomed on its own. We didn't try to influence who she would become as much as we tried to let her determine her own way within well-defined boundaries. She was a very good kid and we never had the disciplinary problems that some people suffer with their children.

I really don't know if her name had anything to do with the way her personality developed, but it coincided in a very recognizable fashion. Early on, we noticed that she moved very quietly and would startle us by appearing out of nowhere and leaping into our laps, like a cat. Even as a small child, her movements mimicked a cat. The weird thing was that we didn't have a cat. We didn't know anyone that owned a cat. Alex truly hated cats, except our own Kat. That's what we eventually started calling her. I don't think it was a conscious decision, it just started happening.

Kat was not a beautiful girl, however, she was striking and turned heads in any room into which she arrived. Kat didn't merely walk; she moved with a languid, leisurely prowl that drew and held your attention. The grace with which she moved was probably attributable to the years she spent in gymnastics, her tiny frame perfect for the sport.

Kat was very small. Her dad and I are not terribly small people so it came as a surprise that she started small and stayed that way. She was always the smallest kid in any class or activity. She was not tall, flatfooted; she would strain to reach four-feet eight inches.

Her little face had a blush of freckles across her cheeks and nose, just like mine. I have always thought of the freckles as my gift to her. Because of her athletic history, her body was fit, trim and perfectly proportioned. She had perfect B-cup breasts, a nice bubble butt and legs for which any woman would kill.

She's a redhead. Her hair was dark red, thick and unruly. Because it was so difficult to keep under control, she had taken to wearing her hair short, cut in a pixie, which also aptly described her, but styled with bangs trimmed at an angle to hang over her left eye. When she would look up at you, through the bangs, it always seemed as if she were peeking at you.

The nice thing about her small stature was that we were able to remain close, as she got older, because she could curl up in our laps, long after other kids were forced to their own seat or the floor because they were too big to sit on their parents' lap. To this day, if she's careful, she can still curl up comfortably on either of our laps. She mostly curled up with me, though occasionally she would sit with Alex. Sometimes, if Alex had been working long hours she would miss him and she spent more time with him than with me, when he would finally get home.

We could always tell if she wanted something from her dad, however. Even though she might have spent hours and hours sitting with Alex, she wasn't always particularly affectionate with him. When she would want something she'd revert to calling him 'Daddy' and hold his hand, kiss his neck and cheek and rub herself on him.

Whenever this would happen Alex would wink at me, laugh and ask, "Kat, what's this going to cost me?"

Every time, Kat would pout and say, "Daddy! Why would you say that? I love you and I'm just showing you how much!"

Again, Alex would laugh and ask, "Uh-huh, Puddy-tat, what's this going to cost me?" Then Alex would reach for his wallet.

Kat would pounce on Alex, grab the wallet, run to me and jump in my lap. "Look, Mommy! Look at the moths when I open it!"

It was silly fun and it was something that we adored about our daughter. She teased unmercifully and always had fun. She never really asked for much so it wasn't a hardship when she did want something, big or small.

Kat and I were always close; we spoke freely about her hopes, dreams and desires. Often, she would suddenly appear in my lap, curl up with her head on my shoulder, and nuzzle up to my neck, kissing me lightly as she started to talk. She would stroke my arms, shoulders and neck as we quietly talked about whatever was interesting to her or bothering her.

As she got older, her caresses began including my breasts and tummy, but in all, the touching was loving, comforting and innocent. As she became a young woman, our talks would be less about her classmates, gymnastics or the daily flow of her life and more about men and women and relationships. She had questions about how people got along long-term and more and more frequently about sex. She always said she disliked the boys at school; they were 'silly'.

The talks had become more frequent of late and included some questioning around the edges of same sex relationships. Our time together had grown to the point that every evening, while dinner was cooking and we were waiting for Alex to get home we would sit, cuddle, and talk quietly. While not sexual, in my mind anyway, the sessions gradually became more intimate, as the subject drifted deeper into the mechanics of sex and relationships.

Kat curled up in my lap, nestled in my arms, and the stroking that had always occurred began to change. Instead of merely stroking my arms, legs, tummy and breasts, her touch seemed to linger and slowly, subtly began to feel like caresses. The soft kisses that she often applied to my neck, jaw and cheek seemed to linger also, feeling tender and more loving and with more passion than one would expect from a daughter.

I began to realize that I enjoyed the new closeness and chalked up the growing closeness to her curiosity about relationships and sex. I found myself looking forward to our time in the late afternoon every day, maybe even a little excited by the intimacy.

Kat rarely talked about any of her own relationships. She had begun to ask me details about the sex life that her father and I shared. At first, I was appalled that she would want to know these things. As we talked and I listened to the nature of her questions, I began to understand that her curiosity about sex and relationships was driving the questioning. I was happy that she felt secure enough to ask me; rather than trying to figure it out in the back of a boy's car or truck or in a seedy, cheap motel room.

I started sharing small details about the things her dad did that I found exciting and the things that I did that excited him. Sometimes she would giggle and hide her face, but then others caused her to murmur 'Oh Mommy' and kiss and hug me and squirm at little, rubbing her lithe, little body against mine.

Sometimes, as we talked about sex, her hands would drift to my breasts and I would be startled to realize that she was cupping them and her thumbs were tenderly rubbing across my hardened nipples, albeit through my shirt and bra. On the occasions this happened, I remembered that I had shared with her how much I loved her father to play with and caress my breasts. Alex loved my breasts and could spend hours just touching my breasts, kissing, licking them and suckling at my nipples. I had told her that on a couple of occasions I had small orgasms just from his attention to my breasts. I also recalled that those small confessions would make her flush red and bury her face against my chest.

Gradually, I began preparing meals that were more complex for dinner and took longer in the oven, thereby giving Kat and me more time to talk and cuddle. What had begun as fifteen to twenty minute sessions had stretched to an hour and sometimes two. When Alex would get home for dinner, two excited women who were very happy to see him would greet him with big hugs and kisses.

Around the house, I began to dress 'more comfortably', as I told myself, in loose robes or light summer dresses, often without a bra. I hadn't gone braless this frequently since Kat was a baby and the freedom felt wonderful. Kat noticed the change and asked if there was a reason that I was being freer with my clothing and more open.

"You know very well, little kitten, that talking about Dad's and my life has made me feel more comfortable and I enjoy the freedom of wearing less underwear now." I said as I hugged her. "You're responsible for that, and I should thank you."

She giggled and kissed me softly on the neck, her hands drifting to my braless breasts, rubbing softly. I barely suppressed a moan as she teased my nipples, before turning away to go to her room. I watched her little body walk away, entranced by her gently swaying hips. As she turned the corner into her room, she quickly peeked over her shoulder and caught me watching her, my embarrassment evident in the flush that crawled over my face and down my body. I saw the smile and heard the giggle as she disappeared.

A recognizable side effect of our sessions, after talking about our sex life every day, which were becoming more and more graphic as time passed, along with her little touches and kisses, was that I dragged Alex into our room early each evening to wildly make love. I would fidget for a little while after dinner while Alex was watching TV, until I couldn't stand it anymore and then I would drag him into the bedroom and attack him. As I was dragging him from the room, Kat would sit there with a big grin, trying to hide it from her father.

Our talks had become so free and so intimate that Kat would be waiting for me the next afternoon, wanting all the gritty details. I would try frowning and telling her that she was a bad little kitten for wanting to know about Mommy and Daddy's sex life, but she would wear me down with cuddles and caresses and kisses and I would inevitably spill my guts.

She'd sit there wide-eyed, say 'Mommy you didn't', and then hide her face in my chest, ultimately finishing by thumbing my nipples. The episodes would then fuel me to start it all over with Alex. (I know you'll be shocked to know that Alex never complained. We were making love on a daily basis, something that had never before happened in our eighteen years of marriage.)

This had been going on for several months when Alex's boss assigned him to go out of town for a minimum of two weeks, possibly more, to help get a big job back on track. They were behind schedule and it was 'all hands on deck' time. This happened about once a year and we had learned to roll with it, mostly because the money was huge.

This time, however, I had a couple of problems with Alex being gone. The first problem was that I had become accustomed to frequent sex and missed it horribly. The only other problem was that I really didn't like sleeping alone, so Kat usually slept with me. Normally, we would go to the bedroom early, sit, and talk while the TV played in the background. Alex called every night about the time we went to bed and each of us would talk to him. We both would tell him we loved him and then we would hang up. In the past, we would snuggle down and drift off to sleep. However, this time, I wasn't sleeping well because I missed Alex more than usual.

When Alex had been gone for a couple of days, Kat evidently noticed that I was feeling a little down, so she began to snuggle in my lap earlier in the afternoon than had been her custom. She didn't talk much; she just held me and caressed my face and neck, while trailing light, sweet kisses over my skin. She also noticed that I wasn't very talkative, and after dinner one night, she snuggled in my lap and started a conversation about boys. We were sitting in our usual spot on the couch in the family room and we talked a little about boys, girls, and the like, as we had done many times before. Kat had never had a steady boyfriend and never talked about it, so I questioned her about it.

"Mom, I told you the boys at school were immature and boring." She said. "The girls said that all any of the boys wanted was to get in their pants and if the girls didn't let them, then the boys moved on to try to find someone that would let them. I didn't want to get involved in all that drama. That's why I avoided the boys in school, all the way up until graduation. Now I won't have to see any of them anymore. Besides, I'd like to find someone like daddy, strong, smart, handsome, sweet and nice."

Then she giggled, sat up and kissed me on the lips, startling me. "I also want to be like you, Mommy, smart, pretty and sexy... so, so sexy."

She hugged me tightly, pressing her eighteen-year-old B-cups into my thirty-six-year-old C-cups. Even though this was one of the times I was wearing a bra, I could tell Kat wasn't and her nipples were obviously erect and pressing into my own. I had never, ever had a sexual thought about any woman, let alone my daughter, yet here I was, my vagina tingling and suddenly wet; my nipples straining to meet Kat's.

Kat began to kiss me, at the juncture between my neck and my shoulder, softly and slowly with soft, wet lips and gentle licks to my suddenly hot skin.

Withdrawing her lips slightly she blew cool air on the wet trail, giving me shivers that started at my neck, traveled down my spine, through my bottom and vagina and seemingly directly into my clit, causing me to clench my vagina.

I was panting as she continued her slow journey to my jaw line, pausing there to deliver many small light kisses, barely touching the skin, and then licking and blowing again. The chills redoubled and my vagina had gone from merely being wet to gushing juice into my panties. I watched her slowly work her way up to my ear until I could no longer focus and couldn't turn my eyes any further.

Giving in to the exquisite sensations, I let my head to drop to the back of the couch, closing my eyes in partial surrender to the demands of my body. She shifted in my lap to regain the position she had lost when my head lolled back, then she was back at my jaw line, proceeding to my ear, my breath coming in gasps, much as hers was. Arriving at my ear, she gently sucked the lobe into her soft, warm lips and proceeded to suckle tenderly at the lobe. The feeling was indescribable.

Letting loose of my lobe, she traced the edge of my ear simply with the tip of her tongue and, having wetted it, resumed blowing. My vagina contracted and I experienced a small orgasm. My eyes flew open as I realized that Kat, my baby girl, had caused an orgasm from merely kissing and licking my neck and ear. The tremors rolled gently through me as I enjoyed the sensations coming from her lips and from within my body.

I was confused and aroused and I didn't want it to stop. Kat moved back around to my cheek and I saw her lips moving toward my eyes so I closed my eyes and her light, tender kisses fell upon them. The tip of her tongue tickled my eyelashes and I giggled a little, it felt so soothing. She slipped down and kissed my nose, once again eliciting a giggle from me. Instead of moving to my lips, as I expected, she moved to my cheek, kissing slowly and softly around my mouth and then to my chin. I barely felt her hands moving on my body, but I knew she was caressing my arms lightly as she moved her lips around my face.

I briefly wondered where she had learned this, but, the sensations of her lips and hands, which had now moved to my chest and my straining nipples, overwhelmed rational thought. She sucked my chin into her lips and I felt her tongue tickle the skin, so very lightly and briefly. Moving up, she sucked my lower lip between hers and gently suckled there for a few moments.

Releasing my lip from hers, she hovered above my face with hers. I opened eyes and watched her watching me. She feinted towards my lips with hers and my eyes closed in anticipation of a kiss, a kiss that didn't come. I opened my eyes again and she was right there watching me. Again, she feinted and again I closed my eyes, and again, no kiss. I moaned in disappointment as I opened my eyes once again. Kat's eyes were fixed firmly on mine as she held her ground briefly. Then she feinted and I kept my eyes open. Kat's eyes smiled as I watched the teasing dance of her lips and face. She feinted, I watched, moaning again. Deciding I could wait no longer, I moved my face toward hers, only to have her move farther away. I sank back, frustrated.

This time when she moved toward me I aggressively and desperately met her lips and kissed her briefly, before allowing my head to descend to the couch once again. This time, Kat followed my descending head and moved into a deep kiss, briefly cupping my face between her hands and then slipping her arms around me. Kat's lips stayed on mine as she held the kiss and pulled me tightly to her. I felt her tongue against my lips and, without thinking; I opened my lips to allow her tongue into my mouth.

I abruptly realized that I had closed my eyes, once again and opened them to see that Kat was still watching me closely as we kissed. I recognized the smile in her eyes and realized that the intimacy was making her truly happy. My arms had been hanging inert at my sides since Kat began caressing and kissing me. I raised them, put them around her back, and held her as a lover would. Kat moaned when I did that and then her moan turned into a purr as her eyes closed.

Our tongues dueled in my mouth as it dawned on me that my daughter was an exceptional kisser. I was as turned on as I had ever been in my life and it was from kissing; kissing my daughter. Every time the thought that I was kissing my daughter struck me; my vagina gushed and I got more seriously aroused. Suddenly, Kat slipped off my lap and stood, stretching as she did. I followed her with my eyes and shyly reached out with my hands as she slipped away.


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