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Kate Pays the Price Ch. 01-02

Story Info
Kate gets recruited and begins paying for her husband's sins.
12.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 11/09/2022
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Note: Thanks to Volunteer_ for the editing help and some good feedback and ideas.

All characters in the story are at least eighteen years of age.

Chapter 1 - Kate gets recruited

Kate was looking forward to another rewarding day of teaching geometry to her high school students. She dressed in her usual school teacher attire. This consisted of loose-fitting sweaters or dresses, with minimal makeup and her hair worn up in some fashion. She'd learned that high-school-aged boys had enough distractions and she did her best not to be another one.

To start the day, she enjoyed a rare sit-down breakfast with her eighteen-year-old daughter, Kristin. Kate enjoyed cooking for her family, especially since they had renovated the kitchen last year. Her husband Michael had been doing pretty well at the accounting firm the last few years.

She cooked bacon and eggs with pancakes for Kristin and oatmeal with sliced fruit for herself. She had to work hard to maintain her figure these days.

Kristin was dressed for school in a revealing outfit as usual. She wore a short denim skirt, with a white form-fitting top that revealed far too much of her ample cleavage, as far as Kate was concerned.

Aside from the provocative dress, Kristin was almost the spitting image of Kate at that age. Kristin is a few inches shorter, at 5'4" but has all the same curves. Kristin styles her blonde hair a little longer, and a lot wilder, befitting her adventurous spirit. Kate had recently spotted her daughter's pierced belly button. This was a little shocking at first, but she was now an adult. Kate resisted the urge to be the judgmental, lecturing parent. Truthfully, she knew her daughter was extremely responsible and she couldn't be prouder of her. After all, she was a freshman at UNLV, studying to become a doctor someday.

Kate was walking out the front door, when her phone buzzed from somewhere within the depths of her purse. She made a quick U-turn back to the kitchen. Miraculously, she found her iPhone before the call went to voicemail.

"Wait!... What?" Kate asked, smiling in disbelief at the obvious prankster. "Arrested. You must be talking about a different Michael."

The smile slowly faded as the caller continued, eventually convincing Kate that this was no joke. Kate listened, in a growing state of alarm, for what seemed like several minutes. Afterward, she set the phone down on the black quartz countertop, and used both hands to steady herself.

"Mom, are you okay?" Kristin asked, sensing her mother's angst. She rushed over and dutifully guided her mother into a seat at the kitchen table.

This made no sense. How could Michael be involved in money laundering? Kate knew he worked for some important clients. His business had been very successful, especially the past few years, but drug cartels? Michael? No way.

Michael was the most honest man she had ever known. In their twenty years of marriage, she couldn't even think of a time he'd told a lie. At least not a meaningful one, something other than praising her obviously dry pot roast.

Kate's head was spinning. She needed to leave, to go to Michael, but she did not want her daughter to hear any of these lies. "Kristin, honey, you need to get to school. I don't want you to be late," she said. "Really, I'm feeling much better now. I'm sure there is some mistake."

"No way, Mom! Dad's been fucking arrested and you think I give a shit about my classes today?" Kristin said, her facial expression reinforcing that that wasn't going to happen.

"Okay, fine. Let's just go," Kate relented, as she usually did when it came to standoffs with her daughter.

Kristin drove them to the federal building downtown, where the agent had instructed Kate to go. On the way, Kate explained what little she actually knew, which was only that Michael had been arrested, accused of money laundering in a 'broader conspiracy', whatever that meant, and was being held in federal custody awaiting arraignment.

"Assistant Special Agent in Charge Harris will see you now," the handsome, young receptionist said, gesturing toward the open door.

"The what?" Kate asked.

"Yes, that is a mouthful," he acknowledged warmly, "ASAC for short. Agent Harris will see you now."

The office was spacious and richly furnished, with a large mahogany desk and several seating areas. There was a picture wall, with apparently important people smiling and shaking hands, alongside several certificates and degrees.

"Hello, Mrs. Lucas," ASAC Jack Harris greeted, shaking Kate's hand. "I'm Jack. I'm afraid I can only speak with you. I'm going to have to ask this lovely young lady to wait out in the reception area."

"Anything you have to say, you can say to both of us," Kristin objected. "I want to know what evidence you have that my dad is involved in something like this."

"I don't blame you, kid," the special agent patronized, "but it's protocol. I can only speak to the spouse or legal partner about this matter. This is a complex case, with lots of parties involved."

"Kristin, honey, it's okay," Kate said, attempting to comfort her daughter, "I'll speak to agent Harris and then we'll go find your dad, okay?" This seemed to work, or Kristin got the idea that this was not a battle she could win. She raised a hand in surrender and retreated back out of the office.

"Jack, please, call me Jack," the agent said, once he'd closed the office door. "Have a seat, Mrs. Lucas." Jack said, extending his arm toward a plush, brown leather sofa. Kate sat down on the edge of the cushion; hands folded in her lap. Jack then eased his large frame into a leather chair set across from Kate.

Jack was not a bad looking man. He appeared to be in his mid-forties. He was tall and muscular, with a few extra pounds around the middle, typical of a successful man of his age.

"Please, call me Kate."

"First...Kate, I need you turn off your cell phone. I need to see it power down. This conversation must stay between you and me."

Kate wasn't sure she liked the sound of that. She fished her phone out of her purse and powered it off, angled where they could both watch the screen fade to black.

"Good... Kate, it seems you and your husband Michael are in a bit of trouble. You may or may not be aware of this, but Michael has been cooking the books for a Mexican Drug Cartel for several years."

"No, I'm not aware! That's crazy! Michael would never do such a thing," Kate said. She could feel her lower lip beginning to quiver. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she attempted to hold back the tears that were now inevitable. "Please," Kate pleaded, "this has to be a big mistake."

"I wish that were the case. I really do. You're a very attractive woman, Kate, and I'm sure you're a good person," the agent said. Kate wasn't sure what her attractiveness had to do with anything. Unbeknownst to Kate, this part of Jack's statement was true. Jack knew what a good person Kate was from his extensive background check. This was one reason she found herself sitting here right now. That and the fact that she was a total knockout, with big, natural tits and a perfect, well-sculpted ass. You would never know it from her frumpy school teacher garb. Luckily, Jack had first seen Kate at the gym. She had been flattering a pair of those body-hugging yoga pants all the hottie's workout in these days. When he later learned her husband was a target of his team's investigation, it was like manna from heaven.

"That's the worst part of this job," Jack continued. "Watching good people like yourself getting mixed up in things beyond their control. We have evidence of banking transactions, performed by Michael, that prove his involvement. We have emails and recorded phone calls from your husband's firm, confirming the interactions with the cartel. Your husband and several other members of his firm have been working for the cartel for years."

"That can't be. Michael would never go along with anything like that. I know it," Kate choked out. Her tears were now streaming down her cheeks. Jack leaned forward, extending a box of Kleenex and Kate took several.

"I'm afraid he is. I have agents searching your house as we speak, executing a search warrant. If they find what I expect they will find, we are going to charge both you and your husband, since you share a joint account. We are going to seize all your assets and you are looking at time in prison. It will be a very long stretch for your husband, I'm sorry to say."

Kate found these latest revelations shocking. She was fully crying now as the prospects of her life shattering into a million pieces seemed all but certain. She didn't know where to begin comprehending the loss. The idea of spending years in prison. Losing everything they own. Not seeing their children. The humiliation from the destruction of their reputations, which would be irreparable.

Jack moved to the sofa beside Kate and put his arm around her shoulder as she continued sobbing. "Please, don't cry, Kate."

She should hate this man, or want to punch him, but at the moment, she was reduced to taking any consolation she could get. She leaned into Jack's broad chest and sobbed harder than she had ever in her life.

"There may be another way out of this, Kate, for all of us. A way to make this all go away. If you're willing to do your part," Jack finally offered, hoisting the long-prepared lifeline.

After another pause to let that sink in, "This has been too much for one person to take in at once. Let's talk later. Go home and get some rest. I'll text you the address of a private place where we can meet and talk tonight. You are to tell no one about anything that's happened today or about our conversation. Don't try to see Michael or contact an attorney. If you do, there won't be another way. Do you understand?"

"Yes...Uh, I think I understand. Thank you, Jack. Thank you for helping us," Kate squeaked between sobs.

Jack handed her a few more tissues. "Take a moment to collect yourself and walk out of here like everything is going to be okay because it is. Don't go directly home. I've instructed my agents to leave everything as they found it so your daughter shouldn't even know they were there. They will be gone in an hour."

Kate did just that, buoyed by some new hope, that she instinctively knew was too good to be true. She was somehow able to navigate the remaining pitfalls of the insane morning. She assured Kristin that Michael's firm had attorneys diligently working on his release. Unfortunately, they would not be able to visit Michael until after the arraignment, which was scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. Kate was able to convince her oldest daughter, Ally, a sophomore, living in a dorm room at UCLA, to remain at school. She promised that they would call her with updates tomorrow, after the arraignment.

Kate changed her clothes twice, getting ready for her six o'clock meeting with Agent Harris. She decided on something modest, but a little sexier than her school teacher attire. She usually attempted to deemphasize her figure but didn't necessarily want to do that tonight. She also didn't want to look like some floozie that was throwing herself at the agent. Although, at this point, she would do anything if it meant that her and Michael could go free. Just in case, she wore her sexiest white lace bra and panties beneath a black, form-fitting skirt, with a sky-blue silk blouse and three-inch black heels.

On the drive to the meeting, Kate continued to consider the possibilities of what "doing her part" could mean. Would they want her to wear a wire and talk to Michael's business partners? What if they wanted her to meet with members of the cartel? She considered that it was somehow about sex, but that didn't make sense. Jack is an attractive man and wouldn't need to resort to something so elaborate to have sex with a woman. Frankly, that would be the most appealing option at this point, as repugnant as the idea might seem. Even though she'd only slept with two men in her life, she would willingly give in to Agent Harris, if that meant her and Michael could go free.

They were meeting at an upscale lounge located within the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas. This seemed an odd choice, but maybe there were reasons other than what immediately came to mind. Kate spotted Jack at the far end of the room, in a corner booth. The décor was dark woods with soft ambient lighting. There were only a few patrons in the luxurious lounge at this hour. Kate slid tentatively into the circular booth, settling across from Jack.

A waiter appeared from nowhere and set two martinis on the table. Jack took a sip. "That's good. Perfect as always. Is a dirty martini okay, Kate?"

"Yes, fine," she replied. She rarely drank alcohol, but if ever there was a day.

"Go ahead and bring us two more in a few minutes, Tim. Thanks." Jack ordered.

"First, the phone. I need you to turn it off again," he instructed and watched as Kate repeated the process from earlier.

"Let me get right to the point, Kate. I mentioned that there might be a way out of this that is best for all of us," Jack led. "Did you follow my instructions not to contact anyone, including Michael?" Of course, Jack already knew the answer to this question, but he had to ask to keep up appearances.

"Yes, I did," Kate confirmed.

"Good. Good... Here it is, Kate. Here's the offer. I need you to work for me, for one month. If you agree, and if you do everything that I ask, I can make this all go away. You and your husband will be free and it will be like it never happened."

"I already have a job," Kate replied earnestly.

"You need to take some time off, starting tomorrow. It's almost summer break so it shouldn't be a problem. Your job will be waiting for you when you're ready to return. I promise."

The sinking feeling was growing. "What would I do, working for you?" Kate asked, hoping against hope for an answer different than the one she feared.

"You will fulfill the fantasies of the most upscale and elite clientele imaginable," Jack said, delivering the blow matter-of-factly.

"A prostitute? Jack, please. I can't do that," Kate begged. Her eyes filling with tears again as her heart sank. She knew there was no way she could do it and no way she could say no. They were ruined. "I've only had sex with two men in my life, including Michael. There is no way I could ever do those kinds of things."

"Well, it is your choice, Kate, if that's your final decision?"

"There has to be another way," she begged. "I'll do anything else. Please."

"I'm sorry, Kate, this is the only option that I have to help you save your family and your lives as you know them."

"I wouldn't even be good at it. Who would want me?" Kate asked.

"Please, Kate, you're a beautiful woman. You are exactly what our clients are looking for. They don't want some pretty girl off the street. They prefer the real thing. A woman with class and substance. You let me worry about that part, okay?"

"When will I get to see Michael?" Kate asked, realizing she'd already moved past the decision.

"You can visit him tomorrow," Jack said.

"Is he getting out? If I were to agree to do this, you'll let him go, right?" Kate asked, attempting to look on the bright side.

"That's right. If you agree to work for me, there will be no arraignment and no charges. He will need to remain in custody until our deal concludes. You can visit him once a week, but only you. We're going to create a story to keep your daughters in line. We're going to tell them he's under witness protection and that he is cooperating."

After a few moments of reflection, Kate didn't see any other options. "Okay," Kate replied, downing the last of her second martini.

"Okay, what?" Jack asked. "I need to hear you say it."

"Okay, I'll uh, work for you."

"That's a very wise choice, Kate. Let's go," Jack ordered. "Tim, could you send two more rounds up to my room, please?"

Jack led Kate into the 39th floor suite. Kate had never seen the inside of a penthouse suite. They had done well, but they certainly weren't high-rollers. The drinks arrived immediately. Kate was already feeling tipsy from the first two martinis. She definitely needed more liquid courage, as Jack surely intended. She seemed to be along for the ride, to wherever Jack was taking her.

Jack took a seat on the sofa facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, with an incredible view of the strip. "Stand by the window and take off your clothes for me," he instructed. Kate thought he had said it like he was ordering the martinis. "Come on, Kate, let's see that beautiful body you are always hiding. Don't keep me waiting."

This is it, she thought. She would do anything to save her family, no matter the personal cost. She would have to make Michael understand that she would never be unfaithful to him voluntarily. She hoped he would understand and could forgive her for what she was about to do.

Kate's fingers trembled as she struggled with the buttons on her blouse. She reminded herself to breathe as she unfastened the final buttons.

"Take off the skirt next," Jack instructed as Kate laid her blouse neatly over the arm of the chair beside her. Kate hesitated briefly before continuing to undress. She unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it, exposing her almost naked body to the man she had only just met today.

"White lace. Nice touch, Kate. So far, so good. Let me see those big tits of yours. I've been looking forward to this moment all day," Jack said.

Kate pulled down the shoulder straps of her bra, revealing her generous endowments for the first time. She slid the strap around and unlatched it, letting her breasts hang naturally. They were still amazingly upright for being as large as they were, with large pink areolas. After removing the bra, she instinctively covered her breasts with her hands. She was incredibly embarrassed that her large nipples were so hard.

"Don't do that, Kate," Jack scolded, "Never cover up. Always be proud of your body. You should be. How big are those?"

"Thirty-four G," she answered, reluctantly lowering her hands.

"Squeeze them for me. I bet you can lick your nipples. Show me."

Kate knew she could. Michael liked to make her lick them. Kate cupped her right breast and brought it toward her mouth, flicking her tongue over her embarrassingly erect nipple.

"Your nipples are very responsive," Jack observed, "Suck it for me."

Kate followed Jack's instruction, stifling a moan as her lips latched onto her nipple. She felt her body betray her as she was moistening down below.

"That's so sexy, Kate. Take off your panties."

Kate was glad she had groomed more than usual; in case this was where the evening went. She hooked her thumbs into the lacy waistband and pushed them to the floor. She remembered not to cover up this time. Jack had his first view of her well-trimmed, blond triangle.

Jack stood up. He towered over Kate's 5'7" frame. Her nakedness made his physical stature even more intimidating. He squeezed her left breast, gently rubbing his thumb over her protruding nipple. He then let his hand trail down her side and over her ass cheek before giving it a hard squeeze. Kate jumped and let out a little yelp in surprise.

"You are definitely the most beautiful woman I've ever recruited, Kate. You are going to be the highest priced piece of ass in this town for the next month. Undress me."

The harsh words stung. Kate was holding back the tears this time, despite the realization that that's exactly what she was now. A whore to be used by rich and powerful men. She knew she was about to be used by this man and the thought did nothing to quell her feelings of arousal. If anything, she was getting even wetter.

Kate started with the buttons on Jack's shirt. He had a hairy and muscular chest. She slipped the shirt back off of his powerful looking shoulders. Ooh, he smelled good. His natural musk combined with his cologne was a very manly scent.

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