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Katie's CNC Pt. 04


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"Just rest Katie," Blake, "Everything will be ok when you wake up."

I began to drift to sleep but fighting it because I didn't want to know what Blake would do to me next. Between my exhaustion and the warmth from Blake's chest, within minutes I was unable to keep my eyes open and fell asleep with his arms around me.

I squinted at the light shining through my window, my head pounded as it got used to the bright light and I pulled the flannel sheet over my head. The sun was bright and all the clouds from the previous days were gone. I suddenly realized that the cabin was quiet. Eerily quiet.

"Blake?!?" I called out while sitting up in bed. My head spinning as I sat up. How long was I sleeping? I wondered...

I put my legs over the side of the bed. I was wearing a tank top and pajama shorts; I couldn't remember putting them on. The last thing I remembered was my head on Blake's chest.

I looked around the room, getting my bearings. My head still pounded, and every muscle in my body ached. My wrists were still sore and raw from the restraints and rope, and were already a purplish-blue color, they would likely be more bruised over the next day.

I looked around and everything was gone. The bed was moved back by the window, Blake's bags were gone. There was no sign of him or the friend. I stood up and tore the sheet off the bed. The cut in the mattress was there from the knife.

I walked over to the door cautiously and listened. There was no sound coming from downstairs and I slowly opened my door and made my way down the stairs. Everything appeared to be in its place. And no sign of Blake or his friend. My cell phone sitting on the table began to buzz and I picked it up. 30 missed calls and over a hundred texts, what the fuck.

Most were from my roommate or work, asking where I was and why I was a no call no show.... Fuck.... Blake said he called me off. I tried to call my roommate but anytime the call connected, it immediately dropped. Crappy middle of nowhere service, ugh.

I grabbed my keys and shoes and went towards the door. I paused at the door, where the lock had been the day before. Running my fingers over the smooth door trim. There was no trace of a lock ever being there. My heart started racing not knowing what was going on exactly.

I stopped on the porch remembering my flat tires. As I walked over to my car, I walked around and all four tires were fine, inflated, and perfectly drivable. I chose to ignore it and got in my car and began driving home.

When I finally had good service, I pulled over at the gas station, and began texting Blake....

Katie: Blake where the fuck are you?

Katie: Why did you leave?

Katie: What is going on? Fucking answer me!!!

I got out and got some gas, waiting several minutes for a reply. But nothing.

"Umm, are you ok Miss?" The lady at the pump next to me asked.

"Yes, no, I don't know." I got out as I burst into tears.

"Do you need the police? Did something happen to you?" She quizzed me more.

"No, nothing, I'm fine, I just need to get home." I sputtered out before jumping in my car and driving again before she had a chance to call the police.

I began calling Blake's cell. It just kept going to voicemail. He probably turned off his phone and went to work, I told myself... yeah that's it. I continued to drive and called my roommate next.

"Katie??? What that fuck? Where are you?" Jess yelled in my ear.

"I'm on my way home Jess. I was with Blake. He disappeared; I don't know where he went. I told him to stop, and he stopped but he won't answer my call." I replied sobbing into the phone.

"What? Who is Blake? Is that the guy you went out with like once? Told him to stop what? Katie we were 2 hours away from making a missing person's report." Jess continued to yell, "We didn't know where your parent's cabin was, work said you didn't show for a second day in a row, we have all been worried as fuck!"

"I was so stupid Jess, I thought he liked me." I began to cry harder, as I pulled over the car.

"Katie where are you?" Jess said in a calmer tone.

"Driving, on my way back, I'm about 30 minutes away still, I pulled over." I said sniffling.

"Ok here is what you are going to do, put your phone up, and just get home safe. Talking like this is going to do no good and you need to concentrate on driving." Jess replied.

"Ok, I will see you soon." I said as I hung up, still crying.

I drove over the speed limit most of the way home. Just wanting to get there, and see Jess, and sleep in my own bed. I kept going over the previous few days in my head. Blake made the cabin to look like he was never there, but he was. He said he called me off work, but he didn't. And now he isn't answering my calls or texts. I remembered the emails we had back and forth and would have to try to email him when I got home.

I pulled onto my road and found a place to park. As I saw several neighbors walking down the sidewalk, I suddenly became very aware of how I looked. Pajamas with no undies, my hair hadn't been brushed in days, and I had very clear bruises on several parts of my body. I looked around my car and found a hoodie, throwing it on despite it being almost 80 degrees outside.

I pulled the hood over my head and made my way to the front of my building, hoping no one would notice or stop me, and that I could just make it to my apartment in peace. I had just hit my floor button in the elevator when my neighbors across the hall walked into the lobby. I quickly hit the "doors close" button, I hated doing it, but I couldn't do the small talk or questions.

I walked into my apartment and threw my keys on the table as normal. Jess jumped up from the couch and ran over to me, embracing me in a big hug, squeezing me tight. I winced and moaned at her hug, every bruise on me hurting from the embrace.

"What? Why did you do that?" Jess stated as she pulled away, "Are you hurt? Is that why you've been MIA?"

"I.... I don't even know where to start..." I broke down in sobs again.

Jess directed me over to the couch and I sat next to her, again wincing as I sat. My bruises painfully beginning to make themselves known. I slowly began to pull the hoodie over my head and threw it on the couch. Sitting there still sobbing.

"Oh my fucking god Katie," Jess gasped at seeing me, while taking my hand and examining my wrist, "Who did this to you? Were you kidnapped? You need to go to the hospital!"

"It... it was..." I struggled to find the words to even explain.

"Who Katie?" Jess asked again, "Come on let's go to the hospital."

"No!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face again. All I could think in my head was if I did that, Blake would definitely not talk to me again.

"Katie, you need to get checked out, you are SO bruised up!" Jess stated firmly, then her voice getting softer "Uh Katie... were you raped? If so, you need checked out, the sooner the better."

"No Jess... this was... it was all my idea." I said softly, "I reached out to him. I signed the contract. I told him I would."

"Katie, what are you talking about?" Jess stared at me like I was crazy, "What contract? I don't understand. You asked this guy to beat you?"

"Umm... no... not exactly..." I replied, "Hold on, I can show you."

I went to my room to grab my laptop. Weird... it was on my bed, but I know I left it on my desk when I left. But after the last week who knows where I left it. I sat back on the couch and booted it up. I pulled up my email and began scrolling.

"Fuck..." I yelled.

"What?" Jess asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's not here..." I began crying again, and hyperventilating, unable to catch my breath, "The email.... Not here... it was here, his emails.... None of them... the contract...."

"What are you talking about Katie?" Jess said again being pushy, "Take a deep breath and try to calm down."

I continued to hyperventilate unable to catch my breath. I began to take deeper breaths in an attempt to talk to her again... "My emails," I said, "Each one from him... they're all gone."

"Katie's that's it, this is weird," Jess replied, "Come on, we are going to the hospital, getting you checked out and calling the police."

I sat there motionless, staring at my computer screen. I began rapidly clicking all my folders. My inbox, saved folder, sent folder... even my autocomplete in the email address bar... all wiped clean of any trace of Blake. I clicked over to my downloads and where I had saved the contract on my computer, and those too were gone.

Jess kept talking, though I couldn't make out what she was saying. I just stared at the screen, not comprehending what was going on. Last thing I remembered was Jess running over to me before everything went black.

"Do you know what happened to her?" I heard a man say in between random high-pitched beeps. What the fuck was that sound? That's annoying.

"I don't know," Jess replied to him, "She went missing for almost 2 days, your asshole friend at the station said we couldn't make a report yet, and then she showed up today looking like that, going on about some contract and a guy she went out with one time."

"Any details on this guy? Name, address, phone number?" The man asked.

Fuck, shut up Jess, was all I could think to myself. I pushed to open my eyes against the bright lights. Double fuck, she took me to the hospital.

"No, nothing..." Jess replied, standing in the doorway, talking to the police officer, "Katie! About fucking time. Doctor!"

A woman, maybe in her 40's, walked into the room and began examining me.

"Katie, do you know where you are?" The doctor asked.

"Umm, yes, the hospital I think." I replied, "Is all this really necessary? I am fine, really. Just shook up."

"Katie, do you know what happened to you? All this bruising on your body?" The doctor questioned while checking over my vitals and bandages on my wrists.

"Yes, it's nothing, I'm fine." I stated firmly, "Jess is just overreacting, I was upset and it's ok."

"The fuck I am!" Jess yelled, "Katie you were missing and fucking look at you!"

"No need for yelling," the doctor stated, staring intently at Jess, "Katie we need to know who did this to you, these are some pretty bad bruises. When you came in you were unconscious, and you had Xanax and trace amounts of Morphine in your blood work, have you been taking anything?"

"What? No, I don't take any meds," I replied, "I'm fine, it was all consensual, I signed up for it. Please just stop."

"Katie, you said he isn't answering you now, and your emails are gone," Jess stated looking at me pleadingly, "Please tell them, this isn't ok."

"Look, it was a contract, I signed it, for some bdsm play," I replied beginning to cry, "Blake cares about me, or he wouldn't have .... stopped."

"Well Katie, the police are involved now, so we need your cooperation," The officer stated bringing his notebook back out, "Give us the name, phone number, and info on this Blake, if it checks out and you are not pursuing charges, then that is fine. But considering you were potentially drugged and assaulted, we need to at least verify your story."

"Charges?!? Jess seriously what the fuck, he will never call me back now," I began crying harder, while checking my phone, and still no contact from Blake. I open my texts and notice the error message next to each one I had sent, "Failed to send".

"Just to verify Katie, the charges' part may be up to you, pending your story and this 'contract' checks out," the officer stated in a lower voice this time.

"Fine. His name is Blake Skinowitz, he works at the Harvey Corporation as OSHA inspector, and this is his number and email," I stated as I showed the officer the screen.

"And you haven't heard from this Blake since you left the cabin?" The officer asked.

"No, I safeworded," I replied, it suddenly hitting me, and I lowered my voice, "I safeworded and he said he would leave if I did...."

Fuck, I thought he was kidding. The contract did state all play would end should I utilize a safe word, but I thought that meant just at the time. I didn't think he was serious or that it was all together. What if I never saw him again? I curled up in a ball in the bed, pulling the blanket around me.

"I am going to go run this info, and contact this company, my sister-in-law works in HR, so it shouldn't take long to track him down." The office stated as he left the room.

"Well Katie, your injuries are mostly just surface bruises and abrasions, and you are dehydrated some." The doctor stated, though I was barely listening, thinking over the contract in my head, "You can go home this afternoon after some fluids, but you will be hurting for a good week or so from the bruising and may feel groggy from those medications."

I continued to lay there, saying nothing. Still processing whether Blake was really gone or not... There's no way he didn't care for me, after all we did, the dinner, the emails and food he sent. He had to care about me.

"I already took off so I can take care of her for a couple days." Jess replied to the doctor.

The doctor left the room and Jess went over and sat in the chair next to my bed. We sat in silence for what felt like forever. My body aching from all the bruises and days of being physical. I just wanted to go to sleep again but my mind wouldn't let me. A nurse came in once to change out my fluids bag and asked something. I just ignored her and shook my head no to whatever it was.

"Katie, you know I love you, and I may not understand everything you are saying," Jess finally said, breaking the silence, "But I am here for you if you want to talk about it."

"There's nothing to say right now Jess," I replied softly, "I'm just processing."

"Well, when you do want to talk," Jess replied, "I am here, and we will binge on ice cream and pizza in that order. But I won't push you on it if you don't want to talk about it yet."

We continued to sit in silence for some time longer, when I could see the officer stop at the nurse's station. He began talking to the nurse and doctor, while they all looked in the direction of my room. Something told me that he didn't have good news.

They all made their way to my room, and I sat up in the bed.

"So?" I questioned, "Did Blake verify everything, and can everyone drop this?"

"Katie..." The officer's voice trailed off, "I don't know exactly how to say this, but there is no trace of a Blake Skinowitz."

"No, you did something wrong." I stated and pulled out my phone, "See I will call him, and he will answer, you'll see."

The officer looked at the doctor and Jess, shrugging. I hit Blake's number and put it on speaker. It rang once and then...

"The number you have dialed is no longer in service, if you feel you have reached this message in error, please hang up and try your call again." came from the speaker.

"No no no no, this is his number, I know it is." I said trying the number a second and third time only to get the same message.

"Katie, Blake doesn't exist, at least this person you thought was Blake." The officer stated, "My sister-in-law said no one by that name works at Harvey, and their OSHA rep in the company is a woman in her 50's. The number you gave is a burner number as well, and untraceable."

"What... what does this mean?" I replied, staring at my phone.

"Well, this man deceived you Katie, he gave you false information. I need you to give me his description, any other info you think you know about him so we can try to track him down. Now this is considered an assault case." The office replied.

"He was taller, maybe 6-foot, short sandy blond hair, medium build like not super muscular but not a lot of fat on him. Oh!" I yelled, "I have a picture! And his profile from Fetlife where we met."

I pulled out my phone, scrolling my texts. His texts were gone, not even in my trash. I pulled up my pictures, and the same, no trace of the picture I saved of him. What the fuck? How did he get through my phone as well? I questioned in my head. I pulled up my Fetlife profile going through my messages and my heart sank.

"Do you have more to show Katie?" The officer asked.

"Well, no..." I began crying again, "I had pictures, and our messages are all gone, and I don't understand, it was all here!"

"It's ok Katie, we will start with this, and if you think of anything else over the next few days, here is my card, please call and let me know." The officer stated. I took the card in my hand and just sat there staring at my phone and the missing messages. Even in the group Blake posted in, the profile he had.... All gone.

The officer motioned for Jess and the doctor to go outside. They closed the door most of the way but failed to ensure it latched, so it cracked open a bit.

"Jess, does she have any history of mental illness?" The officer asked.

"What? No!" Jess replied, "We've been roommates for a few years and friends for a few years before that, Katie has always been a fun and happy person."

"Any family history maybe?" The officer asked.

"No, her parents are great." Jess replied.

"Well either this guy is great at disappearing," the officer said, "Or she has made up some kind of story in her head to cover/protect herself from what really happened to her, we see if frequently in assault and rape cases. If she tells you anything else, please give us a call. Doctor, please try to do a rape kit if she is willing to."

Jess walked back in room and sat down, not saying anything. I wasn't sure if she still believed me about Blake. A good 10 minutes later the doctor came in with a nurse and a social worker.

"Katie, you are ready to be released but I do need to ask if you would like us to perform a rape kit? Given that there is no record of who you thought you were with." The doctor asked.

"No, I know who it was, it wasn't rape. Can I just go home?" I questioned.

"That is fine, Susan here is a social worker with the hospital. She will go over your discharge information, and give you info on support groups for women who have been assaulted and potentially raped..." the doctor stated.

"I WAS NOT RAPED! I wanted him to!" I yelled back at them, cutting the doctor off.

"Ok ok, we understand. But should you change your mind, the info is here." Susan stated handing me a packet of paperwork.

"Just leave, I'm getting dressed and going home." I replied.

Jess drove the car in silence the entire ride home. I began texting my boss explaining the situation and hoping I still had a job. She said I could take a week off to feel better, but nothing except hearing from Blake would make me feel better. I told her I could work the following afternoon instead. Might as well get back into things. I began thinking of Nikki's bubbly personality and remembered she had seen Blake when he dropped things off! She could at least also give a description and verify that Blake exists.

When we arrived back at the apartment, Jess made me eat despite my stomach being completely in knots. I then crawled into bed and scrolled through my phone again. All the pictures, texts, even calls were gone. Even my trash cans were all empty in my phone. I fell asleep at some point, only to have nothing but nightmares about the whole thing.

The next day I woke up and showered. It wasn't until I was in front of our full-length bathroom mirror that I could really take in all the bruising that I had. No wonder Jess freaked out, I thought to myself. Most of my body from my tits to my ankles was bruised in some way or another, from light greenish to still dark purple bruising. I had several hand and finger bruises on my arms and legs that I hadn't noticed, they had to have grabbed me at some point that I don't remember.

I grabbed some long jeans, a t-shirt, and a long cardigan. It was going to be hot as fuck, but at least I can cover most of it, so I don't get questions. I grabbed my stuff and headed to leave. I still had a few hours before work but wanted to do some driving and thinking.

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