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Katie's Craving


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"Here, I'll call the Keaton's right now," Butch said pulling his cell phone out. He had their number in his phone since Mr. Keaton frequently came over to watch sports and drink beer.

"Butch... I... you shouldn't..." she began to protest, but it was too late as Butch started talking to Mr. Keaton.

"Sure, I'll let her know," Butch said while finishing his conversation and hanging up the phone.

"Done," he said with a smirk. "I told him to have his daughter come over to your house at 8. Come over after she gets there. Don't worry about bringing anything other than your swimsuit."

Katie just sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well," she thought. "I wouldn't mind having a few drinks and a dip in the pool."

"Who all is coming over?" Katie asked curiously, wondering if any of her neighborhood friends would be there.

"Ah... uhhhh..." Butch said scratching his neck. He didn't know what to say, being that he really didn't have a party planned. "Just a couple others... nothing too big."

"Ok fine," she relented. "But don't tell Frank I'm coming over because he forbids me from ever coming to one of your pool parties again." She laughed as she said this. She remembered the last time they went to one of his parties and she wore a bikini. Her husband was so mad because every male was drooling over her, including Butch himself. They ended up leaving early because of this, which was a shame because apparently the party was pretty wild with people getting thrown into the pool and stuff like that. She remembered her friend Marcy had said Butch was so drunk he got naked and did a cannonball into the pool, splashing everyone within ten yards. She compared it to Shamu, the whale at Sea World. Katie felt chills as she was suddenly reminded that Marcy had told her Butch had a horse cock hanging from below his fat belly. Even though Katie was repulsed by him, she felt a little thrill wondering how big his cock really was. She then shook her head in disgust that she would actually think such horrible thoughts.

"My lips are sealed. I'll see you later then. And remember I'll provide the drinks; all you need to do is bring that hot body of yours," he said with a chuckle as she rolled her eyes. Butch just being Butch, she thought. She would definitely bring some of her own wine or mixed drinks. She didn't trust what Butch would be serving.

"Bye Butch," she said turning towards the stroller to head home, but she shocked herself by giving a glance down below his belly at his crotch, wondering how big it really was. She quickly tore her eyes away from his pants and scolded herself.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm," he hummed while shaking his head and starting at her gorgeous rear end. "That's one killer ass."

Katie finished her long walk and felt better when she got home. She did still have knots in her stomach about the impure thoughts of her son's friends and Butch, but she kept rationalizing them as harmless. She figured that if John ever said anything to anybody, she could just deny it. It's not like anyone would take some young man in high school's story over hers.

Thinking about John's cock again caused a stir in her panties, and she knew she had to take her mind off it, so she changed Julie's diapers before deciding to take a shower.

The hot water was soothing as she stood still in the shower. She had her eyes closed as she rolled her head around, while the water cascaded over her body. She felt very relaxed, and was in no rush to wash her body.

In the meantime, John walked over to the Jones's house. He was feeling fantastic after getting a good night sleep, knowing he didn't have to go to school, and knowing that Mrs. Jones jacked him off. He jerked off himself when getting home last night, and also when he woke up earlier. He kept picturing the hungry look on her face as she jacked him off, and he could still feel her petite, warm body curled up and clinging to him on the couch.

John knocked on the front door, but he didn't get an answer, so he walked around to the garage. Her car was there and he knew she was staying home with the baby, so he entered through the garage door. He walked around the first floor of the house, but didn't see her anywhere. He figured she was probably in her room, so he crept up to her bedroom door, which was closed.

Putting his ear up to the door, he could hear the shower running in the distance, so he slowly turned the knob and entered the bedroom. The master bathroom was connected to the master bedroom, separated by a door that was currently ajar. He slowly crept up to it.

Before he reached the bathroom door he noticed her clothes scattered on the floor, particularly the pair of spandex shorts and her thong. He first picked up the shorts and held them out in front of him. "Damn, I would love to see her in these," he said under his breath.

He then picked up the thong and sniffed it. The smell was pungent, but it was intoxicating. Knowing the sexy mom was wearing those shorts and a thong was getting him extremely excited.

He dropped the clothing back on the floor and stealthily continued his path to her bathroom. He further nudged the door open and peered inside. There he saw the outline of the naked mom through the steamy glass shower door. He stood for several minutes and watched as she washed her body and hair. The fog on the glass blocked his vision, but he could make out the distinct curves of her ass and big tits. It was so erotic watching her shower that he rubbed his cock through his shorts and contemplated jerking off.

Katie finally turned off the water and reached for the towel hanging on the rack inside the shower. At this point John got scared she would notice him, so he departed his peeping spot and headed for the bedroom door. He figured to go wait for her out in the kitchen or den.

She took her time drying off and observing her naked body in the mirror. Eventually she put on her satin robe that ended mid-thigh and headed for her bedroom to put some lotions on her skin. She felt so clean and comfortable while naked under her robe, and she considered taking a nap now that Julie looked to be asleep again.

Just then she heard a knock on her bedroom door. John had grown impatient waiting on Katie to come out, so he decided to take the direct approach. This startled her and she immediately asked who it was as she sprinted to the door. She put her hand on the knob and quickly locked it, while her other hand adjusted her loosely tied robe, which has come undone while she headed for the door.

"It's me; John," he answered.

She immediately felt butterflies in her stomach and gasped.

"Just a second," she shouted back as she moved towards the mirror on her dresser. She adjusted her robe again and tightened the sash. Then she fixed her hair in the mirror, before stopping herself and thinking, "what's wrong with me? I shouldn't care about impressing this boy."

Finally she opened the door and saw the smiling young man.

"Hi John. What are you doing here?" she said standing with her hand holding the door halfway open, not so much inviting him in.

"I tried knocking on the front door, but I didn't get an answer, so I came to see if everything is okay,"

"Everything is fine. I was just in the shower."

"Oh, well, I just came by to visit and see if you needed any help around the house, being that you're home alone for the weekend," he said with a sly grin.

"Thanks, but nothing needs done around here," she said opening the door further before walking back towards her dresser where her lotions were. "I'm actually looking forward to not doing anything; just relaxing."

"Well, you deserve that. You are a hard-working mother," John said scooting inside the room as he sensed her invitation when she fully opened the door. Katie grabbed a bottle of lotion and poured some into her hand. Putting lotion on her skin after every shower was a habit.

"So, did you tell Chris I stopped by last night?" he continued the conversation, as he watched her rub lotion onto her arms. He was looking her body up and down as she focused on her skin. He marveled at the sexy, satin robe she had on, which showed off a lot of thigh. Her huge tits jiggled as she rubbed her arms making it obvious to him that she wasn't wearing a bra. He was so turned on at the thought of her being naked under the thin robe.

"Yes, but Chris was in a foul mood because we made him go to his grandparents. He didn't say much," she responded still tending to her skin lotions. She was clearly uncomfortable with what happened last night, so her answers were short and she couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Well, I'll have to see him when he gets back. I feel terrible about what happened, even though I'm still a little angry that he hit me down here," he said pointing to his crotch. Katie glanced up briefly before looking away. Even though she was fascinated with cocks, she didn't want to make it obvious by staring.

"Again, I apologize for Chris about that," she said. "Did you go to the doctor today?"

She had now walked over to the bed and took a seat with her legs perched up on the bottom frame of the bed. She was sure to cover as much thigh as possible with her robe. She re-opened the lotion bottle and started rubbing it on her lower legs.

"I called, but he was booked, so I scheduled an appointment for next week," he lied. He couldn't believe she still bought his story.

"You can always go to a 24-hour clinic or even the emergency room," she said continuing to rub the lotion on her legs.

"I feel a little better than yesterday, but it's still sore down there. You made it feel so much better last night though," he said trying to suppress a grin.

Katie immediately started blushing and grew uncomfortable, similar to how she reacted to Brett's comments earlier. "If you're still sore you need to go to the emergency room," she said trying to keep masturbation out of the conversation.

"I think it can wait until the doctor appointment next week, but I'm hoping you can take another look, just to see if it's okay," he said in an innocent tone.

"John, I... I don't think that's a good idea," she said as she finished rubbing the lotion on her legs. She closed the bottle and put it on the nightstand, as she remained seated on the bed. She put her hands on her knees and looked up at John.

"It will be our secret again. I just want you to check and make sure it doesn't look bruised or anything like that," he said walking towards her and taking a set next to her on the bed.

"I... I'm just not qualified to make a judgment like that," she said looking down at his crotch. Her heart rate increased and she started to feel that excited feeling that had become so familiar lately. "That's why I think... I think... that you should see a doctor..."

Katie stumbled on her words a bit as she continued to stare at the crotch of his pants. She wasn't concentrating on the conversation anymore; she was focused on her body's reaction. Her nipples started to harden at the thought of him whipping out his penis. Suddenly she felt wetness between her legs similar to earlier in the morning while in bed with her husband.

John could sense her feeling uncomfortable, but it turned him on even more. He knew that she wanted to jerk his cock, or else she would've just gotten up off the bed. He could see the same look in her eyes as she had last night when she jerked him until he came all over the couch.

"But remember what you said last night? Mothers know best," he said with a cocky grin. "I will see the doctor, but I'm hoping you can help me out in the short-term."

John unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down. Katie continued to stare, trying her best to maintain her motherly composure. It was comical how the roles had completely reversed since last night, when she was the one initiating exposing his cock.

"John, I just... don't know... I don't think that... maybe you can go to... a clinic..." she said failing to put together a coherent sentence as she watched him pull out his cock from the opened fly of his pants. Her breathing had increased rapidly and she now had goose bumps. She was trembling.

"I promise to keep this a secret. You made it feel so much better last night," he said grabbing her right hand and pulling it towards his crotch. His penis was very hard and throbbing as he placed her hand on it. His fingers guided hers so that her entire hand was wrapped around his warm shaft.

"I told you that... that this would never happen again," she pleaded unsuccessfully as her small fingers remained wrapped around his cock. John had let go of her hand at this point.

"But your hand feels so good Mrs. Jones. My cock already feels better," he said as he looked into her hungry eyes waiting for her to submit. John had hooked up with a lot of girls in the past, but none had ever looked as cock-starved as his friend's hot mom. Her eyes were glued on his throbbing prick.

"I just... don't... I told you that... that..." she mumbled as her hand started stroking him slowly. "I told you that... this couldn't happen... anymore."

John let out a deep groan as her soft hand stroked him slowly. He lay back down on his elbows, as she remained seated next to him. She looked back and forth between his eyes and his cock, both turning her on even more. She kept her slow pace and moved her head closer to get a better look.

"Oh, shit Mrs. Jones. This feels soooo good. You are amazing," John said with his eyes closed, envisioning the same hot mom driving him to soccer practice years ago and how much he was in love with her back then. He couldn't believe this same mature mother was stroking his cock in her bed.

After about thirty pumps, she noticed his shaft tensing up and the head looked to keep growing, so she figured the teen was close to coming.

"John," she said almost in a whisper. She had stopped stroking him.

"Huh?" he said coming out of his daze and looking up at her.

"I don't want to make a mess like last night," she said.

"Well, I can..." he started to say thinking he would suggest going to get a towel, but before he could finish talking she leaned her head down towards his lap. His eyes lit up in shock. Was Chris's hot mom about to give him a blowjob?

She kissed the tip of his penis-head several times with her hand still wrapped around the shaft. Then she licked all around the head to give her some lubrication. She briefly glanced up and noticed the euphoric look in his eyes. This prompted her to move forward.

"Ohhh... shit Mrs. Jones," John groaned as she wrapped her lips around his cock and started plunging. "Damn... this is fantastic. Oh shit. Uh..."

Katie bobbed her head up and down on his cock in a steady motion. Her blonde hair, which was damp from her shower, was falling from behind her ears on to his lap. Her hand was still wrapped around his shaft as her lips slid up and down. The slurping noises filled up her bedroom.

She felt him tense up and could sense he was close to coming. She looked up at his eyes and noticed how much he was enjoying it, so she subconsciously decided she wanted to make it last. Her lips departed his cock, causing it to plop out of her mouth, but she wasted no time moving down to his balls.

John was indeed close to cumming, so he was a tad disappointed she released him from her mouth, but when she started softly sucking and licking his balls he felt a fantastic tickle that he wanted to keep feeling. He reached his hand over and brushed her blonde bangs back behind her ears so that the hair wasn't covering her cute face. Then he put his hand on the back of her head and pushed her closer so that her nose was rubbing on the bottom skin between his balls and cock while she sucked on his scrotum.

Katie continued licking, sucking, and kissing his balls for a couple minutes, while her hand continued to grip his shaft. She occasionally pulled on his prick and made different hand motions that made him groan in ecstasy. She had plenty of experience in this area, being that she loved going down on her husband ever since they met.

John was in heaven as he looked down at Mrs. Jones making out with his balls while the hand that touted her diamond wedding rock slowly jacked his dick. She kept a slow enough pace jacking him that he didn't yet cum. He thought to himself that she was really a pro at this.

Finally Katie moved back up from his balls and started kissing his cock head again. John had enough of the teasing, so he pushed her down with his hand still on the back of her head. Her lips engulfed the penis and she started sucking it slowly.

"Oh... God... Oh Mrs. Jones, I want to cum. Make me cum," he groaned still gripping the back of her head. He encouraged her to speed up, but she quickly picked up the pace without further encouragement. She was now bobbing up and down at a fast pace.

Sure enough it didn't take long.

"Ahhgghhh... uuhhhh... shiiiit..." he groaned as he started firing his semen into her throat. She clamped her lips around the middle of his cock and didn't let go as she swallowed his juice down.

"Uhhh... ohhh man Mrs. Jones. You're such a fantastic cocksucker," he said with his eye closed and his hand still pushing her head down into his lap. Load after load of warm cum shot out into her throat and she did a great job swallowing each load down.

Her hand started jacking him up and down quickly as the last of his cum explosion passed by. She swallowed everything down and kept jacking him to get every drop out.

Finally the explosion was over and Katie stopped jacking his spent cock. She opened her mouth allowing his meat to plop out of it. He was out of breath as he lay back on his elbows looking down at the sexy, blonde housewife. She flicked her tongue out and gave the tip of his cock a couple licks before puckering her lips and giving it another kiss.

She sat back up on the bed while he remained slouched on his elbows. He was still basking in the wonderful orgasm. She brushed her hair back behind her ears and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. Looking down, Katie noticed that in the process of leaning over and giving the young man head, her robe had gapped open a bit down the middle and her cleavage was showing. Her nipples were poking through the thin satin material.

Just as she was about to re-adjust the robe, John sat up and put his arm around her waist.

"Oh man, Mrs. Jones that was awesome," he said into her ear. He immediately noticed her robe was gaping open and a pang of excitement struck him. He was dying to finally see her tits.

"Just know that I'm serious about this not happening again," she said sternly, trying to salvage what little motherly pride she still had. "You will go to the doctor next week and that will be the end of this."

"I know. You can't deny how hot this is though. This is my ultimate fantasy come true," he said as he slid his arm around her waist and snuggled her close to him. He looked over her shoulder and down at her breasts between the opening of the robe. He could see where her tan lines ended and about a third of the way up the cone of the breasts. Her nipples were covered, but he knew if he pulled the robe open another few inches further they would be visible.

John reached his other hand to her side and gripped her waist, as she remained seated next to him on the bed. He was now nearly in a complete hug with her while his chin rested on her shoulder. He started to kiss behind her ear and on the upper part of her neck.

"John, we... we shouldn't..." Katie said. She remained still and was a little shocked she had just given him a blowjob. However, she was powerless to put an end to his moves.

He reached both hands up to her chest, and in one quick motion he gently pulled the robe open and slipped it down her shoulders. The cool air tickled her already hard nipples. He resumed kissing her neck while bringing his hands up and cupping each large breast. No time was wasted as John immediately started to massage the hard, large nipples and gave each a soft pinch.


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