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Katie's Craving


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"Well, I can't say that I would have complained if you were naked," he said with a grin. Mrs. Jones was a cool mom who knew how boys think, so he felt comfortable flirting with her knowing she wouldn't pitch a fit.

"John!" she said as if she were shocked that he would say something that bold, but she couldn't help grinning. "You shouldn't be telling your friend's mother that! And besides, I was seven months pregnant, so you wouldn't have been impressed with my naked body."

"Are you kidding?" he said. "Your underwear was pretty skimpy to say the least, so I practically saw you naked, and trust me you looked soooo hot!"

Katie blushed at his complement. She'd be lying if she said it didn't make her feel great to hear that. Talking about this teenager seeing her naked was so naughty, and she couldn't help being turned on. Her pussy was getting wet, and she couldn't help but wonder if his cock was getting hard too. "I wonder if his cock is hard right now, and I wonder if it's bigger than Brett's," she thought. "Oh gosh, what's wrong with me? I need to get a grip, girl!"

"Anyways..." she said trying to change the subject and push her dirty thoughts aside. "I'm glad you reminded me about that incident because I want you boys to start coming through the front door."

"I'll come in the front or back, however you want it," he said with a grin. Katie didn't get the sexual innuendo, so she just shrugged her shoulders. He found her naivety amusing.

"Well, I'm probably going to go into the den and watch some TV. You're welcome to join me if you are allowed to stay out this late," Mrs. Jones said to John.

"My mom won't mind. She knows I'm over here, and they are glad because we all feel terrible about what happened today," he lied.

"Again John, I think it's so wonderful that you had the audacity to come over here and apologize. That shows a lot of maturity," she said as she patted his thigh. "I only wish my son would do the same, but he's obviously had a bad day and needs some rest."

John's cock twitched to her touch, and he was extremely horny at the moment. Being around Mrs. Jones was too much for his teenage hormones to handle.

The two of them walked into the den and took a seat on the couch while Katie surfed the channels to find something good on TV. John couldn't keep his eyes off her sexy legs. He was trying his hardest to conceal his erection, but an idea struck him, and suddenly he thought to himself, "Why should I try to hide it?"

He remembered Brett saying at lunch that Mrs. Jones was looking at his cock last night while he held the baby, and that she seemed to like looking at it. Well, John figured he had a golden opportunity to test out his friend's theory. There was something about the way she looked and acted that made him think she was a conservative woman in heat, and he believed what Brett was saying. He knew he couldn't come out and make a move on her or expose his prick, but he had an idea that would innocently allow him a shot at her.

"Ahhhhh... ouch," John grumbled as he leaned forward and put his hands over his lap.

"What's wrong?" a concerned Katie said as she turned her attention away from the television to John. She put her hand on his arm.

"Oh, it's nothing. I... I... oh gosh I'm too embarrassed to say," John said looking away from Katie.

"Don't be embarrassed, is something wrong?"

"Well... during the fight, um, Chris kind of... ah... well, he kneed me... you know... where the sun doesn't shine, and it occasionally hurts," he lied.

"Oh my. Did you go to the school nurse? Did you tell your mother?"

"No way... I'm too embarrassed. Plus, it will probably just go away by tomorrow."

"John, you should really go to the doctor! I had a cousin once that had the same thing happen, and he... well... he... had some serious problems after the fact," she said remembering how horrible that experience was and how it impacted his ability to have children.

"I think it's just a bruise down there, that's all," he replied.

She continued to ask questions about the pain he was experiencing, and he continued to persist that he didn't need to see a doctor.

"I'm a mother you know. I've had two children that have gotten injured many times, so I know what I'm talking about. Please talk to your mother about this. I feel so bad that Chris caused you this pain. Do you need any ice? That's the least I can do."

John decided that this was the perfect opportunity to continue his plan.

"Yes, I think some ice would help," he said, continuing to crouch forward as if he was in pain. Mrs. Jones hurried to the kitchen to get an ice pack. Her head was spinning she was so upset that her son could be so irresponsible. After what happened to her cousin, she couldn't bear to think how horrible she would feel if her son had caused that for John.

She came back into the den and sat back down on the couch while holding out an ice pack for him.

"It's starting to feel better Mrs. Jones. Maybe I don't even need this. Thanks anyways," he said, but he was still clutching his lap as if he were still in pain.

"That's nonsense! You need to take care of the pain right now. Here, take your shorts off and we'll see if there's any swellings or bruises," she said as if she was his mother or doctor. John chuckled to himself when she said "swellings," considering his cock was swelling from looking at her hot body all night.

"No Mrs. Jones, I'll be fine. The pain comes and goes, so it should go away any minute."

"John, remember, I'm a mother, and you know the saying 'mothers know best.' Please let me take a look at this to see if anything is wrong. You wouldn't be in this position if it weren't for my son."

"I just... well... you know... I'm kind of embarrassed to... take my pants off," he said shyly, trying to suppress a grin.

"Don't be embarrassed sweetie," she said patting his head and ruffling his hair with her fingers. "You boys are like my own sons. We need to take a look down there to see if everything is okay. I promise we can keep this a secret, assuming everything is fine down there."

"Okay, but can we close the door?" he said.

"Absolutely. Good idea," she said nodding her head.

John's hands trembled with excitement as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his shorts while she got up and closed the door to the den. He knew she would see how hard and aroused his cock was, but he didn't care at this point; she's the one offering to look. He lifted his ass off the couch and swiftly pulled down his shorts and boxers at the same time all the way down to his ankles.

After closing the door she turned around and gasped inaudibly when she saw John's hard cock come into view. She hadn't expected him to remove his underwear too. All of the feelings of curiosity and excitement she had been experiencing immediately struck her like a ton of bricks, and her large nipples began to buzz and harden. Her eyes lit up, and she felt flush. She sat back down on the couch next to him. His cock certainly looked bigger than Brett's and her husband's, and she didn't see any signs of damage.

John sat with his dick standing up in the air at a 45-degree angle, waiting for her to make the next move. She took the ice pack with her trembling hands and moved it towards his crotch.

"It looks good," she said before gasping. "I mean... I meant that... it looks good that there aren't any signs of bruises." She immediately blushed and felt embarrassed about what she originally said. They both laughed.

Katie put the ice pack up to the side of his penis and he jumped forward a bit and pushed it away.

"That ice is way too cold!" he said.

"John, we have to take care of the pain. Where exactly does it hurt?" she asked staring at his cock and balls. John thought to himself that Brett was right... she does look like she loves the sight of a cock!

"I think down here," he said as he grabbed her hand and guided the ice pack to the bottom of his scrotum. He flinched as the ice touched it, but she kept it there for several seconds before he pushed it off again. "It's just too cold, I don't know if I can keep it there."

"Oh John, you're being a big baby!" she said giggling, while putting the ice pack down on the coffee table. He looked at her chest and noticed her nipples were poking out through her bra and shirt. This only made his cock harder, and some pre-cum was forming at the tip. He could sense her breathing had increased rapidly, and she had goose bumps on her arms.

John reached down and felt the area between the bottom of his shaft and his scrotum. "I think it's a little swollen right here."

He took his fingers away and waited for her to make a move as if she was a doctor ready to examine. Sure enough, she followed suit and placed her index and middle fingers on the same area and felt around.

"I... um... I don't know," she said obviously short on breath. She had leaned closer and was nearly laying on his arm and shoulder. Her milky right breast was now pushing into his arm, and John could feel her hard nipple poking.

"I think you have to feel around, and maybe you can find a bruise or a swelling," he said trying his hardest to suppress his grin, while keeping from prematurely ejaculating.

"Okay," she said softly as her fingers were now moving up the underside of his cock.

"Mmm..." he moaned as she rubbed on the sensitive underside.

"Did that hurt?" she said startled.

"No, not at all, it feels much better," he said, as he lay back a little further. "Keep doing that."

She hadn't felt this excited in years, and figured that she now knew the diagnosis that would make him feel much better. She knew this was no longer a medical treatment, but she didn't care. Her pussy was soaking her panties and she wanted nothing more than to play with the teen's cock. With that, she finally wrapped her fingers around it and started to slowly stroke it up and down.

"Oooohh... yes Mrs. Jones. That feels so good," he said as he watched the horny housewife submit to him. John did have good stamina, but he knew that he was not going to last long as this incredibly hot woman stroked his hard prick.

"Sure baby. I want to take care of my boys," she said in an innocent voice as she continued to slowly pump his shaft. Her other hand made its way to his balls and she started to fondle them while her other hand stroked his cock.

"Does it feel better now?" she asked, fully knowing the answer.

"Oh yes... definitely," he replied, clinching so that he could last longer and enjoy the moment he never in a million years thought would happen.

She continued to stroke for a good minute, slightly increasing her pace, while her other hand continued to softly massage his balls. Her body was leaning on him even more so than before. He loved looking at her hungry face as she watched her fingers stroke him.

Katie looked back and forth between his eyes and his cock. She was really getting off on pleasuring him. Her pussy was on fire, and she knew she would have to try and wake her husband up for sex, being that he was going to be gone for several days on the bike trip.

Caught in the moment, she didn't realize her left leg had slowly made its way on to his lap just below his cock as she curled up on the couch next to him jacking him off. She was now nearly completely laying on him, and John took the opportunity to put his left arm around her shoulder, and she was breathing on his neck.

"I'm so sorry my son did this to you," she cooed into his ear. She was stroking his big cock at a fast pace now with both of her little hands.

John took his right hand and placed it on the back of her thigh of the leg resting on his lap. He leaned his head over and attempted to kiss her, but as soon as his lips brushed against hers, she turned her head away. Katie knew she should not let this boy make out with her on her own couch, even though she was sure she would enjoy it. Her breasts were aching to be touched, and she figured it wouldn't take much for her to have an orgasm, but she knew she couldn't let anyone other than her husband get that far with her.

Even though John was denied a kiss, he didn't give up. His hand that was resting on the back of her thigh slowly made its way up towards her spectacular butt. Her skin felt incredibly smooth as he rubbed up her leg. Just as John was about to go for her pussy as he reached the opening of her shorts and the curve of her ass cheek, he couldn't contain his cock any further and exploded. Ropes of cum sprayed all over her hands, up onto his chest, on her arms, and all over the couch.

"Mmmmmpphhh, oohhh shit Mrs. Jones," John moaned as she continued to pump his spraying shaft. She stared back and forth at his exploding cock and the look of euphoria on his face with fascination.

"Ummmm..." he moaned again. She kept jacking him and a couple more squirts went on the couch, until the explosion was over. He took his hand off her leg and grabbed her wrist as an indication he was done.

"Oh my... we need to clean this mess up," Katie said as she finally let go of his spent cock. There was cum everywhere, and she couldn't recall ever seeing so much. She leaned over him and reached to grab the baby cloth on the end table.

John sat in awe, enjoying the moment as his cock softened while she cleaned it up with the baby cloth. Then, she started wiping up areas on the couch where cum landed.

All of the sudden, the baby started to cry through the monitor.

"Oh no... I have to get up," she said as she stood up and put the cloth back on the end table.

"Listen John, it's late. You should go home," she said finally coming back to reality.

"I can stay a little bit later. Maybe the baby will go back to sleep?" he said putting his hand on the back of her thigh as she stood in front of him.

"No John, you need to go. Maybe you should still go to the doctor tomorrow. Please keep tonight between us. I don't know what came over me, but it cannot and will not happen again," she said sternly as she left the den to fetch the baby.


The baby kept Katie up pretty much for the entire night, which gave her a lot of time to think about what happened. She had been so horny earlier, but now she had nothing but guilt insider of her. She couldn't believe she was so turned on by her son's friend's penis. She knew that she shouldn't have jacked him off, but it had given her a thrill she hadn't felt in years.

There were a few moments while tossing and turning in bed that night where she felt like crying. That's two boys in the past couple days that she had willingly looked at their cocks, which didn't include her husband! She just hoped that John wouldn't tell anyone what happened.

At around 5:00 AM, her husband woke up. Katie was lying next to him in and out of sleep. The baby had gone back to sleep about an hour ago, so Katie was very close to following suit. Frank had to get up and leave for his weekend trip to the mountains for the big bike race.

"Hey babe, how's Julie?" Frank said grabbing her hand and kissing it as he scooted closer to her on the bed.

"She was up for most of the night, but she went to sleep about an hour ago," Mrs. Jones replied in an exhausted voice, wrapping her arms around her husband. Despite basking in guilt for most of the night, Katie all of the sudden became aroused at her husband's touch.

"Honey, I don't want you to go. I want to lie in bed with you all morning," she said as she gave him a puppy-dog face and slid her hand down his side to his boxer shorts. She started kissing him on the lips as she pushed her hand into his shorts and gripped his cock.

"Baby, I have to go. You know how important this race is to me. I wish you were coming with me," he said.

Katie was shocked at how fast she had become aroused. In the back of her mind she kept picturing John's young cock ejaculating and the euphoric look on his face, and this really turned her on. Earlier she had felt horrified about the incident, but it's amazing how her hormones suddenly changed that. Katie thought to herself how the hormone pills were definitely having an effect on her.

"Well, maybe I can give Bradley a good luck kiss," she said sexily as she bent down and moved her head under the covers towards his crotch. Bradley is the name she has for her husband's cock.

"Honey, I... babe... I really need to go," he said as his wife tugged his shorts down and started to lick his soft cock. These days, Frank needed stimulation from Katie to get erect, but it usually took a bit of time that Frank didn't have right now. Frank and Katie had talked in the past about him using Viagra, but he was too stubborn to consider it.

Despite his protest, she was attacking his flaccid cock with her tongue and used her right hand to massage his balls.

"Babe. Babe, I really need to get up and get moving. Remember that I still have to take Chris to your parent's house," he said feeling guilty. He knew that they had rarely been intimate since she got pregnant, and he knew how horny she had been lately, but he simply wasn't in the mood right now and was preoccupied with meeting the cycling group on time. Still, she didn't budge, and now she had his cock inside her mouth sucking on it. She was so aroused that she had reached her hand down under her gown into her panties and started massaging her pussy.

"I'm sorry honey," he said scooting over and sitting up as his flaccid cock plopped out of her mouth. He reached his arms down and pulled her towards him, hugging her.

"Awwe, I won't see you for four days," she pleaded. "I'm so hot right now, and the kids are asleep."

He kissed her soft neck and hugged her again.

"I know babe. I'll be back before you know it, and we'll start where we're leaving off at," he said offering consolation. "And who knows, maybe I'll bring you back a souvenir if you're lucky?"

"You better!" she said giggling.

"I love you honey," he said hugging her close to him.

"I love you too," she said kissing him on the lips and hugging him back before finally letting him get out of bed. As he headed for the bathroom, Katie reached down and felt her panties. They were soaked. She was shocked at how soaked they were.

As Frank got his last minute packing done, Katie went upstairs to wake Chris up and get him ready to leave. Chris was still in a very foul mood, and they didn't exchange any pleasantries. She was so embarrassed about him fighting his friend at school, and then snubbing John when he came over to the house to apologize.

After Chris packed everything he needed for the weekend, he went downstairs and immediately got into his father's car. He sat in the passenger seat sulking as he waited for his dad. He was so mad that all this trouble started just because he defended his mom. He thought to himself that if they only knew why he got into the fight in the first place they would be proud of him.

Frank went out to pack the rest of his stuff into the car and noticed Chris waiting inside.

"Christopher! You get inside that house and say goodbye to your mother and your baby sister!" Frank shouted at him. He only used "Christopher" when he was angry with his son.

"I don't want to go to grandma and grandpa's house," Chris whined. "I just got into a stupid fight, that's all."

He got out of the car and headed inside. Frank did feel a little bad for him, but he told himself that this is a lesson to be learned. He would have a man-to-man chat with his son on the way out of town.

Katie was inside holding the baby and looking out of the window in a daze. The baby had just woken up and she knew she would have to feed her. She was glad too because her breasts needed release.

"Bye mom. Bye Julie," Chris said grimly as he walked up behind his mother. He then turned around and headed back towards the garage door.


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