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Keeping It In The Family

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Kyle and his little sister, Lily, fuck in his room. Min.plot.
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All characters are 18 years or older.

Warning! Contains: Incest, Cum Inflation and Big Sizes

Valerie, Jessica, Rebecca, and Elida were all downstairs, rubbing their pussies as they heard their friend's voice carry through the entire house.

"Fucking breed me! I'm yours, older brother. Make me your stupid slutty bitch!"

That was Lily. The man fucking her in his bedroom upstairs was none other than her older brother, Kyle.

They hadn't meant to fuck while Lily's friends were around. Scratch that, they hadn't meant to fuck, period. However, it was a funny little thing how three cans of beer can increase the chances of having a Freudian Slip in front of your brother. That and Lily just had a very low tolerance for alcohol.

Again, it's funny how it all leads up to having your older brother pinning you down by your wrists as he pounds his foot long cock into your constantly-orgasming pussy.

Kyle growled as he deepened his thrusts, causing Lily's toes to curl up as she bit down on her lip, her face red from exhaustion. He let go of her wrist momentarily to slap her small titties.

"You fucking like that? Getting yourself fucked like a pig by your own brother? I fucking bet you loved it when your friends saw you grinding your ass on my cock. They must think you're a freak."

Lily choked, gasping for air as another orgasm rocked her entire body. Fuck, his words were to her mind as fingers were to her pussy... electrifying.

"I fucking love it, baby, and those whores fucking love it too. I bet they're masturbating to us downstairs. They wish they were getting fucked by this humongous cock the way I am. But this cock will be destroying my guts tonight only, right? No one else's?"

Lily tried to ask, but her final words came out more as guttural moans than intelligible speech. Her arms hung limp as her entire body shook, the force of Kyle's cock ramming hard against her womb. He stretched and flooded it with his pre-cum. It was no mystery, then, as to why she'd lost her ability to speak. Kyle's cock was completely dominating her.

"Fuck," he groaned, never growing tired of feeling his sister's pussy clamp down around his stiff cock in orgasm. It was surreal, but this was all he'd ever dreamed about.

He'd had countless nights of passionate dreams. Endless daydreams of incestual romance, and all of that was now coming to fruition. To fuck his own little sister, the woman he'd sworn to his parents he'd protect. The sister who he was supposed to guide. Now she lay in his bed, face red, tears trailing down her cheeks, limbs limp and shaking, and of course, the elephant in the too tiny room, his overwhelmingly massive cock stretching her too tiny pussy. There was no excuse for his behaviour. He was older, he was supposed to know better, instead he had chosen to abuse his power over his little sister.

His thrusts increased in pace and force. Her hair was matted to her forehead, her mouth open, panting, but in a blissful grin, same as her eyes. He felt his cock tense as his orgasm crashed into him. To hell with all that. He loved his sister with all his heart, more than anyone ever could, and if this was considered abuse, he'd love nothing more than to continue abusing Lily.

With one last mighty roar, Kyle's muscles flexed. Beneath him, Lily moaned, her eyes soaking in the image of an orgasming Kyle.

He looked like a God of Sex. His biceps alone were bigger than her head. His legs were thicker than trunks. Had he wanted to take her by force, she knew she wouldn't have stood a chance of defending herself. He was Kyle, though, he wasn't that kind of guy. He was a protector. Her protector. But he was also her dominator. Her Master. They both knew that he could do whatever he wanted to her and she'd love him all the same. That's why when the first thick rope of chunky cum travelled its way up his meaty shaft, Lily wrapped her legs around his pelvis, pulling him in.

"Fucking breed me!" She yelled as his cum blasted straight into her womb.

He was the man she had been waiting for her entire life. Failed relationship after failed relationship had jaded her. All up until she graduated Highschool, she always felt like a piece of her heart had been missing. Now, as she lay beneath Kyle's tall, muscular figure, she realized it had been her brother that she had been waiting for. He completed her in a way no one else had. In a way, she was sure, no one else ever could do so again. Only Kyle was capable of fucking his dirty slut of a sister, Lily, this good. That's why she rejoiced when her womb flooded with his thick sperm. Her smile betrayed no other emotion; Lily was happy Kyle was cumming inside of her. She wanted him to breed her. If anyone deserved to have children and a life with Lily, it had definitely become Kyle.

As her womb became too tightly packed with his cum, Lily felt her womb begin to stretch. She clenched her jaw shut as she threw her head back against the pillow. Heaps of blanket were wrapped around her fists.

She finally screamed when the flat skin of her stomach began to distend upwards. Her body shook in orgasm as her pussy clamped down even harder around his cock, ebbing the flow of his cum a minuscule bit.

She gasped for air, her back arching as her eyes rolled up in her skull. "You're fucking killing me!" She screamed, her pussy squirting orgasm after orgasm.

Her belly grew bigger and wider, soon surpassing the size of a three month pregnancy. Another flex of his cock and she surpassed five. Her pussy spasmed rapidly, each contraction an orgasm she felt over and over again as liters of life-giving cum pumped into her.

In her lust-addled haze, her mind returned its train of thought to his heavy nuts. By this point they were probably covered in a lot of sweat. Her juices too. They'd be clenching hard, trying their hardest to impregnate her eggs. There was nothing else she'd rather do afterwards than to lick them clean.

Kyle wasn't done, though. He kept pumping his cum inside her, his hips thrusting with irregular speed but tremendous force. Ripples of momentum traveled over the red stretched flesh of Lily's stomach. Grunts and groans escaped her throat, the only speech she was still capable of.

It wasn't until her belly reached the size of a nine month twin pregnancy that Kyle's orgasm finally subsided. He kept his cock inside her, though, and didn't move it even as he softened.

Her hips twitched and her eyes were still deep inside her skull. Fresh tears ran down her face as her limbs remained unresponsive, wrapped around her brother's muscular form. Lily took in deep and shaky breaths, a smile on her lips.

It must have taken nearly thirty minutes for her to recover. When she came back to her senses, she ran a protective hand over her swollen belly, just like the way pregnant women instinctually rubbed their baby-carrying bumps. Lily was only carrying cum. For now, she thought.

"That was the best sex I've ever had." Kyle softly growled as he wrapped his arm around Lily's shoulder, his hand finding its place on her swollen gut. She rested her head against his strong chiseled chest, the warmth of his skin soothing to her.

"I know we're related, but I love you, Kyle. I really do." She rasped, her voice worn out from all her rough moaning. Kyle placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

"I love you too, Lily, so fucking much."

She looked up at her brother, a whole new light in her eyes. It was devotion. Mind, body, and soul. She was his.

Kyle gently traced little hearts on her belly. To his delight, her entire belly was covered in goosebumps. He smiled, looked at her, then paused. "Would you like to be my woman?" He asked, his eyes blazing with intensity.

Lily felt herself melt under her brother's gaze. In what universe could she ever have said no to him? There he was, looking like a muscled God after giving her the fuck of her life, his cock and balls ready for another round. He could fuck any girl he wanted to at any time, he probably needed to in order to survive with cock and nuts the size of his, but he had chosen her instead. Out of all the girls in the world and his friend's list, he had asked her to be his. This was all Lily had ever dreamt about. The love she held in her heart for her brother stretched back a long time, but she was more than happy knowing that he felt the same for her now.

"I have always been your woman, Kyle. Now I want more. I want an entire life with you. Kids, a house, marriage, retirement, everything. And this," she began, lightly slapping her cum-stuffed belly, "is a good start."

Kyle's cock gave a lurch at what he heard. Did his sister just say she wanted a future with him? Him?! A wide, toothy grin spread across his lips as he kissed the top of her head.

"I'd love nothing more than to take you on as my wife. We'll get married, and we'll have as many kids as we want."

She smiled and reached her hand down to his cock. She gave it a tug, causing it to swell in her hand.

"Good, because we're gonna be having a lot of those."

Kyle laughed. "Now we just have to fend off your friends."

Lily's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

Kyle looked down at her, "your friends, Valerie, Jessica, Elida, and Rebecca? They've been downstairs this whole time. They heard everything."

Lily slowly sat up, careful not to jostle her womb too much. She sharpened her hearing, and surely enough, she could hear movement in the house. She sighed.

"To be honest, I'd forgotten about them."

Kyle chuckled as he placed his hand back on Lily's belly as she laid back down. "What do you wanna do about them? They'll tell everyone."

A wicked smirk pulled Lily's lips taught. She grabbed Kyle's cock, her tiny hand nowhere near big enough to wrap cleanly around his girth, and began to pump him passionately.

"You are going to go down there, bring them back up here, and you're gonna fuck them all until their IQ's squirt out of their pussies. Once you finish, drop several thick loads in their wombs. Their only way to hurt us is by ruining our reputation, but they'd never be able to say anything against us if they're carrying your babies too."

Kyle's cock lurched to full mast. Lily was absolutely serious. There was no hint of humor in her eyes nor in her tone. He was surprised, but he'd oblige her.

He removed himself, though reluctantly, from the bed and his well-fucked sister. She was still enjoying her after-glow, and Kyle couldn't help but think she looked beautiful as he got up.

Red blush ran from cheek to cheek and over her nose. Her hair was wild, some of it matted to her forehead while a lot of it was sticking out in multiple directions, ruined by Kyle's forceful thrusts. Her small tits looked enticing, especially when they were capped by her deliciously hard nipples.

Having been the one to give it to her, Kyle felt proud of the giant cum belly Lily sported. Before he had stuck his cock inside of her, Lily's stomach was flat, with the subtlest hint of abs. Now, though, she looked pregnant and he hoped she was. There was nothing he wanted more than to plant new life in Lily's womb. She smiled at him, prompting him to snap out of his thoughts.

Kyle yawned as he stretched, giving Lily a good view of his tall, muscular form.

His foot-long cock heaved with every movement of his body. It looked menacing as it audibly displaced the air with each movement. His nuts swung as he rotated side to side, popping his back. His muscles were giant and veined. As Lily had stated before, one of his biceps alone was bigger than her head.

Her pussy squirted a combination of her juices and his cum. She loved how easily her brother oozed masculinity.

He threw her a smirk that melted her heart all over again. "I'll be right back, my beautiful sister."

Lily smiled, love shining brightly within both sibling's eyes. "Don't take too long, my handsome brother."

To Be Continued...?

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N_AmbruscoN_Ambruscoover 1 year ago

This was very unrealistic, of course, no woman's body behaves like that. Nevertheless, it had the intended effect of turning me all the way on. Now I feel the need to go breed my sister with this kind of animal passion.

redlion75redlion75over 1 year ago

This is hilarious and I am looking forward to him breeding the friends

Dodobird92Dodobird92almost 2 years ago

I've heard of cum inflation before, but for fucks sake m8...... "Her belly grew bigger and wider, soon surpassing the size of a three month pregnancy. Another flex of his cock and she surpassed five" followed by "It wasn't until her belly reached the size of a nine month twin pregnancy that Kyle's orgasm finally subsided." You realize how absolutely massive she would be? Story would've been 10x better without it with hoe absolutely rediculous that is, "it's a work of fiction" but counter-argument, it's not set as a fictional world where you appently come full term with twims within moments of getting impregnated. Let that sink in how absurd that sounds

Delray23Delray23almost 2 years ago

Can we have the full story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Stomach churning... struggled to get past the first paragraph, which spoke volumes about the authors ability to put together a well crafted, thoughtful erotic piece of work.... because dear author if you actually meant to write a grim, unrealistic (in every sense of the word) that was as erotic as a blistering invasion of public crabs then you succeeded.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


cageysea9725cageysea9725almost 2 years ago

"Anonymous6 days ago

The author did just fine. Notice how only anons insult authors, because they have not the courage to show their name. People should only read things they are interested in and their comments are as unwelcome as they are. If you want to criticize be constructive, writing stories for free is a thankless job, I for one appreciate it."

This person isn't an author; they are a typist. I think that I personally disprove the point about anonymous comments. You have made a derogatory comment anonymously, so I guess you're admitting to lacking the courage to put a name on your comment. Please explain exactly how someone would know if they're interested in a story BEFORE they read it. Finally, some people write so badly there's no point in putting the effort into giving constructive criticism. It would simply be wasted effort, whereas if those of us with standards just tell them to take their garbage down and keep it to themselves in the future, that is the best advice these morons can get. That actually goes for you too. Your comment was as idiotic as the story was.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The author did just fine. Notice how only anons insult authors, because they have not the courage to show their name. People should only read things they are interested in and their comments are as unwelcome as they are. If you want to criticize be constructive, writing stories for free is a thankless job, I for one appreciate it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I very much enjoyed your story. Please continue writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What a stupid and ridiculous story. Don't you think before you write something?

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