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Keeping it in the Family Ch. 01

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Sister deputizes for absent lover.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/31/2002
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Some time ago I dated an air hostess - well that's what they were called in those days - I guess these days they're known as a Flight Attendant, cabin crew - Hell! Whatever - I've even heard them called 'trolley dollies'! They work hard to earn their pay and I certainly wouldn't be that disparaging.

This was back in the sixties and this lass worked out of the airport I also worked at. I was a techie behind the scenes and I'd met up with her in the staff canteen. It was towards the end of the shift - the canteen had been empty and she'd come in for a coffee before going home, glanced round then asked if she could join me. It ended up with me offering a lift home, she accepting, us stopping off for a quiet drink and then her spending the night with me. I think the only thing we didn't do was sleep. She was an insatiable and inventive lover and we had an easy uncomplicated affair that lasted for several years. Neither of us was possessive, which was probably just as well. When she was away I certainly had other girlfriends that she knew about and she used to tell me all about the randy Captains that tried, and sometimes succeeded, in bedding her.

During this time I had an apartment in the centre of the city this airport served - sorry! I'm not going to be any more open about its location than that, I still have a lot of friends in that area. She lived with her parents a way out of town and a lot closer to the airport. We had been an item for a year or so when we arrived back to my apartment after an evening out to find the police blocking off the end of the road and a good number of fire-trucks littering the scene. When you realise it's your block that's the cause of the problem it leaves you a little numb. That was the night I got to meet the rest of the family: Ma, Pa, two younger sisters and - as they lived on a farm - a whole raft of animals both domestic and otherwise.

I got made a fuss of and some spare clothes sorted out. Their son no longer lived at home but fortunately kept some clothes there, and as I was about his size they were donated and I got to use his bedroom. In fact, apart from smoke damage my apartment was reasonably unscathed. I got to salvage my belongings a few days later and after some specialist cleaning, paid for by the insurance company, most all of my things were ok. The fire turned out to be caused by faulty wiring, so I got some compensation and my deposit back as well as a rent rebate.

Karen's family wouldn't hear of me looking for anywhere else so I ended up in John's room and rapidly became a sort of honorary family member. Except that Karen and I weren't intending to get married, no matter what the family may have thought - we'd both decided that some time previously. Her four or five days off between flights that sometimes took her to the other side of the world for ten days or more were just fine, but neither she nor I were intending to remain celibate in the intervening periods while we were not together. Which in itself rapidly became a problem. Damn me, but it became quite apparent that while Karen was away Ma and Pa did not expect the mouse to play. Now I'm not a screw-a-night guy, but a week without a good shag was about as much as I could cope with - a whole 15 days, which was the period Karen was away just after I moved in, was dire. Well, it would have been except that Skye, her sister, decided to take it into her head to 'look after' me.

Perhaps I ought to explain, Karen was the eldest at 23, same age as me. Skye, which is I suspect where her parents conceived the girl, was 21 and the youngest, Julie, 18. John, who I knew vaguely from work experience in the past, was Karen's twin.

I'm not sure that Karen knew about this new arrangement, but neither am I sure that at the time I cared too much in any case. I'd retired to bed a little earlier than usual, read for a time and then as the house settled down and other folks went to bed I'd turned the light out and started to doze off. I was roused about an hour later by someone in my room. The floor boards in that old house tended to creak - my bedroom floor was no exception - and the gentle creak had woken me just before the covers were eased back and a warm naked body eased in beside me. The bed was a comfortably sized double, which helped, but even still it was a very nice pair of tits that got pressed against me.

"Are you awake, Sven?" Skye's voice was close enough to blow in my ear at the same time.

"Yes - what the hell are you doing here? Your Dad'll go mental if he catches you here. I'll be chased down the road on the end of a shotgun!"

Skye's response was to giggle gently and to tell me that as it was Friday night they wouldn't be too interested. I had to ask why, and was told that 'Friday night was nookie night,' and once her Dad had his shag he'd be out like a light, with her mother close behind.

I have to say that with Skye's hot, sexy body rubbing up against mine I actually wasn't about to either care too much or argue. Skye's fingers found my cock better than almost ready and she breathed "Nice..." in my ear and departed south to sample it. A second later I had to stifle a groan as she wrapped her lips round me.

As she'd headed off in that direction she was almost turned round and I had a rather nice ass close by, so not being of a shy nature I felt it might be nice to follow suit and have a little feast. I'm not at all sure what she'd been up to before she'd arrived in my bed, but she was hot, juicy and open as I poked my tongue into her box as far as I could. The reaction, as she sucked on my shaft, was everything I had hoped it might be and her juices flowed even more copiously. My bed was going to be a rather damp place to sleep in later that night.

In the race to see who'd come first I beat her easily and she swallowed all of that first load like a professional. I could feel her clit between my lips and it seemed to grow even more as her own orgasm arrived and she stiffened and groaned as the spasm overtook her and I got to lap even more of her juices. She scooted round and laid along me, breasts delectably squashed against me, leg over my own and her bottom cupped in my hand. She kissed me, my own taste tart on her lips.

"Not so grumpy now?"

All I could do was squeeze her gently before saying that I didn't realise I had been. Skye laughed quietly herself as she gently rubbed her lovely tits against me again.

"Ready for more?" Her answer came as my dick stiffened against her leg. She almost purred as she moved on top of me, spread her legs wide enough and wriggled me inside her. Barely moving she started to contract her muscles on me, screwing me, milking me then reaching down to pull my ass even tighter against her and me deeper inside as she shivered and shook herself to another intense one.

She was not as wet now, and too sensitive as well, so she moved off me and started to snuggle into me half asleep. I gently reminded her that her mother had started to bring me a cup of tea in bed in the morning and that if she found her darling daughter in bed with the lodger it might not go down too well. Skye snorted at me, but did kiss me and got out and as quietly as possible went back to her own room. I breathed a sigh of relief, got up and opened a window a so that the smell of sex might have gone down a bit before that cup of tea arrived, climbed back into my damp, aromatic bed and slept soundly with Skye's taste on my lips for memory.

to be continued...

let me know whether you liked this first part or not at the address in my profile. I always reply.

Keepin it in the family

©Sven the Elder

October 2002

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