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Kelli Ch. 02

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Growing romance and more exhibition.
8.5k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/15/2020
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This story is the second in a series. It is probably necessary to read my story "Kelli" first for this story to make any sense.

This story is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved as do the characters in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. Comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable, are always welcome. Thank you for reading this.


The July Fourth weekend which I spent with Kelli and her family strengthened my relationship with Kelli. I had seen Kelli as she had been brought up and as she really was behind her professional mask. She had taught me a lot about myself. I learned, and had shown her, that I was completely comfortable with the nudity which was an important part of her life. I knew I could trust Kelli completely and thought she reached the same conclusion about me. The weekend also confirmed that we had extraordinarily strong feelings for each other. I believed and hoped that Kelli and I were going to have a life-long relationship.

Kelli and I were having dinner at her apartment a week after the Fourth. In a teasing tone of voice, Kelli said, "Will, next Saturday is the third Saturday of the month. Haven't you wondered why I won't do anything with you on the third Saturday?"

"Yes, I've wondered," I replied, "but I figured you'd tell me if you want me to know. Since you haven't told me, I assume you do something those nights that you don't want me to know about."

"Yes," Kelli said, "but it isn't something bad like you're implying. I just wasn't sure how you'd react."

"Do I correctly get the sense that you're going to tell me now?" I asked.

"Yes," Kelli said, "I'm pretty comfortable telling you after last weekend. I'm going to ask you something too."

"Ok," I said.

"You met my friend Clarissa when we golfed," Kelli said. "She's an assistant manager at a private sports club northeast of town. It is nice and has everything. Each assistant manager must close one Saturday per month. Clarissa's is the third Saturday. The club closes at 8:00 p.m. and the staff is usually gone by 9:00 p.m. A few of my friends and I get there around 9:30 p.m. Clarissa lets us in, and we use the facilities usually until about 12:30 or 1:00 a.m."

"Let me guess," I said, "you all use the sports club nude."

"Smart boy!" Kelli said. "It's really fun."

"And what was the question?" I asked, knowing what it was.

"Would you like to come with me next Saturday?"

"Um, that means I'd see your friends naked, right?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking of it more in terms of showing you off to them," Kelli replied.

"And you'll be disappointed if I don't go?" I asked.

Kelli did a mock pout and said, "very disappointed."

"Well, we can't let you be disappointed," I said. "I'll go."

The next Saturday, Kelli and I met Karla and her boyfriend Peter for dinner at a local sports bar at 5:00 p.m. Karla worked in marketing for a huge consumer products company based in our town. Peter, who had thrown discus in college, was a security specialist in the company's IT department. Karla and Peter had met at work. We ate early to give our dinners time to digest before we used the sports club. We were joined by a third couple: Robin and Brandt. Robin was a high school friend of Karla's. Karla had invited Robin her to join the nude sports club group.

Karla had told us that Robin had gotten a gymnastics scholarship to a southern university where women's gymnastics had become a big-time sport. Robin was good, but not good enough to keep competing beyond college. She got a master's in athletic training and met Brandt. Robin now worked as an assistant trainer at the larger local university. Brandt, who had played soccer in undergrad, was a trainer at a local public high school which ran a huge sports program.

Brandt looked like an average, very fit, guy. Robin was special. She was short and had a compact, athletic-looking body. Light blonde hair cut to a point a bit off her shoulders framed a lovely, girl-next door face.

Kelli and Karla were the only ones out of the six of us who had attended the nude sports club gatherings before. My curiosity got the better of me. I asked, "how did these gatherings get started?"

"Clarissa got the job at the club a little over a year ago," Kelli said. "After her first Saturday night, she realized that she had access to this great facility that was completely empty after 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Karla, Pam, and I were all athletes and love doing sports. Clarissa thought she would do us a favor by letting us use the club for free the Saturday nights when she closed."

Karla picked up the story. "The three of us went there the second Saturday Clarissa closed. As long as we cleaned up after ourselves so it wasn't obvious we'd been there, we could do anything we wanted. We were the only people there. We had brought suits but, when we went to use the pool, someone said she didn't see the need to wear a suit and took her suit off. I do not quite remember who that was. Do you Kelli"

The tone of Karla's voice made it clear that Kelli was the person who initiated the nudity. "Well," Kelli said, "it didn't take the rest of you long to get your suits off once I suggested it. After we swam a while, we thought it would be fun to try some other stuff nude. The club has a large room full of gymnastics equipment for men and women. Karla and I went in there and did some nude tumbling, which was great. Clarissa and Pam played one-on-one basketball, which looked like fun."

"We decided then and there that we'd go to the club every Saturday Clarissa closed and that none of us would wear any clothes," Karla said. "Then, Clarissa asked if it was ok with us for her boyfriend Rich to come too." Karla giggled. "We said we were fine with that so long as he went nude too. We did not think he would, but he showed up the next month and stripped off. Pam also brought her boyfriend, Ed, that second time. It was kind of nice having guys around, so I started bringing Peter. Later, Pam asked if she could invite her friend Paula and Paul's boyfriend Jason. We said ok, so they started coming."

Robin interjected at that point, "I'm so glad you invited Brandt and me. Once Karla told me that the club has a full set of gymnastics apparatus I can use nude, I had to join in."

"Why?" Peter asked.

Robin paused for a moment, then laughed. "I hope this doesn't sound perverted. I've done gymnastics since I was six or seven years old. I was on my high school team, but I always also went to a private coach which Mom and Dad paid for. Between my junior and senior years of high school, I switched to a new private coach, Anna Nicola. I'd only been with Coach Anna couple of months, when she asked four of us older girls to stay after practice one evening. She gathered us around and asked if any of us had ever thought about doing any of our routines with no clothes on. I was shocked by the question and more shocked when one of the other girls said that she wanted to try it but was afraid she would get in trouble. Coach Anna said that, while you had to be careful, it felt great to do gymnastics with nothing on.

Robin took a sip of her Coke. Then she continued her story. "Coach Anna took off her warm-up suit. She did not have anything on underneath. She did look good. She got up on the balance beam and did a routine. It looked so natural. Watching Coach Anna, it made more sense to me to do gymnastics nude rather than in those silly leotards that cover all of your arms, but leave your legs bare, creep into the crack of your ass, and show a camel toe."

Robin paused again. "After Coach Anna finished on the beam, the girl who'd said she had thought about it asked if she could try the uneven bars naked. Coach Anna said yes. The girl took off all her clothes, put on the handguards, and let Coach lift her up so she could grab the lower bar. She did a great routine and stuck the landing. She looked at the rest of us and said, 'That was so great! You have to try it!' I tried it and loved it. When I got to college, we had meets in the basketball arenas. Several thousand people came to those meets. I started thinking about what it would be like to compete with nothing on in front of an audience like that. The more I thought about it, the more exciting it seemed. Unfortunately, I never got to do that."

"It won't be a big one," Kelli said, "but we can give you an audience tonight if you want it."

"That's what I was hoping for," Robin replied.

"You're not the only one who wanted to show off in front of an audience," Karla said. "I distinctly recall being at a cheer camp during college and meeting this girl from OSU who talked about how she wanted to cheer a football game with nothing on under her skirt."

"Well," Kelli said, "I remember at that same camp, someone did cheer with nothing on under her skirt."

"Be fair," Karla replied, "we both did that."

"And we both enjoyed the hell out of it," Kelli said.

"Yeah," Karla said, "you could get away with a lot at those camps."

Peter, Brandt, and I were listening to this conversation with something approaching awe. Kelli turned it on us. "Ok guys, when did you expose yourselves playing your sports."

Peter said, "every spring, the track team would take a trip and compete in a couple of meets somewhere warm. One year it was in Texas, another year in Florida. My senior year, we went to California. A school out there hosted a pretty big meet with about ten men's teams and, I think, seven women's. It started at eight in the morning and finished up around seven that night. As the meet was finishing up, some athletes from the host team told us to be back at ten that night. They did not say why. Not everyone, but a few of us, went back to the track at ten that night. They had the lights on and athletes from all the teams were there, men and women. We were kind of surprised when people started taking their clothes off. They told us it was a tradition for that meet. After the official meet, almost everyone came back that night and held a second meet completely in the nude. They told us they had been doing it for years but only track athletes and coaches on the West Coast knew. I read a couple of years later that it became public, there was a huge stink, and the school shut it down."

"Did you compete nude?" Karla asked.

"I did," Peter replied. "I had my best throw of the year at that unofficial meet."

Brandt just shook his head. I said, "I was a wrestler. The idea of wrestling another guy with both of us naked never crossed my mind."

In a seductive tone, Kelli asked, "You'd wrestle a girl nude though, wouldn't you?"

"The right girl," I replied.

"And who would that be?" Kelli shot back.

I looked around the table. "Any of the women at this table," I answered.

That brought a laugh. Karla interjected, "Be careful Will. You might find takers." That brought another laugh.

In order to minimize the number of cars parked at the club after hours, we left our cars at Karla's apartment complex and rode to the club together in her SUV. Rather than park in the huge lot in front, Karla drove around the large building to a small employee lot next to a loading dock in back. "Rich is already here," Karla said, "and that's Pam's car. Paula, Jason, and Ed probably rode with her."

Clarissa was standing guard at the employee entrance door and pushed it open as she saw us approach. Rich, Pam, Ed, Paula, and Jason were standing just inside the door. Karla introduced Robin and Brandt and Kelli introduced me. I noticed Robin was carrying a device like an I-pod and two speakers. After the introductions, Clarissa said, "Good. Everyone is here. Now we can all get NAKED!" We followed Clarissa into the men's locker room where we all stripped and hung up our clothes.

Everyone in the group had been an athlete in college (I count cheerleaders as athletes). Disrobed, it was an attractive group. Kelli was, indisputably, the most beautiful woman, but Karla and Robin were both a close second. There was a small drop-off in beauty between those three and the other women, but Clarissa, Pam, and Paula were all looked very nice in the nude. From the women's looks and expressions, I inferred that they enjoyed looking at us six nude men.

We all went into the basketball gym, paired off with our partners, and stretched a bit. I'd previously had the experience of helping Kelli stretch and warm up when we were both nude. That never got old.

After a few minutes, Karla called out, "Guys, Can I have a minute?" Everyone formed a circle around Karla. "My high school friend Robin is a gymnast. In college, she was pretty good. She confessed to me a while back that one of the things on her bucket list is to do her gymnastic routines in the nude in front of an audience. I invited her to join us so she can cross that off her list. What she and I talked about was that Robin would do one apparatus to start us off tonight and for each of the next three months. So, let's all go to the gymnastics room to watch Robin."

Nude, ten of us walked down a hall lit only with night lights to the gymnastics room. Robin and Brandt were already there. They had turned all the lights on. The device and speakers Robin carried were set up. Robin said, "Grab some chairs and put them around the floor exercise mat. I thought I would do floor as my introduction to the group. I think you'll see why."

Once we were all seated, Robin turned on her music. She started with some alluring poses and then did a tumbling run diagonally across the mat that ended with her sinking into a forward and backward split on the mat. She hopped up from that and did a couple of flips that moved her to the center of the mat. There she raised one leg straight up, like a ballerina, and spun. She dropped to the mat and did some rolls and a move where she lay on her back with her hips off the mat. Her legs were in the air and she spread them until they were parallel to the mat. It was an extremely exposed position. Robin followed that with more tumbling runs, some more standing poses, and more moves lying on the mat that seemed calculated to expose her completely. It was a very athletic and erotic performance.

Kelli and I were sitting together on a small bench. As Robin neared the end of her routine, Kelli whispered to me "Damn she looks hot. I wish I could do all of that." As a former cheerleader, I suspected that Kelli knew how to tumble. I started thinking about how to get her out on the mat.

Robin finished her routine in a classic split position on the mat. It had been an incredible performance by a very athletic, beautiful, and sexy woman. The ten of us started clapping. We stood up and continued clapping. Robin looked thrilled as she stood up from the mat. She bounced over to a beaming Brandt who gave her a huge hug.

After Robin and Brandt kissed, Robin walked back onto the mat and held up her hands. We stopped clapping. Robin said, "Thank you so much for letting me join you and for being my audience. I think Karla told you that it's been a dream of mine to do gymnastics nude in front of an audience for a long time. I also want to thank you for the great outfits you chose to wear tonight and to thank the guys for the stiff dicks I can see. That's flattering."

After Robin's stunning performance, ten of us played full court basketball. Robin and Brandt went off by themselves. I could not blame them. I had found Robin's performance arousing, and I was dating the most wonderful woman alive. It must have been very arousing for Brandt and, I suspected, for Robin.

I was never much of a basketball player. I found that I liked the game better wearing nothing but shoes. We played full court and the breeze on your body as you ran the court felt great. Even better was watching Kelli and Karla running up and down the floor nude. Kelli and I were teamed with Paula, Jason, and Ed. Pam, Clarissa, Rich, Karla, and Peter were the other team. The highlight of the game, for me at least, was when Peter set a pick on Paula and Karla tried to drive the lane. I switched off Jason and planted myself squarely in front of Karla, who chose not to stop. I ended up on my back on the floor with Karla on top of me.

After about an hour of hoops, we all went to the pool. Kelli and I swam a few laps then got into one of the relatively small Jacuzzis scattered around the pool area. Karla and Peter soon joined us. Under the water, Kelli was playing with my dick and I had a hand between her thighs. Across the tub, it looked like Karla and Peter were doing the same thing.

As usual, Kelli got me hard pretty quickly. She asked Karla, "ready?"

Karla replied with an enthusiastic "definitely!"

Kelli and Karla both stood up. Kelli straddled me and Karla straddled Peter. Kelli lowered herself down so that I slid inside her. I could not see what Karla and Peter were doing but assumed it was the same. Rather than starting to ride me, Kelli sat in my lap with my dick insider her. "Let's stay like this a while," she said, "it feels good." It did feel good.

Robin and Brandt came up. "May we join you?" Robin asked. It would be a bit tight, but none of us minded being close to each other.

"This is the copulation tub," Karla said. "You're very welcome to join us, but you must get a dick in your pussy if you want to stay."

"That's cool," Robin said. She knelt in front of Brandt and began kissing his dickhead. As he started to stiffen, Robin took him in her mouth. He was hard when she pulled her head away from him.

Because they were at a right angle to me, I could watch as Brandt got into the tub and sat. Robin followed him in, straddled him, reached a hand down into the water, and guided Brandt inside her as she sat in his lap.

For several minutes, the six of us talked. It was a bit odd having a normal conversation while we were all in coitus with our partners. Finally, Kelli said, "It's time to get off" and began moving up and down on me. At that point, I turned my complete attention to her. I assume Karla and Peter and Robin and Brandt were doing the same thing.

It is impossible to make love to Kelli Stouffer surreptitiously. She becomes very vocal, and loud, as she approaches orgasm. That has always been ok with me. I am proud of the fact that I make love to the most desirable woman alive. I am perfectly happy if Kelli calls attention to the fact. Kelli stayed true to form that evening, describing exactly what she was experiencing in an ever-louder voice. I still wish I had an audio tape of it.

After Kelli and I came, I heard what I suspected were the orgasms of Karla, Robin, Peter, and Brandt. When I caught my breath and looked around, I saw Clarissa, Rich, Pam, Ed, Paula, and Jason standing around the tub watching us. Finally, Clarissa said, "That was great guys, but you need to drain the tub and wipe it down." We did. It was worth it.

The sports club Saturday nights continued through the Summer and into the fall. Robin's nude performances on balance bean and uneven bars by themselves justified going. The six couples got together, clothed, on other occasions as well. However, Kelli and Karla, and Karla and Robin had friendships that had existed for several years. It just seemed natural that they, together with Peter, Brandt, and me, became an even closer group.

The Saturday after my first trip to the sports club, Kelli and I hosted Karla, Peter, Robin, and Brandt for dinner in Kelli's apartment (hers was much nicer than mine). We had worked out that morning and spent the early afternoon shopping for the dinner. We got a little tight on time. Around 5:30 p.m., we were still clothed, in the kitchen preparing the food. Kelli said, "Shit! They'll be here in half an hour! We've got to get ready." She turned down the burners and covered the pots and pans. She reached into a small pantry and pulled out two folded cloth items. "Follow me," she said.

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