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Kevin's Ups and Downs Pt. 12

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Deanna's day to surrender her virginity.
2.6k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 01/21/2023
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After tucking our clothes back into position, I turned the key, enjoying the sound of the engine coming to life. We still had plenty of time, and Deanna pushed up the armrest. On the big front bench seat of my 57 DeSoto, she snuggled against my side, with my arm around her shoulder.

"Ummm, it feels so good to be with my Prince Charming", Deanna purred. "All though every class, I'll be dreaming of what we will do after class. I am so eager to no longer be a virgin."

I replied, "Oh yeah baby, I'll be more than ready for you, I'll do my best to make it the deflowering of your dreams."

Laying her head on my shoulder, she cooed, "Oh yes, my Prince Charming."

Mindful of the pristine condition of my DeSoto Fireflite, I was averse to parking in the student parking lot. The last thing I needed was some junker whamming into my car. I drove over around to the side where the teacher's lot was. There was plenty of space, and I slotted my car in. I hopped out, and went around, holding the door open for Deanna.

She was positively beaming as I helped her out. As we approached the entrance, she put her arm securely around my waist. I did the same, and as we were noticed, we saw the looks. The cock teasing bitches were agape, that one of the "lower class" was with such a sexy lady. Deanna looked up at me adoringly, then glared daggers at the snobby cock teasers. I looked over and gave them my best skank-hating sneer, then we breezed on by without so much as a backward glance.

Just down the hallway as we strolled towards our lockers, was Allison Torson, our school's biggest prick teaser. I'd fantasized about raping the tight little bitch, she was the worst, she cock teased without mercy, and she'd always given us a smug, superior smirk as those of us in the "lower class" would get a case of aching blue balls and rock hard cocks.

Even though she gave us plenty of clean, lingering looks at her ass and her waxed pussy, she had no intention of relieving the blue balls she created. She turned towards us, I saw the smug smirk, then the dumbfounded look as she saw me and Deanna. I snickered, as she stood there like a stupid cow, her mouth wide open in surprise.

As we drew level, Deanna said, "Shut your mouth dearie, unless you are ready to suck cock!"

A group of our classmates heard that remark and laughed heartily as she slunk away. The guys were looking at us with a mixture of surprise and awe. Our lockers were just a few doors away from each other, and we got our books together for the first-period Math class. She sat right behind me in Math class, and the class was better than it had ever been.

When the bell rang, we had to part, I was due for a Chemistry class, and she was heading for Social studies. In the hallway, she pulled me close and gave me a long, lingering kiss. I was conscious only of the warmth, the press of her lips, the gentle teasing of her tongue. It was like whatever else was around me didn't exist.

When we parted and started on our different paths, all the "lower class" guys were looking at me with awe. If I had managed to find such an awesome girlfriend, why not them?

After Chemistry, Ward Tanner, my closest friend, asked, "How did you manage to get together with Deanna, you lucky dog? She's the nicest babe in the school, not snobby or stuck up, not a prick teaser, do tell!"

I told him about my rescue mission, without regaling him with all the things Deanna and I had done after I'd rescued her.

"Oh yeah, and I'll bet you had one hot, sex-filled weekend! I can see it all over your face, my older brother, when his face was like that, he'd call it his 'my prick died and went to heaven' look!"

We laughed together, and I let him think that it was all Deanna and me. What I'd actually done this weekend was kept to myself.

Ward continued, "Rest assured pal, your secret is safe with me. We've been best buds since we were 6 years old, and I don't betray the sexual life of my best bud. I wish I could find a nice babe as you have, the school is so full of cock teasers, it drives me crazy."

I thought for a minute, then said, "How about Dawn Ramos? She's not one for the prick teasing bitches, and she's nice looking."

Ward replied, "Oh I'd love to ask her, but what if she says no?"

I grinned and replied, "Then you live to fight another day! I know it's putting our ego on the line to ask, but what if she's just waiting to say yes? When you see her, just walk up, say 'Hi,' and strike up a conversation about whatever's on your mind. You'll know pretty soon if she's interested. If she is, offer to drive her home, your MGB looks pretty sharp, and I think she'd adore getting a ride in such a nice sporty set of wheels. If she agrees, be a gentleman, hold the car door open for her when she gets in, and do the same when she gets out, hold open any door that she is going to walk through. She'll appreciate how classy that is. From there, you can see if she'd like to get a ride to school in the morning, make it an everyday thing, and have lunch together. You'll get to know each other, and work it up to a full-on date. Just don't jump at her like she's a side of beef. She'll let you know when she's ready to get more intimate."

Ward said, "Okay, that's what I'll do! I'll pluck up my courage, and see what happens!"

"Good man, let me know what happens."

My last class before lunch was social studies, and as soon as the bell rang, I was out of my seat and heading for my locker. I couldn't wait to join Deanna for lunch. I felt a presence come up behind me, and a body snuggle against me as I walked. I slung my arm around her, and looked over, right into the face of Allison Torson!

I stopped dead and jumped away. The smug smirkiness was gone, now there was a look of desire, need, and eagerness all mixed together. I didn't get it, what was this all about? I get a real girlfriend, and the school's biggest prick teaser wants to come across?

"Kevin, I'm better than Deanna, why don't you take me out to the movies, we'll sneak up to the balcony, and let me show you how good I can be?"

Aha, so that was her game. I get a girlfriend, and she suddenly acts as if she wants me. Yeah, I read that like yesterday's newspaper, I'd get the most aching set of blue balls ever. And, she'd be happy to blab it all around the school and torpedo my relationship with Deanna. I felt a warm body against my other side, I looked over and saw Deanna's face, smiling at me.

I said to Deanna, "Allison was trying to talk me into going with her to the movies tonight, so she can show that she's better than you, and she wants to show me a good time. I was just explaining to her that you are all the girlfriend I want."

Deanna gave me a warm, loving look, then she turned a death glare on Allison, and growled, "You want servicing, buy a fucking dildo you prick teasing bitch!"

Allison's face turned brick red with embarrassment as students in the immediate vicinity heard that remark, and started laughing at her. She turned and fled down the hallway, running from the laughter. I saw Ward, he was talking to Dawn Ramos, and she was smiling and talking like she was interested. With those beautiful brown eyes, jet-black hair, and the darker skin of her Mexican heritage, her body was very nicely put together. Almost as sexy as Deanna, stay with it Ward, charm that Mexican beauty, ran through my mind.

I turned to look into Deanna's loving eyes, and said, "Baby, let's go for lunch."

There was a Perkins restaurant just down the street, so we strolled over, and soon we were seated. It felt good to be away from the school, and as we were perusing the menus, the front door opened, Ward holding it open for Dawn, she favored him with a bright smile. Excellent Ward, good stuff.

Aloud, I said, "Hey, there's my buddy Ward and Dawn Ramos."

Deanna looked up, smiled over at Dawn, who returned the smile, and said, "Oh cool, Dawn's really nice, not a prick teasing bitch, we've become really good friends, invite them over, let's make our lunch a foursome."

I said, "Ward, Dawn, come on over and share our table, we got lots of room."

Deanna got up, so she could sit next to me in the booth, and Ward grinned, gave me a thumbs-up sign, and they joined us, sitting side by side. Oh yeah, both of them looked happy as all heck, Dawn would give Ward smiling looks, and I could see Ward was drinking in all that silent praise.

Ward said, "Kevin, I saw that you brought your classic Fireflite to school, that is the sharpest car I've ever seen, good idea, parking it around the teacher's lot."

I replied, "Yes, I wanted to squire my sweetheart Deanna to school in style, and I didn't need some student's junky burner wagon crashing into it. Your set of wheels is pretty darn classic too, that sporty MGB convertible, done up in British racing green, is a real classic."

I wanted to give Ward an "in" about taking Dawn home.

Dawn said, "You have a sports car? I'd love to go for a ride!"

Ward jumped in, "How about if I drive you home after school?"

Dawn smiled, and said, "I'd love that Ward."

Their hands were on the table, and I saw Dawn's hand move over, and cover his hand gently. Oh, that looks promising. I was holding Deanna's hand, and I brought up our clenched hands and kissed her interlaced fingers. I saw Ward turn his hand upward, and they interlaced their fingers, holding hands.

All four of us were able to handle our menus with one hand, none of us wanted to break that contact. Our waitress came over, and she smiled at our hand holding, and cheeseburgers, onion rings, and large Cokes were the favorite at our table. When our food arrived, we of course let go, I noticed that Dawn was reluctant to let go of Ward's hand, oh yes, very promising.

When we were done eating, Ward said, "What was all the laughing about, at the start of lunch break? We weren't really paying attention."

Taking a swig of my Coke, I replied, "I was just cruising down to my locker, eager to take my sweetheart out to lunch. I feel a body come up beside me and snuggle against me. I turn to smile at Deanna, it wasn't Deanna it was Allison Torson!"

Dawn hissed, "Allison Torson, the school's worst cock teaser? I hate that bitch! What the hell was she trying to do?"

I said, "Oh she was all kissy kissy, telling me that she'd better than Deanna, that I should take her to the movies tonight, and she'd supposedly give me a real good time. Yeah, I'd get the worst case of blue balls ever, and I'm sure she'd blab about it all over school, and make it sound like she'd finally given it up, just to torpedo my relationship. When she saw me and Deanna walking in this morning, our arms around each other's waist, her smug smirk became a dumbfounded look as she saw me and Deanna. I snickered, as she stood there like a stupid cow, her mouth wide open in surprise."

Deanna said, "And I said, 'Shut your mouth dearie unless you are ready to suck cock!' "

Ward roared with laughter, and Dawn was giggling, and we joined in, it felt good to laugh at her.

I said, "So, to get back to the story at hand, I felt Deanna snuggle against my side, I turned to her and told her about Allison's offer, and how I was about to tell her that Deanna is all the girlfriend I want."

Deanna said, "I glared at her, and told her 'You want servicing, buy a fucking dildo you prick teasing bitch!' That's what caused the laughing at Noon, everyone within earshot laughed at her, and she fled down the hallway, her face brick red with embarrassment."

Ward laughed again, and Dawn giggled along with him, we were really having a good time.

I said, "I wanted to let you in on that, if she pulled that trick with me, I'm pretty sure she'll try that trick with you."

Ward said, "Great job, Deanna, and Kevin, putting her in her place like that! She tries that with me, I'll let her know what I think of her blue ball special."

Dawn said, "I'll say, she flounces around like such a prissy bitch, like her shit doesn't stink. She looks at anybody who's not some spoiled rich brat like she looking at the creature from the black lagoon. And she's the worst cock teaser in the whole school, I've even seen the bitch cock tease the teachers! Thanks for sticking it to her like that! I'll be glad to dump on her too, I'd enjoy it very much! "

When the check came, Ward insisted on paying. Hey, I can handle a free lunch, he was one happy, happy man. Walking back to school, I noticed they were holding hands, like Deanna and I, and when we got to the school entrance, they broke the hand holding, so they could put an arm around each other's waist. Allison Torson, that sneer was there, but she dropped that and turned away when she saw us swinging down the hallway, Ward and I had a fine-looking babe on our arm.

The afternoon seemed to crawl by until finally, the final bell rang. Deanna and I met up at our lockers, her face was flushed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. We walked out of the school, and I saw Ward opening the door of his MGB for Dawn, she favored him with a glowing smile as he closed the door and walked over to the driver's side.

I said, "Looks like Ward and Dawn are off to a good start. I told him to go for it, just strike up a conversation, you never know who might be interested in you unless you at least say Hi."

Deanna replied, "You are not only my Prince Charming, you are a very good man to your best friend."

We crossed to the teacher's parking lot, and I held open the door for Deanna. I went around and hopped in, and Deanna grabbed me and plastered her lips tightly against mine. We shared tongue-filled swirls of passion until we needed to come up for air.

Her eyes glowing, she cooed, "Now my Prince Charming, take me home, and make me your Princess."

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Bronco56Bronco56over 1 year ago

I enjoyed this chapter. It gave a good insight on the characters. Looking forward to the next chapter. 5stars

BruceWoBruceWoover 1 year ago

Such a tease. Have to read the next chapter

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