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Kicked Out with My Daughter Ch. 04

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Important phone call while having sex. What could go wrong?
6.5k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/31/2016
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Waking up next to my daughter the first morning back home, was more subdued than our time in the hotel room. She awoke first, and stared at me as I slept. When I finally opened my eyes, a bit confused at first, she showered me with kisses. Some daughterly, and others the kind most fathers never get to share with their daughters. I was aroused waking up to her warm mouth on mine, and she noticed, wrapping her hand around my cock to give it a squeeze, but neither of us were ready for sex at that moment. We were both sleepy, and were happy to just lay there under the covers, basking in each others body heat. Now that I was awake she pushed in closer to me, my dick slid between her legs and rubbed against her pussy making me moan. Smiling she reached down again and adjusted herself, so that my cock slid inside her tight cunt. I moaned louder as I pushed into her depths, and she pushed against my body wrapping her arms around me. We stayed like that not moving, only sleeping. Although, she did milk my cock while we lay there in a doze, her pussy muscles contracting around my still dick, doing it without thought. My cock fit perfectly in her and sleeping this way felt natural, as if we were meant to merge in this way even in sleep. We both slept lightly, not dreaming, while her pussy milked cum from my cock.

When we both were more awake we started to talk, discussing the past few days, and different things we wanted to try, like her wanting to try anal, something I enthusiastically agreed with. She also wanted to show me all her sex toys, some of which I already saw.

"You know Dwaddy, this morning, waking up with you like this, it's like a dream come true," she said.

"I feel the same, Amanda. I love you baby girl," I replied with a kiss.

"No, I didn't say it right, I mean I always wanted something like this to happen," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well Dwaddy, I hope this doesn't change anything but, I haven't been entirely honest with you," she then proceeded to confess things better than I could have imagined. "I'm a virgin Dwaddy, I know I've dated a lot of boys but that was just to keep mom happy, I've never even kissed a boy, you were my first kiss Dwaddy. Since I first learnt what sex was I wanted to do it with you. I would stay up late many nights touching myself, and playing with toys, thinking about one day teasing you so much that you lose control and wape me Dwaddy. I also lied about the birth control, I've never taken it, as I hoped that if you ever did rwape me like in my dreams, I would get to carry our incest baby. I only told you mom took me off birth control because you were mad at her and I thought that would make you cum in me. I've wanted you to wape me for so long. I may have been trying to turn you on that night mom kicked you out, I thought maybe it was finally my chance." She was blushing and hiding her face even though there was no way I could possibly be mad about this, her confession made me feel pure joy, and my head spun with the realization of what she was saying. "The only reason I know how to do things like blowjobs, and how to have mind blowing sex, is because I tried to find out everything a guy might like, watching porn, and reading Internet posts about what feels good. That's why I have so many sex toys, so I could practise for you Dwaddy, because you're the only man I want, and I wasn't going to practise with a stupid boy who would break my heart, or worse, fill my belly with a dirty, non incest, non rape, baby."

I moved her hands from her face to find tears streaming down her face, she was worried I would regret everything we did and want to stop, but instead of being angry I was happy. I kissed her tears away. "Oh Babygirl I could never be mad at you, in fact hearing all that just makes me so happy that you're my daughter. Now that I've had you, I know no one else could compare, and I promise to rape you all you want. Normally I couldn't care less if someone is or isn't a virgin, but because you're my daughter and I'm your father, and I got to take your virginity, well it makes it all much hotter and special," I said as I made my dick throb inside her causing her to giggle and smile.

"Thank you Dwaddy, I was worried about telling you the truth, but I can't lie to you. I hope you wape me lots!" She replied. Then she pushed me onto my back, causing me to pull out of her. She proceeded to climb onto my lap, slowly sitting on my dick, pushing it into her tight, velvety, wet pussy. Her juices gushed down my dick and balls, as she slowly moved up and down, grinding against me.

"I'll rape you whenever you want," I said, she moaned in response. Downstairs the phone rang, it was picked up by my wife.

"I've been thinking Dwaddy, we should talk more about what we'll do with Mommy, I have a few ideas of things we could do," my Daughter said while she squeezed my dick, not the best time to make plans when I had her slowly milking me, thankfully I had enough ideas I could make suggestions without thinking much.

"What're your ideas?" I moaned out, encouraging my daughter to do the talking, so I could focus on relaxing as my cock leaked out cum into her.

She giggled then said, "well the first thing I was thinking is we should give her a new name. Something to hurt her, I'd been thinking of calling her piggy. I know she's attractive and thin, but I still think the name is perfect for her."

"To be honest I know most would consider her attractive, but I've got no attraction to her, you have the body type I've always preferred babygirl. She could never come close to you."

"Really Dwaddy? I mean I know you like me already," she gave my dick a squeeze with her pussy as she said this causing me to squirt cum, "and I know she's got a flat ass which no one likes, but she has big tits, and is thin. I have a bit of a chubby stomach, my thighs touch, and I got cellulite on my ass."

"Oh honey," I moaned, "you're perfect, I never married your mother for her looks, and she doesn't come close to you. Out of ten you're an eleven. You have curves that men would die for, your thighs drive me crazy, I love that they touch, and I've enjoyed imagining my face between them. Yes you have a tummy and I love it, in fact I wanna make it bigger," she giggled, and her pussy got tighter. "You do cheerleading, and you're so fit because of it, your body is the way it is because of nature, you got a little chub, but you also have a lot of muscles. It's perfect, and yes you have cellulite but that's because your ass is so perfect, plump, and round that it's to die for. Also I never liked your mom's tits, I prefer yours," I reached up and squeezed them. "They're perfect, not tiny but not big. A perfect handful that I can hold, perky, soft, and warm. I always preferred tits like yours. I only like skinny girls when they are that way because of nature, but I still prefer girls like you and I don't want you to ever think I don't find you perfect, imperfections included," I smacked her ass causing her to moan.

"Oh Dwaddy you know the perfect things to say. I wuve you!" She leaned down to give me a kiss, starting to bounce up and down on my dick a little faster, her ass smacking against my legs.

"I love you too princess." It was at that moment we were interrupted by my wife walking in.

"Um honey?" She asked. She was still naked which was good, it showed she was still submissive to us.

My daughter turned to her, staring daggers at her, and causing my wife to shrink back. My daughter started to fuck me harder, trying to send a message of who owned my dick now.

"What do you want?" Amanda said.

"I'm sorry, the school called, I have the headmistress on the phone."

Amanda rolled her eyes, "Fine give it to Daddy." She picked up the pace.

"Are you sure?" Sarah asked.

"Yes I'm sure. Don't fucking question me pig," my daughter said annoyed.

My wife walked up and handed me the phone, then turned to walk away.

"Where are you going piggy?" My daughter asked. "You weren't dismissed.

"Oh!" My wife said, clearly unsure what to do.

"That means kneel and shut your mouth pig," my daughter replied. "No forget that, I change my mind, come here and lick my ass and Dwaddy's balls while he's on the phone."

I lifted my phone to my ear as I watched my wife tentatively approach my daughters rear while Amanda rode my dick, milking it of cum. Annoyed at her slowness Amanda grabbed piggies head and shoved her face into Amanda's ass. "Don't be a pussy, my ass isn't gonna kill you." She moaned. "Yeah that's it. Now don't just lick it, stick that tongue in there. Get it in my ass, tongue fuck me, Oh just like that, good piggy."

"Hello?" I said into the phone hoping the Headmistress of Amanda's school couldn't hear what was going on.

"Ah Mike, it's good to hear from you." She said, her breathing seemed lustful, though I may have been misreading it thanks to being in the middle of having sex with my daughter.

As I mentioned before, Amanda went to a coed private school, which had an all female teaching staff, as well as the teaching staff the administrators and other staff where also all female, the only males being students. Now with the clarity that came from my wife's outburst, and from fucking my daughter, I had some suspicions about some of the teaching staff as well as the principal who was referred to as the headmistress. Despite the supposed religious history of the institution, and the connection to the church, I suspected there was a lot of perversion among the staff. Recent comments from my daughter, as well as past memories of events that I now saw in a different light, made me suspect some things. I don't think anyone that isn't directly involved in working there is a part of anything perverse. For the rest of the church and community everything that happens is all above board, while the truth might be very dirty.

I realize now that when I still felt attraction for my wife I was blinded to things that would have been obvious to others. There's a lot that could be mistaken for something dirty when the true context is innocent, but I know for sure that two things I had viewed innocently were actually much more perverse on reflection. The first is the headmistress herself. I don't know for certain what the headmaster wore normally, maybe it was a coincidence that every time she had a meeting with me she wore clothes that were not conservative in the slightest, and that anytime I saw her outside of a planned meeting she wore more conservative clothing with her more sexual charged clothing also being a common outfit choice, but I suspect she only wore clothes that would raise eyebrows around me and my daughter specifically. I highly doubted she was wearing sexually clothing normally, since every unplanned interaction with her had her wearing conservative clothing. I'll give an example to you of what she wore one time when I met with her during Amanda's second year. It was a white dress shirt, a few sizes too small so that it was skin tight, her breasts pushed out the top and stretched the fabric enough that there was space between the buttons where you could see skin. She would never wear a bra during our meetings, so I could always see her nipples through white shirts, and she was black so that meant that I could see more through the shirt than if a white person wore it. She wore a mini skirt that was the same kind of plaid number that the students wore, and it looked like it was meant for one of the younger tiny students as when her back was turned to us I could see a hint of her ass cheeks. A few times she's worn it without underwear and I would know she wasn't wearing underwear because when she did wear it I was able to see what little there was, as she preferred thongs, and boy shorts. Of course I'm not complaining, I have a feeling both of us are of the same mind, less fabric there is for underwear, the better, on women anyways, men need more support. She loved thigh high tights, and loved knee high heels. The second thing she did, was, on multiple occasions, I felt her foot rub against my leg, travelling up almost to my crotch. Of course my ignorant ass didn't see what she was trying to do, assuming it was an accident, and then not understanding after the meetings why my wife would be so cranky. I didn't see that the principle had been trying to seduce me, though my wife sure did.

A final thing that I have suspicions about—it's not directly connected to the last two things—is the fact that it's not only a high school. Students are encouraged to stay an extra year when they are 18 and are done with high school. The idea being that it's an extra year available to help students prepare for secondary education. It's meant to be a buffer between high school and University or College in an attempt to help students get ahead in life, and it's free for any students who went to the private school, their parents not having to pay like they did during the high school years. Lately I've noticed that there has only ever been eighteen year old girls that go through the program, boys have never gone through the extra year, and despite it being sold as one extra year a few of the girls stay for two or three. This in itself doesn't make me question it, but what does is the fact is that if you actually ask the parents about the program you never get the same answer, and even get contradicting stories. If a parent wants to pick up their offspring they have to wait at the office, where previous years they can go to the classroom, it seems that staff will do whatever they can to keep the parent from actually going to the extra year classes. I only came to this realization during the recent week I've had with my daughter. So there is always a chance that I could be misreading things I'm remembering from before my eyes were opened by my daughter. So I can't confirm any of my suspicions until I have an excuse to be at Amanda's school, and even then, she's not in the program as she's still finishing her final normal year.

"We've been so worried about Amanda when she didn't come into school earlier this week. We understand, though, that thinking to call slipped your mind, your wife told me that you were working through some family issues right now," she said in the breathy voice. I hadn't cared to tell anyone where I was with my daughter, I wanted to leave that to my wife as another way to leave her to sit in worry.

"Well you don't have to worry any loooonger ohhhh fuck." I bit my tongue to stop moaning. At the same moment Amanda slowed down the pace, starting to slowly grind on me again, teasing me, while my wife choose that moment to lick my balls making me have an orgasm and squirt a huge load into my daughter. At the time I didn't think anything about it but Sarah seemed to be enjoying this more than one would expect from her. "Tell your mom not to go there until I'm off the phone," I whisper shouted at my daughter. My dick was still hard, despite my orgasm. My daughter's tightness didn't let me go soft easily.

"Are you okay Mike? You sound—distracted." Amanda's Principle said.

"Shit," I thought to myself. "Yes I'm fine. Sorry about that." My heart was in my throat, I wondered how much she heard. I put the phone on speaker so Amanda and Sarah could hear, partly so my daughter knew not to push it, and in the hope something might be said that would get to my wife. I was a little worried though that my daughter could be heard, her breathing was heavy and she was shaking occasionally, having mini orgasms, as she milked me.

"Well I just wanted to follow up and make sure everything is okay. Your wife was—well she was hysterical when I talked to her a few days ago, and she was kind of vague before passing you the phone." Melissa said.

"Well you don't have to worry about holding back or censoring yourself," I said. "I'm sure hysterical is too kind for her at the time. She's always been a bit of," I searched for words wondering how far I should take it. If my suspicions were right I would get away with it, but if I was completely off base I could cause trouble.

"Fuck it, maybe I'm not in the best headspace for making decisions with my daughter's tight cunt squeezing my cock, but even without that I don't think I could give a shit at this point, in for a penny in for a pound, maybe I'll get to fuck another hot woman that I know,," I thought. "Sorry, she's always been a bit of a cunt. It just got to be to much. Amanda and me both needed a break from her." I could hear my wife had paused, probably angry, but my daughter smacked Sarah to get her to keep going, hopefully Melissa didn't hear her getting hit, or at least didn't think anything about it.

"Mike! You naughty boy!" Melissa said, the flirtation clear in her voice. She enjoyed what I had said. "Normally I only punish students, but it seems like you need some punishing with that mouth of yours." I could hear the smile in her voice and I smiled back, even if she couldn`t see it.

"Well I've recently had a new outlook on life. I don't mean to upset you, I just needed to get it off my chest," I replied. "Headmistress," I added as an afterthought, might as well fully play up the chastised school boy for her.

"Well Mike this new outlook of yours is—interesting." Her pause said so much. I was sure she was flirting now, and the pause suggested she wanted to say so much more than just interesting. She was playing it safe, perhaps unsure if we were on the same wavelength, unsure if I was on her sexual level, or if I was still my naive self not seeing obvious signals, my words only seeming sexual; a part of me thought maybe she wasn't alone, and couldn't say what she wanted to. I was having a hard time thinking with my cockpocket of a daughter on my dick, trying to be eloquent at the time was like trying to perform brain surgery with a chainsaw.

My daughter saw the struggle in my face and leaned over me, griding on me in a circular motion. "Keep going Daddy. She wants you, and I would love to play with Miss Kuntz," she whispered in my ear, of course pronouncing it cuntz instead of the proper way. Then proceeded to bite and suck on my neck which didn't help much, but it was the encouragement I needed to be brave and not second guess myself. Of course my wife could make out my daughters words, and I just prayed that if the headmistress could hear Amanda she liked what my daughter was saying.

"Well Miss," I said putting on my best naughty school boy voice, "I just wanted to be honest. See Amanda and I had to leave for a few days, we didn't get the chance to pack either, because of a misunderstanding. Amanda didn't have to come with me, but she had come home just as I was walking to my car, and well, she's always been a daddies girl."

"I can imagine that," Melissa said, a hint of sexual suggestion in her voice made me wonder, but I couldn't ponder on it at the time.

"Anyways she didn't go inside, and as she is a legal adult I didn't argue with her. See me and Sarah had a fight because she had wrongly accused me of cheating."

"Oh you poor thing," Melissa replied with a pout in her voice.

"So we stayed at a hotel outside the city in order to give me wife time to get herself together," I had to bite back a gasp as I felt my skin break from my daughters teeth, and she went crazy once the blood welled up in her mouth, speeding up her pace on my cock. The blood from my neck, and my pulsing cock, was encouraging her to go fast. "And I uh, well, thought it was best for Amanda to not go to school for the week, because we had to go so far out of the city due to us living in a popular town for college kids to come to during their spring break. So we took some time to relax, and wait for things to settle down. We got back yesterday, but we are still, uh, adjusting to the new situation."

"New situation? I'm curious now. If you want someone to talk to about what happened sweetie I'm hear to listen," she said, sex flowed heavy in every syllable.


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