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Kicking and Screaming Ch. 01-02

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Man gets a strange offer from his estranged wife.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2020
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Chapter 1

"Alright, you wanted to sit down and talk, Jill. We're sitting. We're talking. With no lawyers around, either. I hope that this doesn't put me off my appetite, because it's a shame to waste great falafel and tahini sauce," I told my estranged wife, Jill, as she sat with me in my favorite Greek and Middle Eastern cafe.

"Look ... Jack. I blew it. Okay? I blew it. I kicked you out of your own house. You were right. That was wrong, even illegal, since your name is on the deed. You want to press charges? Go ahead. I'll do my jail time. I deserve it. But wouldn't you rather enjoy my body instead of letting some bull dyke cellmate do it? I know that I'd rather eat food like this than jail food," Jill blushed just a bit, pushing her dirty blonde hair away from her face.

"I'm not sure that I trust you, plus having broken free of monogamy, I'm in no rush to return to it. You didn't hold up your end of the deal, anyway. If I was faithful, you agreed to deny me nothing. Your words, not mine. In any case, someone who shoves a Smith and Wesson .357 magnum revolver into my face and demands that I leave my own damn home or else get shot makes it very hard to trust said person again or feel safe around her. Pardon me if I don't rush back into your not-so-loving arms," I sneered as I drank plenty of excellent Greek coffee.

"No one is owed sex, you know," Jill rather halfheartedly called upon a strawman argument.

"I never said that anyone is. Even so, you made me a promise that you didn't keep, in exchange for my fidelity, which I upheld, I should add, even when you broke your word. After all, I didn't owe you celibacy, either. If no one is owed sex, and you're right about that, no one is owed someone else's self-denial and frustration.

"You were in breach of contract even before you kicked me out. That alone absolved me of any obligation to be faithful to you, not to mention any wedding vows, since you definitely didn't keep the ''til death do you part' part, did you? So, again, why should I trust you enough to even date you again? I never liked dating in the first place. It's paying a total stranger to lie to your face. That's what politicians are for, am I right?" I snorted now.

"True, but I'm not a stranger. I'm your wife. Look, I know that you banged that cute Russian bitch and I totally get why. If you wanted to flaunt your freedom, congratulations, you did it in spades! Nadia, was that her name? You kicked her to the curb pretty fast, though. Not sure why.

"In any case, Jack, I swear to you that my lying days are over. No more lies. No more of those gunpoint evictions, either. I know that I kicked you out, but you're the one that filed for divorce, I might point out," Jill added quickly.

"After you forced me, illegally, to leave my own home at gunpoint, yes, I filed for divorce. I damn near sought a restraining order against you, and I still might. I'm still at a loss as to your purpose for asking me to meet you today," I cornered Jill now.

"Look ... I was a rotten wife. I am one ... have been, whatever. I get it. I don't know what, if anything, you're doing for sex, but I kinda hoped that, for auld lang syne, if you will ... you'd be open to some ex sex. Strictly speaking, it's not even that. It's just married sex, a man and his wife getting it on, as millions of people do daily worldwide. It's the most normal thing in the world," Jill really threw me off with that comment.

"You ... called me here ... as a booty call? Your own husband, who you are divorcing, who you kicked out of his own home, that's your choice for a booty call? This is really just about knocking boots, you and me? Wow! Just fucking wow!" I shook my head in utter astonishment now.

"Shocking, I know. Look, just give it some thought, okay? How about if I sweeten the pot?" Jill pushed the envelope a little bit, much to my further surprise.

"Well, I would like my shotgun back, among a few other things," I surprised myself by speaking as if in negotiations with my separated wife, "how do I know that this isn't a ploy to reconcile?"

"It's not ... I swear. I swear to God. I just ... I have needs. You have needs. And I feel that I really wasn't Wife of the Year, was I? I'm climbing the fucking walls, babe. Karen just ... doesn't have all of the equipment that I need, you see. She's gay and came out rather late in life, with every bit of the baggage of heterosexual monogamy in terms of understanding relationships.

"That, regrettably, includes a lot of romantic and sexual jealousy. So I've been faithful to her. I really have. I've tried to be since I kicked you out and moved her in with me. Her motive there was to show you the door and get you entirely out of my life, you know. Pure jealous rage happened every time she even thought of me with you together, even for normal, vanilla married sex.

"I think that what bothered her most was the idea of you eating me out, though. That's HER pussy to taste, that's how she saw it. Even the merest hint that you might be muff diving me drove her absolutely insane with jealousy. One month into our relationship, she issued me an ultimatum. Her or you. I chose her, at least partly because that woman can eat pussy like it's fucking chow mein or sushi or something great like that. While I don't regret it, I still love you, believe it or not.

"Yes, for the record, I know that I sound like a hypocrite, citing the need for sex just after saying that no one is owed sex. So sue me ... I can be a hypocrite at times! I'll cop to that! I just ... have needs. The need for a woman AND a man. Even Karen realizes that by now," Jill ranted a little, much to my shock.

"So, how would you 'sweeten the pot,' as you put it? By the way, you do realize that you just confirmed that you cheated on me, right? I want my shotgun, I want several other items, in fact, and I want an easy divorce. No more fighting me on this. Does Karen know that you're dragging your feet, even asking for counseling through your lawyer?" I demanded now.

"She knows. That was just to force a moment like this whenever I thought that you were good and ready, and so was she. I just had to stall for time, you see. As to the shotgun, and unless those items are completely unreasonable, yes, to them, too. But that's not at all what I meant by 'sweetening the pot,' dear.

"I meant anal. I meant threesomes. I meant every crazy, kinky thing that you ever wanted to do with me, on tap, right along with my pussy itself, of course. Rimjobs, blowjobs, handjobs, motorboating, all of it! With no expiration date, either. The only limits are things like no scat, no watersports, things of that nature. No rapes. And Karen wants to watch, sometimes even share me with you, though she'll never fuck you.

"Karen grasps my needs, even if she doesn't like them very much. I could never be content with just cock or cunt. I need both. She'll supply the pussy, you the dick. Besides, this way, we can have babies together, which wouldn't happen through Karen. She's older and gay, so yeah, best to leave it to me to procreate," Jill dropped the biggest bombshells now, leaving me slack-jawed by now.

"So, you'll let the divorce happen ... but who will get the house?" I asked her now.

"Both of us. We can make an entire wing of it yours, where you can take your lovers, anyone that you desire, and fuck them right under the same roof. This way, it will make it easier for you to fuck me, you see? The very opposite of Karen's earlier intent with that ultimatum, but again, she's now very much on board with this. Any other thoughts or requests?" Jill asked me as she laid out her rather unorthodox proposal for sharing the Jackson residence between us.

"Yes, I have a girl ... a hooker, that I'd like to move in with me. Part of our household budget would go to keeping her on payroll, you see, albeit under some other label or euphemism, of course. This is non-negotiable. If she doesn't go for it, I'll find another prostitute who will. Her name is Consuela Dominguez. She's Nicaraguan, I think. Between you and her, that will keep me ... better sated, though I can't promise to be faithful, of course.

"If and when we do threesomes, leaving aside the kind where Karen and I don't touch each other, odds are, they will be with Consuela and me. Deal? She's especially fond of anal and if she's living with us, sooner or later, we'll end up going bareback. When that happens, I want you to lick her bottom clean. Deal?" I said as I paid up and tipped for the great Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine.

"Deal, now, let's call this cutie of yours and move both of you home where you belong. And prepare to fuck me into next year! I've missed this guy far too much to ever give him up again!" Jill told me even as we got to my truck and she unzipped my pants in the cab to practically inhale my dick down her throat.

God help me, I told myself, if she kicks me out again ... I will burn the house down. She just got a second chance. She won't get a third. And this second chance is, by her own admission, on MY terms.

Chapter 2

"So, want me to move in with you...on payroll, full-time, in a fucking mansion, which you will share with your ex-wife and her fiancee? This is crazy, loco, senor, but hey, it's my kind of crazy! This is one helluva blended family! Let's just not sweat the thing, okay? You're my boss. I'm on your dime, alright?" Consuela smiled in spite of her tough words, an obvious affection and anticipation showing in her eyes.

"Okay, hon. Technically, of course, you'll be listed on payroll as a nanny or maid or whatever, but I can promise you that your duties will be focused on the bedroom. We can and will share the household chores together, babe. I also have to warn you that sometimes, you'll be asked to fuck my ex..sometimes together with me, sometimes alone. I'll be fucking her a lot myself, despite our rather strained relationship," I warned my Latin lover.

"Very well, but one thing changes now and for good. No more rubbers. None. You're my bread and butter now. A full-time puta is a full-time puta. You're my only client now. I'll fuck anyone you want me to fuck, but they're not my clients. You are. You're paying for me. I work for you. Only you. So, no more condoms for you, mister. And that kissing rule? That's out the fucking window, too," Consuela informed me to my surprise and delight.

"Wait, are you..crying?" I asked Consuela now, noticing her watery eyes.

She nodded, "No one has ever even suggested hiring me full-time this way. Maybe I wouldn't have wanted it with them, but it would have been nice to be asked. I didn't have any plans or expectations with you. You were just a john like the rest of my clients. Until you fucking weren't, okay?

"You did the one thing that none of us ever expect..ever. This kinda thing doesn't happen to us in real-life. Fuck Julia Roberts and Richard Gere and all that jazz. Pretty Woman doesn't happen to us for real. Period. And if it does, it happens to fucking white girls. Gringas. It never happens to a Nicaraguan refugee."

"I can't promise you a Hollywood ending, Consuela, but I can promise you that your life will be a helluva lot easier and less stressful in every materialistic sense of those terms. I can promise you that your pretty ass won't be on the streets anymore. Ever again. I will make damn sure of that if it's the last thing that I do. That's a fucking promise, an oath, okay?" I leveled with sweet Consuela and she got this look in her eye that was tough to pin down.

"You really are a straight-shooter, aren't you? No bullshit. No false promises. No lies. No sweet nothings whispered in the ear. Just honest, straightforward physical attraction and pleasant companionship. This is a friendship with benefits, but one that pays me. I'd be a really stupid bitch to turn that down, wouldn't I? Sadly, I know bitches that dumb. Thankfully, I'm not one of them," Consuela winked at me as she climbed on top of me, taking me bareback inside her for the first time ever.

"Don't you want to know what price I'm offering first?" I inquired.

"Honey, whatever it is, on top of room and board, it's likely to be more than enough, especially knowing you. One thing, though, if you're actually getting a divorce, how are you both living together? Is that allowed? I just never heard of such a deal, papi," Consuela asked me out of sheer morbid curiosity, I believe.

"It is if it's included in a settlement. If it made it to a judge, that probably wouldn't be an option. It would likely be put up for sale and the proceeds split between us. Often, it becomes a real loss, at least if there's no or not enough equity for the house. A financial loss, that is. Of course, Jill wasn't after the house when she kicked me out of it. It turns out that back then, not that long ago, Karen was insanely jealous and issued an ultimatum to which Jill caved. Back then, Karen just wanted me gone," I explained as Consuela continued to ride me, her luscious body moving closely with mine in a wonderful rhythm and pace.

"I don't know this Karen person very well, and I will be happy to fuck her if you really wish it, but I can't promise to like her that much, at least not at first. Don't get me wrong. I've been jealous in the past, but whatever else you say about my line of work, it's an effective cure for jealousy and possessiveness, at least for me.

"I've lost count of how many men that I've fucked just went home to their wives at the end of it, and not all of them had issues in the bedroom. Some, rather understandably, just wanted some strange. I couldn't fault them for that. Even the best food gets tiresome after a while. Everyone needs a change now and then. Boredom is an inevitable consequence of monotony," Consuela smiled and kissed me very hard as she stroked my cock just right with her wet, warm womanly parts.

"After this, we meet up with Jill and Karen and get started on the move, but I don't mind if this delays that for a good while. Being ridden by a lovely senorita like you is more than worth the wait, trust me," I told Consuela, who laughed softly and kissed my face repeatedly after that.

"You really do like Latinas, don't you? Hot, spicy, and brown," she teased me now.

"One chica more than most, but yes, I do," I confessed, hinting strongly that she was by far my favorite mamacita.

"If this is pushing it too far, let me know, but if you ever get in the market for a new wife, look no further. I won't do anything without you or go anywhere without you, mostly for fear of somehow losing you. I won't mind you fucking long as you include me in the action. And I would deny you nothing in bed. Nothing at all. Ever," Consuela shocked me with her proposal, which, love or no love, just made sense.

"Damn, girl, I think that you just got yourself a deal. Love or no love, that's too good an offer to refuse," I reacted with delight, much to her surprise.

"Wait, you're gonna take me up on that? Even without falling in love with me yet?" Consuela reacted with amazement yet again.

"Why not? Love used to just be incidental to marriage. Sometimes, it still is. And frankly, if Jill can have a wife, so can I. Merle Haggard used to sing, 'no, it's not love, but it's not bad.' That's how I feel about this. I'd be a damned fool to turn down an offer of marriage from someone as clearly sweet and sultry as you, so prepare to have a new husband. You're not bothered that I'll be a divorced man, though?" I asked to clarify.

"Think that I care about the Church, after what they did to my brother Manuel? Fuck them! You're okay with marrying a whore?" Consuela asked, just before she squirted and made her hot mess of a beautiful Nicaraguan pussy even wetter.

"Hey, it's the world's oldest profession and one of its most honest, too. I'd never look down on a working girl. And hey, you've got mad skills in the sack, right? Besides, isn't marriage just another form of prostitution, anyway?" I winked at Consuela just as I came.

She thanked me with more kisses than I thought humanly possible.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Wait…I am understanding some of the commenters correctly? They think marrying a whore is some type of win or revenge? Wow…how truly fucked up some of the readers are. 1-star.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Odd, but entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wouldnt marry any of these women. Consuela is a decent women but a whore will always be a whore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice twist with Consuela at the end there. She sounds like my type of woman!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well you my dear sir can't write for shit. 1 Star but only because 0 are not possible.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

Oops, I think I said "Karen" where I should have said "Jill." I think, I can't see what I wrote yet!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

Sev, I don't mean to imply your intent, but while I haven't done an exhaustive analysis, it seems that not just here in LW, but even in real life, there's the idea that if you're bi, then you NEED both, and writing Karen that way perpetuates what is largely a myth. I realize you need it for the ploy, I guess I'd just like to see more accurate depictions of bi people. BTW, I'm not bi, so I have no dog in this hunt, just my personal feelings.

Flar1958Flar1958about 4 years ago

This new and interesting and so let see there it goes.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieabout 4 years ago

Screw the "obey" part of the vows, replace it with cherish.. to cherish something means it's precious to you in a loving careful way that you want to protect.

SevMax2SevMax2about 4 years agoAuthor

Just because I portray Jill that way doesn't mean that I'm claiming that way about all bisexuals. That was my point. Jill is by no means all bisexuals. She's one bisexual, who in fact did attempt to be faithful to Karen, and by the way before cheating with Karen as far as I recall was faithful to Jack. This was her first and only extramarital affair, though that doesn't justify anything, of course.

Again, speaking as someone who is pansexual, which is similar to bisexual in most respects, I'm not making any such assertions or representations.

As to wants vs. needs, that's a whole separate argument or debate. We probably won't agree on that, from the sound of it.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

Sev, I'm not claiming that all bi-sexuals are automatically poly. I'm saying that by writing her this way you're perpetuating what is largely a myth.

Bi-sexuals no more NEED both a man and a woman any more than a straight person NEEDS more than one partner of the opposite sex. They may WANT one, but wants are different than needs.

SevMax2SevMax2about 4 years agoAuthor

6. As for traditional wedding vows, I know what they state or imply, but to me, that moral stance is wrong. For one thing, another part of the vows generally speak in terms of "love, honor, and obey," yet how often are those vows broken, especially the obedience part. For another, "love and honor" would imply that something other than just cutting someone off on a whim. And nowhere is it implied that one is owed celibacy. If fidelity causes celibacy, that is contrary to the intent. It is a breach of the spirit of the vows, at least from where I sit. No one is owed sex, yes. But no one is owed abstinence and self-denial, the other person's misery, torment, and suffering, either.

7. If she enjoys the act of rimming, I don't see where she's being degraded.

8. As for marriage and love, as he pointed out, love used to only be incidental to marriage and even today still is in some places and with some people. You don't have to love someone marry them, which is another reason why the vows seem to be more honored in the breach and ceremonial than binding.

SevMax2SevMax2about 4 years agoAuthor
For those nitpicking.

1. He has been arguing with Jill some time now. Maybe he does need a better lawyer, but that's kinda moot now.

2. Since he doesn't have proof that she evicted him at gunpoint, it's kinda hard to have her arrested. He could, arguably, have the Sheriff's deputies force her to let him. Also moot by now. She caught him off-guard, before he could even get to his shotgun.

3. If she pulls this stunt on him again, he will have his shotgun ready and also a very loyal Consuela to back him up. He's also indicated a nuclear option, in the form of arson. (Not that I approve, but that's his attitude about that issue. Very War of the Roses, as his patience has been taxed enough.)

4. I'm not saying that all bisexuals are automatically poly. Or that all are cheaters (which is not the same thing as poly, of course). Some are. Some aren't. Jill actually tried to be faithful to Karen, whether you approve or not, so it by no means reinforces that message. As a pansexual person myself, I wouldn't set out to send that message at all.

5. Is it crazy to move back in with an ex like that? Probably. Again, another reason to ask for his shotgun back and get it, and to probably get locks for which only he and Consuela have the keys for their wing of the place. It's a fairly large house and he's eager to get it back again. He's probably still at least a little torn between love and lust for Jill and mistrust of her. Hence the precautions. I frankly still wouldn't move back in with her, just as I wouldn't have tried to save the marriage with Hildy in Troubadour's tale. Jack isn't me in that respect. I would be more paranoid myself. It's a plot device, And some guys are still that soft in the head about certain women or maybe just that fucking attached to that house. Frankly, I think that he just wants to cuckquean Karen, but I still wouldn't go for it. Fucking dangerous. Even with precautions.

SevMax2SevMax2about 4 years agoAuthor
Wolfen, the only other name this is under is my other pen name on SOL

Mark Gander. So stop implying plagiarism.

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