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Kidnapped into Sexual Slavery

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Brian was kidnapped and then enslaved.
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Brian never quite knew what to make of Ellen Fitzgerald. She was a distant relative of his stepfather's, second or third cousin he thought, who came for a visit maybe two or three times a year. And Brian wasn't all that close to him, much less his relatives. (Brian's own father had passed away when he was very young and his mother had remarried just two years ago.)

Ellen rarely paid much attention to him when she stayed for a visit. She was an imposing, distant woman it seemed. She was at least 5'11" tall, maybe a little taller with an apparently thick build. Brian thought she looked a little chunky, if not fat, under her loose fitting clothing. She was 29 years old and widowed a year and half earlier, although Brian knew few details about what happened.

Her height and frame made her seem formidable compared to himself. He was four inches shorter and could be described as reedy. He had a trim body, befitting that of a 19-year about to enter college next week. He honestly never gave her much thought other than the requisite pleasantries when she visited.

Still, he was now set to go to drive to New York tomorrow, with Ellen---although that had been a decision made without him. Ellen, who lived there, offered to drive Brian to school the next day and his parents thought this a good time and money-saving idea. He dreaded the five-hour car ride with her. Fortunately, he thought, he had his phone and his iPod.

When they left the next day, Brian packed his few belongings he was taking with him in Ellen's SUV, figuring on buying new most of the stuff he needed. It amounted to little more than a couple of bags of clothes and a few electronic devices and his laptop. The ride passed uneventfully and quietly. Brian made a little small talk and so did Ellen, it seemed, to be polite, but they largely kept to themselves.

When they finally arrived, Ellen parked fairly far in the parking lot from his dorm.

"She could have parked a little closer," he muttered under his breath.

"All right, Brian, here we are. Before we get out of the car, call your parents and tell them I have dropped you off and I am on my way, so you are on your own."

Brian dutifully did so. The conversation with his mother made it sound very much like he was at school and Ellen had already driven away. While he had his talk, Ellen had gotten out of the SUV with her purse and, out of his sight, retrieved a cloth and poured some liquid on it. Brian ended his call and got out of the car and was about to get his belongings from the back.

"Brian, dear, before you go, can you help me. I seemed to have lost my good pen under the driver's seat. I can't reach it from the front. Could you get down on the floor and see if you can see it?"

"Sure." Brian climbed onto the floor in front of the back seats of the truck and started to reach his hand under the driver's seat. Once his hand was extended he felt an incredible weight on his body, realizing in the same instant that Ellen was now on top of him pushing him to the floor as she placed the cloth over his mouth and nose, muffling his cries and sending him quickly into unconsciousness. He attempted to resist but her weight made her unmovable with his much weaker body until he blacked out.

Once she was sure the boy was out, Ellen stood up slowly, pushed his legs all the way in, and closed the door. She looked around. No one was close by. No one was looking at her. People were walking about some distance away, but no one had any clue that one of the entering freshman class had just been kidnapped. Ellen nonchalantly got back into her vehicle and drove away. She smiled to herself. It had gone according to plan and had been easier than she had expected.

Ellen drove for two hours out of the city, deep in the country and ultimately wilderness areas, periodically stopping along the way to ensure Brian stayed asleep on the floor of the back seat. She finally arrived at her destination, a small cabin at the end of a very long dirt road, at least 5 miles from the highway and probably a good 20 miles from any sign of civilization or humanity.

She got out of the car, pulled Brian out, and hoisted him on her shoulders. He weighs less than I thought, Ellen said to herself. She carried him inside the cabin and, with difficulty, down a steep set of stairs under a trap door in the cabin floor. She laid him down on a cot inside what could only be described as a jail cell, for it had only a cot, a sink, a toilet, and small shower. There was also a curtain drawn to block the cell's occupant of any view of the rest of the downstairs living area, which was actually quite large.

Ellen stripped him of every scrap of clothing. She then locked her prisoner in and went upstairs. Ellen collected all of his clothing and promptly burned it all in a barrel. She gathered his electronics and computer, carrying them in and storing them in a large safe with a combination lock in the basement. She fixed herself some lunch and took a shower. Then she waited for her newly arrived prisoner—her sex slave, though he didnt that part yet—to wake up.

The first thing Brian noticed when he began to wake up was that his head hurt. He woke slowly, not remembering immediately what had happened. But the memory quickly came to him—the car, the pen, and Ellen on top of him. As he regained more of his senses, he also realized he had no clothes on whatsoever. Nor were any in sight. And it was then that he saw where he was: in jail, it seemed, with none of his possessions. In about another minute, he realized he wasn't in jail and had no idea where he was. Finally he managed to find his voice.

"Hey! Let me out! Help!" Brian shouted at the top of his voice. At first, he heard nothing in response, but then he heard the heels of a woman's boot on some floor a room or two away. Then nothing. Suddenly Ellen appeared from behind the curtain that marked his small area. She was wearing three-inch high black ankle boots and sweats.

"Good! Awake at last!"

Brian wasn't sure whether he was expecting to see Ellen or not but felt embarrassed by his nakedness just the same. Unfortunately, all he had to cover himself was a pillow. He made the best of it and stood up, angry.

"Ellen! What the fuck is going on here? Give me my clothes and let me out of here!"

Ellen just stared at Brian for a moment and then laughed at him. When she stopped, she began with a tone Brian found menacing and frightening—and the words soon matched the tone—and it sapped much of the bravado he had just put on.

"Let's be clear right now, Brian. You demand nothing! I am your only link to survival—to food and water. Getting something to eat should be your only concern right now because if I decide not to provide it, you will starve here. Something I am perfectly willing to let happen. It would be regrettable because I think we can have lots of fun, but it really is your choice. As a matter of fact, you probably need a little taste of starvation right now. See you tomorrow. I have errands to run."

With that, Ellen turned and went up the steep stairs. Brian screamed after her but once he heard the door slam shut he didn't know what to do.

As Ellen drove away, she thought this was a useful lesson. Brian needed to learn right off who was in charge. And I need to show my face in New York for a bit. Just to be seen, by her doorman, and friends.

And for the next 24 hours, Brian explored every inch of his cell for a way out. There wasn't one. The floor was a concrete slab and the bars went all around as well as overhead. No breaking through the ceiling. He was able to drink only water to satisfy his increasing hunger. By the next morning, he thought, she's right. I'll starve unless she comes back. He didn't like what was going on but he figured he would have to go along for a while and see what happens. He sure couldn't escape so long as he was locked in this cell.

Late the next day, Ellen returned to her little cabin in the middle of nowhere. As she emerged at the bottom of the stairs, Brian sat up, albeit with the pillow over his lap.

"Well, Brian, are we in a more polite mood this afternoon?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oooohh. Very good start. I take it we are hungry?"

"Yes, ma'am, I am. May I please have some food? I promise to behave and cooperate." Brian used the politest voice he had.

Ellen held out a bag with submarine sandwiches and sodas to him. Hesitating because he would have to drop his pillow protection, Ellen read his mind.

"You might as well put the pillow down. I obviously saw you naked when I took off your clothes and I have no intention of giving you anything to wear. You will need to get used to being naked around me because, well, you are always going to be naked around me."

Brian realized the futility of his modesty, let go of the pillow and grabbed the sandwiches. Ellen went through the curtain and brought back a folding chair for her to sit on. She watched Brian eat without saying anything. She found she enjoyed watching her naked prisoner, trapped behind her iron bars.

She was very satisfied by what she saw. Her instincts were correct. Brian was beautiful to look at, in a subtle sort of way. Perhaps more cute than beautiful. He looked younger than his 19 years. She liked that. He was thin, wiry—a runner's or swimmer's body. Fit, not muscular. Short-haired, virtually no body hair, naturally. Smooth, perfect skin. His cock was average in size. Adequate to the job.

She had determined he was no physical match for her. Not even close. (She was pretty sure of that already, from the few times they had met over the past two years.) She liked that, too. She knew she was much stronger than he was just by looking at him and had maybe 40 pounds on him. She would be using those strength and weight advantages to god and very satisfactory—to her—effects.

She had always liked and preferred the clearly weaker men and boys. She loved imposing her will, mentally and physically, on such creatures. She had enjoyed that since the elementary school playground. As an adult, those desires manifested themselves in many ways, but especially sexually.

Such men—such boys—were like prey to her. She hungered to capture them, to control them, to inspire their fear of her, and, if possible, their eventual love and devotion. The same way a dog loves its master—or mistress.

Brian said nothing while he eat, as she watched him and rolled all these thoughts through her mind.

When he had finished, Ellen broke the silence.

"Feel better?"

"Uh, yes ma'am." Ellen then continued to stare at him in silence, which finally got the better of him.

"Why am I here?"

"I was wondering when you would ask." Ellen paused a moment.

"The simple fact is, Brian, is that you are going to be my slave, my sex slave. Probably for the rest of your life."

"Wh, what?" Ellen knew Brian had heard her. She saw his cock twitch ever so slightly at the words "sex slave." The foundation is indeed there, she thought. This is going to work.

Ellen explained her story. "When Robert—my husband—died, he left me, well, very rich. I don't have to work ever again. And ever since I became sexually aware I have wanted to sexually dominate men. Indeed, Robert and I played along those lines, quite often actually, and I have had some experiences since then, too. But you know, it was just that. Game playing.

"My most intense and erotic fantasy has always been to take a man against his will and break him to be mine. I wanted to kidnap some young male and make him my slave, forever. I would do whatever I wanted to him, regardless of whether he liked or not or had 'limits.' Every day we would live the life of mistress and slave. That's where you come in, Brian. That will happen, here, to start, but perhaps over time we can do things elsewhere. Ultimately that will be up to you, but for now get used to the idea that for a good long while your sole reason for being will be to do whatever I want. Suffer whatever I wish."

She emphasized "suffer"ever so slightly but noticeably.

Ellen paused again and then continued. "What's more, I know you are not totally adverse to what I am talking about, but there is a lot you won't like about it but you will have to get used to it."

"What do you mean you know I am not totally adverse to this? I'm supposed to be starting school! I don't want to be here!"

"Oh, that. Well, truthfully, you were not the one I had in mind for this at first. I am not sure who I had in mind, but it wasn't you. being the son of my cousin andball. However, about a year ago when I visited I went through your room one day while you were out."

Brian looked appalled at this invasion of privacy.

Ellen noticed his reaction. "Hey, it's what I do. Anyway, I came across your porn stash, Brian. While you had a nice variety in there, I noticed a substantial percentage of female muscle magazines and femdom pages folded over. Admit it. You have fantasized about being dominated by women."

Brian said nothing at first but eventually felt compelled to talk under Ellen's relentless, silent gaze.

"I, I guess I do, some, but that doesn't mean I want to be kidnapped, by you, and kept here forever!"

"Don't be so sure. And no, it certainly doesn't. Indeed, if it did, you wouldn't do at all. Remember, I wanted an UNWILLING male. At least to some degree. Still, an unwilling male who nevertheless is going to be excited by many of the things we are going to do together fits the bill well. A big macho, muscle-bound asshole wouldn't work. And frankly isn't my type, physically and otherwise.

"But on my visit before this recent one, I began to look at you differently, and I realized you could, and probably would, be the perfect slave to me. You're shorter, weigh less me, and are obviously weaker than I am. Controlling you physically would not be a problem.

"You were usually quiet, timid even, but polite and fundamentally decent. I detected no ass-holery in you.

"When I learned you would be going to college in New York, it was not hard to arrange to be the one to take you there. It provided the crucial component—an opportunity to kidnap you without others suspecting me. Your parents were agreeable that I take you and you didn't seem to mind. And when you told them I had driven off and left you at school, that provided extra protection."

"Yeah, what about my parents? They are going to call the police when they don't hear from me in a few days and they will come looking for me."

"Yes, well, I am still working on that. I mean, there is no danger of the police or your parents of ever finding you, but perhaps in time, if you cooperate, we can figure out a way to ease your mother's inevitable worry. Regardless, I figure I have several weeks before they start to worry too much. You see, you are now many, many miles away from New York and at least 20 miles from another human being.

"This property, while technically owned by me, is untraceable to me through a variety of dummy and shell corporations. Even if the police were to suspect that I was involved, which I very much doubt—I don't fit any of the profiles after all—you can't be found. Oh, by the way, I have burned all of your clothes. This "home" is almost entirely underground and soundproofed. There is only a small, run-down-looking cabin up above. We have well-water, geothermal energy, propane, and discreetly placed solar panels. There is no reason for anyone to ever come here or find us. Come, let me show you. But first. . ."

Brian grew increasingly horrified at what Ellen was saying. If it was true, then he didn't see how he could escape other than somehow overpowering her and taking the car. He thought, she is bigger but she probably is slower and less agile carrying all that fat. . .

But precisely as he was thinking that very thought, Ellen took off her sweats. What Brian saw amazed him. She now wore only a push-up bra in which large, round breasts spilled out and a black thong. Ellen was not "chunky" or "fat," as he had long thought. She was the quintessential Amazon! She was well-muscled all over: her arms, legs, back, chest, and especially buttocks sported substantial, though not overwhelming, muscle definition. Her legs and arms, he thought, must be at least half as big again as his own, which, to make matters worse, sported considerably less muscle.

Despite the circumstances, he couldn't help but be excited at what he saw and, unfortunately, his cock betrayed every thought along those lines. While not fully erect, it had engorged considerably since Ellen took off her sweats and took the key out to the cell.

"You like what you see, apparently. Robert loved my muscles and strength, too. He loved being overpowered and 'raped.'" She said the word "raped" slowly, lasciviously, while looking at Brian.

At that point, Brian saw little point in denying it: between the magazines Ellen had found and his physical reaction. "Uh, well, you do have a magnificent body. But it doesn't mean I want to be here!"

"Thank you. And no, perhaps not, but perhaps you will in time. I am okay with it either way. But for now, as I said, I WANT you to be unwilling. And Brian, I hope you realize, now, seeing me as you do, that you can't overpower me. I suggest you don't try, at least not now. I might have to hurt you in a way that we both find would regrettable. You will have plenty of opportunities to test your strength against mine. But I weigh 175lbs and can bench press more than that. What do you weigh?"

"Uh, about 140."

"What can you bench press?"

"I, uh, I don't know. I never tried."

Ellen smiled. "And there we are."

Ellen walked over to the cell. "Put your hands out." Brian did as he was told and Ellen put a pair of handcuffs on him.

"What is this for? You just said I can't take you."

"True, but come, come. You must know from your reading. Among the many, many perverted, twisted, and cruel things I intend to do you, keeping you in prolonged bondage, of some kind, will be one."

"Why? If as you say I can't escape anyway?"

"Because I like it. What's the fun of having a sex slave if you don't keep him tied up most of the time? Here, you might as well start getting used to this, too." Ellen put a black leather collar around Brian's neck, which had several rings attached it."

Ellen led him up a long stairs and out of a trap door in the floor. After they had emerged from underground, Brian watched Ellen close the trap door, which was heavy and well-insulated. She then put floor boards over the area. When she was done, no one could tell there was room—a house!—beneath them. Brian realized that she did all that for his benefit, to reinforce that he would never be found unless she wanted it to happen.

Ellen opened the door to the outside. Brian saw that she had told the truth. He was in the middle of absolutely nowhere. He could see nothing but wilderness.

"By the way, don't even try to think about stealing my truck. It has unique ignition. It will only start with my touch and, even if you could get it started, unless you know where to go, you'll run out of gas before you find anything. You'll be lost, naked, and eventually starve."

Brian spent a long time looking around. The cabin looked like nothing. No one would give it a second thought. The energy sources were indeed well hidden.

"So do you like it?" Ellen didn't watch Brian too carefully, because the sun was setting and he literally had nowhere to go. "Oh, there are also bears in the woods, too."

Brian finally spoke as his predicament continued to set in. Truthfully, at that moment, he felt a little conflicted. On the one hand, he wanted to just sit down and cry. But part of him was indeed titilated by the idea of serving as this amazon's sex slave. "Okay, I guess I am not going anywhere. Now what?"

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