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Kierra Pierces Her Husband

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Yes, a guiche piercing will keep him chaste!
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After Phil finished doing Gladen's guiche piercing, Gladen was still kneeling there, a little stunned. Finally he tried to get up.

Kierra stopped her husband with a little white hand. "Just a moment, Gladen. Stay right where you are."

Then Kierra put that same little hand on Phil's muscular arm and said "I'd like to give you a personal gratuity in your back office, if you know what I mean."

Phil looked at Gladen doubtfully. He was kneeling, naked with that metal doohickey on the end of his schlong. Gladen looked up at Phil, trying to be a little threatening and hostile, but of course he was just ridiculous.

Damn, Phil thought. Mr. Gladen was a douche, and Mrs. Gladen was a babe. He looked down at the cute girl in front of him, her halter-top pulsating with a delicious cleavage.

Girls like Kierra Gladen were usually above Phil's pay grade, she was a lot better looking than he was (as was her pathetic husband) He got the impression that her "favor" was more to fuck with her husband's head, but who turns down free cooze?

Now, Kierra smiled and gave Phil a big kiss. She was such a little thing, she jumped up and threw her arms around him, up on tippie toe. Big Smooch.

Kierra looked into Phil's bleary eyes. "Gladen here, has been fantasizing about me cheating on him, and what better time than to start now?"

Tossing back her frosted light brown hair, Kierra led the dumbfounded Phil back into his office and shut the door.

Then she stuck her head out once. "You stay put now. Don't make a move. Hands to your sides."

"I might have to pee." Gladen protested.

"That can wait."

"Kierra, please don't make it with that asshole. He probably has a thousand diseases."

"No, I'll use a condom, and you can drink it all down later." Kierra giggled and pointed a burgundy nail at Gladen's erection, swelling in spite of its new metal adornment.

She opened the door slightly, and turned, twitching her little itty-bitty denim shorts, before giggling and slamming the door.

What had Kyle Klampett Gladen wrought? Being a submissive was so different from the fantasy.

Gladen was so excited in one way about this lifestyle, but so apprehensive in another.

He knew that the chastity piercing would keep him true.

Years ago, he had tried to stay chaste between monthly visits to a paid dominatrix, Lady Humilia, but of course he kept breaking down-and she'd thrash him mercilessly.

He'd confess how many times he'd broken his rule, and then give her a fifty dollar penalty for each one, along with her tribute, and then he'd strip and take a horrific lashing on his poor penis.

For five "slips" it would be two hundred fifty dollars, and ten swats from her bamboo cane for each slip...


When Gladen had moved to Buttermilk Falls, he'd lost touch with Humilia, and he wondered whether he could give up the lifestyle, but of course the pull was so strong, and he'd been gratified to discover there was a small but bustling power exchange community in his adopted hometown.

Gladen had tried to abstain from masturbating, and he'd see Master Specs, who he paid to give him electric shocks on his penis when he fell by the wayside, but of course that didn't stop the masturbation.

And then he met Kierra, who was amazing. He had been initially afraid to let Kierra know how submissive he really was.

He'd discussed this with a kinky friend, Peaches Comiskey, who was the financial comptroller of the state's only BDSM themed hotel, the "Paincafe" and its subsidiary, the Dungeonopolis Gift Shop.

Peaches had been a submissive for thirty years, and had gone through several dominant spouses. Peaches had had an interesting story that struck Gladen, it really did resonate.

"I was tormented and abused by my male master and ex-husband and it was wonderful and awful, but then it got mostly awful after Harry got a girlfriend, and not only did he cheat on me, but he brought Irene in to spank and discipline me, too."

"Wow, that must have been bad."

"Yes, I think Irene hated me because I was smarter and cuter, and she was trailer trash." Peaches had smiled ruefully. "Finally, Harry and I split and I found another Master, Nielsen McGuffie, who worked here at the Paincafe as a bellhop."

"Really, you started dating a bellhop? And you're financial director, Peaches?"

"Sure. Nielsen was a nice guy, and seemed like he could respect my boundaries...

When Nielsen's kids, little Niel and Shari, slackers in their twenties, came to town, I got them jobs at the Paincafe too, and I even let THEM punish me and put me through my paces, because Nielsen wanted it."

Gladen hadn't been able to imagine this. Peaches, although fifty, was a gorgeous woman, and very reserved. What had she had to put up with?

"I was just so grateful to be away from my ex-hubby, Harry and his dirt-bag girlfriend Irene...

Although of course I was still paying them alimony. I would thank Nielsen for saving me, and let Little Niel whip my tits, and then also let Shari stick pins in them, because the girl had a complex about being flat-chested."

"That's really hard, Peaches."

"Sure, but see, I was okay with it, because I was away from Harry. Then one night, on my birthday, Nielsen took me out to a nice restaurant. And guess who walks in? Harry and Irene."

"Were you able to ignore them?"

"Well, I would have, but apparently, Nielsen invited them.

I was wearing really sexy jeans, and waving my ass around, and Nielsen ordered me to take down my pants and panties in the restaurant, where I have an account...

I had to endure a whipping by Harry and then another by Irene, and I had to go down on them both."


"Yes, and then I had to go out to Harry's car, and go down on him one more time, while Irene and Nielsen took turns whipping my bare ass."

"You weren't thrown out of the restaurant?"

"Afterwards I was barred for life, and my credit account was gone."

Gladen had felt so badly listening to this, and watching tears running down Peaches' face. But he also saw her abstractedly put her hand under her skirt, and he knew...

"I was shocked and humiliated, because I'd told Nielsen how awful Harry and Irene had been to me and how glad I was to be rid of them, but apparently he used this to torture me."

"God" Gladen had said, "I once told my dominatrix about a guy who bullied me at school, and she was his neighbor and surprise invited him to one of my sessions."

"Yeah, betrayal is awful, but in a way, kind of arousing.

The next year on my birthday, I had saved a lot of money to rent a beach cottage at Club Med for Nielsen and I, and I had talked so much about how much fun it would be to relax after working so hard."

"Right, you're a former competitive surfer, Peaches."

"That's right, Gladen.

But for some reason, Nielsen had insisted I get a two-bedroom cottage...

Then I discovered that he was ordering me to spend the entire week long vacation confined to one room, copying lines from the dictionary, one letter pencil, one letter pen."

"Your entire vacation? No sun, no surfing?"

"Nope. The only time I was allowed to leave my room-literally, I had a bucket to pee and shit in, and two peanut butter sandwiches for all day while Nielsen was out living it up...

The door wasn't locked, in case of fire, but there was a piece of duct tape on it every day, and if that duct tape was ripped because I sneaked to the fridge for a beer, Nielsen would give me the bullwhip, which he'd brought along...

And of course, he'd bring girls home at night, and have me watch as he fucked them. ...

And the last day of the vacation, he said he was sorry I'd not gotten to go to the beach...

And Nielsen and two of the girls he'd met took me out and buried me up to my head, and taken turns peeing in my mouth, and then poured honey on me and I was attacked by fire ants. I didn't even know fire ants were on beaches."

But, as Peaches had told this story to Gladen, he could see her thighs moving together and she was breathing heavier. If he'd not been there, she would have been frigging herself.

"And now, you know my Cousin Bubbles who owns the art gallery?"

"The one you feud with?" The animosity between Peaches and Bubbles Comiskey, over a relative's will dispute, was well known in Buttermilk Falls.

"Yes...Bubbles has moved in with us, and I am kept in a little hutch, it's almost worse than Irene and Harry."

"But you can leave, can't you? I'll help you."

"I would, Gladen, but it gets me so horny...I'm his little sub slut. And hers. And I'm heterosexual!"

And Gladen felt a little horny listening to the story too. The fight between Peaches and Bubbles was legend in Buttermilk Falls, and now Bubbles had won, and how humiliating it must be for Peaches.

But yes, it was also arousing.

Gladen should have known Kierra was trouble when he met her in their apartment complex. They started out with innocent conversations in the laundry room, and he was constantly checking out her gorgeous figure...

When she caught him stealing her panties from the wash, she'd just laughed about it.

But as Gladen hung out with Kierra more, he found himself running errands for her, lending her excessive amounts of money, and driving Kierra and her boyfriend around, because Lamont had lost his license.

Kierra had suggested they become housemates, and since Gladen had a bigger apartment, she'd just moved in.

He'd suggested that she do the housework since she couldn't really afford to pay a lot of rent, as she walked dogs for a living.

But of course it turned out that Gladen was better at cleaning the house, and she would entertain him by walking around with short-shorts on with high heels in front of him, as he scrubbed the kitchen floor.

Once, she'd sneaked out and gotten a long switch and she'd whacked him between the nuts because he missed a spot.

Although for some time, their relationship was platonic (housemates and all that) Kierra let Gladen give her massages, ands she was so beautiful that he took classes to become a better masseur.

Eventually Kierra stripped down and let Gladen go down on her for hours...when he was done, and very horny, she'd suggest he beat off and she'd play with his balls.

When Kierra had finally consented to go on real dates with Gladen, she'd still suffered from that ophthalmological disorder known as a "wandering eye."...

She insisted they go to nightclubs to dance, and often Gladen was required to sit and watch her dance with lots of other men-and buy the guys drinks!

Once a woman had asked Gladen to dance, and in the middle of the number, Kierra had abandoned her dance partner, and stalked up to Gladen.

She'd punched the woman in the mouth and then smacked the shit out of Gladen.

"How DARE you dance with another woman?" Then Kierra had taken Gladen's car and driven off, and he hadn't seen her for weeks before finally she came back.

It was a lesson learned!

Kierra had celebrated her engagement to Gladen by having him give her boyfriend Lamont a foot massage...

When Gladen finally brought Kierra to meet his mother, it was quite an interesting experience.

Mother Gladen seemed kind of cold, and Gladen of course, just sort of sat in the parlor with a pillow in his hands and was very quiet.

Mother Gladen told Kierra funny stories about how his sister Brynn, a designer, would make Gladen stand and be a dressmaker's dummy for her various projects.

"Brynn would also have my husband try her stuff on, like living mannequin. When Kyle was in college, he and his dad put on lingerie that Brynn and her sisters had come up with, and then they'd make the guys walk around in high heels with encyclopedia's on their heads, to learn how to walk like a lady."

"My husband Stephen is still very into it, we call him Stephanie. Right now he's down at the park restrooms picking up a little extra change."

Kierra didn't know what that meant. She looked over at her fiancée. It was weird, because everyone called Kyle Gladen by his last name, and that was confusing. And his dad, Stephen was called Stephanie?


"But you know, Stephen didn't really have the figure to resemble a girl, nor did Stephen Jr., who we call Stuffy. But Kyle? Your husband to be has a wonderfully wimpy figure. We could just put breast forms in, and he looked like Lana Turner."

Kierra looked at Gladen, who was bright red and uncomfortable.

"That seems sort of emasculating for a college boy." Kierra ventured.

"But you have to understand, honey. He and Stuffy would drink and wreck cars and all that if I didn't get on them. Once, one of them farted at Mass, and I couldn't figure out who it was, so I took them both out to the parking lot and whipped their bare butts with a disused fan belt."

Mother paused, giving Gladen a severe look.

"And then I took them home and took their temperatures anally, and from then on, gave them enemas before they went to church with me. Every Sunday till Kyle moved out a year ago."

Convulsed with giggles, Kierra asked, "But wasn't he a little old for that, Mother Gladen?"

"These boys never grew up. Neither did their dad. If Kyle's promotion hadn't required him to move to Buttermilk Falls when he was twenty-nine, I would never have allowed him to leave."

"Mom, c'mon." Gladen protested.

"Oh shut up. I had to make sure you went to bed at a decent hour during the week because you'd stay up all night...his weeknight bedtime was eight p.m. And-"

Suddenly the back door opened and a tall attractive sultry brunette came in, dragging a pudgy fellow in his early thirties by the ear, followed by a couple of cute girls in bikinis.

"What's wrong, Brynn?" Mother Gladen asked. "Why are you dragging Stuffy around?"

"Mother, Stuffy is perving on my friends and I again." Brynn gritted her teeth and her breasts seemed to pulsate in her black one piece suit. "He was watching Deanna as she took her bikini top off, and he was playing pocket pool."

Mother Gladen got up and stalked to the quivering Stuffy.

"Get up to your room and take down your pants, and fetch my bedroom slipper, you little shit. GET GOING!"

Stuffy burst into tears and ran up the stairs.

Mother G. smiled grimly and followed.

Amid Stuffy's dismal screams from upstairs, the brunette shook Kierra's hand.

"I'm Brynn Gladen." She snapped her fingers and a copper haired girl came up beside her and dropped to her knees.

"This is my partner Olaith. You may have seen her on the cover of Forbes recently."

"It was Business Week, Mistress Brynn."

Brynn leaned down and slapped Olaith across the face. "Don't correct me, you pussbag."

Olaith began weeping softly, and the other girls snickered.

"You're marrying Kyle the fag here?" Brynn sneered.

"He's a sweet guy, and very heterosexual." Kierra said defensively.

"Yeah, I guess he is. But what a wimp." Brynn snapped her fingers at Gladen who got up, to Kierra's amazement.

Brynn unzipped Gladen's pants and pulled out his penis. She tickled it, and it instantly got hard. Gladen was distressed about the effect it was having on Kierra, but he couldn't keep his eyes off Brynn's magnificent cleavage in the snug black swimsuit.

"It never exceeds five inches...Are you perving on my tits?" Brynn pulled Gladen's belt out of the loops of his pants, doubled it and whacked his now stiff member again and again.

Kierra finally intervened and snatched the belt from Brynn, and handed it to poor Gladen, motioning for him to put his dick away.

Incredibly, Olaith looked up from her kneeling position and said to Gladen, "You owe us the annual report, I hope I don't have to come down there, Gladen."

Kierra looked a little puzzled.

Brynn snickered. "Olaith gave my unemployable idiot brothers jobs in her corporation. When your intended didn't fuck things up too badly, she transferred him to head the branch in Buttermilk Falls."

"Damn." Kierra's heart and mind had been racing.

Brynn gave Kierra a card. "Call me, we'll have Margaritas. Suck Mistress Kierra's toes a bit, oh great CEO, show her how good you are!"

In the car, Gladen was quiet. Finally he ventured, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Oh no, it was quite enlightening." Kierra responded.

When they got back to Buttermilk Falls, Kierra had put some of her bikini demibra lingerie on Gladen and painted all twenty of his nails bright red, following up with bright lipstick.

She'd had Gladen put his fairly small feet in a pair of her heels and forced him to mince up and down the hallway outside their apartment, balancing a World Atlas on his head.

After he finally got her to let him back in the apartment (what hell his neighbors the Air Force guys had given him in the hall)

Kierra had forced Gladen to lie on the couch and she'd jacked his legs up and given him a big, hot, soapy enema, forcing him to hold it for half an hour.

When he finally spilled it on the bathroom floor, Kierra had taken off her sneaker and whipped Gladen's ass with it.

Now they'd been married a year. Gladen had told Kierra his fantasies about chastity, but he was surprised when she'd gone this far. Not just a chastity belt, oh no."

He looked at the little metal ball-bearing thing that was hanging on the end of his penis. It was not that uncomfortable, unlike his knees, which really were starting to hurt from the kneeling.

He could hear Kierra's moans from Phil's office, so maybe that would be over soon.

This thing on his dick was called a guiche piercing. It was supposedly easy to maintain, and not only could Gladen freely wander about and use the bathroom standing up, that is if no one was looking at his weird dick in the urinal...

But Kierra could now manually tease Gladen and whip his dick and do all sorts of things with no fear that Gladen would cum.

And of course Gladen had asked for this-fantasized about it. Kierra hadn't been sure at first, but

But she had to get him to stop playing with himself. She had decided that she wasn't attracted to him "that way" except for the occasional tongue work...

And she had "Fidelity issues" really, she shouldn't be upset with Gladen's masturbatory mistakes.

But whipping and punishing him didn't get him to stop. She was happy that this ball-bearing thing might help.

The door to Phil's office opened, and Kierra came out, leading Phil by his dick as his pants were down. "He was about to cum, and I think you should finish him off, Gladen."

"Oh no." Gladen said, revolted by the pimply, obese piercing artist.

"Well, I could take the piercing off next week so you can beat your meat, or we could wait till Christmas."

Gladen's first blowjob actually didn't go that badly...and damn , his own dick was hard. Maybe his sister was right, and he was a little bit gay.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Epic stupidity

No one in this story has the IQ of a rock.

No stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I came here for the male BJ aspect, but was amazed at the story. I found your writing to be impressive and gave you 5 stars, but I wonder if you only wanted 1!

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