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Kim's Wedding

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Kim spends time with brother before her wedding.
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~ Chapter 1 ~

"I think the whole notion of you and Ron spending a week apart before the wedding is silly." I told my sister.

"And why's that?" Kim demanded.

"Because you guys have been living together for three years. What difference does it make if you spend a little while apart before you get married?"

Kim fumbled with the tab on the can of beer in her hand and stared straight ahead as she thought it over. She frowned. It was a Saturday and we were sitting in the back yard to my house that May afternoon discussing plans for her upcoming wedding. Kim had come over to ask a favor of me. She and her boyfriend, Ron, had decided that it would make their wedding night more special and exciting if they were to spend some time apart before the day. She wanted to know if she could stay with me during that week before her wedding.

Ron had dropped Kim off on his way to play golf late that morning and was going to pick her up once he was finished. It had been a few weeks since my sister and I had spent any time alone and I was happy for the opportunity for us to be able to be together. Kim had decided to bring over a case of beer for us to split while we sat out in the yard. I could tell it had been a while since she had drank anything because after her second she had become more talkative and animated.

"Look, Mike, I don't care if you think it's silly or not," Kim snapped "all I wanted to know was whether or not I could stay with you for a week. That's all."

Kim's hazel eyes burned into mine and I could tell she was angry. I felt guilty because over the years she had always been very supportive of me, and had helped me in many ways. Now she was the only close family I had and no way could I deny her any request.

Our father died of a sudden and massive heart attack close to ten years ago when he was only fifty-seven, then about two years ago our mother was diagnosed with cancer. After the diagnosis mom's heath rapidly deteriorated and she was gone within a year. In her will she left me the house. I suppose mom concluded that Kim and Ron would eventually marry so she would be provided for, but my future was less certain. Kim was now twenty-six, almost three years older than me, and always seemed to be able to manage for herself. She was smart and very pretty and those two things seemed to get her through most anything that life could hand her. Mom must have worried what would become of me, so giving me the house was her way of ensuring I had some sort of stability and equity. The house was a small three bedroom home built overlooking Augustine's Bay on the outskirts of town. It was picturesque and serene there and I had always loved living next to the water -- although it tended to get quite cold during the winter.

"I'm sorry," I said with a sigh "I guess I can't relate to getting married, but you're always welcome here -- you know that."

Kim gave me a warm smile. "I know. Thanks."

I got up from my chair and went inside. I found an extra house key and brought it back out for my sister.

"Here's a key. Come over whenever you want, and stay as long as you want." I told her as I stood beside her with my hand extended.

"Oh, thanks so much, Mike!" she exclaimed as she rose from her chair.

My sister threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. Her curly black hair tickled as it brushed over my face, and I could smell her hair conditioner. I drew in a deep breath, savoring the mixture of the scents of her hair and perfume. Kim ran her hand over my back and I felt myself relax at her feminine touch. Her breasts were sandwiched between us and they felt firm and round. I slid my hand down her back, feeling her bra strap through the thin blouse she wore, then my fingers grazed the top of her jeans. I stopped when my hand came to rest on the curve of her left hip. I eased away from her slightly, fearing she would feel the growing bulge in my trousers if we got any closer. I sat back down and retrieved my beer from beside my chair.

"The wedding's not for another two weeks, so I won't be coming over for a while yet." Kim said, her eyes meeting me and looking more radiant than earlier.

"Well, whenever you want to -- a week, two weeks. You're welcome anytime." I assured her.

"Really?" she questioned.


"Thanks. To tell you the truth, Ron thinks us spending time apart before the wedding is silly too. But it means a lot to me. I know we've been living together, but some time apart might make our wedding night more special, you know..."

I pretended to understand and nodded as I brought my can of beer up to my mouth.

"If you really mean it that you don't mind me staying longer than a week I might come over in a few days." she said.

"But what about Ron?" I asked.

Kim smirked. "I guess he'll just have to jerk-off for a while."

I nearly choked on a mouthful of beer, then felt my cheeks flush. "That's not what I meant. I meant won't he be mad or whatever if you make it longer than a week?"

Kim shrugged then a wide grin formed on her face. "He'll get over it come the wedding night I bet."

I shook my head in amusement at Kim's comment. She was always rather brash and outspoken and I loved that about her. From the corner of my eye I watched her as she finished her beer. She was wearing a floral short-sleeved blouse that seemed a little small for her. My sister only stood at about 5'4" and was slim. Mom used to joke that the extra weight Kim lacked that should have been distributed over her body seemed to have all gone to her chest. I was reminded of that as I looked at her sitting beside me. As she reclined in the chair her breasts seemed to thrust out from her slight frame like two orbs. I followed the contour of her body down to her hips and the curve of her ass. Her jeans were tight and emphasized the gentle curves of her body nicely. I felt my cock twitch and begin to stiffen.

"So where will I sleep here?" she asked.

"Your old room if you want," I told her "it's kind of cluttered now but tomorrow I'll tidy it up."

"How cluttered?"

"I've got some boxes of old books in the corner, and the bed needs to be made." I explained.

"That's doesn't sound too bad. Let me see." she said.


"Sure now. Let me grab another beer first though." Kim said.

I followed Kim inside, my eyes not leaving her as she dashed to the kitchen. I was enthralled with the movement of her breasts and how her ass looked in her jeans.

"Okay, let's see what condition the room is in." she said later when she returned with another can of beer.

I climbed the steps towards my sister's former bedroom, her following close behind. I walked in and looked around, concluding it wouldn't take long to tidy up and get it ready for Kim.

"This isn't so bad -- just a few boxes. The floor needs to be swept too, but it won't take long." she commented.

Kim placed her can of beer on the bureau in the corner of the room and walked around. I stood by the door, noticing her every move. Even how she stepped was graceful and sexy. She checked her reflection in the mirror and ran her fingers through her hair. I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"What? Just making sure I look good." she told me.

"Don't worry, you do."

Kim smiled at me and sat down on the bare mattress on the bed. She placed her palms down behind her and leaned back. I made an effort to focus on her face and not the rest of her, but she looked so enticing in that posture with her breasts thrust out.

"I look good, do I?" she asked, her voice sounding teasing and flirtatious.

"Well, yes." I replied.

"Thanks, little brother."

Kim was now leaning back on her elbows with her right foot planted on the mattress. For a moment I imagined myself on top of her, then grew uncomfortable as I felt my cock pushing out from my trousers.

"Hand me my beer, would you, please." Kim asked.

I retrieved the can from the bureau behind me and passed it to her. I sat down next to her as she took a long drink from the can then placed it on the floor.

"I haven't been in here in ages." she remarked as she looked around the room.

"Me either." I added.

I could feel the effects of the beers I had drunk. It was lowering my inhibition as well as stoking my libido. As I sat next to Kim on the bed all sorts of ribald thoughts entered my mind and I fought them off.

"I guess it's not as fun coming in here now that it's not my room anymore, huh?" she said as her elbow poked my ribs.


"When I was still living at here you used to go through my underwear when I was out." she said.

My cheeks felt as if they were on fire and I nearly felt dizzy for a moment at my sister's indictment.

"What makes you think that?!" I blurted out, probably sounding as guilty as I was.

Kim laughed. "you mean how do I know that... you were careless, little brother. You never put my bras and panties back in the spot where you found them."

I lowered my head in shame and avoided her eyes.

"It's okay, Mike," Kim told me as she slid closer "I found it kind of weird at first, but now I think it's sort of funny... in a naughty way."

My eyes met hers for a moment and I could tell by the bemused look on her face that she meant what she said.

"Tell me something though..." Kim added.


"I can understand you being interested in my panties -- I've read about that sort of thing on the Internet -- but why my bras?"

"Just curious." I replied.

"About what?" Kim prodded.

I paused a moment before answering. "What size they were."

My sister giggled at my explanation. "Well, if you're still curious, I wear a 34-C now." she informed me.

Despite my total embarrassment and humiliation I found myself taking a quick sideways glance towards my sister's chest. She was still leaning back slightly which caused her blouse to be pulled tight against her. Her bust could have only been more accentuated if her blouse were soaking wet. I raised my eyes to her face and her eyes met mine.

"You haven't changed a bit since you were a teenager, have you?" she declared.

"I guess not. But neither have you. You're still a smartass." I teased.

"Sure I've changed. Back then I was only a B-cup, but I guess you already know that."

Kim's candor and ease at discussing all of this surprised me, but it also relieved me. I assumed it was the result of the beers because she and I had never had a conversation of this sort before. I wondered how it boded for the time we would spend living together before her wedding.

"Let's go back out." Kim suggested as she got up from the bed.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Kim and I spent it outside talking and finishing the beer that she had brought over. Shortly before six o'clock Ron arrived to pick her up. That evening was filled with me coping with a surge of lust and other mixed feelings for my sister. I was looking forward to her living with me, if only temporarily, but I knew that was my libido controlling me. Ever since my teenage years I had wondered what it would be like for Kim and I to have a sexual relationship, even though I knew the chances of it were close to nil. Yet, after the conversation we had in her bedroom that afternoon my hopes had been renewed.

~ Chapter 2 ~

That Monday evening I got a call from Kim. She told me that she and Ron had discussed it and she had decided to take me up on my offer of staying with me longer than the week that was originally planned. I was happy to hear that and reminded her that she was welcome, but never asked any questions. The sub-text of what she told me seemed to be that she had told Ron that she would be staying at my place for over a week, and he had little say in the matter. I felt sorry for the guy.

"Would it be alright if I came over tomorrow evening after you get home from work?" she asked.

"Come over whenever you want," I told her "you have a key."

"Are you sure I won't be in the way or drive you crazy if I'm there for two weeks though?" Kim asked.

"I'm sure," I told her "you're always welcome here. Besides you're by big sister, and I love you."

"I love you too." she said in a breathy voice that I actually found erotic.

"So I'll see you sometime tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm not sure exactly when, but I'll be over." Kim told me.

~ Chapter 3 ~

When I arrived home from work on Tuesday I was only somewhat surprised to find the door to my house unlocked. I thought that Kim might arrive throughout the day and I was glad she had. What did surprise me was walking in the kitchen to find her cooking supper.

"Hi... supper's almost ready." she informed me, turning from the counter where she was mashing potatoes.

For a moment Kim seemed more like a devoted wife than a sister and it filled me with a combination of comfort and arousal. I hung up my coat and watched her for a moment. She was wearing a blouse and a skirt that nearly covered her ankles. Her attire wasn't especially revealing but I still found that she looked very pretty and sexy.

"Thanks for getting my room ready, but I could have done it." she said.

"No, that was my responsibility. I did it Sunday afternoon. It didn't take me too long really."

"Look in the fridge." she told me.

I opened the fridge and found a case of beer on the top shelf. "You didn't have to get that." I told her.

"I know," she said "but I'll be having some too. Consider it rent. I'm so glad that we'll get some time together. I wish it could be more, but I know you have to work."

"Yeah... gotta pay the bills." I said with a smile.

The meal that Kim had prepared was delicious and she seemed to appreciate my enthusiasm as I ate. Several times I noticed her look over at me and smile from across the table. Her smile was disarming and I soon felt as nervous as a teenager once more.

"That was the best meal I've had in about a year -- thanks!" I later told her as I pushed my chair away from the table.

"Good. I'm glad you liked it." she said as she collected my empty plate.

I caught a brief whiff of her perfume as she stood beside me and it made my cock jump to life. Kim began filling the sink with water and dropped the dishes into it.

"I'll help you with the dishes, Kim."

"No, I'll do them. You just relax." she told me.

"No way! You worked hard cooking supper. I'm not going to let you do these alone." I said as I rolled my sleeves up.

Just being near Kim was arousing. I tried my best to keep my distance and not gawk as she handed me dishes to be dried but it was difficult. Somehow her billowing blouse and flowing skirt was more alluring than the tight clothes she had worn the last time she had been over. Several times as she passed me a plate or utensil our fingers briefly met and the touch of her skin was electric. I moved closer to the counter hoping it would prevent her from detecting that I was hard.

Once the dishes had been washed Kim looked out the window as she dried her hands. The sky was turning orange as the sun began to set. She looked out at the golden hues shimmering on the water of the bay and smiled.

"Let's go out and watch the sunset," she suggested "one thing I've missed about not living here anymore is sitting out looking at it after supper."

On the west side of the house was a wooden bench with wrought iron sides where mom used to sit evenings during the summer to watch the sunset. Kim and I sat down and looked out over the water. There wasn't a sound except for the splashing of water as the tide washed ashore. Kim turned with her back to me and put her feet up on the bench then leaned on me. I placed my hand on her right arm and she brought it around her waist, pulling it tight against her stomach. I could feel her midriff through her blouse and smell her hair just inches from my nose. Once again my cock reacted to her. Kim was fumbling with my fingers as she held my hand and her soft skin on mine was sensual and exciting.

"I'm glad we're getting to spend some time together before the wedding -- just you and me." Kim said.

"Me too."

"I've felt bad that I haven't had much time with you over the past year," she continued "it must have been hard for you adjusting to everything after mom died. I hope you never felt like I abandoned you, Mike."

I was surprised by what Kim was telling me. I never felt abandoned at all because I knew she had her life to live and her relationship with Ron came first.

"No, I never felt that way at all." I reassured her.

Kim turned around to face me and gave me a warm smile. She was now lying on her left hip, leaning against me. As much as I loved feeling her cushiony breasts pressed against my chest and arm I was terrified that she would notice my erection. I slid my hand up her back, pausing slightly when I felt her bra strap, then stopped when I reached her shoulder blade.

"We used to be so close when we were younger," she reminded me "sometimes I wish we didn't have to grow up because it's meant that we have to live our own lives."

I nodded. "Yeah..."

"Did you ever think that we were too close? That maybe it wasn't healthy, or whatever?" she asked.

My sister's question made me very uneasy because it conjured up memories of my lust-filled adolescence and how I would try to spend as much time in her presence as possible -- especially when she was wearing clothes that were even the slightest bit revealing or showed off her sexy body.

"No," I said, hearing nervousness in my voice "why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just that a few times mom sort of gave me a hard time for what I wore around the house. I guess she thought some of my dresses and tops weren't appropriate -- around you I mean."

I could feel my palms growing damp and I gave an uneasy laugh. "What did she say?"

Kim smiled to herself as her eyes darted to her right for a moment. "I remember this one day... it was July or August and I was wearing a sundress I'd bought a week or so before... she took a look at me and shook her head and said something about my boobs falling out of it and that I shouldn't be parading around like that because it would give you 'perverted thoughts' she told me."

Kim was watching my expression as she spoke and I let out a nervous laugh. "Well, some of the things you wore were a little revealing." I told her.

"I bet you didn't mind one bit though." she retorted with a mischievous grin.

I curled up the corner of my mouth and hunched my shoulders as my eyes turned towards the orange sky over the bay.

Kim laughed. "I never minded you looking at me, Mike. It made me feel sexy."

"Really?" I exclaimed.

"Once mom explained that I should be more careful about what I wore around you it made me want to wear things I shouldn't even more."

"You always had a rebellious streak in you." I commented.

"I guess," she agreed "but it was more than that."

"How do you mean?" I enquired.

"Once mom told me that it wasn't proper for me to let you see me dressed like that I found it a turn-on because it was taboo -- almost like I was guilty of incest just by letting you see my body."

I felt my heart begin to race and my cock thicken as Kim elaborated.

"It's almost no fun to wear some things around you now that she's not here to disapprove," Kim said with a laugh "now I have to find other people who find it inappropriate." She fell silent and looked up into my eyes with a devious look.

"Like who? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Get me a beer first and I'll tell you."

Kim raised up from me and I went inside to get a can of beer for each of us. As I walked I could feel my hard cock stretching my pants. I stood at the fridge I drew in several deep breaths in an effort to calm down before going back out.

"Thanks." Kim said as she reached up to take a can from be. For a moment I saw her eyes dart to my crotch and knew she must realize I was hard.

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