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Kitsune Sword Saint Azara


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“What?” Azara stuttered. In moments, her returned cold demeanour shattered. Though her hair had stayed pink even now.

“Again, not my fault. To hide my identity I had to pretend to be a travelling sex entertainer. There aren't many lies that work with these clothes,” Xavier explained. He looked more nervous than ever before but he managed to hide it fast enough to hide it from confused Azara.

After a pause of collecting herself to coldly stare at Xavier Azara voiced, “Did you at least get paid?”

“One silver per viewer, it was highest they would go without touching you,” Xavier nodded.

“I want 70%,” Azara announced.

“50%, I already spent most of it to bribe information from passer-byes.”


Xavier handed a pouch with around two hundred silver in it to Azara. She began to walk into a random direction but then stopped and walked back to Xavier.

“What did you do to me? I feel so different,” Azara voiced. Her shapely thighs were rubbing to each other and her lips had a hint of a twisted smile into them.

“The strange energies on your core must be stabilizing. It felt like you were meditating energy even in that state,” Xavier pondered. He was examining Azara's shapely body that was still completely exposed. This attracted Azara's attention and she looked down. Realizing her state of undress a flash of silver formed white robes around her body.

“Disgusting,” Azara muttered. She took some of her pink hair in her hands and stared at it with venom.

“I'm guessing you don't want to explain?” Xavier asked.

Azara did not reply but sent an angry glare that made even the self-assured prince look away.

“I liked you more silent,” Xavier mused.

“What is that supposed to mean? Ex-human,” Azara uttered.

To change the topic Xavier said, “It's getting late. If we hurry we can get to Girana by nightfall.”

Xavier began to walk and Azara silently followed him. The stare at his back did little to hide conflicted hatred surging through the kitsune that looked like she wanted to rip Xavier to pieces even before he had paid her.

** * **

The sun had already set when Xavier and Azara reached a massive city wall and found a small side gate that was purpose-built for nobles moving in and out of the city at night. The Prince flashed a metal token he had and the two were let through into the city. They were given a group of soldiers to escort them towards a large shining building that towered above the city like a distant lighthouse mountain.

Azara's pussy pulsed all the way to her womb every time she saw even a glimpse from one of the human soldiers. They all smelled disgusting around her and she wanted to eat them to make it go away. Though Xavier's half-demon scent was strong enough to let her focus on it in a calming way.

The city was bigger than most lakes and magical lights framed the main streets, only some of the small side alleys were unlit.

“Something is wrong,” Xavier whispered to Azara. They had only moved a few city-blocks into the city.

“I hate humans,” Azara muttered. Her words were muddled by her swollen tongue.

Green magic wave flared across the sky and all the lights disappeared even on the palace in the distance. The entire night city became unnaturally silent around them.

“So my son came back, was it not enough for you to carve a bloody bath to my city?” a voice pierced the silences.

Xavier whispered to Azara, “Distract them.”

Azara's focus dimmed from a strange blast of magical energy for a second and Xavier's scent disappeared at that moment. The lights snapped back with a flash around Azara and more humans than even she was able to count were cluttering the streets around her in several shield wall formations.

“Where did the disappointment of my line go!” a commanding voice boomed from one of the rooftops. He was a tall man wearing full golden armour with glowing snake engravings.

A soldier bowed next to him and said, ”My King, He must have used one of the demon tricks.”

“And you, confess your sins on your knees and tell your King where he went,” the King commanded.

An overwhelming scent of humans was surrounding Azara and she muttered, “I'm leaving... humans.”

In a silvery flash, Azara went straight through a door on the street and proceeded to do that to several city blocks as the soldiers were lining the streets in tight formations.

“Beasts, capture her,” the King echoed in the distance.

Several strong auras of demon beasts flared into full power and quickly chased after Azara. It forced her mind that had a bit dulled by the human smell to focus.

Azara stopped for a moment to grit her perfect pearly human form teeth. Then she jumped into a garbage disposal. After a surprisingly long fall, she floated a moment to avoid falling into sewage water. Though the slimy stone she lowered her feet to did not feel that great either before the aura around her brushed it clean. But no amount of magic was enough to stop the assault of the smells that attacked her mind. She dropped to her knees in an almost paralyzed state.

Howls of the beasts echoed into the sewer as they had lost the scent of their prey to the human scent filled waste. A loud crashing sound came from when they levelled the building above and Azara snapped partly back to focus. She began to stride along the stone path next to the water flow.

The overwhelming smell from human waste kept burning Azara's body and the throbbing of her womb began to overtake her focus again. She barely managed to aim herself into a narrow passage away from the waste stream. Though her legs were starting to tremble from the waves from her womb to the point walking became hard even if she used her internal force to walk. Then again her internal energies were also distorting from her womb's radiation.

Azara collapsed to her knees when she got out of the narrow passage and into a large stone corridor. She attempted to use even more of her internal power to force herself to stand back up again but it sent a strong spike through her body and she fell down limp on the stone floor with a lewd smile. Even her white robes shattered into fading sparkles.

** * **

Two orcs moved along a corridor, they flanked a red hooded female from behind and front. When they turned at a corner they stopped when the first one stopped.

“What is it,” the female muttered. Her voice was soft but hid venom to it.

“A naked female,” the front orc grunted. He had no weapon but the massive claw-like hands more than counted as one.

“Right Munk, you sure it's not just another male beggar.”

“I'm sure Niza, this one is so smooth.“

Niza dropped her hood and moved past Munk with snake-like speed. Her bright green eyes glowed in the darkness enough to light strands of her messy red hair.

“That's a fox,” Niza muttered.

“Haha, not a fox. I'm the smart one now,” Munk laughed. He slapped his large green belly.

“She is as much a fox as I'm a snake you dummy,” Niza flared.

“Ooh,” Munk exclaimed.

“Just carry her to the boss. He can deal with her,” Niza instructed. She walked next to the kitsune but kept her distance.

“We can touch her?” Munk asked.

“To carry her, she feels wrong,” Niza muttered again.

“How did you feel her already?” Munk asked again.

“Not like that. Just carry her and shut up,” Niza instructed.

“Right Niza,” Munk grunted. He picked up the pink haired female with one hand and heaved her into his shoulder.

** * **

“Wait here,” Niza commanded in a small cave and left. The moment she was out Munk dropped his fur loincloth and unstrapped his cock that had been tied on his leg. It surged into full erection in seconds. The kitsune's body was dropped to sit on it.

“What are you doing?” the other big green orc asked. His name was Ronk.

“Boss not here, female free to use if she won't see,” Munk explained with a nod. His large hands grabbed both of the kitsune's legs and made her slide along the veined shaft with her already soaked pussy.

“This female leaked on me, back so wet, she wants to breed,” Munk grunted. He slid the female up to his tip and balanced her to sit on it.

“Don't break,” Ronk yelped.

“This one like Niza, won't break. I think,” Munk grunted, hit tip was already sliding in without resistance. Both of the orcs looked amazed as large rod disappeared and the pink haired kitsune's smooth stomach bulged. Her juices were dripping on the floor and her lips had formed a gaping smile.

Munk stared at the smooth back and let his large hands wander up to surround the kitsune's hips. He pushed the bulge on her stomach with his fingers but it only made the hole squeeze him harder.

“Lower lower, she smiling to me,” Ronk grunted. Munk re-angled the kitsune and her smiling mouth landed on Ronk's tip and she swallowed it whole. A shock went through his body and he grabbed the pink haired head with both hands.

“My cock being fucked, something in my cock,” Ronk uttered. He was not exactly trying to remove his dick from the head but to hold it in place.

“Perfect hole,” Munk replied. Both of the orcs just mostly kept still and let the convulsing holes suck them. Despite their lack of movement, the orcs lasted only minutes before their seed was sucked deep into the kitsune's holes without spilling anything.

“Okay, time to go,” Niza yelled from the distance and the orcs went to her. Munk still had the kitsune on his cock and he was jump smacked to the head hard enough to make him fall back by Niza. The kitsune fell to the ground with a smile as Niza still refused to touch her.

** * **

In a large underground chamber, multiple demi-humans and humanoid monsters sat around a large square stone that acted as a table. Some had chairs but most were too large to sit on anything but the floor.

Niza and Munk walked into the room and dropped a pink haired female on the stone table. All eyes were on her while Niza sat onto an empty chair.

Most in the room were able to see that the female form hid more than met the eye despite her being naked. Though more than one was fascinated by the form itself.

“You beat her?” a large reptile monster asked. His scales were scarred and cracked. Only a few had any green in them and were dominated by dark grey.

“No Gilbert, she was found like this. I was thinking she might be useful,” Niza replied with a small stutter.

“Your kind are always useful for our operations,” Gilbert mused with a nod.

“She's not my kind,” Niza muttered. She was clearly swallowing back a flare of anger.

Gilbert reached his hand and tilted the kitsune's head to him. Her tongue spilled out and wrapped around the lizard's dry leather fingers and sucked them.

“You don't sense anything wrong about her?” Niza hesitantly asked.

“Wrong?” Gilbert asked back. He seemed to enjoy the increased moistness on his hand.

“It's hard to say but there's definitely something wrong with her,” Niza insisted. She leaned forward like she was trying to spot something.

“Then why did you bring her here?” one of the large monsters boomed.

“Nothing dangerous, as I said I can't really be certain,” Niza stuttered. The fear she showed made the large monster calm down like it was the reaction it had wanted.

“Then how do you know it's nothing dangerous,” the same monster insisted.

“Silence, I will have her examined by Giles,” Gilbert announced.

The naked kitsune was left on the table for the rest of the meeting and Gilbert had her carried away after it by one of the orcs.

** * **

Azara woke up to a strange light being aimed at her eyes. She bolted to her feet on a large stone table and a male elf with grey hair stared at her. He wore white robes that the kitsune was currently lacking.

“Interesting,” the elf muttered, he scribbled something into a notebook.

“Who are you?” Azara insisted.

“Alchemist Giles at your service,” the elf said with a bow.

Pink haired Azara gave a quick smile but then large electric explosion shocked the room when she manifested her pink tails into a piercing attack at Giles. Blue field around him stopped the first barrage but the impact had created cracks into the stone under him.

The altar-like stone table under Azara shifted and became alive. Her feet were already covered by stone before she realized what was happening. Azara's tails turned all attention to the living stone, it looked like they were absorbed into it and moved past it like air. The same was definitely not true of Azara's main body that was increasingly trapped.

“Please calm down, I'm betting I could crush your body before you can break my shield,” Giles said a bit annoyed. He was looking around the room full of rubble that had used to be his laboratory.

“What do you want?” Azara flared, her tails flailed at the grey-haired Giles but his magic shield was staying strong.

“Mostly just talk about your intriguing condition and ways to cure it. At least before you blew up most of my notes on you...” Giles voiced. He was scratching a list on his notebook of the things that needed to be replaced. It was an easy job as it contained everything that had not been on him.

“What?” Azara stuttered. Her tails stopped moving and floated in the air. The living stone had reached her hips and some of it was flowing into her nether holes that caused a smile to twitch on her lips.

“Almost a week's worth notes all gone, I remember most but the medical formulas are not exactly simple,” Giles muttered. He was more focusing on his book than Azara.

“You mean you can cure this?” Azara said.

“I certainly would like to try, the amount of minotaur mating I had to watch the last week was utterly disgusting,” Giles voiced in a casual manner.

“What?” Azara almost moaned. The living stone was pushing against her inner gate with pressure and some of it seeped in.

“Your condition is utterly fascinating on itself, the fact this corruption seems to be inflicted like poison on your core hints it to be artificial. The outcome might be undesirable but the method to achieve it definitely has applications with other types of spell enchants,” Giles explained. His voice had hints of emotion the first time in this conversation.

Azara tried to ask again by the pressure on her lower parts only made a yelp-moan come out of her lips.

“I guess you calmed down,” Giles muttered. The stone quickly moved down and formed back into an altar. Azara lowered her hips down with it to sit on it with a lust twisted smile.

There was a pause as Giles wrote into his book but Azara broke it, “You want to be paid right?”

“Well, we can talk compensation for my laboratory,” he pondered.

“Laboratory?” Azara asked.

“This was not really the first time this month but this time it was not my fault so it is proper if you take the blame so Gilbert won't get annoyed at me again,” Giles voiced. He turned around to look at a rubble pile that was less burned than the others.

“I meant the cure,” Azara said. Her voice sounded calmer than before.

“I don't understand enough to price the cure but your internal energies seem extremely stable when fed with large quantities of semen,” Giles replied.

“I guess,” Azara muttered. She rubbed herself on the stone. She was more than able to sense the foreign substance in her womb that burned way more pleasantly than blood in her stomach had ever felt when it was being consumed by her spiritual core.

“Well, it seems you don't have any difficulty finding the temporary medicine to stabilize yourself but when overdosed it seems your body can't handle the overflow of raw life energy that merges with your core. Though your tolerance seems to be increasing,” Giles explained again.

The two talked some more but when Azara grabbed Giles' cock in a surprise move he used a shield ram to throw her out of the room and sent her to find Gilbert to talk about compensation for the damages and future services on the cure.

** * **

A couple of days earlier two minotaurs had been using special holes on a stone wall.

“That elf sure makes better and better fake breeding holes, this one is so much better than a human,” the taller of the two minotaurs announced.

“This one not that bad, drink my, cum hole,” the other minotaur grunted back.

“Such great breeding holes, I just hope that elf would make them whole and not just a hole,” the tall minotaur mused.

When the minotaurs left a small grey wall goblin climbed down the roof and pushed his cock into the best hole in the wall. He kept it there until a new group of bigger monsters threw him away.

** * **

Azara moved quietly along the rooftops of the massive city of Girana. She had been following the scent of blood the whole night and hit the targets that had been given to her by Gilbert. Pretty much every demon she was able to find was on the list.

When Azara felt another burst of demonic aura with a scent of blood she changed her direction and found a large purple beast-monster feasting on a human on a mansion courtyard. There were multiple other humans around the demon but they looked more like servants than the next meal.

Azara jumped down from the courtyard wall and next to the demon.

“Are you the monster that lives in the prime minister's mansion?” Azara asked. She had no idea what this mansion was but there was a sign on the creature's neck that had prime minister written on it.

“Who wants to know,” the demon boomed. He stood up and swallowed the rest of his dinner. The humans moved inside the manor in an orderly fashion.

“I guess so,” Azara muttered. Her eyes were moving between the large purple monster's cock and the sign that read prime minister.

There was a pause as Azara gulped down saliva from the sight of the massive rod but the burning seed in her womb made her feel sated.

“Well, anyways, you are on Gilbert's list and you look too disgusting, so, bye bye,” Azara said. Her pink tails manifested around the monster and sliced him like butter in seconds.

“I don't get it, why would the humans serve or feed someone this weak,” Azara muttered. The demon's scent was dissipating and the smell from human's inside the manor started to pierce it.

“So who was next... monster disguised as a beggar... don't kill humans to find the right one... so annoying,” Azara muttered again as she tried to remember her instruction. She had already gone past the most likely location for the beggar's paradise where one of the last demons on her list resided. The place reeked more human than any other place in the city outside the sewers.

It took only minutes for Azara to land on a tower that overlooked the walled off section of the city where a large number of humans were stored in tightly packed buildings. It was comparable to most human cities Azara had seen but in the massive capital city, it was one of the smallest walled sections.

Azara used her abilities to boost her night vision to its limits and inspected the mass of humans in hovels. There were no tall buildings on the area and if anything suspicious happened she would see it even if the demon was able to hide their essence.

In the first minutes of observing it became clear to Azara that every person in the walled-off section was male. All of them were spreading the special aura scent that made her womb tickle no matter who she looked.

A frustrated line began to spread on Azara's lips when her hunger slowly grew stronger. Her hands moved to fondle her increasingly wet crotch through her robes without her even noticing. All her focus went on trying to find something demonic.

Even though several humans had already been killed during her watch none of them had been eaten by a human and in most cases the corpse had just been left there until someone who had been sleeping nearby went to drop them into a sewer hatch.

Azara was wondering if she should go check the streets closer but then she saw a new kind of movement. The poor men were gathering towards the centre of the district. There was a black cloaked figure that was already being touched by the first arrivals. It did not take long for them to rip off the robes to reveal a pale beauty with black hair. From this distance, she looked as human as the rest to Azara.

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