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Kitsune Sword Saint Azara

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Kitsune's not so slow corruption to lust for demon cocks.
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In a large dimly lit cave ten black-robed figures were gathered around a cage that contained a partially furred grey skinned Grokan beast. It had large tusked teeth and red eyes. Even when tied with chains to the cage its muscular form towered over everybody who was present.

“So, you just meet in this cave to worship a caged beast. For some reason that does not surprise me,” were the first words when another cloaked figure entered the place. Her voice was playful and almost laughing.

“Intruder!” came a shout from multiple sources. A wave of alertness went through the cave as the cloaked cultists drew swords or made the air sparkle with charged magic.

“Ooh don't be so harsh, I just walked in,” the amused female voice casually continued. The black cloak on her shattered into dust to reveal silver-haired beauty with pale skin and unreal smooth feminine facial features. She only wore thin white robes and her long hair flowed freely in the air.

“What do you want?” came a question from the still cloaked crowd.

“To kill you all of course. You have no idea how big the bounty on this little cult is?” With her words, white magic cracked around the silver-haired figure and a blade of pure lightning appeared into her left hand.

“Engrave the name Sword Saint Azara into your minds to tell the keeper of hell who sent you,” she declared as she pointed her blade at the group. Several of them took steps back and some even ran to the back of the cave behind the monster's cage.

“Not even the silver reaper can defeat the True Way,” one of the cultists declared. A long fencing blade with a blue aura of magic emerged below his robes.

“Nice design, that is custom made. I must look at it closer later,” Azara amused. Her attention had fully focused on the man.

The man charged with his blade and a wave of blue light created a psychical aura around him that slammed forward towards Azara. She slashed it with her sword and two blue consecrations of magic smashed deep into the stone floor behind her.

“Since when were Sky Duelists paid so poorly that they needed to join cults?” Azara irked. She dashed left and sent a wave of white magic at the back of the cave. It smashed several of the cultists against the back of the cave but the Grokan beast only howled in his cage like the magic was barely felt by it.

“Die,” the Sky Duelist boomed as he changed his failed attempt to block the wave that had killed his comrades into a counter charge. He was clearly trying to get to melee range with Azara who just darted to the opposite direction in the cave and sent another wave at the other cultists from another angle. The remaining four had green barriers around them but this next wave cracked one of them and a woman screamed to the moment of her death as the magic that had protected her only a moment ago overloaded and clashed back at her untrained body.

The Sky Duelist was about to do another charge at Azara when one of the other cultists charged past him. A bolt of fire flickered against Azara's blade and the almost flash like movements of the cultist ended from simply coming too close to Azara's lightning blade as his body fell to the ground with a jerk that ended in complete stillness.

For a moment it looked like Azara would need to cut down another reckless charger in a row but then the enraged Sky Duelist closed his eyes. Pressure aura manifested around him and his robes ripped to pieces to reveal light silver armour beneath.

“Awakened duelist, would you happen to have a god relic too? I'm a bit hungry and mortal flesh is so...” Azara commented but her words cut off when a blast of roaring magic hit her. She stayed standing but only because seven long tentacle-like silver furred tails manifested to guard her.

“Hidden beast,” the Sky duelist boomed. His face distorted with anger where he had managed to hide it before.

“Ooh don't be like that, I'm sure I have killed more of the actual beasts than...” Azara's words were interrupted again when an even stronger blast of magic hit her long floating tails. A sword slashed between them straight at her face but she lowered herself all the while hiding it with her tails from the duelist.

One of the other cultists saw from his angle that the sword had missed but it was too late for him to even yell it. Blasts of close-range lightning from Azara's tails flashed into the Sky Duelist's body and shattered any protections he had. His charred body fell to the floor in seconds.

“Pretty foolish, you humans sure tend to do silly things that hasten things,” Azara commented. She stepped forward towards the remaining two who still stood. They backed away with green auras around them but their hands were visibly trembling.

“Now, are we going to take this slow or are you two in a hurry. I have to admit I'm a bit starved but a fine lady like myself never eats when someone else watches,” Azara said in a casual tone.

One of the cultists saw Azara's lax stance and her tails disappearing one by one as an opportunity and dashed to a side only to be slashed by a long silver tail that became visible in front of him. He did not even have the time to scream.

“I have been wondering. What is this scent? It feels so tasty but it doesn't have the... don't tell me it comes from that beast?” Azara pondered. One of her tails wiped the last cultist away and she walked to the cage.

“It's not you is it. It's the floor,” Azara muttered. She looked down and saw a strange black liquid on the spreading around. It was leaking from the monster's wrinkly cock.

Azara eyed the humans and the liquid while licking her lips. Her red eyes had a momentary tilt and a smile spread on her soft lips.

“Smelling this good it could not possibly taste worse than humans,” Azara announced. She leaned down and her slender finger did a line to the black surface. It was sticky and a small mound of it lifted into her mouth. Azara's body froze for a moment but then she fell to the flood face first, she began licking the floor clean. Her long kitsune tongue rolled on the floor and squirmed to pull the most amount of monster cum into her mouth as possible.

“Too good,” Azara mumbled with some difficulty. Her limbs were visibly trembling and wetness was forming in her eyes. The liquid that was going down her throat burned her but in a good irresistible way. Even her usually cold snow kitsune body was starting to visibly heat up. The more she gulped down the more her pale skin turned rosy.

“It's coming from,” she stuttered. Her eyes trailed up and she saw a massive grey shaft full of veins above her. The tied monster had managed to push his cock between the bars of the cage.

Azara tried to lift her body up but her trembling limbs gave way. She splatted down on the cum and on her long tongue. Pleasurable pain jolted through her and the place between her legs trembled. Azara's smile was wide but demanding more.

“In me, I need it in me, more of it in me,” Azara stuttered. Her tails manifested around her coloured in pink but the kitsune was too focused on her goal to notice the unusual change. They tied around her body and lifted her up.

“In me,” Azara panted on repeat as her head neared her goal. She opened her lips and she took the tip into her open mouth. Her jaws were stretched to her immortal kitsune limits but nowhere near her breaking point. The magic from millennia of cultivation was able to sustain her body even with way more damage without even needing to heal it.

Her own tails pushed Azara into the cock and the first tears the kitsune had cried in centuries appeared in her eyes from the sheer pressure coming to her mouth. The tip battered against her throat and it was slowly giving way with elasticity only a kitsune was able to provide. Her flesh was shaping to the rod and Azara's red eyes began to roll upwards in tears. Though her lips were smiling what little they could in their stretched state.

The cock was now directly leaking thick dark cum into Azara's stomach and it burned her body even more. Even her silvery hair was turning pink from the corrupting presence in her. Sweat formed on the skin of the creature that due to her snow fox origins had never experienced it.

Azara's white robes flashed pink for a moment before shattering into fading sparkles. Her entire body was lifted from the ground by her tails and fully visible. Azara's tall feminine form shined red from sweat and her pussy was leaking transparent liquid to the floor. Her nipples were hard on her petite hand sized breasts but her shapely but jiggling in the air was the main focus of the tied monster. Though he had to be satisfied only by having a kitsune's tight throat rammed into his cock.

Through all the haze Azara heard, “Father of Grokans is coming,” before she passed out from the pressure.

** * **

Azara's eyes snapped open, in front of her was her tongue slithering on the clean tone floor trying to find something. She took it back into her mouth and looked around. The entire cultist cave was cleaned and the beast was gone. The cage was shattered into pieces.

She stood up to her shaking legs and remade her white robes. Even her hair was back to silver and skin looked almost as pale as before. With increasingly steady steps Azara walked towards the exit and out of it.

** * **

Outside the cave, Azara came out of a small warehouse building that had been used to hide the entrance. Screams and shouts filled the air and a large creature towered next to several armoured soldiers who were desperately trying to fight the grey monster. There was no way it was the same Grokan as in the cave but other than it's size, it looked the same.

“You! You will pay... a lot!” Azara boomed and charged towards the monster. Though even before closing the distance she started to wonder why she was even mad in the first place. As the creature turned around her attention focused on the massive cock that throbbed in full erection.

Azara closed her eyes and her body sparked from silvery lightning. She dashed to the side and into an alley. The Grokan creature turned around and walked after her. Several mages were shooting fire bolts into his back but the monster showed no signs of caring.

Just when the monster kicked his left foot into a building and made it collapse Azara flashed into the vision of the humans who were surrounding the large beast. The kitsune flew through the air straight at the back of the monster with a lighting blade. It sank into the skin but it took only moments for Azara to realize it was not enough. A large muscular hand bent and swung to slap her with force but the nimble kitsune dashed up using a burst from her blade before it flickered away only to be reformed into her hands in the air.

Azara looked around in a way that was a clear signal that the experienced assassin was pondering why she was even here. She dashed behind the loose shield wall of the humans and appeared in front of the man with the fanciest looking steel armour with shining magic runes.

“You paying me if I kill this thing?” Azara voiced in her cold business tone she spoke to humans.

“The bounty is shared between all who participate... silver reaper,” the armoured man replied. There was venom in his tone that was clearly aimed at the female despite his face being covered by plate metal.

“Fuck that then,” Azara muttered. At that moment the monster charged through the human formation that turned into disorganized rabble in seconds. A massive feet came crashing down to the spot Azara had stood less than a second ago but she dashed to the side and several lightning blades stuck out of the creature's legs but all of them soon fizzled out and the burned holes healed in seconds.

Azara was about to turn away again but her eyes saw massive cock and balls hanging above her. The veins bulged and moved as strange liquids pumped in the large organ. Splatters of black pre-cum dripped down and it's smell entered Azara's nose. A twisted unnatural smile flashed on her lips but she was still about to dash away when one of the drops hit her face. Thick monster cum covered half of her face and her mouth gaped enough to let some of it drip in. Soon enough her tongue came out to lick her dirtied face into the hole it had come out.

Despite not even having fully cleaned her face yet Azara was already looking at the source of the slimy substance. She flashed up and grabbed on the cock with all four limbs. The kitsune smacked her face straight into the tip of the cock and her long tongue slithered into the cum dripping hole to suck it all in. Soon enough abundant monster tar streamed into Azara's stomach. She burned up again and her silvery hair was gaining pink hues.

The monster looked around and grabbed Azara with his right hand. There was pressure but nothing the kitsune was not able to handle. She held tightly around the cock and one of the bulgy veins throbbed against her wet clitoris.

Azara's body was dragged forth and back on the cock and the quantity that was leaking out of the massive rod only increased. One of the large fingers pressed Azara's head into the tip and locked her into it. She had no other choice but to swallow to her utmost limit whatever would come.

With a roar the monster climaxed and a wave of pressure blasted down Azara's throat. Her walls stretched from the abundance of the seed and she even swallowed her own tongue with it. Her robes flashed pink and sparkled to reveal her body. Azara's grip on the cock was completely gone but the monster kept her pressed to it. Her limbs trembled as her insides were filled to the brim.

Having no other choice Azara's body absorbed more and more of the substance into her core but the large monster was getting tired of feeding her.

Azara's body was dropped to the ground but she bit down her mouth to prevent any leaking out of her mouth. Though her pussy twitched and spilt a notable amount of her juices to the street. Her legs spread wide and some building rubble was under her hip and made her point her pussy upwards. Not many whores were able to to do a more lewd position even if they tried. On top of everything else, a wide smile was on Azara's lips as she swallowed down the cum in her mouth. There was no focus in her eyes and they stared into nothingness.

Like the monster had done what it had come to do it turned around and started to run. Almost in seconds, it was through the town wall and into the forest. The first gigantic steps had made Azara tremble and her body visibly climaxed several times but she kept her mouth tightly shut.

“Silver reaper, we got you now,” one of the soldiers shouted. He charged at the laying down female but dropped his sword before he got to her. Several others joined him but when they clumped to a circle around Azara they were knocked out of their initial lust before anybody managed to get their cocks out.

“Let's arrest her,” one of the soldiers suggested.

“Weren't' she on the no list.” another muttered.

“The command to not arrest her only applies if she is more trouble than she's worth. In this state there won't be any trouble,” a commanding voice shouted. The soldiers recognized their town mayor and turned around to look at him. He was a middle-aged male in light leather armour and spear. Though he had mostly stayed in the back row during the fight.

“As is the custom any female murderers will be turned into breeding pigs until they have replaced every one they have killed,” the mayor added. He kept walking towards Azara.

“Did you see that thing. She must be completely broken,” one of the soldiers grunted.

“Looks fine to me, this murdering monster must be one of them. Only looks like a human,” yet another added. He had knelt down and did a closer inspection on Azara's spread legs. Her tight vulva was glistening wet and covered her pussy.

“I'm not sure if he has killed anybody from our town, maybe we should just turn her over to the Kingdom? Or,” the guard commander suggested but was interrupted by the mayor, “Are you crazy? This is one in a lifetime opportunity to have a beauty like this in the pen.”

“We just need to make sure she won't escape,” one of the more helpful soldiers added.

“Bring all the binds you can find,” the mayor commanded.

“Yes Sir,” said the crowd.

The guard commanded stared Azara with hatred as she was made into a neat package but even he was fighting against strange attraction towards their newest prisoner. Everything about this slender, tall beauty was beckoning the men to fill her.

Metal lock gag with fabric was used to block Azara's mouth. It also stopped any hope of more of the seed leaking out of her bulged belly.

After Azara's hands and legs were tied with chains she was carried into a stable-like building and attached into a pillory. Her behind was pointing at the hallway so that any passerby had easy access to any of her nether holes.

A group gathered behind Azara as the town Mayor positioned closest to her.

“Considering how dangerous this criminal is, we only let town guard and the city council use her,” the mayor declared.

“Agreed,” the group nodded. All of them were staring at Azara. Her pussy and ass looked perfectly fine despite her already bloated belly. Though a keen observer might have noticed the bulge was decreasing despite there was no way out but these humans were more interested in filling the tight wet snatch that was perfectly hidden by fully enclosing vulva. Not many of them had seen such an artistic pussy.

The Mayor slapped his hand into Azara's ass and grabbed it tightly. It was more than a handful to him and the kitsune's holes twitched to spill out the transparent liquid.

“Such a nice and firm breeder pig ass, the cunt looks just fine but this is so firm.” The Mayor fiddled with his finger and had difficulties penetrating Azara's unnaturally clean and perfectly shaped asshole. It almost looked more like another smaller fully shut pussy than something that was used to any other purpose.

He forced his thumbs into Azara's back hole and managed to open it just enough to push his tip in. In one go he slammed it as deep his cock could but he found no end. The mayor stirred his hips but he felt nothing but inner walls of flesh in the tightly squeezing hole, “Her ass is so clean, like she doesn't even shit.”

“Shut up, I don't need all of you describing how she feels,” the guard commander still in full armour commanded in a frustrated tone.

“Actually, why is any of us watching this, change in 5. All out,” the guard commander boomed and the others obeyed.

The mayor showed no signs of caring either way and slapped his hips harder into Azara. There was more resistance on his way out and there was no way the man would be able to resist then inevitable outcome for long.

“Your cheeks feel a bit cold but damn your hole burns me,” the mayor grunted when his cock shot its load into the kitsune's ass. He thrust a couple more times but his age and the fight before were catching up even to his lust obsessed body. He staggered backwards and smiled as he saw that none of his pent up seed leaked out.

After the chief five other elderly councilmen came one by one and pushed their cocks into Azara's juice soaked pussy. They slid in easily but the old men had difficulties sliding their full length in the squeezing hole. Some just slammed it in and kept there until her convulsing inner walls milked them dry.

When first of the soldiers got their turn he pushed his fingers deep into Azara's pussy and thrust against her inner gate with force. No seed came out and only her glistening juice came out.

“Did the old bastards actually clean this time,” the soldier muttered as he rammed his cock into Azara's pussy with forceful intent. With long strong thrusts, he filled the kitsune's womb fast and left.

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