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Konrad's Memoirs Ch. 04

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The seduction of a shy servant girl.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 01/29/2004
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Mid 19th century Hamburg. Konrad had seduced his friend's servant girl.

After I was satisfied that Peter, my coachman would take good care of my little sleeping daughter, taking her home safely, I closed the door and rummaged through my coat to find the book, which I carefully picked out of a secret compartment in my desk at home. I looked towards the ceiling where Johann's room was and Lottie was laying in bed now, waiting for me. The fun was not over yet. I could not satisfy myself with the quick pleasure that I was a part of a little while ago. This time, I would be patient and thorough. I walked up the stairs, clutching the book to my chest, my heartbeat increasing with each step I took towards my mistress.

Here I come, I thought and smiled.

I entered the bedroom and found Lottie had wrapped herself in the velvet blanket, awkwardly sitting on the edge of the bed, anxiously peering at me. The cold in the room made my own body shiver unpleasantly, some of it due to the freezing rain that persistently rapped on the window seal, some because of the pure exhaustion after my short bout of illness as well as previous wrestling and final conquest of Lottie.

'Peter took Sabine home,' I announced to the girl sitting on the bed and took hurried steps toward the window, closing it hastily, hoping that the slight warmth that was lazily flowing through the air downstairs wound find its way up to the bedroom.

'You shouldn't have brought her out here in this weather.' Lottie said and I spun around, surprised that she muttered a sentence beyond a word or two. I grinned.

She shifted uncomfortably, wrapping the blanket tighter around her body, not returning my smile. After all that we've done together she still felt shame and embarrassment. That fact alone warmed me up inside and I slowly walked to the bed, plopping next to her, putting my arms around her shoulders. I pressed a kiss on the side of her head, her wild hair tickling my nose, filling it with the sour smell of lemon scent.

'Look, Lottie!' I exclaimed as if just remembering the book in my hand, a gift that I decided to present her with in hopes that it might relax her and make her see that what we were doing was done all the time by others and was no big deal, as she believed it had been. It was an erotic story with many sketches and little paintings to make the descriptions more visible to the reader.

'Can you read?' I asked and she nodded, not offended by the question at all. So many servants were illiterate; their employers believing that holding them in ignorance might make them better workers, trying hard to keep them away from the radical beliefs of fools who swore allegiance to equality and liberation. I never particularly cared for that movement one-way or the other. I didn't see anything wrong with people believing in changes, however, my wife Sophia always made certain that none of that nonsense entered our household.

Lottie's ability to read surprised me somewhat, but I was glad, as this would make it much easier on me. I decided not to bother her with reading at the moment, choosing to show her the pictures instead.

Awkwardly, with one free hand, I opened the book and browsed through the pages, searching for what I wished Lottie would be willing to do for me. I stole a side-glance at her and noticed that she was peering towards my lap, where the book rested as I speedily flipped through, trying to find the page that interested me.

All of a sudden she spasmed and shivered violently, throwing her head back and tightening her body as if expecting a blow. I left go of her shoulders and looked at her worriedly. Is she having a seizure? I don't even remember Johann telling me she was epileptic, Herminna was notoriously terrified of any kind of illnesses and diseases; every servant of hers was healthy as a horse, or they weren't in her service for much longer.

Lottie shook her head and smiled at me. 'Just a goose.' She explained, her face blushing.

'A who?' Now I was really confused.

'A goose just walked over my grave.' She stated, satisfyingly nodding her head. The expression on my face must have been one of wonder and utter confusion, as this was the first time that I heard her laugh heartily. 'My mother says that.'

I rolled my eyes. Old witches' tales that servants always seemed to be so eager to believe in. A goose, indeed.

'No goose, Lottie, you're simply cold.' I recovered, thankful for an opportunity to get her under the bed cover without struggle. 'Come, let's get comfortable.' I got up and only then did I notice that she was still wearing her boots. I knelt in front of her and with great care, started undoing the black laces. They were broken in few places, tied together awkwardly, numerous knots making it hard to make my task smooth and quick.

Lottie simply sat on the edge of the bed, still hugging herself with the velvet blanket, carefully observing me. I pulled off her boots one by one, taking each of her small feet in my hands, gently massaging them. Lottie pulled her feet away from me and giggled. 'I'm ticklish.' She announced, careful not to kick me.

I pulled the heavy cover off the bed and pushed Lottie down, playfully tucking her in as if she was a little girl. She seemed to have calmed down some, accepting my presence and actions with nothing more than a curious observation. And a lot of blushing, of course.

I unbuttoned Johann's shirt, which I hastily put on when Peter knocked on the door. I was careful not to rip it in pieces as I did the previous one. Despite the numerous shirts in Johann's closet, it would have been just my luck to ruin his favorite one beyond repair. As I undid my pants and let them drop to my ankles, the shy Lottie took over and she looked away, her face hot with embarrassment.

I simply shook my head. This time I would not be deferred by her shyness. I realized that beneath all that lay a passion so hot and in need of exploring, Lottie had hard time coping with the fact herself. I would just ease her into it.

As I crawled in the bed, she turned on her side, her back towards me. If she was trying to tell me to leave her alone, I was not listening. Once under the cover, I tried to pry the velvet blanket off her body, but she clung onto it hard, making me jerk her back and forth with each attempt.

'Lottie!' I said warningly. 'How are you going to explain the ripped blanket to Johann, should I accidentally tear it?' I asked and she froze for a moment. 'Because of you!' I added and felt her grip on the velvet loosening. I had it off her body in no time, bunched up between us; I moved my torso and ass, laying on top of it, making sure she could not get another hold of it in a moment of renewed embarrassment.

I whipped my arm over her side and placed the book in front of her face. We were laying close together, like two spoons in an overstuffed drawer, my body pressing against hers. Her skin was warm and soft, everything on her still smelling of herbal soap; a sweet scent, which had become so familiar to me.

My finger was stuck between the pages, marking the spot with the picture that I had chosen to show her first, and I nudged the book forward so that it opened up, displaying its contents to undoubtedly curious eyes of my little servant girl.

It was only a black and white sketch, but it was drawn beautifully. A woman with long hair flowing down her back knelt in front of a man, taking his cock deep in her mouth, her eyes closed, her face full of satisfaction. The sketch cut off at the man's stomach, concentrating on his lower body and the woman in front of it.

Lottie jerked in my embrace, trying to push against me, away from the image I was showing her.

'See?' I ignored her obvious protest. 'This is what feels really good, Lottie.' She shook her head, still pushing back, unaware that her ass was pressing hard against my crotch, slowly arousing me again. 'It feels just as good as when I kiss your pussy, sweetheart.'

'Please, don't.' She whispered, but I could see that her eyes were still resting on the image.

I laid the book flat on the bed for a moment and flipped through a few more pages, raising myself on an elbow to see better, my body now heavily resting on Lottie's. I was getting excited again, but this time I would not be as fast as the previous times. I ached to show her how much I could do, the novelty of her body making me finish in an embarrassingly short time before.

I found the next set of drawings and pulled the book up so that it stood directly in front of Lottie's face. One was a depiction of a woman leaning over a chair with the man pounding her from behind. The sketch on the opposite page showed a closer view of the couple, concentrating on their genitals, his dick half buried in her saucy pussy, her legs spread wide to allow a good look at the scene.

'I want you to bend over for me like that, Lottie,' I whispered and without averting my eyes from the book I leaned down and pressed a kiss on Lottie's cheek. She lay still, not cringing away from me, not responding either. Her breathing was shallow, but she managed to keep her body perfectly still.

'You turn the pages,' I said and softly nudged her with my elbow. Her arm obediently slipped from under the covers and I noticed her skin full of goose bumps, whether the cold or myself were the reason I could not tell.

As soon as she grabbed the book, I slipped my own hand under the cover and grabbed onto one of her heavy breasts, kneading it gently, pinching the big nipple and pulling it away from her body. Lottie moaned, but remained still.

'Turn the page,' I said and her other hand slipped out in the open in attempt to help holding the book. She did as I asked and this time, and I could see that for a moment she did not quite make out what she was looking at.

'See?' I said patronizingly, 'If I put it in there, you can't get with a child.' She dropped the book as if it was a hot potato. She spun around so quickly that I didn't have the time to move away, her elbow knocking against my nose.

'You wouldn't!' she almost screamed, her eyes as big as cup saucers.

'Oh, Lottie!' I smiled, rubbing my nose, agitated over her clumsiness and the pain she had just caused me, but amused nonetheless. 'We'll do everything that's in that book.' I said, moving over her, lying on top of her soft body, kissing her lips. She moaned and I let my lips slip down to her neck, sucking onto it as if it was a mother's breast.

'Nooo,' she whispered in contrast to her body pushing up against me now, obviously just as aroused as mine was.

She took my head in her hands, running her fingers through my hair, tugging on it, but not enough to hurt me. The blow on the nose was enough pain for one day. I pushed myself down her body, my lips taking turn on each nipple, over the stomach, my tongue slipping inside her perfect little belly button, making her giggle and jerk as if trying to sit up.

I pushed the covers off, ignoring the coldness of the room. Our bodies were hot enough to withstand a little chill and Lottie spread her legs wide, letting me slip between them comfortably, my tongue leaving a wet trail over her stomach on its way to her pussy.

I sucked onto her clitty again and it took barely a minute before she started thrashing, her wetness hitting my face while I tried hard to keep up with her movements. I continued sucking even as she stilled after a few moments, uncomfortably squirming, trying to push my head away from her pussy. I just had to take in all of her juices; I had to remember the smell of her sex forever. I never wanted to forget it, and to this day, even in my late 80s I sometimes catch a soft whiff of it.

I pushed myself away from her then, kneeling between her legs, gathering the numerous pillows on the bed and stacking them up in a pile next to us. Satisfied with my work, I pushed her leg over my body, letting it join the other one.

'Come,' I said and motioned to the soft stack. She seemed reluctant and I was getting impatient with her games of shyness, as my cock was throbbing again, demanding to enter the softness that it yearned for. I reached down and pulled her up by the arms, half throwing her on the pillows, ruining the perfect stack that I had built just moments ago. She awkwardly wobbled her body into a kneeling position, laying her torso on top of the pillows, which she embraced widely, as if holding a huge load of laundry.

I knelt behind her, pushing her legs as wide as I could and she let out a yelp of pain at the discomfort. I slipped my cock half way into her pussy, resting for a moment.

'Oooohhh,' gasped Lottie, jerking forward only to be halted by the soft pillows that she was holding onto to. 'It still hurts!' She whined, but I chose to ignore it.

Her small pink asshole was gaping at me, ready to take in whatever I had to offer and I ran my thumb over it, making Lottie push herself against me, burying my cock deeper inside her.

'Nasty little girl, aren't you?' I laughed and in response she pushed back harder, making me meet her movement, thrusting all the way inside her softness. Obviously, it couldn't have hurt all that much. I had to stop right there, or yet again, I wouldn't be able to do what I wanted.

'I want this!' I said and pushed my thumb inside her asshole.

'Aaaaawwww!' she moaned and jerked forward, my cock slipping out of her pussy. 'That hurts!' she yelled and turned around, giving me an ugly frown.

'It'll hurt a whole lot more if you don't do as I say!' I said and pushed my thumb deeper inside her ass. 'Be still!' I said as she tried to move away. The more I pushed in, the more she tried to rise up and get away from me; the pillows that she was hugging preventing her from doing just that.

I pulled the thumb out and replaced it with my middle finger, pushing it inside her asshole as deep as I could, not trying to be careful or gentle. She was so tight! I could feel my dick throbbing with anticipation of where it was to end up.

'Aaww, pleeeeaaseee,' she screamed. 'Stooooop, aaaawwww!'

I was so turned on by now that all I wanted was to bury myself deep inside her ass and pound her until she screamed on top of her lungs, but I still had a trace of conscience left. Time enough for everything!

I moved away from her and jumped off the bed, pushing her shoulders back on the pillows as she tried to take the opportunity and get up.

'Don't move!' I said warningly. 'Do not move, Lottie!' I repeated and looked wildly around the room. I wondered where Johann kept any sort of lubricant. I knew she would hurt with or without it, but I might just try and make it a little easier on her. I stumbled to the nightstand next to the bed, opened the drawer and hastily rummaged through it. Nothing!

I ran to the closet and searched for anything that might ease my task, but again, I found nothing. In desperation, I thought of one thing that I had never used before, but was certain it would do the job just as well.

'Don't move, Lottie!' I exclaimed and ran for the door. 'If you move,....' I yelled and stumbled out of the room. I ran down the staircase, stark naked, not worried that anyone might see me, as the hallway had no true windows. I found the door under the staircase that led to the cellar underneath the house, which served as a cooling space for food and wine.

I carefully descended the wooden staircase, peering into the darkness and was grateful for the small window, or rather a slit in the corner, which allowed enough light to pour in so that I could see my way around. The cold cement against the soles of my feet froze my body to a spot for a moment. How foolish I was!

I let my eyes search the cellar, running over numerous bottles of wine and oil, baskets of fruit and vegetables; neatly stacked cases by the wall that held god knows what. Finally, I found was I was looking for and hopped to the shelf in the corner, trying to ignore the cold, which was biting all the way to my bones, it seemed. Packets of butter wrapped in a soft cloth were resting in a soldierly row, making my heart leap with delight.

I doubted I could ever persuade Lottie to come down here and find it for me. In my haste to get away from the cold I ran up the stairs and stubbed my toe on the last step so violently, white flash danced in front of my eyes for a moment.

'God damn it!' I yelled and sat down in the hallway, rubbing my toe, while still carefully cradling the packet of cold butter. 'Sweet mother of Jesus!' I wanted to cry like a baby.

'Herr Konrad?' I heard Lottie's sweet voice calling from the top of the stairs, full of worry.

Now, I was really getting angry. I told her to stay put and she obviously disobeyed.

'Didn't I tell you not to move?' I screamed back up, unable to see where she stood as it was out of my view. 'You better be back on the bed when I come upstairs!' I yelled and furiously pounded my fist on the carpeted floor. The pain in the toe persisted and it hurt like hell.

To my utter amazement, I heard shuffling footsteps creeping down the stairs. The girl had guts, I had to give her that. Her little feet came into view, accompanied by the velvet blanket that I began hating so much, making her look like a bride descending the staircase to her own wedding. She was descending all right, but it wasn't the wedding she would be getting, I thought.

'Oh, my God!' she exclaimed when she reached the foot of the stairs and turned the corner, seeing me so unceremoniously sprawled on the floor, still holding onto my toe that seemed to throb more with each minute. I only hoped I hadn't broken the damn thing. As she came all the way up to me and squatted down to take a better look, I could not hold my anger off any longer. The frustration of the pain and the delay in what I wanted due to being kind to Lottie boiled over. My hand that was cradling my toe shot out and I slapped her cheek so hard she awkwardly fell onto her side, yelping in horror.

'I told you to stay up there!' I screamed, not caring that this was taking place in the vicinity of the front door and someone might hear us. I threw the packet of butter over the railing and it landed on the third step with a soft thud.

I jumped up, ignoring the pain.

'If this is how you want it,' I went on screaming and grabbed her by the arms, pulling her around the pillar of the staircase, 'then this is what you will get.'

She was a heavy girl and her thrashing did not make it any easier on me, but I managed to pull her after me all the way to the staircase. Surprisingly, she did not scream as I anticipated she would. Her face was purple now, she was horrified over my outburst, but still, no noise came out of her mouth, which was opened in a silent scream.

She kicked her legs violently and I was grateful not to be on that side of her, as she would probably send me flying, such was her strength, it appeared. Finally managing to reach the foot of the stairs, I dropped her, not minding that I might hurt her doing that.

I turned her around making her kneel and pushed her body up a little, placing her hands on the third step, next to where a packet of butter sat. In her struggle, the velvet blanket had fallen off and she knelt there, bent over the stairs naked, her white body glistening in the light that was pouring in through the narrow, tainted window above the front door.

As she tried to get up, I placed my hand on the small of her back, leaning my weight against it and smacked her ass cheek so hard, I actually sent her climbing another stair.

'Stop it!' she finally managed to scream, which only provoked me to land a series of hard smacks on her soft skin, some of them missing the target and hitting her thighs and hips. 'Please, stoooop!' Even in the poor light, I could see her ass turning angry red, my hand imprints visible.


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