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Krissy Ch. 08: Lazy Sunday

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Monica has Jani and Krissy make up in a special way.
4.9k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/22/2019
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***This story contains some references to chapters 5 - 7. If you're interested you could read those first. It should be readable as a stand alone though. The juicy bits work well on their own ;) ***


"Is there any more orange juice?" I ask. My throat is dry and my head feels like it's made out of cardboard. Aside from that I feel pretty much ok. I've had worse hangovers than this, I think to myself. We're sitting at the kitchen table and the warm sunlight sets the room on fire. The boys just fried all the bacon and eggs they could get their hands on and believe me when I say that's a lot of bacon and eggs that we're now happily eating for brunch.

Apart from a: "Here's the OJ Krissy." nobody speaks a word. They seems to be in their own world. I notice that Micky has a distant smile on his face and can't stop looking at me over his cup of coffee. When Jessie hands me a pack of juice, Micky gestures at him with his eyebrows, and winks at me. As far as I know, this means my big brother is giving Micky his approval.

The door opens and Monica comes in with a shit-eating grin. "Morning guys! Did you sleep well?"

My brother jumps up, "What the f...!! What's he doing here?!" I notice somebody walking in behind Monica. I have a feeling I should recognize his face, but I can't remember where from. Jessie walks up to him and he is clearly very angry, his fists balled, ready to attack, but Monica stops him.

"It's all right,' she says, "he's with me. It's ok." Jessie takes a few steps back but I can see from the look on his face that he's very upset.

"I don't like this," he replies, "why would you want to let this guy into your house after what he did yesterday?" He gestures at me. "Imagine how Krissy feels about this."

"Feels about what?" I ask. I look around the room, there's no reply. This is fucking confusing. I have no idea what he is talking about. I look at the guy, He's kind of cute. A bit nerdy and scrawny to my taste though. But a tight little... Then it hits me. "Wait! I remember you. Weren't you at the party yesterday?" I ask.

"Exactly." my brother grunts, "You can ask him what he did while you were unconscious. Were you going to tell her, Monica?"

I look around the room. My brother has his arms folded over his chest, glaring at the guy. Micky sips his coffee with a "Don't ask me because I know nothing and besides that I'm not even here so can I please just drink my coffee" face. Monica's face is hard to read, she looks at me with her usual sweet smile, but there's something else I haven't seen before. She seems bigger, standing up straight in front of the guy to protect him and fills the room with energy and confidence. In the way she stopped my brother, who is roughly one and a half times her size, I sensed that she didn't have any doubt that she could stop him from attacking this dark blonde guy that stands behind her, looking for her protection.

"Tell me what?" I ask, getting suspicious now. I can feel the warm fuzzy feeling that I have in my belly (and in my pussy and ass, well, the last one burns a bit but ok) turn into a knot. "I would like to talk about that when we're a bit more private." Monica says. She looks at me and winks that everything is ok. "Fact is," she continues, "that poor old Jani here was set up to do what he did and that he is very sorry about it and came here to make it up."

"Whatever!" my brother growls. He stands up, throwing his dish and cup in the sink. "I have more to do today, but if he wants to make up for it he can start cleaning the dishes, I'm out!" He barges out the back door.

Micky looks at me with raised eyebrows and also takes his plate. "I have some repairs to do," he says apologetically and leaves the kitchen too.

"It seems we hit a hot topic here." I say to no-one in particular.

"You can say that again." Monica sighs and pulls by a chair. She taps the one next to her. "You can sit here Jani." she says. "Is there still coffee?"

As the two are eating their breakfast, I look at Monica. "Well? What were you going to tell me?" I ask.

She swallows her bread and takes a sip of coffee. "A long story," she mumbles around a mouthful of food, "but the bottom line is that Jani's friend Jari, who couldn't be here today, thought you were a hot body, which I can't deny, and that you needed some chemical encouragement to get his party started." Monica sits back and takes a big gulp of coffee. "Things didn't go as expected and some people made some wrong decisions with results I will inform you about later. Point is that Jani is really sorry for listening to his friend instead of his conscience and letting him talk into things he didn't want to do and now is here to make it up to you. And what I understand he is up for anything you ask him to. Aren't you Jani?" She gives me a fat, juicy wink.

At that moment, her phone buzzes and she picks it up to look at the message. She shows it to Jani and I see the shock on his face. "Oh fuck," he says, "I totally forgot about him." She gives me the phone and I see it's a message from my brother, sharing a short article from the local newspaper about a guy who had been tied to his kitchen table naked for almost a day before the cleaning lady found him. Instead of untying him, she left the house in a panic and called the police. When they came in, they found that the neighbors dog had snuck in and was licking butter from the man's ass. The man told the police that he didn't want to make a statement about how he ended up in that awkward situation.

Monica burst into laughter, and Jani tittered. "Well, that will make him think twice the next time he wants to drug and rape an innocent girl." Her face brightens with a broad smile, a wave of her hand saying "tell you later".

I'm very confused at the moment. I think I have an idea about what's going on, and I can hear this little mischievous voice in the back of my head telling me to get everything out of this there is to get. I blink my eyes (I still haven't learned how to wink, I don't get how people do that all the time) at Monica to show her I understand. "So..." I ask Jani, "if I'm getting this right, you're mine until you've made it up to me?" He looks at Monica as if he's asking her for permission to answer. That's definitely another thing I have to talk to her about.

She gives him a slight nod and he answers. "Yes miss, anything you want me to. Until Miss Monica says it's ok."

"'Miss' Monica??" I ask, and look at her with raised eyebrows.

A sheepish grin crosses her face; a hissed "Complicated," closes that line of conversation for now. She continues: "Anyway, I've met dear Jani boy here yesterday at the party, and it seems we get along. Well, not so well at first but I think we got past that. We even started working on some tricks together, do you want to see?" she asks.

"I'm not so sure Monica, it all sounds a bit strange to me now."

"You're weird."

"Aah! Don't be a spoiler, you'll like it, I promise."

"Ok then." I sigh, "Show me your trick." I sink back into my chair.

"Ok Jani, you're on." she says, "Get up!" He obeys and stands up next to the table. "Pants off!" she orders, and he drops his slacks, revealing a long slender cock. He's clean-shaven down there I'm more of a manly, hairy, smelly man type, but on Jani it looks okay-ish. "Ok,' she says, "look at this. Jani! Look me in the eye." He looks at her like a dog waiting for a snack. "Ok, one, two, three!" and she snaps her fingers. His cock rises like bread dough, and in ten seconds it's hard.

"Ooo-keyy?" I say, "now that was weird. If I'm being honest this is starting to freak me out a bit now." I stand up. "Jani," I say, "you doing the dishes was a perfect idea from my brother. Mona, we need a word, now!" I walk out of the kitchen without waiting for her to follow me.


In her room Monica briefs me about the incident at yesterday's party. How she almost had to leave without me after I passed out and caught two culprits red handed with their dicks in places where they shouldn't have been without my consent. And that's the civilised version of the story.

After Monica's update on the events, I'm a bit swept off my feet. The fact that I was drugged sure explains my splitting headache and memory loss. And I listened in awe how Monica handled the situation and not only made sure that I was save but also took a quite inventive revenge on the two guys that did this to me. The drugging I mean. Somehow I'm not so bothered about the rape part, that kind of turns me on, but the fact that I was unconscious pisses me off big time. In my opinion, if I'm going to be fucked by two young eager guys at the same time I would at least be able to remember it afterwards.

Then there's the whole thing with Monica's revenge. I'm flabbergasted! I mean, come on! I pass out once at a party (ok, fair is fair, this was the second time) and the whole world turns upside down. I get double teamed on a kitchen table and my friend turns into some sort of S&M mistress overnight. It's almost too much to comprehend. On top of that, I missed out on all the fun. If I ever get my hands on that Jari guy...

"But my dear," Monica says, "Jani was also partly responsible, and the good thing is, he is here for you to take your revenge." She flashes me a devious smile, and I get what she is hinting at.


We return to the kitchen to find it spotless clean. Jani is putting away the last dishes and he looks at me with anticipation.

This whole situation pisses me off immensely. I know Mona said that this guy was just playing along with his piece of shit friend, and that he already apologized several times, but I think he has some guts showing up at the house the next morning. He isn't the kind of guy who has a chance with me, even in his most beautiful dreams. I fall for real men, not these nerdy types. Monica says he's mine until he makes it up to me. How can this shrimp ever make it up to me? The house he's cleaning is not mine and I think my mother would neither understand nor appreciate me bringing my own slave to the house.

I step in front of him. He swallows.. "Monica told me what you did, you're quite a little piece of shit aren't you," I begin. "She also told me you are here to set things right, but how did you think you were going to do that?" He's still looking at my like a deer in the headlights. I get no answer. "It certainly is not going to happen by washing dishes, and if you think you can satisfy me sexually, you must be dreaming. I like real men, not little boys. You don't stand a chance."

His expression turns to desperation. I hope he's not going to cry. "Don't you think it's best if you just go home?" I ask.

Now I get a response. He shakes his head. "I'm not going home. Miss Monica told me to stay until you say it's made-up." This weak behaviour pisses me off. I'd like to kick him in the nuts just to make a real man out of him.

I'm curious to see where this is heading. Monica seems very proud of something she has accomplished here, and I don't want to disappoint her either. "Well ok then, show me what you got."

I already saw his cock this morning, but I didn't pay attention to it then. It's not thick and meaty like I like them, but more long and slender. I sit down in a kitchen chair while he stands before me, looking at Monica. She walks towards him and puts a hand on his back. "It's ok," she says, "you just do what she wants, and I will even forgive you for being late this morning." He nods again and she takes his cock in her hand. "Come," she commands, and snaps her fingers. His member comes up in seconds. I can't believe that they worked this out in just this morning, I think to myself,'what will happen if they really get to spend serious time together? There's obviously a match.

"Ok then," I say, "this is the way it's gonna be. If you manage to make me orgasm with that thing, we can call it even." I get up and walk towards him, grab him by the cock, and lead him through the door and up the stairs to Monica's room. I close the door behind us. "Let's see if you know how to use that piece of meat." I'm beginning to see the fun in being the one who calls the shots. It immediately reflects in my language too: "First I need you to make me ready. Do you think you've got the skills to do that?" Jani still looks terrified, but his cock is telling me another story. It stands out proud, hard and straight. "Well? What are you waiting for?" I ask. "Start moving."

"Yes miss," he answers.

I put my hand on his head, guiding him to kneel in front of me. As he kneels, I pull down my slacks and position myself in front of his face. I push my pussy in his face and he starts licking me with long strokes. Yes, this feels good. My pussy is over-sensitive from all the action it has seen during the past night. He curls his tongue between my puffy lips and achy entrance. I almost pull away from the intensity. A few massaging licks convince me. I get into it and push forward. "Yeees, that's it." I sigh. "A bit higher now."

His tongue is strong and pointy and eager and I'm beginning to enjoy the attention. I'm pissed about what happened, but - this might be fun!. "Use your hands." I tell him. He puts his hands on my ass and starts massaging it. I move my feet to the side to give him better access and tell him to stick his fingers inside of me.

With one hand on my ass, his fingertips scratch and pull at my asshole. His other hand slips fingers in my pussy, the thumb massages my lips, and his tongue swirls and laps at my clit. I close my eyes and enjoy the ride. Soon, my fingers are pinching my nipples through my shirt. I think about Monica's pierced nipples and wonder if I should try that too, but mine are so sensitive already, and I'm not much into pain.

"Ow!" That was a sensitive spot. You can say what you want but what this guy lacks in muscle he makes up for in sheer enthusiasm.. It won't be long until he makes me cum. That's not what I planned, so to save face I'll have to skip this one.

I grab him by the hair and pull his face from between my legs. He looks up at me like a dog waiting for a cookie. "Now that wasn't bad," I say, "but you know, if you make me cum with your tongue I don't think it really counts." I see the fear return in his eyes. I can barely suppress a giggle. I wouldn't mind playing with him a bit longer but my pulsating pussy tells me to keep it short. "What I want you to do now..." I pause and look him straight in the eye. "Is to fuck me until I cum... And don't you dare cum before me!"

I crawl on the bed in front of him on my elbows and knees and wiggle my ass, sticking it out as far as I can. "Come on now!" I say, "Show me what you're worth. I hate your soft manners! Stick it in me and fuck me like a man!" In my head I'm laughing now, I'm getting the hang of this domina stuff. I still think his slender body and girlish way of moving are a complete turn off, but in this position I can at least pretend I have some big hunk of man meat fucking me unconscious.

I feel him climb on the bed behind me and rubbing his cock head over my slippery pussy lips. "Don't linger, just put it in." I order. He grabs my hips and pushes his cock in my hole. What is he doing?! He's not moving at all. I'm getting pissed for letting myself get talked into this. I could have gone back to bed with Micky and had some good fun instead of having to raise Monica's orphan baby. "What the fuck are you doing?! Just fuck me all right!" He flinches and starts squirming his hips against mine, barely stirring his cock inside me.

This is clearly not working. I'm still all stretched and wet from this morning and his sorry excuse for a cock is not going to do anything for me. Now I'm really pissed. "Harder! You pussy! Come on! Fuck me properly! Do you want to make it even? Then start doing your best! FUCK! ME!" He starts to pant as he works his cock inside me and his movements accelerate. Sometimes he hits that little patch inside me; most of the time his tip glances off my walls. "Is this your first time?! Did you fail sex-ed?! Do you want me to find a strap-on and show you how it's done?!"

He keeps going for a few more minutes but it's not working at all. I need a real man to satisfy me, not this sissy. I kick back with my foot and he falls over, pulling his cock out of me. "What kind of man are you?" Why don't you put some effort in it? Who taught you to fuck like this? Your granny? Do you fuck your old, fragile granny like this so she doesn't break? Or your baby sister perhaps? What is it? Come on! Fuck me properly, you wimp!"

I look over my shoulder and see his expression change: fear-filled wide eyes narrow to angry slits, his lips drawing into a sneer. Oh oh, I might have hit a nerve here. He climbs back on the bed until he's standing on it. His feet are right next to me. He bends down, grabs my hair, and pulls hard. "AAAW!" I shout, my scalp burning, and try to slap his hand away. He grabs my wrist with his other hand and folds my arm back until it hurts. With my face pushed into the mattress I can't move anywhere. I try to pull my knees back under me, a gasp parting my lips as his tip parts my cheeks. It slips against the center of my poor little bud, and without warning or pausing, he rams it into my ass, his hips slapping against my cheeks. It feels like I'm being ripped open! My ass burns like hell and my feet flutter against the mattress. "Awawawawaw!!" The blankets muffle my cry - and the pleas to stop.

He lets go of my hand, but before I have the chance to move it, he puts his foot on it and I'm secured to the bed once again. Using my hair like the reins on a horse, he pumps my stretching ring at a gallop. My muffled shouting becomes crying becomes hyperventilating. Panic rises - I can't get enough air!. The lack of air mixes with the abundance of pain and pleasure from the fierce fuck, burying my mind in a warm haze..

I try to fight myself free, but the pressure on my arm and the hand entangled in my hair keeps me moored in place. I manage to catch a breath, and the black spots that were dancing in my vision disappear. As Jani keeps pumping my asshole like a demon on speed, they're replaced by flashes of light. My lips part to make one last plea - nothing comes out - I don't want him to stop anymore. I want him to go on like this forever.

With my asshole thoroughly worked open, the tearing pain subsides, and I'm overwhelmed by sensations of pleasure that set off fireworks in my brain. "You bastard!" I manage to grunt. "You fucking rapist asshole piece of shit! You fucking... fucking... pus...seeeee! Aaaahhhh! This is... nothing! Come on! Fuck... me like a real.. maaaaaannnn!!! Aaaaah!!"

My world consists of my asshole quivering around his pumping rod. Tears stream from my eyes and the blanket is wet where I bite it. My hard nipples rock over the blanket. Juices bubble and boil behind my entrance as he fucks my ass like a jackhammer.

His weight on my wrist is so painful. I want to move, but when I try, he gives my hair another hard pull. I didn't expect this and the sudden shock sends me over the edge. 'AAaaAAaaAAaHHH!" The orgasm hits me like an earthquake. I feel the room disappear around me and the bed falling away until I'm floating free through the air. My sight turns black and is full of colours at the same time and all sounds vanish through an echo in a high pitched whistling tone. The pumping in my ass is still going on, but my bucket overflowed, and his weight just puts pressure on my knees. The pumping slows to a trot - a canter - and with a final pull on my hair, comes to a halt. I think I felt him pull out. My ass is so stretched and numb, I can't be sure. I blink my way back to reality - a shiver of aftershock rumbles my lower belly.. The ringing in my ears subsides, and there's a new sound filling the room: clap... clap... Clap... Clap!... Clap!

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