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Kristi Karma

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Kristi gets revenge on her brothers ex wife.
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This story is bit darker than some of my other stories. But then REVENGE is always a bit dark.

Kristi Karma

"God that was incredible." Peter rolled over, and his dick fell out of my wet pussy. "You about killed me!"

"You liked that, huh?" I said, in my best vampish voice. "Even better than your wife?" I asked, coyly.

"Fucking A right. She hasn't rocked my world like that ever. Well, maybe when we first hooked up."

Yeah, I'll bet, I thought. I involuntarily turned partway to look towards the table in the corner where my purse was, and a sly smile crossed my face. I wasn't worried, my long blonde hair cascaded around my face.

"You vixen!"

Peter got up and walked into the bathroom. I heard him pissing in the toilet as I quickly jumped up and started getting dressed

"You better grab a shower before you head out, don't want wifey to smell me on your body when you get home! I grabbed my purse and turned my phone off."

"What about you," he called out. "You going to have time to clean up before Rob gets home?"

"Don't you worry about that. No chance of husband finding out." I had my shoes on and was reaching for the doorknob when Peter said, "Hey, see you tomorrow at the gym?"

"Yeah, usual time, for sure." NOT, I thought, and said, "See ya." With that I walked out, pulling the door shut behind me. Had anyone been outside, they would have noticed my whole demeanor change as I quickly walked to the parking lot. I hopped in my Challenger, removing the small gold wedding band that had been on my ring finger, and tossing it in the cup holder. Won't be needing that anymore.

I leaned back in the car seat and took a deep breath. Finally, I thought, that's over. Well, only one more thing to do. Now I need to go home and really take a shower and cleanse my soul as well as my body.

What's going on here, you're wondering. Well, it all started three years ago...


I was in my senior year of college, actually my fifth year, but that was because I had taken a year abroad for an internship. It was spring and I was chilling after class when my brother Will called.

"Hey Bro, whazzup!"

There was what sounded like a sniffle, then Will's soft, broken voice, "Lindsay left me."

"What!" I said sharply.

"Yeah, she left. She's been having an affair with a doctor at work, and I guess she decided to trade up."

"That bitch. I always knew there was something I didn't like about her. I just thought it was because we were so different." Damn. "And you had no idea?" God, I was pissed.

"No, I mean, things seemed a little 'off', and she wasn't happy with the amount of time I've been putting in at work, but I thought we were okay. She worked shift work at the hospital, and this project at work could have a real payoff. I guess we weren't seeing enough of each other, and she found someone else."

"Aww, Will. I'm sorry. Do you want me to come up for the weekend? We can hit Georgetown and just go crazy for a night".

"Kristi, thanks, but I wouldn't be good company right now, and with the weather getting nice, you're going to want to run down to Virginia Beach. I know that's why you picked William and Mary and not UVA!" Will chuckled. "Far enough from home, but not too far. Just like me."

Yeah, we both grew up in Virginia in the Charlottesville area and with all the great universities here, it made no sense to go out of state. Of course, neither of us wanted to go to UVA (Univ of Virginia for those of you not familiar with Mr. Jefferson) being right there in town near the folks.

Mom and Dad were glad to see us fly out of the nest, but stayed close enough that we paid in-state tuition!

Will and I were unusually close, especially given the fact that we were four years apart in age. I think we really got close when he graduated from high school and was leaving for college. I was a gangly, awkward thirteen, almost fourteen-year-old starting high school next year, and unsure of myself and about to be the only child in the house. I was going to miss him terribly. That first year Will texted, emailed or called me at least a couple of times a week. I'm not sure if it wasn't as much for his mental comfort, as for me though.

I had the usual teenage, adolescent insecurities and angst and Will helped me through those years.

By the time I was sixteen I had jumped all into the Goth thing; dyed my blonde hair black, wore dark makeup, black clothes, etc. Sometimes I even shaved one side of my head, or had a faux Mohawk, no piercings or tattoos though. Mom and Dad were pretty cool about the whole thing, probably because I got good grades, didn't act up or misbehave, and certainly didn't do drugs. I just dressed weird and listened to.... music they didn't. Despite the goth attire, or maybe despite, or because I always had a cheery attitude, I was moderately popular, and even had a boyfriend.

Surprisingly, Matt wasn't so much into goth as he was into studying, and getting good grades like me. That said, it was only a matter of time before things were going to get physical, and I was conflicted about that. This was the first relationship for both of us and I think we were a little overwhelmed and afraid.

Will must have picked up on this from our conversations, and one day he flat out asked me if Matt was pressuring me. I said no, but I was all mixed up about the idea of sex. God, I can't believe I just told Will.

That's when Will told me something I thought was perceptive, and it helped me a lot. "Kristi, look, I'm sure your body is saying YES, but maybe your mind is saying I don't know. That's okay. Just make certain that your first time is with someone you really love, and that you're not just giving in to the moment. Even if it doesn't last, your first time should be with someone you'll always think fondly of. Oh, and I don't want to know anything!" He laughed. But I could tell he meant what he said and was concerned for me.

"And if the guy's a jerk, I can beat him up for you!"

"Thanks, Will, that helps. I promise I'll keep that in mind. Love you." I remember hanging up the phone, and thinking how lucky I was to have a big brother like him.

That was the year Will met and started dating Lindsay. Oh, he'd had girlfriends in high school, and I knew he dated different girls in college, but this was different. Will and Lindsay met during his junior year at Virginia Tech. He was studying engineering and physics, and she was in nursing. Over spring break Will brought her home to meet the folks, and me of course. She seemed nice enough, and our folks liked her, me a little less so. Of course, Will was smitten, and it appeared to be mutual.

It sounds so trite, but I always thought there was something about Lindsay I didn't like. Maybe it was our age difference, or my goth attire, but she pretty much ignored me. I could never figure out what it was; I knew there was something about Lindsay that just seemed... off. But I just shrugged it off dismissively, and figured it was not my problem.

Meanwhile, Matt and I eventually did the deed.

We had both turned 18 that February of our senior year, and could sign ourselves out of school. One gorgeous spring day we bailed and had gone hiking. We had stopped to rest and drink some water. Matt opened his backpack and pulled out a sandwich and some Oreo's and handed them to me.

"Made you a PBJ, just the way you like them."

I always put peanut butter on both pieces of bread, so the jelly doesn't make them soggy. And I love Oreo cookies.

I think that was the moment I knew. This guy 'got' me. If this wasn't love, it was damn close.

We finished our hike and went home. Matt dropped me off at my folk's house and was going to his house. We both needed a shower and were going to an early movie later.

I got out of the shower and called Matt to come pick me up.

"But the movie isn't for another 2 hours."

"I know, but there's something I need to do first, so just come over as soon as you can."

I knew my folks wouldn't be home for hours and I didn't want my first time to be in the back of a car parked somewhere in the woods. It was going to be in my own bed, and I wanted it to be special.

No details other than to say we both were satisfied. To this day, I still have fond memories of that day.

Senior year, Will and Lindsay got engaged. They both had jobs lined up starting that summer after graduation working in the Northern Virginia area right outside of D.C. A guy Will knew from school basically recruited him to come work for a startup. They had several small contracts and funding for a project that hopefully would pay off in a few years and he was getting in on the ground floor. Lindsay got a job in the cardiac unit at a major hospital in Fairfax.

They were already living together and a year later they got married. They even bought a house that was a distressed sale due to the economy. Ashburn was a suburb of DC that used to be farm fields and dirt roads thirty-five years ago, but now was a Metro stop on the Silver line. Progress huh?

Meanwhile, I had gone off to William and Mary, studying communications and international policy. By then I had softened my "gothness" somewhat, although I still dyed my hair black and wore dark clothes most of the time. Those couple of years I didn't see Will or Lindsay much as they were busy with life and work and me with school. Oh sure, I went home for the holidays, but Will and Lindsay would alternate going to her family for Christmas or Thanksgiving, and I just never got to really know her. I guess in Lindsay's eyes I was still the weird little sister.

By the time my junior year rolled around I was feeling confident in school and life, was dating a cute soccer player, and had even started wearing clothes with color. I guess it was at the beginning of Spring semester, my advisor asked me to stay walk with him after class.

"Kristi, I do some consulting for a company that has an internship program that I think you'd be good fit. It would mean putting off graduation for a year, but I think the experience would be great for you and would position you for a good job in the future. Of course, you'd be in living in Europe, most likely France, but traveling around most of the EU."

"The company is LanTechX, and they provide support to a lot of the US military as well as the NATO nations. You'll be basically a glorified go-fer for my college roommate as he travels around the continent, but if you pay attention and work hard, I can guarantee you'll learn a lot."

I was momentarily speechless, and then said, "I guess I have to say yes! Thank you."

I had broken up with Scott, the soccer player that spring, as our relationship had pretty much run its course, so I had nothing holding me back.

Mom and Dad didn't take much convincing, especially since they'd not be paying for that year abroad. Even though it was an "internship", I would be getting a salary as well as housing. I guess things are different in the EU, because the only internships I saw listed in the US were definitely NOT paid.

That May after classes were over, I spent a week at home packing and saying goodbye to my friends. Then it was off to Dulles airport for my flight to Paris. Even though he was busy working, Will slipped out to say goodbye and see me off.

The year seemed to pass by in a flash. I was a little overwhelmed at first, and my high school quality French was embarrassing, but I quickly became fluent. I also picked up a bit of German and Italian. Every other week it seemed we were off to another city, Berlin, London, Barcelona, Rome; I think I got as much or more of an education in history and art as I did in business and policy.

I did call home regularly, and of course Will texted and emailed like always, although not as frequently, as he was busy with work and seemed somewhat distracted.

While I was busy and didn't have a lot of free time, I did enjoy the attention of the French men. And the Italians and Spanish, and... well, not so much the Germans. Interestingly though, I only slept with two of them; I had kept in mind Will's advice to me from years earlier. Don't get me wrong, I love sex, I just didn't sleep around casually. Even now.

I flew home in August, just a week prior to classes for my senior year. Mom, Dad, and even Will were all there at the airport to greet me. It took them a couple of extra seconds to even recognize me as I walked out of the customs area. Not only was I not wearing black, but I had let my blonde hair grow out and stopped dyeing it black.

"God, look at you all professional looking" Will smirked. "It's good to see you. Lindsay would have come too, but she's pulling a 12-hour shift."

My senior year was a blur of classes, papers, and even some fun. My advisor told me he had heard nothing but raves about my performance in Europe and that a position was available for me in Norfolk if I was interested.

It was spring and graduation was just a few weeks away that day when Will called me to tell me about Lindsay leaving. We spent many hours on the phone over the next several weeks.

"The bitch was cheating on me! She hooked up with some doctor at work. Evidently, they were not being too discreet, and someone saw them. I guess they were about to be outed, and she decided to break the news first before I found out."

"Lindsay said she was tired of being home alone, that I worked too much. Well, yeah, she knew this startup was going to take a lot of my time. And she's gone a lot too working shift work at the hospital."

"Well, did you guys try to do stuff together at least sometimes?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's what's funny, we used to go for bike rides on the W&OD and go for hikes every few weeks. It's not like I didn't have a life outside of work. The real problem was she wanted more than we have, and she wanted it now."

"I mean, yeah, we have this house, but there's no equity in it right now. In fact, if we sold it we'd probably have to bring money to the closing. That's why Lindsay isn't fighting me over the house. She wants out and it'll only take six months for the divorce, so she's signing the house over to me."

I felt awful for Will. I wanted to tell him I never really cared for Lindsay, but I was afraid that would come off like I was judging him for his poor judgment, so I just kept my mouth shut and listened.

Eventually he seemed to be doing all right and wasn't too depressed. Will was always an upbeat guy, and he even joked about the situation a few times.

"You know why divorce costs so much? Because it's worth it!" Will laughed. "And actually, it didn't cost me much at all, at least financially. Emotionally, yeah, I was a basket case for a month or so, but now I see that I'm fine."

I had worried about his mental state for a few months, but I could see that my brother was bouncing back just fine.

I ended up getting a job with a subcontractor that did work for LanTechX in the Norfolk area. They dealt closely with the Navy base there, the largest in the world. I found an apartment in Virginia Beach and spent a lot of time on the beach running or swimming in the ocean. Will even got away one weekend to visit and we hit the bars hard one night.

"God, what did we do last night?" Will was laying on my couch and looked like I felt.

"WE, did too many shots of tequila."

"Uh, I can't even remember the last time I got that drunk. Oh yeah, the weekend wassername left me."

I had been there about a year and a half when my supervisor called me one day.

"Kristi, you've been doing a great job here, and I think you're ready to move on. There is a position coming up in the Northern Virginia office I think you should apply for. You'd be liaison with the military as well as interfacing with the budget committees in Congress."

"It sounds interesting but tell me more. Moving to NoVa means dealing with traffic. To say nothing of fewer Beach days!"

"Well, the good thing is the office is in Crystal City near the Metro, and you can commute on the subway when you must go into DC. Didn't you tell me your brother lives in Ashburn? That's near a Metro stop too. You might never have to drive!"

I thought about it and even made a trip up to visit Will. I wasn't wild about giving up being so near to the beach, but the Metro was pretty user friendly, and the Washington area has a lot to offer. Museums, social life, outdoor activities; hell, I could go to the beach in a few hours, boating on Chesapeake Bay, hike at any number of parks within driving distance.

The bid came up a few months later, I applied and was selected. I had to wait two more months to work out the logistics, process the paperwork, and train my replacement. I had talked to Will about moving in with him, and he thought it was a great opportunity for me and was enthusiastic about having me living there.

"It'll be great to have you here, not that I'll see much of you." Will chuckled. "I pretty much live at the office and lab, but we're making a lot of progress."

"Well, I expect you to find some time to have dinner with me occasionally, and I plan to drag your sorry butt out for some exercise too.

I moved into Will's house, and we quickly settled into a routine. I found that I could commute on the Metro for the most part, even when I had to go into DC.

My work was interesting, and I met a lot of the "players" involved in decision making. I'd usually take the Metro, but sometimes I'd fire up my Challenger if I thought I'd want to go somewhere after work.

I could see Will was doing all right now. He wasn't dating anyone, in fact seemed to spend way too much time at work, but when he was home, he actually relaxed and sometimes we'd hang out and watch a movie.

One night we started talking about life and he asked if I was seeing anyone.

"Not really, I'm still getting settled in and just want to absorb things. I could use a good roll in the hay though, it's been a while!"

Will spewed a mouthful of beer at that. "I did NOT need to know that. And warn me if you bring a guy home. I don't care if you're an adult, I don't need to hear my sister having sex!"

"Same goes for you bro, in fact I think you need to get laid. I know there must be women out there looking for a guy like you. That whole 'back on the horse' thing."

"Yeah, I do need to work on getting my social life back in balance. I'm still puzzled as to how things just blew up. What did I do or not do? What did I not see in Lindsay's personality that might have been a clue? Or is she just not a nice person?"

We both shrugged, and decided Will would never know exactly what went on in Lindsay's head and drove her to bail.

I felt Will had recovered well from the pain of the divorce and the very public actions of Lindsay's leaving. That said, knowing my brother as well as I did, I could see the hurt occasionally flare up and I ached for him, wishing I could make things better.

One Saturday that fall, I was out for a run with Anna, a coworker who lived in Fairfax. We were running through a nearby park, and there was some weekend fair happening. We had taken a break and were walking along when this guy handed us each a flyer.

"Hey ladies, check out our gym! Newly renovated weight room. Indoor pool! And with this flyer you can get a free three-month membership! Close to the Metro, and the hospital."

"What the hell I thought, I could use somewhere to work out," as Traci and I started running again. She threw hers in the first trash can we passed, and then it hit me. I stopped running, and walked back to the trash can.

"What are you doing?" Anna asked, as she jogged back.

I grabbed the flyer she had tossed out of the can.

"Will. He needs to start working out. This is perfect." But that wasn't what I was really thinking. We continued running and I started thinking about how Lindsay had really screwed him over and hurt him.

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