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"Go straight, when you come to the second street light past Michael and 32nd, take a right then your first left in the first ally, it's the back alley to my place, look for 1505, it's about three gates down, the gate will open automatically once you're close enough ... got it?" said Connie in a reassuring voice.

"Wait ... don't hang up, talk me there," pleaded Shelly as she straightened her car toward the intersection ahead and struggled to nestle her cell phone between her cheek and shoulder.

"Ok, let me know when you get to the second light." Said Connie calmly.

After a few moments of silence Shelly whispered, "fucking lights, I always get the red ones."

A few moments later Shelly said, "Ok, the sign says, 32nd Street."

"Turn right at that light, then watch for an alley, it comes up quick," said Connie calmly.

"I see the alley, ok, 1501 ... 1503, 1505, turn left ... oh there you are ... hi Connie!" said Shelly excitedly then she snapped her phone shut and dropped it in her purse as she watched Connie through the opening gate slip her cell phone into her bathrobe pocket.

After Shelly brought her car to a halt and turned the engine off, it immediately started dieseling. Connie stepped up to the driver's side door and looked at the engine hood for a moment then said softly, "It needs colder plugs and a jet adjustment, Shell."

As Connie watched Shelly exit the car she opened her arms to greet her best friend without saying a word. Shelly kicked the door shut with her heal then said as she stepped toward Connie, "fucking piece of shit ... a what?" then she held Connie with a long warm embrace.

"Never mind ... Welcome home honey." Said Connie with a gentle push on Shelly's back.

As Shelly felt their breasts mash together she suddenly felt the urge to kiss her best friend but she paused thinking Beth was watching from a window and it could start a ruckus. When they released, Connie held Shelly's hands out to her side and scanned Shelly's body, "Jesus, Shelly, do you ever look bad in the morning?"

Shelly giggled a little then said, "only after a few drinks, giving an old barmaid who wants my naked butt on her face a hundred buck tip, kissing my best friend the first time, masturbating while thinking about ... um ... thanks for having her towed."

Connie dropped her grip on Shelly's left hand then looked into Shelly's eyes and she grasped Shelly's right hand harder. Connie turned her body slightly then said, "No problem ... come on, we can talk inside," as she released Shelly's hand and wrapped her right arm around Shelly's shoulder.

"Wait, my purse ... can't leave Dooney," said Shelly as she turned.

Connie watched Shelly's firm tight buttocks bounce as Shelly stepped toward her car, but when Shelly bent over and reached through the window her skirt lifted revealing the bottom of her buttocks. Connie smiled a little then thought, "Jesus, no panties, no bra ... that little shit."

After the girls entered the squeaky screen door to Connie's kitchen, Shelly looked around the space. To her amazement, everything was tidy and appeared super clean and extremely sterile. She had to comment on the cleanliness and asked, "Shit Connie, anyone live here, it's so clean."

Connie looked at Shelly's face then commented, "Just like to be tidy, drives the guys nuts, don't cha know."

Shelly glanced at the stove and noticed a burning fragrance candle with a faint flame flickering behind the glass. Then she noticed the expensive cookware hanging from a chrome chain support apparatus dangling like a piece of artwork. Shelly couldn't help noticing the artwork hanging on the walls of the kitchen, as they appeared to belong in a living room or in a gallery, but not in a kitchen. The space appeared friendly but at the same time lush with value. Then, as the girls passed through the archway and into the living area, Shelly noticed something else.

Shelly stopped walking and asked, "I thought you were with someone?"

"Beth was getting ready to leave anyway ... it's just us girls now," said Connie softly.

Shelly felt a bit uneasy but at the same time she felt comfortable about her friend having a sexual relationship with a woman. Suddenly Shelly felt she needed to say something but she spoke with a low voice, "Connie, I am so sorry I messed up your fun."

Connie gently patted Shelly on her thigh then asked as she leaned forward and placed her chin in her palms, "we all have second thoughts at times, Shell, seriously, it's perfectly fine, just relax."

Shelly blinked once then said as she looked down, "No, I think it's because I know what's gonna happen, and I know it's going to be sensational, and I hope."

"Jesus Shelly, what do you think ... is it, I finally get that pretty little girl's panties off, or let's just talk and become friends first ... Come on Shelly give me some credit." said Connie as she pulled Shelly hair off her shoulder and placed it behind her back.

"The second one," said Shelly softly as she glanced into Connie's eyes for a moment then looked down at the floor again.

"What do you, as Shelly, want to do?" asked Connie as she placed her hand gently on Shelly's thigh.

"Sit on your face." Said Shelly then she stared to giggle, "Seriously, I've been thinking about it," she added as she looked back at Connie.

"Good, then that's what you do, you sit on my face," said Connie as she patted Shelly's soft skin.

"Connie, I'm not looking for sex," said Shelly as she gazed deep into Connie's eyes then she added, "I want something deeper ... God, sometimes it hurts so bad."

"Sounds to me like you're a tad sexually depressed and confusing it with something else ... there, Shelly, is a rotten place to be," Said Connie as she gazed deep into Shelly's eyes.

"A tad? ... God, Connie, I'm so fucking screwed up, I just know I'm going to loose it and do some very naughty things, shit, I've even touched myself and reached orgasm in less time than it takes to snap your fingers, on my clit ... I'm even thinking anal." Said Shelly as she placed he hand on Connie's hand.

"Anal is very stimulating," offered Connie with a mater of frank tone.

Shelly looked at Connie and grinned a little then said softly with a facetious tone, "Connie ... I need to confess something."

"Wanna stay here on the sofa?" offered Connie then she added, "or maybe have some coffee first?"

"I'd love a cup of coffee," said Shelly as she gently squeezed Connie's hand.

The girls got up from the sofa and Connie led the way to the kitchen where she popped open a cabinet and pulled out a ceramic container. Shelly watched as the pretty blonde pranced around getting coffee mugs, silver spoons and cloth napkins. After she set the tall table she turned her attention to the coffee maker and as Connie assembled the mixture of coffee and water in the coffee maker Shelly gazed at Connie's body.

"You really have a killer body Connie ... you must work out a lot." Said Shelly out of the blue.

Connie spun around and struck a pose while leaning against the counter then said with a grin, "A steady diet of pussy and penis juice, that's the trick."

Shelly did have a response but she left Connie to her task without making the comment. The smell of brewing coffee quickly waft the air as Connie sat in the chair next to Shelly and said as she looked deep into Shelly' eyes with her palms on her knees. "Don't worry honey, you'll do fine, you'll be so overwhelmed you'll have me eating your pussy in seconds."

Shelly exhaled a little then said softly, "You know, I've only had one penis in my body and it was as big as your pinky, and it frightened me, but when I first tasted kitty, I wanted more."

Connie leaned back in her chair and her eyes widened, as she whispered, "No shit're afraid of penis ... you shouldn't be."

Shelly nodded her head once then sat back in her chair and waited for Connie to say something crass. As she waited she could sense Connie was struggling for words. Then suddenly Connie leaned forward and whispered, "don't be afraid of it."

Shelly nodded her head once again then added, "I told you I fondled a man ... well actually, I had no idea at the time what it was ... I never said anything about it being in me."

Connie leaned back in her chair and scanned Shelly's torso then she asked with a soft voice, "You actually fondled someone, didn't you?"

Without hesitating Shelly answered, "Yes, I did."

"Connie, I have two confessions to make and I have to tell someone before I blow up." Shelly said as she watched Connie sit in the chair next to her, gently took Shelly's hands, looked deep into her violet eyes and said calmly, "so talk."

Shelly took a deep breath then exhaled, cleared her throat, placed her folded hands on the table then spoke softly as she looked down in wonder, "Well ... um, let's see ... he showed up one day in the same car you now park in your garage ... when he got out of his car and stood next to it I thought he was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen ... two weeks later my mom had a birthday party for her boyfriend at the time, and he showed up ... I never took my eyes off him ... My mom started dumping my sisters and me on him almost every weekend ... she never considered he might have a life ... I tried everything I could think of to get him to see me as more than the girl next door ... I even told him I watched my mom and her boyfriends do it ... one Saturday he was washing his car and I watched him through my bedroom window."

Shelly took a deep breath of air, exhaled slightly then continued, "I took my panties off and went outside ... I stood with my hand under my dress behind the corner and played with myself while I watched him ... one weekend mom and her boyfriend made plans to go to a concert across the state, they planned to spend the night and take my sisters and me with them ... mom got really pissed at me when I told her I had a real bad stomach ache and couldn't go with them ... I knew she wasn't going to miss her goddamn concert ... I knew I would end up at Peter's place for the night, she had no other place to pawn me off ... we didn't do anything except watch TV ... I sat beside him on the sofa and kept pleading in my head hoping he would touch me down there ... but he never did ... when it was time to go to sleep he told me I could sleep in his bed and he'd sleep on the sofa ... I laid in his bed smelling him and prayed he would come in an cuddle me ... suddenly I started playing with myself ... when my panties got wet, I took off all my clothes ... for some dumb reason I stuffed my wet panties into one of the pillow cases ... I never went to sleep that night." Shelly paused then looked at Connie and asked softly, "This is boring you, isn't it?"

"No, It's fascinating keep going," said Connie as she leaned slightly forward and placed her hands on Shelly's hands.

Shelly looked deep into Connie's eyes then continued, "when the sun came up I went to find him, and I found him sleeping on the sofa ... I stood above him ... I just studied his beautiful face then I kissed him on the lips, but he didn't wake up ... I have no idea why, but I pulled the sheet off him and saw it ... I kissed it ... then felt it grow in my hand ... and when it did what it was designed to do ... I kissed it again ... then I went to the bathroom and washed my hands ... I went to the kitchen to make him breakfast the way I knew he liked it ... got all the stuff out ... stepped on the stool and started cooking ... a few moments later he woke up and stood ... he was so beautiful ... he turned without even looking at me and I watched his buttocks until he turned the corner and disappeared into the bathroom ... a few minutes later he stepped up to my side and told me the bacon was perfect but all I could smell was him ... we sat at the table and I watched him eat the food I made for him and I never said a word or ate a thing on my plate ... after a awhile I couldn't take it anymore ... I slipped off the chair and opened my arms and asked him to hold me ... he got down on his knees and wrapped his strong arms around my body ... I held the back of his head in my palm, smelled his hair, then gripped his butt with my other hand ... we held each other and never said a word ... I felt so much love at that moment I never wanted it to end ... after we released he told me we should put our clothes on before the doorbell rang ... the next day he disappeared ... I've been thinking about him ever since ... two days ago ... the same man gave my panties back to me in a friggin box ... after he fired me ... God Connie ... he never cared ... I'm totally fucked up right now."

Connie didn't know what to say next. She released Shelly's hands, got up to get a box of tissues then returned and silently began patting the tears off Shell's face, then she wiped her own tears away.

Connie tilted her head to one side then asked, "You're in need of a serious change of plans Shell."

Shelly sniffed then responded as she leaned forward, folded her arms on the table then rested her head on her arms and gazed at Connie's eyes, "Connie, that's why I'm here."

Suddenly Connie's eyes lit up and she said, "You're crushing on me."

Shelly looked at Connie with a sincere glare then said with a soft voice, "Yes, I am ... that's the other confession."

Connie swiped the air with her hand and said, "I have two confessions as well." Then Connie stood and leaned over Shelly and kissed her gently.

After Connie gently pecked Shelly on the lips she sat back in her chair, "first confession ... me too, since the first day I saw you," then suddenly Connie stood and spun around, and as she pranced toward the coffee maker she asked softly, "You wanna try it, Shell?"

Shelly lifted her head and looked deep into Connie's eyes and whispered, "You mean ... Well yeah ... but only exclusively."

Connie picked up the carafe of coffee, glanced at the wall clock and noticed it was almost noon. She turned toward Shelly with the carafe and stepped toward her dearest friend as she said, "Shelly, I've got to be out of my mind," then she added as she carefully poured the coffee into the two mugs, "But I promise you ... you'll have your exclusive, okay ... just give me a little time."

"Thank you Connie," Shelly said softly as she searched for Connie's focus.

Connie sat down after filling the coffee mugs and placed her fingers in the mug's finger guard then placed her other hand on Shelly's soft hand and gently pressed down, "Shelly, my dear sweet innocent and clueless little girl, if I told you I went through the same thing, you'd think I was making it up, and you'd be wrong, I know a lot more about those things than I'd like to admit."

"You never mentioned it before," said Shelly as she slipped her finger into the coffee mugs finger guard.

Connie lifted her coffee mug as she glanced deep into Shelly's eyes, "You never asked."

Shelly took a sip of coffee then placed the mug on the cloth napkin. She looked into Connie's green eyes and thought about her next words carefully. "I never will ask."

Connie gently placed her mug on the table then looked at the table as she tapped her pointing finger on the old wood, "Thank you."

Connie looked at Shelly with a look of despair then said softly, "I never got the chance to tell my mom how sorry I was for fucking up her relationship with him ... that's my second confession."

"Woof Connie ... would a hug do?" Asked Shelly as she spread her arms

Connie's cheeks began to caress tears and while laughing she stood then slumped in front of Shelly and said with her head lowered, "After what was just said, all I get is a hug?"

As the girls held each other Shelly whispered, "You're incorrigible."

When the girls released their embrace, Connie looked deep into Shelly's eyes and studied her soul for a moment. After her gaze captured Shelly's attention, Shelly asked softly, "Can I ask you something?"

Connie giggled a little and said as she reached for Shelly's hands, "Of course you can."

Shelly shrugged her shoulders and opened her mouth to speak, then she looked down for a second, then up at the ceiling, then back at Connie's eyes, "does it feel the same with a female as it does with a male when you guys are doing it together?"

Connie smiled a little then spoke softly, "Shelly, I know you have a good idea what it's like to watch people, the only difference is ... we share more than body fluids."

Shelly blinked once then shook her head quickly as if to shake the thoughts of people urinating on each other's genitals from her mind then she frowned and said softly, "I can't believe I'm hearing this ... Connie, I mean ... like, you're more than my BFF, but, God Connie, you're into some things I just can't fathom ... I mean, shit, I don't think I could those things."

Connie became concerned Shelly was backing away and she gently took Shelly's hand and held it as she said in a near whisper, "Honey ... there's only one way to find out."

"Right now?" asked Shelly softly.

"Have you showered yet?" Connie asked while looking deep into Shelly's beautiful violet eyes.

Shelly felt a strong spark inside her ignite something she had held inside since she first glanced at Connie. Then she smiled a little and said softly, "I would love to bathe with you Connie."

Connie placed her right hand on Shelly's soft cheek and her left palm on Shelly's waist then said softly, "It's a start."

Shelly felt a shiver fill her like she had never felt before followed by a sensation of heat throughout her whole body. Her face began to feel hot and her heart began beating harder. She knew it would be the second time she had been with a female but somehow she felt an overpowering flash of bizarre thoughts fill her mind. Shelly didn't know what to do next for fear Connie may think her too shy. She was relieved when Connie took her gently by the hand and said with a soft comforting voice, "Come on ... let's go."

Shelly was so horny she never heard Connie instead she let Connie lead the way to the bathroom. When they entered the room Shelly looked around at all the luxury and had to comment on the space. "God Connie, this is really nice ... you have a roman tub and a glass shower, and a bidet too, and two sinks ... this is a supper nice bathroom, I could get lost in here."

Connie stopped in front of the vanity, dropped Shelly's hand then leaned against the vanity while grabbing her robe to keep it closed. She scanned Shelly's dress then looked into Shelly's beautiful eyes and said with a soft voice, "We can take a bath instead of a shower, if you'd like that better ... I have a bunch of different bath oils."

"Gosh Connie, I've never seen a bathroom this nice ... how in the world do you leave this in the morning to go to work, I'd spend the whole day in here," said Shelly as she scanned the items in the room.

Connie giggled a little then said as she pulled her long blonde hair away from her face, "Believe me there's been times I didn't want leave."

Connie watched Shelly peek into the tub then she sat on the rim and looked at Connie, "It's a whirlpool tub, isn't it?"

"Yes it is, turn around and look at the wall on the right?" asked Connie as she pointed to the wall with an odd looking shelf.

Shelly turned her body and when she did Connie began scanning Shelly's form and became so overwhelmed she never felt her robe open. She began to feel a heat rush her and she felt tingly in her groin and stomach as she thought to herself: 'God, she's making me so horny.'

"What's the shelf for, there's nothing on it except the plant." Asked Shelly as she studied the old shape.

"It's was waterfall ... cool huh?" offered Connie as she untied the cloth belt of her robe and let the cloth fall beside her thighs.

When Shelly turned back she giggled a little then looked at Connie's face then scanned down then stopped at Connie's groin area and gazed between the robe's open tails. Her eyes grew huge and she nearly fell off the tub rim while cupping her mouth with her hands as she felt her entire body flush with a strange shiver. "OH MY GOD! ... Oh my God ... oh my God," squealed Shelly as she looked away from Connie while the sound of her voice echoed in the space.

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