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K's Candy Ch. 020

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Tag, you're it!
2.6k words

Part 20 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/09/2006
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I love how it feels when you leave the office on Friday afternoon. Who doesn't, really?

It had been an uneventful week at work, in terms of my extracurricular duties. Rick had been in Phoenix a couple of days and the rest of the time he was in meetings. He asked for me to order lunch delivered twice; other than that, we'd barely seen each other. Which was fine -- I already had responsibilities that I didn't need his input on, and the decorating of my office was of course taking longer than anticipated.

Driving home, my mind wandered to tomorrow -- another appointment at Dragon Studio. The tattoo was healing nicely, but Mistress hadn't indicated anything about the purpose of this next visit. It was difficult not to speculate but sitting there at a stop light it occurred to me, surprisingly, that I was getting better of calming myself in these situations, controlling that urge to wonder.

And then a little nugget of subbie wisdom descended on me from the Great Out There. Wonder was not the problem in and of itself. Wonder turned into worry when there was nothing to bolster it. But wonder, supported by surrender, became quiet contentment, the need to worry eradicated.

Not bad for a Friday afternoon, I thought to myself as I pulled into the driveway.

* * * * *

Katherine texted me shortly after I arrived home and told me to get Chinese delivered, and that she'd be home in about 45 minutes. I ordered the food and got things ready.

It was a great Friday night. We watched reruns of Kate and Allie on one those cable channels that doesn't show anything newer than twenty years old and laughed and reimagined the show as a lesbian D/s situation, all over dumplings and boneless spareribs and Hunan Chicken.

I was really beaming inside, not just with love for her, which I did feel strongly, at this moment and always. But the feeling that was strongest right this second was appreciation. Appreciation that Mistress could display and express the most amazing and thrilling Dominance, and yet we could have times like this, like... girlfriends. A totally uncomplicated goofy fun time -- old TV and Chinese food on a Friday night.

We lolled on the couch a while. These channels that specialized in old shows had the handy habit of tending to show nineteen episodes of the same series in succession, so we took in a couple more episodes before Mistress had me get things cleaned up. I did so while Mistress got ready for bed.

I was just about done when Katherine called out to me. "Done, slut?"

I answered that I was, and Mistress came out from the bedroom, looking so sexy and relaxed in her black silk robe. She pulled me close and kissed me, deeply. I melted and moaned into the kiss as I heard and felt the sound of the leash being clipped to my collar. My cunt oozed gently just from hearing that sound.

Mistress just smiled as she broke the kiss and starting walking. I followed along quickly, happily, to the irresistible feeling of that tug on my collar.

It was a short walk to the bedroom/playroom but being led along on her leash, even for a few seconds evoked the most powerful feelings in me. I felt myself sink a little with each step I took as I followed behind her.

Katherine led me into the play area and undid the leash. She pointed to the bench there. I stripped down to nothing but heels and collar.

The bench was designed to make fucking or whipping the occupant extremely convenient. I knelt down on the platform and stretched my arms out along the channels provided for them.

Mistress moved around to the front of the bench and tightened the straps around my wrists. I gently sucked in a breath, feeling a bit comforted by the bondage. She moved behind me again and pulled the leg channels wider apart and strapped my ankles down securely. I could feel the strain in my thighs and instinctively wiggled, testing the bonds. I closed my eyes, settling into the feeling. Next, Mistress wrapped a heavy blindfold around my head and secured it.

Bound and exposed in darkness, it was impossible not to wonder, but I was calm, not worried. Still, I couldn't help squirming a little in the bondage.

I next felt a slight pressure on my back; the warmth of Mistress' hand as she rested it flat against me. The sensation made me tingle a little and I felt a little ripple inside as she moved it slowly down. Eventually her fingertip lingered at the small of my back and I cooed softly, contentedly. Above and behind me I heard her gentle laugh, the sound intensifying the soothing feelings that bathed me in the darkness.

There was a pause. Thirty seconds, or five minutes, I really couldn't tell. I strained to hear; there were soft vague sounds that could've been anything.

Then, silence. And that silence grew. Gradually I understood that this pause was engineered to draw a bright line between what had gone before and what was to come. I felt somehow reassured by this realization and found it easier to let my mind go blank and just wait, relaxed to the inevitable.

I could feel Mistress close behind me. I heard her voice at the same moment as I felt something cool against my ass hole.

"Breathe, candy. Breathe, and relax, and accept this." I heard the words and felt Katherine slowly screwing the lubed plug into my tight hole. I did my best to breathe and to relax those muscles, knowing that there was no fighting it, and needing to obey and please her.

I made some soft grunting sounds as the plug inexorably pressed me part and entered me. They were lost in Mistress' words.

"Good girl. Just like that. Very good girl." It was as if her voice was somehow controlling the plug, making it move just so, to press in, slowly, and finally seat itself inside me.

I squirmed a bit on the bench; although the plug was probably not all that big, I felt very full.

Mistress laughed softly. "Well done. This next part will be easier."

There was a very brief pause and then I felt a good-sized dildo being slid into my cunt. I moaned involuntarily as it filled me; it wasn't uncomfortably big but had significant length and girth. I moaned again as I clenched it.

Somehow, I knew that if I could see Katherine's face at this moment, she'd be smirking in self-satisfied fashion.

I was a little started to hear a ripping sound, that I was pretty sure was duct tape. A second later I felt it being applied vertically on me, keeping the dildo inside. I squirmed more and Mistress laughed a little.

"We have the beginnings of a predicament here, pet."

All I said was "yes, Mistress" but I was thinking that it seemed to me that the predicament was fairly well along already.

I heard her move to the side of me and again felt her hand resting on my back.

"Now, candy. This is sort of a good news/bad news situation." her voice was even and gave away nothing. She could easily have been talking about baseball or earnings projections, from her tone.

I listened intently as she continued. "The good news -- you can cum as many times as you like tonight, slut. No need to ask permission, or hold back, or anything."

Her words hung in the air a long moment. If that was the good news, then the bad news had to be pretty freaking bad.

Katherine giggled a little. "The bad news, pet, is that... I don't think you'll be able to!" her tone was so teasing and bright that I had to smile, despite the ugly reality that was slowly dawning on me.

Her breezy tone didn't change. But let's see! OK?"

There was silence for a long moment, then I felt my lips being gently forced apart. Mistress put a ball gag in place and buckled it around my head.

"This could get noisy, candy, and I am determined to finish my book tonight."

The next thing I felt was a gentle buzzing, inside. The two plugs obviously were capable of vibrating and must be remote-controlled. I felt her leaning close, then heard her whisper near my ear.

"These are set to randomly fluctuate, independently of one another. Now, there is a chance that everything aligns just so, and you cum. But that, frankly, is unlikely, I think."

Katherine kissed the side of my head. "Enjoy, slut. I'll be right here, curled up with my book."

I grunted into the gag as the plugs buzzed away, both still at a fairly gentle speed.

Time slowed down. Or maybe sped up. I quickly lost track of everything. The darkness that had been comforting became hellish as I was see-sawed all the way up to being so close, then to come crashing down without release. Getting halfway there, then suddenly catapulted right to the edge again...and then nothing. Again.

The truly evil part was that each near miss was somehow unique, different each time. The gag had been a good idea; I screamed, moaned, made sounds that had I not been gagged would probably have scared the both of us. I shuddered, my body wracked by the relentless ever-changing treadmill of excitement and desire that never landed anywhere. It was in many ways more painful than when Mistress Astrid had used a whip on me, but these blows were inside me, like daggers that started small and grew until they made me scream.

I had no idea how long it went on for. At a certain point I think I passed out...I remember thinking that I must have passed out, as I couldn't piece everything together in continuous fashion.

Then, nothing. I was conscious of breathing hard through my nose....and seeing colored spots exploding in front of my eyes in the darkness. I was me, but I wasn't the me I was familiar with. I couldn't rationally parse everything I was feeling. Then there was nothing again.

The next thing I recalled was being on the bench, but not restrained. The blindfold, gags, and plugs were gone. The lights were very dim, and I was conscious of being sweaty. That feeling of being uncomfortable with the sweat brought me all the way back to the here and now.

I felt Mistress' touch and heard her voice. She was helping me up from the bench and walking me to the bathroom. I heard the shower running and she helped me get in.

Showering woke me up completely and everything slowly came back to me. I had no idea how many times I'd almost cum, but I can remember that feeling of coming apart and coming back together again, the pain and disappointment each time, and yet wanting that next surge, even knowing with 99% certainty how it would end.

I dried myself off and walked back into the bedroom. I looked at Mistress sitting there and immediately fell to my knees. A rush of admiration and the feeling of being overwhelmed by her power overtook me and I leaned down, kissing repeatedly, absently, at her feet.

Her voice drifted down to me like little bubbles of pleasure and pride. "Kneel up, candy. You pleased me so very well, but we need to get some sleep."

She pulled me up and I collapsed onto the bed. I think I was asleep before I even hit the mattress.

* * * * *

This time Dragon Studio wasn't a surprise, even if the thing that was going to happen still was. Glinda was behind the front desk again and greeted us like old friends. For no particular reason I was reassured a little by that.

After a few minutes' wait, a woman with dark hair came out from the back for us. She introduced herself as Mandy and led us towards a room in the back, not the same one where I'd been tattooed, but pretty much identical, minus any tattooing equipment.

Mandy was on the short side -- 5'3" perhaps, with long straight black hair. Dressed simply in a T-shirt and jeans, it was obvious that Mandy was in good shape. Mandy's right arm was completely covered by an intricate and colorful sleeve tattoo, depicting the Teen Titans in various situations.

Mandy showed me to a padded table and had me lay down on it, on my back. She leaned over me a bit and smiled reassuringly.

"This is going to be easy and fast and almost painless," she said with no hint of anything but genuine concern and optimism. I fretted a moment, then told myself to be still inside. I looked over at Mistress and felt reassured by her placid demeanor.

I stared up at the ceiling as I heard Mandy moving around. The snapping on of latex gloves was one unmistakable sound. There was some brief conversation between her and Katherine, but I wasn't trying to listen. I was focused on breathing normally and on trying to let trust and calm displace wonder and worry.

Mandy loomed over me again and felt something wet in the area of my navel. I put things together quickly -- this must be betadine, which must be the precursor to a piercing, which was going to be in my belly button. All this seemed pretty normal to me, and the realization that it did seem normal was the part that was a little disquieting.

Mandy smiled over me. "Do you like Thai food, candy?"

The question threw me a moment. I was formulating an answer when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my navel, immediately followed by an odd sensation I couldn't quite place.

I cried out, and I felt Mistress rubbing my shoulder. "All done, candy. Good girl."

It took a minute for me to put everything together. That was, as Mandy had said, quick and almost painless. Mandy's distraction technique had been effective. I craned my neck up to look down. Mandy was carefully wiping up around the new piercing.

Mandy turned and held up a mirror so I could see. The piercing was a silver ring, with a tag attached to it. The tag had something written on it, but I couldn't make it out.

Mistress leaned in and explained. "It says PROPERTY OF KATHERINE," she said with obvious pride and delight.

"This tag is temporary -- I'll replace it with a silver tag once the piercing heals enough to support the extra weight."

I was overcome suddenly with a flood of emotion. Tears came and I couldn't stop them.

"Thank you, Mistress," I said through a sob.

Katherine smiled brightly and hugged me around the shoulders. "Thank you, candy. This tag is your identity, and my gift to you. The ring, like your collar is complete and endless, like your submission and my love for you. The tag expresses the only name that you will ever need. You've earned this, and I know you'll continue to make me proud."

I melted in her embrace, still crying softly. I wanted to say a thousand things but couldn't form a coherent thought. And it came to me that I didn't need to say a thing. We had each, in our way, said what needed to be said.

A few minutes later when I stood up, I looked in the mirror and closely examined the ring and tag. So beautiful, so full of meaning, and damn sexy, if I do say so myself.

Mistress laughed as we got ready to go. "Will be quite the conversation-starter at the beach." I laughed, too, although definitely not for the same reason Katherine was laughing.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fucking love these stories!!! Another brilliant one. Can’t wait for the next. Such a unique relationship!

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K's Candy Ch. 019 Previous Part
K's Candy Series Info

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