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La Vita Dolce Ch. 16

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So close and yet so far...
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Part 16 of the 17 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/01/2007
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Luca's canary yellow Porsche was parked in front of the house when they pulled up.

'Shit. Shit. Shit.' Natasha cursed silently. What was he doing home in the middle of the day? Her breathing stilled. He knew.

Steeling herself, she followed Marcella and Gabriel into the house.


Luca was waiting in the foyer. Gabriel launched himself into his arms.

Luca laughed and tossed the giggling little boy up in the air before catching him and planting a kiss on his forehead.

Luca grinned at the little boy. "Did you have fun at the park?"

Gabriel nodded. "And we got ice cream after."

"Sounds like you had a full day and it's time for your nap," Luca said chuckling as he handed Gabriel into Marcella's arms.

The nanny took Gabriel upstairs and towards the nursery. Natasha lingered hesitantly in the doorway uncertainly, checking the desire to turn around and run.

Luca's demeanor changed abruptly as soon as Gabriel and Marcella were out of sight. His dark brows drew together , his jaw tightened and his light grey gaze darkened fearfully as he narrowed his eyes. His voice was low. "Natasha--"

Natasha stepped forward and interrupted him hurriedly. "I-I don't know where he came from." She rushed out. "He was just there suddenly and I told him to leave me alone. I told him I didn't want him and I told him to leave me alone."

Luca was coming towards her, his gait measured. Natasha stood stiffly and watched him warily. He moved suddenly before she could take a step back and hauled her up over his shoulder as he turned and started up the marble staircase.

Natasha cried out in surprise and struggled fiercely. "Luca, please! I'm telling the truth!"

Luca carried her into her bedroom, kicking the door shut behind them. He put her down and she backpedaled to put space between them. Her eyes were wet but she refuse to cry. He enjoyed her tears. She'd backed up and scooted around the settee. He noted the move with a wry smile. There was only the slightest tremor to her voice when she spoke. "I didn't do anything wrong."

Luca's expression softened slightly as he came towards her. "I know that, little one." he came to stand in front of her and reached out to gently touch her chin, lifting her face to his. "I'm told he looked like someone had killed his puppy when you left him standing alone on the street."

She wouldn't allow her face to betray any emotion no matter how her heart seized. "I told him the truth," she said evenly.

Luca lifted an amused brow. His voice was chiding. "Is your heart so fickle wife? You were willing to give your life for him."

Natasha did not answer.

"Perhaps your feelings have changed?" Luca mused. "Do you care for your husband at all?" He was goading her.


He slanted his mouth over hers, cutting her off. He pushed her coat from her shoulders to fall to the ground. He slipped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against his body.

She did not resist him. She could sense something just below this gentleness. She did not want to cause it to break to the surface. She tentatively slipped her arms around his shoulders. He picked her up effortless in his arms and conveyed her to the bed. He then leaned over her and gently brushed her dark hair back from her face, trailing his fingertips lightly over her cheek. "So beautiful, little one." He ran his thumb over her trembling lips.

His grey eyes bored into hers as he held himself aloft above her. "Should he contact you again, even if you run into him on the are to tell me immediately. Understand?"

'Like hell,' Natasha thought as she nodded mutely.

Luca's lips brushed lightly over hers, her stomach twisting in knots. "I want to hear you say it, little one."

He pulled away and she lifted her lids to meet his gaze. "Yes, I will contact you immediately should I see him again."

A small smile curved on his lips as he continued to trail his fingers through her hair. "Molto bene, mio amore." He began to place light kisses over her brow, cheekbones and jaw before he started to undress here.

Her eyes drifted closed.


Gianni smiled as he held the car door open for the woman on his arm. She returned the look with a coy smile of her own. She brushed her full, nearly overflowing breasts against his arm as she passed him. The tight red dress she wore rode up her thighs as she slid into the car, flashing him a view of her black lace panties.

Gianni suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. His date Francesca Agala had been trying to capture his attention all night but he had remained somewhat remote and distracted.

Gianni got in and revved the engine before pulling away from the Antonello Conlonna Labico, one of her favorite restaurants.

A frown marred his brow as he drove. He enjoyed Fransesca's company whenever he was in Rome. She was beautiful. Dark chocolate hair fell in waves halfway down her back and brushed against her olive-skinned shoulders. She had heavily lashed wide dark eyes and full pink lips. She pleased him and he liked looking at her. He liked fucking her. But at the moment he couldn't keep his thoughts wandering back to Natasha. Fransesca's hand sliding along his thigh went unnoticed. His silence didn't seem to bother her, nor did it seem to dampen her spirits. She chatted incessantly the entire car ride back to her apartment.

When he pulled the BMW sedan up to her apartment building she looked at him curiously. "My place it is, sí?"

The doorman held open her door and she got out issuing a winning smile. She got halfway to the doorway when she realized the Gianni hadn't followed.

She sauntered back to the car and leaned in the open car door to look at him. "Coming, lover?" Her voice was low and husky.

Gianni looked at her. She was smiling her seductress's smile. Her dark eyes were heavy lidded. She was giving him an enticing view of her breasts which were on the verge of falling out of her dress. They were glorious breasts, he knew. She looked like she desperately wanted and needed a good fucking, and he didn't have the slightest interest in giving it to her.

"Gian, baby? She cooed.

Gianni blinked at her. "Not tonight , Fransesca."

Her red painted mouth formed into a pout.

"I'll call you." He reached towards her and pulled the car door shut.

She was still standing there open mouthed when he pulled the sedan away.

There were messages on his machine when he returned home. He'd spent the last two and a half hours driving aimlessly around the city.

He'd entered his apartment and tossed his keys on the entry table. He ambled into the kitchen and pressed the blinking answering machine button as he poured himself a scotch on the rocks.

The first message was from his business partner back in the UK. The second was a furious rant from Francesca. The third message caused him to pause, the glass halfway to his lips. Colin's familiar voice was hesitant.

"Hi Gianni, I hope this is the right number. I kind of had to track you down. It's Colin. I um...I actually didn't want to do this over the machine but I really need you to call me... Look, it's about Tash. Morgan I are getting married—and I'd really like to send you an invite—but that's not the point. He sighed heavily, his voice softened and was tinged with distress. "Look Gianni, Morgan said she didn't want any secrets between us when we were married so she told me what she promised Tash she would never tell, why Tash did what she did." Gianni could hear the other man cursing under his breath as he sorted through his words. "Fuck, man, I was so angry with her when she left us...left you too. I completely wrote her off. I should have known better. I should have trusted her." He sighed again heavily. "Sorry for the long unexpected message dude. There are just some things I really think you need to know. Call me back."

Colin left his number. Gianni stared at the answering machine before pressing the replay button. He pressed the replay button twice more before glancing at the clock. It was 2a.m. in Rome, 11am in California. He snatched up the phone.


Natasha strolled down a back street away from the Forum and the Coliseum towards La Piazzetta a small trattoria and one of Natasha's favorite restaurants where she could meet her single solace and companion since she'd returned home with Luca. It was a small one room restaurant simply adorned with paintings and a few antiques, and a few well protected outdoor tables.

Renoldo Pezzini sat at one of the outdoor tables immersed in his newspaper, Corriere della Sera. He glanced up at her as she approached and stood. "Buon pomeriggio, bella mia." He kissed her lightly on the cheek and pulled out her chair.

Natasha sat across from her uncle as he poured her a glass of Pellegrino. He eased back in his chair and perused her silently. She gaze back at him, one brow cocked. "Yes?"

"Not sleeping, bella?"

Natasha shrugged. "Not much last night anyway. I ran into an old...acquaintance."


Natasha took a sip of her drink and looked at her uncle. Her mother's younger brother did not seem to age. At nearly forty, his face was still strong and unlined. The Pezzini azure gaze contrasted strikingly against his deeply tanned skin and dark hair. He was graying at the temples but it had the affect of making him cut a more dashing figure.

Renoldo regarded his niece as she ordered her meal. Her marriage to Luca Angiolini rather than the other Angiolini brother had been unexpected. He knew Luca Angiolini to be ruthless and violent, not to mention the bastard had tried to kill her. But his niece had come to him and told him that it had been a ruse, part of her reasons involving the assurance of his own safety. In truth, he didn't fully understand her actions, why she had chosen to act as a lure for Gianni Angiolini. But she'd assured him that she was happy with Luca, and having seen Luca with his son...Renoldo was forced to acquiesce.

The merger between the two families had been quite lucrative he had to admit, but if his niece was unhappy the financial successes meant nothing. And he couldn't be sure. Natasha was always so able to hide her feelings.

She handed her menu over to the waiter and Renoldo ordered before turning his gaze back to her.

She was toying with her napkin. "I saw Gianni yesterday."

Renoldo's brows lifted. "Oh? How did that go?"

Natasha winced and shrugged. "As could be expected."

Renoldo took a sip of his cappuccino. "You hurt him badly, bella. I'm sorry to say, he's got every reason in the world to be...put out with you."

Natasha nodded absently. She pushed her food around her plate with her fork. "How is he? What is he doing here?"

Renoldo shrugged a shoulder at her question. ""He's in town on business. He's acquiring a software company and is checking it out in person."

Natasha knew that Gianni was no longer living in Rome. He'd moved to London just months after they'd parted. He'd completely giving up the Angiolini business and had put his financial clout to use, starting his own financial firm while building his own personal fortune. He'd been extremely successful and had gone completely legitimate in all his business dealings.

"Is that all?" Natasha glanced at her uncle as she picked at her food.

Renoldo's eyes were intent on her face. "He's been seeing a Signorina Fransesca Agala." He took another sip of his cappuccino. "Good family," he commented.

Natasha's face betrayed no reaction though he noted a slight downward twitch of her dark brows.

Renoldo decided to be frank. "Why did you marry Luca if you still had feelings for Gianni?"

Natasha's head jerked up as she lifted her Pezzini blue gaze to clash with her uncle's A wry smile tilted her lips. " I wasn't supposed to have feelings for Gianni," she said simply. "That was unplanned. I was already with Luca."

"Luca, who used you." Renoldo shook his head. "Gianni....that loved you. He would have given his life for you."

Natasha swallowed thickly. "I know, zio. Can we talk about something else?"

Renoldo nodded. "How's Gabriel? When do I get to see my grand-nephew again?" He laughed. "Grand uncle makes me sound like an old man."

Natasha smiled at the thought of her son. "Next weekend. The party, remember?" Luca was hosting a party at the villa; high end, light fare, champagne and black ties.

"Ah, right." Renoldo nodded and smiled ruefully. "I never thought I'd be attending a party in the Angiolini household. Luca's father would be rolling in his grave.

"I know right?" Natasha said with forced brightness and glanced at her watch. "Shoot!" She grabbed her purse. "I have my first fitting in ten minutes."


"Luca wanted me tot get a new gown for the party," she said with irritation.

Renoldo chuckled. "Most women would be ecstatic if their husbands ordered them to go shop."

"Not this woman," Natasha growled under her breath as she dug though her cavernous handbag and pulled out her wallet.

Renoldo held up his hand. "I've got it bambina."

Natasha rose and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry to rush off. I love you." And she was hurrying down the street.

Once she emerged from the back street she hailed a cab and headed for Via Condotti. She perused the shops at Armani, Gucci, and Prada finding nothing. Finally she ended up at Versace and was being bombarded by racks and gowns and overly enthusiastic saleswomen. Since marrying Luca she had become a regular along the Via Condotti. What she wore one week, the rest of the high society wives would be wearing the next.

Not wanting to be fawned over, Natasha asked that she be left alone to try on the gowns. Adelina, one of the younger and most enthusiastic saleswomen, would doubtless be nearby whether she wanted her to be or not. Natasha stood in one of the spacious dressing rooms. One corner had tri-fold mirrors. There was an tailor's pedestal in the center of the room for alterations. There was also a settee situated against one wall and two armchairs flanking a small table with refreshments. Overkill, Natasha thought.

She stepped into a silk gown with a chorded silk bodice and slipping the thin straps over her shoulders only to realize that she couldn't manage the row of tiny buttons up the back. "Adelina, will uou help me button this up?" she asked when she heard the door open behind her.

She gazed down at the toes of her shoes as Adelina swiftly buttoned up the gown. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Natasha murmured, running her hands over the bodice.

It was a deep masculine timbre that answered, warm breath fanning against her bare shouldser. "Stunning.

Natasha's head jerked up, her wide azure gaze clashing with Gianni Angiolini's heated stare. She gasped and moved to step away from him but he quickly snaked a sinewy arm around her, effectively trapping her arms against her sides.

"Gianni, " she hissed. "What are you doing here?" Her hear beat rapidly. The feeling of him pressed against her back was almost overwhelming. Her legs trembled.

Gianni ignored her question. He brushed the fingertips of his free hand over her shoulders and down her arm. His voice was a soft caress. "Until I saw you the other day, I'd almost forgotten how mind numbingly beautiful you are, bella."

He brushed his lips over the shell of her ear. She shivered, her eyelids fluttering momentarily before she straightened and attempted to wrench herself from his grasp. The effort was wasted. He made her feel no stronger than a four year old.

"You can't be here." Her voice took on a pleading quality. "It will be worse for me if he finds out I've seen you. If Luca finds out he'll--"

"He'll what?" Gianni's voice was low and menacing.

Gianni's grasp tightened slightly. "Now why would he need to keep such a close watch and such a willing, devoted, and loving wife?"

"Gian, I--"

"You lied to me, Natasha." His voice was flat and hard. He turned her in his arms so that she was crushed against his chest, her hands trapped between their bodies. The only sound was the silken rustle of her gown.

She looked up at him with wide beseeching eyes. "I didn't--" she started to deny but he shook her lightly.

"Don't, bella. Don't lie to me anymore. I talked to Colin three days ago and told me everything. I've been waiting to find you alone since then."

Natasha's mouth opened and closed. "No..." she whispered. "He couldn't have...he doesn't know anything. And Morgan promised she wouldn't...she wouldn't..." Her voice was distant as she was sorting through her racing thoughts.

Gianni shook her again. "Natasha, stop," he ground out. "Morgan told him everything. They're getting married and she told him everything."

Natasha gaze up at him in shock. Colin and Morgan were getting married and she didn't even know. Tears pricked her eyes. Colin must hate her. He must have hated her enough not to find a way to tell her. Neither had Lacey. They'd both cut her out of their lives completely. Her thoughts returned to the present, to Gianni standing in front of her looking at her with such fervor.

Gianni's fingertips brushed her chin and lifted her face to his. "Please, baby. Please don't lie to me anymore." He buried his hands in her dark hair and kissed her brow. "Please, bella." He lightly kissed her lips before laying his brow against her own.

Natasha gazed at him. His face was so close. His dark lashes were fanned against his cheeks. His breathing was heavy and fluttered against her lips. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice cracking.

Gianni's eyes flickered open. They were wet with unshed tears. "Three years, bella," came his anguished reply. "Three years you've been with him." His jaw clenched at the thought of what had occurred during those three years-. "Why'd you do it baby?"

Tears were sliding down her face. "I wanted to protect and Lacey and Colin and Morgan." She hiccupped. "He was going to sell us, me and Morgan. There was nothing else I could do. I had nothing to bargain with."

Gianni gritted his teeth and stepped back from her. He ran a rough hand over his hair. "Jesus, Natasha!" he spat. He was in front of her and picked her up under the arms and shook her. His grey eyes searched her face. "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

She was crying harder now and he set her down. She stammered. "I--I didn't know what else to do. I needed to get Morgan out of there. And Lacey and Colin had nothing to do with it but they were in trouble too. And you...I couldn't let anything happen to you."

"I could have handled it!" He shouted at her. "Damn it, Natasha!" He was pacing in front of her as she stood trembling, tracking his every movement and half expecting Luca or his men to burst through the door at any moment.

He stopped suddenly mid-stride and stared at her. "Jesus," he breathed.

"What?" she shrunk away from him but he grabbed her shoulders in a none too gentle grasp. "The little boy the other day..."

"My son, Gabriel. Gabe..." she answered quietly.

He looked into her face. "Gabe..." he said softly. "Is he..." Gianni appeared to struggle with his words. "Is he mine?"

"Is he?!" Gianni shouted, shaking her.

"Yes," Natasha murmured and then louder, "Yes!"

Gianni froze.

There was a knock on the dressing room door.

Gianni whirled and wrenched open the door. "What?!"

The shocked saleswoman, Adelina, gaped at him and stammered. "S-S-Signore--"

"Angiolini," Gianni finished for her. He took a deep breath and flashed her his most winning smile. Adelina blinked, a bit smitten, at the stunning man smiling at her. "Angiolini?" A light bulb seemed to go off in her head as she glanced past him at the similarly shocked looking Natasha Angiolini. "I--I heard voices," she stammered. "Is your wife alright?"

Gianni grinned. "Just haggling over dresses." He leaned in the doorway and smiled at the young saleswoman. "You work on commission, sí?"

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