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Lactating Breasts, Office Girl

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Sucking the boss’s milky breasts at work.
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A prominent tech CEO named Ms. Meyers cut her maternity leave short for an urgent business matter and extra help was required. That was how Abbey landed the job of executive assistant at the last minute, despite her relative inexperience at the highest levels of the corporate world.

Abbey was nervous meeting the boss after having been hired by the HR department last week. Not that Ms. Meyers was scary or anything; she was young by CEO standards, petite and vibrant. A real firecracker of a boss and a bundle of energy. A 5'2" alpha woman.

They were sitting in Ms. Meyers's office and all Abbey could do was stare at the woman's shoulder length blonde hair. It was neat and straight. Abbey noticed that it almost shimmered in the sunlight which entered through the window.

"Not bad," the boss said, reviewing the new assistant's resume. "If HR hired you, that's good enough for me."

Abbey beamed a smile to show confidence. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, there's much to do. Now, I see that you have plenty of experience preparing telecommunications and presentations."

"Yes ma'am."

"Call me Ms. Meyers. The word ma'am makes me feel old."

Abbey cleared her throat. "Yes, Ms. Meyers. Some aspects of my previous jobs included arranging video chats, keeping appointments, and setting up meetings."

"Do you switch jobs a lot?" the boss asked with a quizzical raise of her eyebrows.

As petite and pretty as the boss was, the fact that she was sitting behind a big desk made Abbey unreasonably nervous.

"I've transferred jobs for a variety of reasons," she answered, almost too quickly. "In one case, the department closed down. And there was a lot of infighting in my previous workplace."

"Happens all the time. I saw in your cover letter that you were hoping to make a career with this company, correct?"

Abbey nodded. "That would be a dream. I'm a strong believer in what you represent as a powerful woman in the business world."

"Nicely stated," the boss smiled. "Your response sounded like ass-kissing. But I don't mind since it's my ass that's being kissed."

Abbey tensed. "Oh..."

"I'm only joking. I like you. I like what's on your resume. Do you know why we're rushing this whole process?"

"Yes, the acquisition. At least that's what I'm assuming based on what I've read in the news."

Ms. Meyers was pleased. "Glad to see that you're up to date. A deal came together earlier than expected, so I had to shorten my maternity leave. We're acquiring a major tech firm, so I'll have a lot of meetings."

"Sounds like a plan."

The boss nodded. "Well then, enough talk. You can figure out my style as we go along. I'm very blunt. And I always get what I want."

At that moment, Abbey knew that the rumors about her new boss were true; Meyers was a relentless workhorse that was unstoppable. Working for a woman like that appealed to Abbey.


After their meeting, Abbey was given her fair share of errands that morning. She hustled in her small office where she completed various tasks. The rest of the floor was busy with the pending acquisition.

After arranging her boss's schedule, it was time for lunch. She had packed a turkey sandwich in a brown paper bag.

When she stepped out of her small office, the boss was in the lobby area talking to the secretary. The conversation finished the moment Ms. Meyers turned her attention towards Abbey.

"Abbey," the boss smiled, holding two lunch containers. "I've ordered us some food. Toss out whatever you're holding. Let's go outside."

The gesture from the boss caught her off guard. Their first meeting was strictly business, and now, were they supposed to be friends? Whatever the case, Abbey was ready, willing, and able. She put her pitiful sandwich back in her office, knowing she'd eat it for dinner. In exchange, she took a container from her boss. It smelled delicious.

They walked outside to the garden. There was a nice spot of shade under a tree and they headed towards a bench. Ms. Meyers was a different person now; so relaxed and casual, almost like a college geek who became the boss.

Abbey tried not to be so stiff. While she made an effort to be casual, she couldn't help but notice how pretty Ms. Meyers's short blonde hair looked. It fanned across her face in a carefree manner. Shockingly, Abbey's mind wandered to the state of her boss's pubic hair. She shook her head to clear those errant thoughts.

However, there was no denying that Ms. Meyers was more than attractive. Her blue eyes were lively and her face was wonderfully expressive. She had full lips, but wore no lipstick. Like many young CEOs these days, she had a casual vibe to her.

"I missed this spot," the boss said as they sat under the shade, overlooking the company grounds. "I haven't been here in four months. I worked from home on video call. It was great; a buttoned shirt and blazer on top, sweatpants and bare feet below. No one ever noticed, I hope."

Abbey laughed. "If only all work could be like that."

They opened their containers of food and Abbey was delighted by what she saw and the aromas she smelled. Rich people food! A girl could get used to that. They both dug in with zeal.

"I could tell you really hated your last job," the boss said after chewing.

"Yeah, I didn't want to go into detail about that."

"Why? If you're going to be my assistant, I expect full disclosure."

Abbey took a sip of juice. "True, but I didn't want to sound whiny. Plus I didn't want to bad-mouth my previous employer. That isn't nice."

"Loyalty. I like that. Loyalty is important in life."


"That's partly why I wanted us to have lunch today," the boss said. "I normally don't do this with assistants. I'm usually so busy that I enjoy eating alone."

"Oh, well, thank you for inviting me. It's an honor. Was there anything on your mind?"

"A special job for you."

Abbey's heart rate rose and she could barely eat. "I'd be happy to assist you in anything you need."

Ms. Meyers wiped her lips with a napkin and put her food down. "I have 3 other executive assistants. Brian and Jerry can't do this job because they're men. Sandra can't do it because I've known her for too long and it just wouldn't feel right. So that leaves you, the new girl."

"Interesting," Abbey squeaked.

"My issue is completely natural," Ms. Meyers explained. "And by that I mean, I have a milk problem."

The phrasing and Abbey's state of nervousness left her feeling confused.

"Are you lactose intolerant?"

Ms. Meyers laughed and gestured to her own chest. "I gave birth last month to twins. My breasts are producing a lot of milk."

"Oh, right. Of course. Sorry about that. What's the problem?"

"Breast milk," Ms. Meyers said with a mischievous smile. "During my maternity leave, I breastfed regularly and I wore special clothes. I didn't expect to be back at work so soon, so I'm a bit unprepared in that regard."


"I arrived at the office at 7 am today. Since then, I haven't done anything to relieve my breast milk, because I didn't think I'd need to. At around 10 am, it started to get uncomfortable. By 11 am, I felt leakage in my bra and I had to put tissues underneath my clothes to wipe my nipples. My blouse was stained around my chest area and it was a good thing I kept extra clothes in my office, otherwise I'd be walking around with wet marks on the front of my shirt."

Abbey took in every word. "I've never lactated before so I can't relate to any of that. But I can certainly research this matter. I'm a fast learner."

"Don't bother. I've already had someone buy me breast pumps and special bras to take care of my milk while I work."

"Oh, then what can I do for you?"

"Do I have to spell it out?" the boss asked, in a super polite, yet intimidating way.

Abbey tensed and guessed. "You want me to wash your pumps for you?"

"Not quite. I want you to do your normal job of handling my arrangements, and I also want you to ensure that my breasts are cared for."

A peculiar request. It made Abbey wonder.

"I can handle this," Abbey said.

"So you're that type of woman."

Abbey didn't know what to make of the comment, but she thought fast.

"I played sports in college," Abbey replied. "So yeah, being in the locker room prepared me for anything involving breasts."

Ms. Meyers smiled. "Excellent. It shouldn't be hard. I know I should be doing this myself. But with a job like mine, I'm always doing several things at once. The last thing I need on my daily schedule is to sit around pumping milk and worrying about leaking nipples."

"You've come to the right girl. I'd be happy to care for your breasts... as odd as that sounds on my first day working here."

They both laughed at the awkward phrasing.


The next morning's work was much lighter. Abbey was given a few menial tasks and she knew why. It was 9 am and the boss had an important meeting with staff at 10 am, which meant that the breast-situation needed to be taken care of to avoid any embarrassing overflow.

Abbey lingered in the boss's office while Ms. Meyers was on the phone. She paced around and noted all the different plaques and awards on the wall. There were even pictures of Ms. Meyers shaking hands with the Governor of the State and another with a former US President.

On the table in the middle of the room sat the necessary equipment, ready and waiting. That included a breast pump, towels, and a special bra liner.

Ms. Meyers continued talking like a business pro:

"Yes, yes, I'll be briefed on the latest financial figures... Yes... Yes... No, that's a horrible idea... Okay... Yes, that's better, sounds good... Great, I'll have my secretary make the appointment. I'll probably be making a speech to the company tomorrow if we get all the details worked out."

Abbey smiled watching this real-life Wonder Woman doing her thing. It was an inspirational sight. Then her eyes gazed downwards as Ms. Meyers unbuttoned her blouse while on the phone.

It seemed like something out of a movie. Ms. Meyers moved towards the window and the sunlight shone on her perfect complexion. The unbuttoning of her blouse with one hand seemed effortless as she held the phone with the other. The blouse opened. Her stomach and the center of her white bra became visible.

"Ha! Thanks for the advice," Ms. Meyers said, with a laugh that bordered on dorkish, almost a snort. "Ah, very funny. Yes, I'll be good... No, I didn't come back too soon. Thank you. Thanks. I'll see you later today. Bye."

Ms. Meyers kept looking out the window as she put the phone down and removed her blazer, so that she stood in only her open blouse and fitted skirt.

"Here are tips to survive the corporate world," the boss opined. "Grow thick skin. Don't complain unless necessary. Always put your strong foot forward, but don't overdo it. No one likes an over-doer. Be yourself and be assertive, but not too assertive."

Abbey nodded. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Your outfit looks new. It's very nice. Did you buy a new wardrobe for this job?"

Having spent a small chunk of her savings on new clothes, Abbey couldn't help but internally rejoice that finally, someone had noticed.

"I figured if I got the job as your assistant, I needed to look the part. I hope I succeeded in nailing down my appearance."

Ms. Meyers gave her assistant a once-over. "Very nice. It's chic. How much do you think your outfit cost?"

"The top and skirt -- maybe around $250. I'm an expert in finding a good bargain and my best friend is literally a stylist."

"Well then, Ms. Bargain Expert, I'd hate to ruin your new ensemble. Take off your shirt."

As she said that, Ms. Meyers removed her own blouse, stood in her white bra, folded her blouse neatly and placed it on the table. Her arms were slender and her breasts looked swollen, like they were a full cup size bigger than normal.

"My top?" Abbey asked, snapping out of an erotic train of thought.

"Your blazer and blouse. I figured you wouldn't want my DNA on your clothes. I have a thing about keeping clothes clean. If you're going to be my assistant, then you'll realize I have a lot of quirks."

Abbey didn't want to make a fuss so she took off her blazer and put it on the same table.

"I'm kind of quirky too," Abbey said in a casual manner. "I was a dork in high school. Then, less of a dork in college. I'm normal now, I think."

Ms. Meyers laughed with hands on her hips. "Once a dork, always a dork. But hey, we're in a tech company, so we fit right in. Did you hear my laugh earlier?"

"How could I miss it?" Abbey smiled back. "It's how I'll always remember you."

"Ha! Some say it's charming. Charm is important when you are trying to convince people to follow your lead. Another tip to remember."

Abbey agreed and her fingers moved to the top of her blouse, then she hesitated.

"Sorry, I'm kind of nervous," Abbey said, before undoing her blouse.

"Can I tell you something personal? It might put you at ease."

Abbey nodded. "I can keep secrets."

"I'm unmarried, single, and I got pregnant through a sperm donor. Now that you know my secret, there's a stronger bond between us. At least in my opinion."

Instantly, Abbey did her best to restrain herself and the natural urge to pepper her boss with follow up questions.

She took the next leap and removed her blouse. She folded it and placed it on the table, just as her boss had done. They both wore white bras. Abbey was taller and slimmer, with a flat chest.

"That seems more common these days," Abbey said. "I've read a lot of articles about that; working women who choose to parent by themselves."

"I'm 38. Someday you'll understand. Until then, it's 9:24 am which means that I have approximately 36 minutes until my meeting."

"Right, of course."

The boss picked up the breast pump and handed it to Abbey.

"I'm sure you know how to use this by now."

Abbey nodded. "I researched it yesterday. So I can assure you, Ms. Meyers, that your nipples are in good hands."

There was a loud "Ha!" sound which came from the boss.

Ms. Meyers reached behind her bra. "Now for the big reveal. You'll officially become the first person in this company to see my tits."

The bra was unclasped and Ms. Meyers placed it on the table. She smiled as she bared her chest. Ms. Meyers was a small boned woman and her pendulous breasts looked enormous on her tiny frame.

And those nipples looked engorged and ripe. The areolas stretched from the expanded state. The color was a light shade of pink, as Abbey expected them to be.

The sight affected Abbey; she began to have inappropriate yearnings towards her boss again. She licked her lips while getting a hold of her budding sensual desire. She wondered how much milk could be expressed from boobs that size.

"Your first time seeing lactating breasts?" Ms. Meyers asked.

"Please forgive me. I didn't mean to gawk."

"Look, I get it. I'm your boss and this is uncomfortable. And if I'm being honest, they do look titillating -- pun intended."

"Well, if we're being honest, those nipples look epic."

Ms. Meyers flashed a blushing smile. "Do they?"

"Yep. They stand out on your petite body, which is totally inappropriate for me to say. So I'll save myself further embarrassment and stop."

"I agree with your observation. I've always been told that my nipples are the best feature on my body. Now they're needed for something besides pleasure. Time to start pumping. My breasts ache. After about three hours, they start to feel heavy."

"Okay, have a seat and I'll fix that."

"Hang on a second," the boss said. "I pride myself on being the most knowledgeable person in every meeting."

Ms. Meyers went to her desk to grab a folder and her phone. It was an unusual sight, Abbey thought, to see the influential CEO prepare for a meeting while topless. But then again, that's what made this boss special.

"I admire your diligence," Abbey said.

"If you're as dedicated as I am, then you'll move up in the world. I'm ready now."

Everything was pre-planned. Ms. Meyers sat and Abbey laid a towel across the boss's lap to protect the office skirt. Then Abbey brought the breast pump closer to her boss. A small stool was next to Ms. Meyers's chair and Abbey sat on it. She was now staring closely at perfectly formed, milk-filled breasts.

Ms. Meyers opened the folder and began to read a list of financial figures as if this was all so casual. Abbey did her best to be equally as professional.

The breast pump was latched onto the center of the nipple and she squeezed, causing the large pink nipple to extend and stretch. Abbey wondered if the initial pain described by Ms. Meyers had abated, but the boss kept reading as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

Abbey felt wetness between her legs as she stared at the nipple, which was pulled back and forth rhythmically. With each pull, the boss's nipple squirted milk into a cup. It was all so intriguing. Arousing, even.

"How does your first pump experience feel?" Abbey asked.

The boss kept her attention on the documents. "It feels the way it looks. Like my nipple is being pulled by the suction of air. It's not a big deal."

What a career-driven woman, Abbey thought. The push and pull on the stretching nipple was hypnotizing and soon Abbey wondered how it would feel to actually suck on that tit.

"You're staring," Ms. Meyers said, glancing to the assistant while the papers were still in her hand.

Abbey blushed, hard. "Oh, isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing?"

"Yes... but you have a certain look in your eyes."

There was a moment of tension between them and Abbey had no idea if this was a joke or not. There was a slight smile on Ms. Meyers's lips, which could have meant anything.

Suddenly, the boss's phone rang.

"I need to take this call," Ms. Meyers said. "Change the cup and do my other breast."

Abbey pulled the latch away and wiped the engorged nipple clean with a small towel and pressed on it gently. Then she moved the stool to the other side and changed the container so she could work on the next breast.

"Uh huh," Ms. Meyers said on the phone. "I'm studying the figures right now. Yes... everything looks good. We're on the right track so far. Yes, it looks fine. Uh huh... Go for it."

Abbey was much more proficient this time, attaching the suction cup to the center of the nipple, then working the pump.

When the boss got off the phone, it was her turn to stare at Abbey. She looked Abbey right in the eyes, not in a challenging way. Ms. Meyers seemed to be sizing her up. For what? Abbey had no clue.

"You seem to enjoy this," Ms. Meyers said. "I'm good at reading people."

Abbey tensed and kept pumping. "It's my job to assist you in any way possible."

"Yes, that's true, but your eyes say it all. I'm never wrong. You're curious."

"What do you mean?"

Ms. Meyers was expressionless. "I'm talking about the not-so-subtle way you've been gazing at my breasts for the past several minutes. So, Abbey, are you bi-curious?"

The question caused Abbey to freeze, with her hand still holding the breast pump in place.

"I... I..."

"It's a simple yes or no question."

"It's complicated," Abbey sighed.

"So it's a fantasy then?"

"Basically, but that's common, isn't it?"

"More common than people think."

Their eyes locked; they both understood the implication.

"Is that why you're single," Abbey said. "And why you don't like talking about your personal life?"

"I prefer women," the boss answered. "Simple as that. My breasts are done for now."

The emotional turmoil of the conversation threw Abbey off her game, causing her to pull the suction cup too fast The result was milk squirting from Ms. Meyers's plump nipple, onto Abbey's bra, stomach, and skirt.


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