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Lady Pixie's War Ch. 04: Appeased

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Lady Pixie and Beccy with Lady Cecily.
3.1k words

Part 4 of the 15 part series

Updated 08/15/2023
Created 07/05/2022
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That wonderful weekend in Sussex remains in my memory the way the summer of 1914 did for the generation older than mine; it was a time of sunny bliss before the storm.

It certainly set the tone for Beccy's summer.

Bend 'Or's ball was the success I had hoped.

Beccy looked perfect, and I could see some of the other mothers (and in some cases, their daughters) looking daggers at her. Jack, in his fitted suit, looked the very image of a Hollywood movie star; he was the cynosure of every eye. They made a fine couple, and in some quarters there was relief when their engagement was announced a week later. As one Mama was reported back to me as saying: "with young Stewart off the market, my girl will have a better chance."

Lord Robert and Lady Ethel wanted the wedding "out of the way", which meant, to Beccy's delight, a late July ceremony. I still have a photograph of the two of them taken that day, the bride radiant, the groom happy and content. It is a moment of bliss, captured for ever in black and white. My heart still aches when I look at it. Fate can take so much away, but the memory of that happiness, it cannot take.

The wedding was followed by a honeymoon in the Western Isle, where the Stewarts owned their own island. The letter Beccy wrote to me from there I still have among my treasures.

"Mama Pix,

What can I say except I am in utter bliss! Everything you taught me is SO useful, and I think Jack is a happy man as a result. I utterly love him to bits, which doesn't mean I don't love you, cos I so do. Would you mind, if we have a little girl, if I call her after you? Not saying I will now, cos I am being a careful girl. But you never know!

We went sailing yesterday, and Jack adores the place as much as I always have. So much fun to share it with him.

I got some stuff from Papa sent to you. Hope it was useful?

Love you to bits,

Beccy (Carrington!!) xxxx "

I loved the way that she wanted to use her married name, and even at this distance of time, her energy radiates from the letter.

The "stuff" had been useful, and would have been more so had the Government not been so bloody useless.

From what Ribbentrop had written to Beccy's papa, it was clear that Hitler was using the leader of the Sudeten party, Henlein, to keep up his demands on the Czechs while he prepared for an invasion in the autumn.

I passed it on to Wolmer, who passed it to the "authorities." The result was that they sent that ancient dolt, Lord Runciman, to Prague in July to "find a mutually acceptable compromise." I fumed.

I told Archie that the thing was a total waste of time, but, like Chamberlain, he was convinced that if we just gave Hitler what he wanted, all would yet be well.

"But darling," he pleaded, "the Sudetenland is full of Germans, and if they want to be with Hitler, why not let them? After Austria, it is the natural next step."

I had to hold my tongue. I had been equally furious in March when Hitler had marched into Austria unopposed and announced the "Anschluss." The argument then, as now, was that the Austrians were ethnically German and should have been allowed to join Germany in 1919.

The problem was that giving a wolf a lamb every time he gets hungry just increases his appetite - and ambition. As I said in the Lords during the debate on the Munich settlement:

"Brutal violence is not racially or regionally confined. Its effects are never just local. The ripples of atrocity and suffering elsewhere will always, sooner or later, reach our door. Hitler believes in violence as a life-force. You can run; but you will not be able to hide. You want to give him what he wants? But what is he wants everything?"

But it was no use.

In September, when the crisis broke, Chamberlain himself went to Germany, the final time to Munich from whence he returned waving that silly piece of paper and proclaiming "peace in our time." He was wildly popular, and the political air was full of rumours of an election. If he had called one, he would have won by a landslide. Only that incorrigible lecher, Duff Cooper, resigned from the Cabinet, and the waters soon closed above him. Chamberlain seemed unassailable.

I left the Lords' debate demoralised and furious. It was the one occasion I quarrelled with Archie, who tried to console me by saying that he was "sure Neville was right." I rounded on him:

"Archie, you can't win peace at the expense of other people."

"But the Munich settlement puts an end to things darling. Can't you see? Hitler has given his word?"

I threw a glass at him and called him a "bloody fool."

I was just grateful that by that time, Beccy was back from Scotland with Jack, settled in a little house in Rutland Place, not too far from us at Eaton Square. It was not a time for dinner parties. I could not, as I told, her, bear to be in the same room as those fools who thought that we really had "peace in our time." So Becky invited me round to her place for afternoon tea.

It was the first time I had seen her since the wedding, and I had to say that married life seemed to suit her, indeed, it was the first thing I said to her.

"Oh Pix, it SO does. Jack is a darling, and," she added with a giggle, "I think I can keep the dear boy busy enough to stop him wandering, at least for now. Oh, and, Mama, he is a good chap, I showed him how to please me, and he's getting very good at it!"

That was one of the many things I adored about Beccy. She came straight to the point with no false modesty and no attempt at subterfuge.

"My love, I am so happy for you. I think he knows he's a lucky boy."

"You know he has joined up, Mama?"

"Joined up?"

"Yes, he was in the cadets at College, and well shall we just say that the War Office has asked for his services."

I was aware that Jack had connections with Military Intelligence, but this was news indeed.


"He loved your speech in the House Mama, and like you, and me, is convinced that war is coming, He wants to be able to be in a position to help when it does. I hope you don't mind, but I've been sharing Pa's Ribbentrop stuff with him."

"Mind, my precious, I am delighted!"

It was balm to my wounded spirit that the woman I loved and the man she loved shared my view of Hitler. In a way hard to recapture now, the shame of Munich hung over the heads of some of us. Though Archie and I made it up after the incident with the glass, things felt as fragile as the broken glass for quite a while. The shadow cast by the possibility of an autumn or spring election was a dark one. There were rumours that a very drunken Churchill was cosying up to the Liberals in his Epping fastness in the hope of receiving their support if the Whip was removed. His constituency party was due to meet in late March 1939. There was a general fear that Chamberlain would spring the General Election on us then, which would have destroyed those in his party who were opposed to him.

I just could not bring myself to join the Labour Party, it was too alien to me, but I did talk with its leader, Attlee, and told him that I would vote with his party in any foreign policy votes. I persuaded others who thought like me to take the same route, though Churchill rejected the idea, saying he would manage his own business. And historians wonder why the opposition to Chamberlain got no traction? Politicians have huge egos, but even by that standard, Churchill's was planet sized.

My one comfort that dark and troublesome winter was Beccy.

We invited them to Eaton Square for Christmas, and to my delight, they accepted. One could tell that Archie had something of a "thing" for Jack, but where Beccy was partial to both sexes, Jack was strictly a woman's man; bless him, he even flirted with me.

That Christmas was the last "normal" one for a long time - indeed, in terms of what had been "normal" for me, it was the last one of its kind and thus nestles fondly in my memory.

We usually celebrated Christmas down in Sussex, but Archie preferred to stay in town. The fact that his handsome young Guardsman was on duty at St James' Palace over the season was the deciding factor. Central London at Christmas was a strangely empty and therefore almost magical place. It's denizens retreated to their country houses or the suburbs and, by Christmas Eve, it was all but deserted.

Beccy and I met at the "Saff," where the staff Christmas lunch meant the place was quiet; already, most had left.

"Mama Pix, thanks for having Jack and I to stay. Who else is coming?"

"Well darling, Archie's Mama, Lady Cecily will be coming. She is, as it were, one of us."

For a moment Beccy looked puzzled, then light dawned:

"You mean she, erm, likes girls?"

"I do."

"Have you?"

Blushing, I admitted that Lady Cecily and I had been intimate. Not since Archie's papa had died in the summer, but, as I said to Beccy, if she was interested, I was sure something could be arranged, although, of course, if she was too busy with Jack, we would understand.

Beccy grinned.

"Well if we get a chance, count me in!"

As ever, we went to Church on Christmas morning, and then exchanged a few presents, before sitting down to a late dinner. The whole day was what a Christmas day should be, and even the Parson's sermon was worth listening to. It was not until New Year's Eve that things got "interesting."

Jack was the life and soul of the party, and I could so see why he and Beccy hit it off so well. They both had an optimism about life, and an energy which made observers feel a sense of good cheer. I was very careful not to do anything which would ever compromise their love. But as so often, it was Beccy herself who took the initiative.

Jack and Archie got themselves into a drinking contest with their chums on New Year's Eve, and it was evident to me that they'd be out for the count. After seeing 1939 in, I retired to my room, only to find Lady Cecily there.

"I thought I'd pop in darling. Truth to tell, I am rather bored with being treated as though I am ready for lilies. I remain interested in sex; it's just it seems to be passing me by."

I smiled.

"Oh Mama, sixty is no age at all."

"Tell the chaps that darling, apart from the odd gigolo, I am bored waiting. I was rather hoping my darling daughter-in-law might provide company. Am I being too forward?"

"Oh Mama, not at all."

Her hair, loosed from the pins, flowed to her shoulders, and her breasts swelled under her nightgown. What an utter waste of a good woman, I thought, not for the first time deciding that older women were delicious and too neglected.

"Let me get out of my dress Mama and I shall be with you."

Lady Cecily smiled broadly.

"You are such a good girl, Pixie. Yum, I do like watching you take your clothes off. You know there are clubs chaps go to to see that?"

Wriggling my derrière at her and lowering my knickers, I smiled.

"Like this?" I said, letting my dress slip to the floor and bending, my bottom facing her, to pick it up.

"Very, I should assume."

"And how about this?" I said, sliding my slip down my shoulders to reveal my small breasts with their already hardening nipples."

"Oh, they are usually bigger than that, Pix!"

I turned to the door, and there, in just her robe, was Beccy!

Lady Cecily looked at her, then at me, then back at her.

"As good as this?" She smiled, lowering her nightdress to reveal her substantial bosom.

"Oh yes, Lady Cecily! Sorry, Mama Pixie, I have barged in. Should I go?"

Caught half naked and stripping for my mother-in-law, I smiled and said:

"Don't you dare!"

"If you'd like to take my right breast while darling Pixie takes my left, I'd just adore that - and it's not like there is not enough to go round!"

At 40EE, Lady C was correct. Perhaps it was my want of curves, perhaps it was my petiteness, or perhaps it was both and that I was kinky, but either which way, I loved my mother-in-law's fuller figure.

"Oh can I? Pix, should I call Lady C Mama?"

Lady Cecily looked at me.

"And are you usually her Mama, Pixie?"

I smiled back.

"I am."

"Well that's a wonderful gift to her. Beccy, you can call me Mama when we are together, and you and Pixie are my girls, if that suits?"

"Oh Mama Cecily, that would be yummy!"

And with that, she discarded her robe and got onto the bed, curling herself round so that she could suck Lady C's right breast; I did the same with her left one.

I sucked her thick, swollen nipple between eagerly, pressing my face into the flesh of her breast, losing myself utterly in suckling her. I could see that Beccy was doing the same. Our eyes met, and she winked at me.

Lady Cecily moaned loudly.

"Such good girls, you know what Mama wants."

I did indeed, and reaching across, I took Beccy's hand and guided it to Mama's luxuriant bush. She squeezed my hand, and I guided her, parting Lady Cecily's thighs and then, entwining our fingers, finding the entrance to her wetness. That made her moan even more loudly. I sucked harder, as I guided Beccy's finger upwards to the apex where Lady C's rather prominent clit was ready for us. Our fingers worked in unison, and then, I guided Beccy's hand downwards, helping her press three fingers in. My own fingers went back to pleasing her clit.

As always when she got aroused, Lady C's language deteriorated in the most arousing way.

"Oh you fucking little bitches, yes, yes, that's it! Beccy, harder, I need my cunt ravaged. Yes, yes, Pixie, yes, just like that!"

My eyes still on Beccy, I looked across, pulling my mouth away for a second I mouthed: "Bite!"

Beccy got the message, and simultaneously we bit Mama's nipples, with Beccy thrusting her fingers in deep and hard, even as I rubbed her clit.

"Fuck! Fuck! Pixie, you are a very dirty girl and your Beccy is too."

So "dirty" indeed that Mama was pushing herself onto our hands and beginning to shake. I bit a second time, so did Beccy, and that pushed Lady C over the edge. She came hard and deep onto our hands, pushing our faces into her ample tits. For a brief moment it felt like suffocation, and then she released us as her orgasm overtook her.

Recovering, she looked down at us.

"You were wonderful! You have no idea how much I needed that!"

Beccy pulled away.

"Oh Mama! I hope I was good enough. Pix was wonderful and guided me!"

"Pixie is wonderful, darling, she's been a good girl to me for years, as, indeed, your mother-in-law, Lady Dora used to be. So you are continuing the family tradition, Rebecca!"

"Oh my, so my Mama has been a good girl for you too? Did you play with her and Mama Pixie?"

"I am here!" I said, mock indignantly.

"Thank goodness for that," Lady C said. "Yes, I did, Beccy, and your Mama was a good pussy licker too. Would you like to follow in her footsteps?"

"Oh yes please, Mama!" Beccy was nothing if not an enthusiast.

I helped Lady C lie back on the bed as Beccy positioned herself to clean up the mess.

I kissed her mouth as Beccy applied herself to her lower lips.

"Pixie, that girl is good!" Lady C exclaimed, breaking off our kiss to moan. "Gently, Beccy, I am still sensitive there darling!"

Beccy's wet face bobbed up from between her thighs:

"Sorry Mama, got carried away. You are so yummy!"

Lady C and I kissed, and I played with her breasts, pulling at her nipples and suckling, as Beccy applied herself seriously to the task of giving our "Mama" a second orgasm in short order.

"Would you like us both there, Mama?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask, darling. Yes!"

I scooted down the bed and lay next to Beccy.

I kissed her, tasting Lady Cecily's pungent, tangy cream on her lips.

"How do we do this, Pix?" She asked.

I showed her.

I licked up one inner thigh, she licked and nibbled up the other. Then I got Lady C to get on all fours, her ample rump in the air.

"Beccy, if you lie under her and lick her pussy, I will lick elsewhere!"

"Ooh Mama Pixie! Yes!"

"Pixie, are you? Oh...!"

Before she could ask the question, I had answered it, rimming and teasing her dark hole, giving Beccy a free rein to suck on her pussy. I knew how sensitive she was there, so took care to tease. Looking below to where Beccy was licking, I could not resist slipping my hand down to caress and tease her wet pussy, thrusting two fingers in.

I heard a muffled groan. The more I fingered Beccy, the faster she licked Mama. I rimmed and teased the latter, while making sure that my thumb began to strum Beccy's clit.

They got into a perfect synchronicity, and I was not surprised when the two of them came within seconds of each other, Beccy's face being drenched as Lady C squirted her orgasm hard. Indeed, had she not moved like quicksilver, the poor darling would have had her full weight land upon her.

Beccy turned and pushed herself up to me.

"Kiss me, taste Mama!"

"Likewise!" I teased back.

We kissed.

"Don't mind me girls!"

Breaking the kiss we looked at Mama.

"We shan't Mama!" I said.

She smiled at us.

"Your turn, Pixie!"

"Now Mama, I think young Beccy needs to get back to Jack, don't you darling?"

Beccy grinned.

"Well, I suppose so, but happy New Year to us all!"

How I wish that had been the case!

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PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Julie - yes, trying to recapture it as it was before the rose-tinted specs were applied xxxxx

Shady_LadyShady_Ladyabout 2 years ago

What a very enjoyable romp set against the backdrop of the looming war clouds in Europe. Interesting how Churchill is portrayed in a realistic light rather than perhaps the 'hero' that many historians portray him as.

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

No, anonymous, you are not wrong. As Larkin almost said, "what survives of us is love." Thank you so much for your support xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Jeff.

I am happy for you to choose the pictures as you are doing such a splendid job for me.

Thank you, too, for marking my third anniversary here xx. Golly, a hundred a year, well I suppose they are quite short!

Looking forward to the final presentation Jeff.

thank you, Pixie xx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


I love the historical canvas of these types of stories, but I suspect the true history of major conflicts will never be known. I can only imagine that the actual architects of said conflicts are rolling with laughter in their graves as the academia and laypeople distract themselves from the truth with their various, (though well researched and supported) theories. FWIW, My grandfather, who was stationed at Pearl Harbor BEFORE 12/7/1941, assured me that there was zero chance that Japan could have successfully launched their attack without powerful forces in America facilitating it. He also proposed that the Great Depression (and roving gangs of desperate testosterone fueled young men across the globe) spurred the ruling elite to orchestate/manufacture a world war to address multiple issues facing "civilization". A secondary "benefit" of major conflicts is that the surviving masses are likely in a state of shocked compliance and willing to accept whatever "their leaders" suggest; for a while....Then cue another major conflict, rinse, and repeat. Nowadays it seems that wars are designed primarily to dispossess inhabitants of land that has some intrinsic value, which is full circle to the boring and predictable behavior of animals fighting for productive territory. Thank goodness humans can conceptualize and assign higher meaning to apparently inferior pursuits such as love and relationships. Am I wrong to be more invested in Lady Pixie's personal dalliances than the debate over Chamberlin and Churchill when reading this story??? I think not. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
Happy 3RD Literotica Anniversary Pixie 🎁🎉🎈

Dear Pixie,

Happy 3rd Literotica Anniversary Pixie.

Congratulations Pixie on this wonderful achievement.

In just three short years, you amassed 308 publish works which averages to over 102 published works, on Literotica, per year.

However, I am greatly please to see that you are healthy to publish your works again at your normal Pixie pace.

Earlier today, I sent your preliminary anniversary slide deck that includes your "Lady Pixie's War" Ch. 04 story series results.

This weekend, I will pull down your "Star Rating,” and calculate your Red "H" Rating results. Plus, I will also obtain your Views, Favorite, and Comment totals for all your published works.

I also sent you all my unused pictures so you can review them and match them to the most appropriate Story Series. I do all this because I want your Anniversary Presentation to be the best presentation of all.

My only birthday wish Pixie is that you find me a place in your heart and in your Literotica Universe.

Again, Happy 3rd Literotica Anniversary Pixie, I feel confident you will have a fun and a productive 4th year on Literotica

Please, Enjoy Your Day Pixie and Stay Healthy & Safe.


Your Literotica Bookkeeper 📚📕📗📘📙

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Darling Olwen, thank you so much - and I shall continue the effort to boost the laundry power company's profits xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Wolfie, and of course, your history is as immaculate and accurate as Chamberlain's was scrappy and useless. So glad you are enjoying this xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much MamaS - and you may well be correct about young Jack - we shall tremble and see xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Alice - I am so happy that you are enjoying the tale. More to come xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Migbird. Yes, Lady P is finding some refuge in Beccy, but the world is not going to leave them alone, alas xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Darling Maonaigh, always lovely to have Mellors on hand for the rough work! I am so glad you are enjoying it - and yes, you are right, it was always the Guardsmen who ended up inside xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Erica, and Jack does, indeed, know what a lucky chap he is xxxxx

HottieOlwenHottieOlwenabout 2 years ago

What a beautifully written knicker-wetting sex scene! I am not breaking any confidences when I say that Lady C, Lady Pixie and Beccy were not the only ones to have mind blowing orgasms here! I am definitely going to have to change my bed linen now. And my knickers too. Pixiehoff your storytelling is costing me a bloody fortune in laundry powder (but don't stop, darling. I can afford it!) XXxxXX

amadeuseroticamadeuseroticabout 2 years ago

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.

Austria certainly was a different case than Czechoslovakia, but if the British politicians couldn't tell the difference, they were willfully blind.

Austria and Germany had been the same country for centuries (a loose federation with no nominal capital, but the de facto capital would be Vienna) before Napoleon broke them up into multiple small kingdoms. The Austrian portion was somewhat salvaged (perhaps comparable to Eastern Rome carrying on after the Goths had sacked Western Rome). Reunification was on the table in 1870, but the Austrians prefered to do their own thing. They didn't want to play second fiddle to the Prussians.

However, Germany and Austria were allies in WW1. Hitler was Austrian himself. So after the humiliation of defeat, the Anschluss felt more like a reunification and a return to former glory.

Czechoslovakia was completely different. Being part of the tenuous Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Slavic population was of course heavily infused with German people. After the Czechs and Slovaks finally got their own country after WW1, Hitler took it away from them.

Simply put, Czechoslovakia was to Germany what today's Ukraine is to Russia. The analogon to Austria would be Belarus.

The point of this long historical rant is to say, when political decisions are made in blissful ignorance of history and culture, disaster is sure to follow.

If political relations between countries were developed the way Pixie builds personal relationships, mindful of preferences and compatibilities, the world would be a better place indeed.

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