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Lake Havesu Day 02

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Adventures on the lake continue.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 05/08/2024
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Lake Havasu day 2

Dennis wakes up with the light shining into the room. He listens and doesn't hear anyone else moving around. He gets up and puts on his shorts and shoes. He looks around for a pen and paper and upon finding some he leaves a note saying he went to the store for some supplies and will return soon. He quietly exits and once at his car he puts on a clean shirt and heads out.

Thirty minutes later he returns and grabs the bags and opens the door. Inside he finds Gloria, Tiffany and Vanessa sitting at the table. He notices the coffee maker on the counter is brewing a pot. He asks if anyone is hungry and get 3 heads nodding yes. He takes the bags and puts them on the counter. The same counter that was used last night. He smiles to himself and unloads some eggs, bacon, bread, butter, milk and cereal. He asks what everyone wants and they all say eggs and bacon. He finds two flying pans and gets to work cooking the eggs and bacon. He finds a toaster and toasts up some slices of bread. Once the food is cooked he asks who wants eggs and bacon with buttered bread on the side and who wants it made into a sandwich.

Everyone says a breakfast sandwich sounds great so he prepares 4 and brings them to the table. Just as they start to eat Wendy appears wearing just her panties. She asks what smells so good and everyone looks at her. Gloria is the first to respond and tell her maybe she should get dressed first. She waves it off saying whatever but does turn around and head back to the bedroom. She returns wearing a t shirt that only comes to mid belly and her panties. Gloria shakes her head and Dennis gets up to give her the seat. He goes to the stove and fixes her a breakfast sandwich also.

He moves back to the sofa while the girls talk among themselves. He can tell they are discussing plans for the day. Swimming and tanning are definitely the top ideas until Gloria mentions that her friends also own a boat and maybe she can get use of it. They tell her to find out and she heads to the back where the phone is.

When she returns she tells them that she can use the boat if someone could tow it to the launch and back. She says her car does not have a hitch. Dennis says that he knows most U-Haul's have temporary bumper hitches for rent and his Cadillac with pull anything.

It is decided that Dennis will go see about a hitch, Vanessa and Tiffany want to walk over the London Bridge and Wendy and Gloria are going to hang out in the house. Everyone agrees to meet back here at 11AM.

Renting a bumper hitch is no problem and it is soon attached to his car and he is on the way back to the house.

Vanessa and Tiffany casually stroll up to and over the London Bridge which has been transported and rebuild here at the lake. Vanessa tells Tiffany that she saw Wendy sneak out of the room last night to have sex with Dennis. Tiffany tells her she knows because Wendy caught them in the act. Vanessa is shocked but smiles. Vanessa tells her she thought about it herself but with just breaking up with Steve she didn't want to jump into anything, besides she thought Dennis and Amber were a couple.

Everyone meets back at the house just before 11 and plans are made. Gloria will ride with Dennis to get the boat and bring it to the boat launch. The other girls are in charge of getting drinks and food for on the boat and bringing it to the launch.

Gloria gives Rich directions and it only takes a few minutes to arrive at the boat. It is a pontoon boat with a canopy, some seats and an open deck. Dennis backs up to the boat trailer and gets it hooked up. He does not have a light connector but since they are not travelling far and won't be on a main road it should be fine. They head towards the boat launch. He asks Gloria how she is doing today and she tells him she feels like a fool for putting herself in the position for that to happen to her. He tells her it is not her fault that some jackass would do that. Soon they arrive at the launch. They do not see the other girls or Gloria's car so they decide to launch the boat while they wait. Gloria climbs in the boat and Dennis backs it down and into the water. It is released from the trailer and Gloria brings it around to the dock next to the launch while Dennis parks the car and trailer.

Dennis puts on his flip flops and grabs some sunscreen before joining Gloria on the boat. He asks Gloria if she brought a swim suit and she shows him a small bag she brought alone. The boat is open and he asks where she plans on changing. She had not thought of that and asks if she can use his car. He gives her the keys and she heads over to change in the car.

Gloria returns just as the other girls arrive. She appears to be dressed the same so her suit must be under her clothes. The trunk appears to be open as they drove up. Soon they see why as the girls pull a large cooler from the back. Tiffany drags to towards the dock and the others bring bags of food and ice. Dennis is told to go unload the drinks and bring them to the boat. In the car he finds 2 cases of beer, one case of water and a box of wine. He soon has it loaded and the girls begin to fill the cooler.

Dennis asks where the cooler came from and the girls tell him they found it in a shed at the house when they went back to get their suits on. He looks and sees they all are in street clothes with the suits underneath.

Soon everything is loaded and they pull away from the dock. Gloria is steering the boat towards the center of the lake. The girls remove the other garments to reveal the bikinis underneath. Dennis recognizes the bikini Vanessa is wearing from the canyon. Jokingly he says, last time I saw that it was a one piece. Vanessa blushes but the other girls start teasing her. They tell her she should wear it the same way. She stands on the deck looking at each of them then replies while looking at Dennis. That isn't what you were wearing either. He tells her he doesn't have a problem with going au natural but maybe they should head to one of the coves around the lake instead of out in the open. They all agree but Gloria is not familiar with the lake. Dennis takes over the controls and points the boat northwest towards the far side of the lake.

As they travel the girls all spread out their towels and begin to sunbath on the deck. Dennis enjoys the view as he steers them towards the shoreline. Soon he comes to an opening and steers the boat into a large cove surrounded by trees. Once in the cove he steers to the right and the lake is no longer in view. He shuts down the engine and drops the anchor. He then drops his shorts and strolls to the cooler for a beer. He finds a deck chair and sits down. He is looking at 4 beautiful ladies in bikinis while he is completely nude. Tiffany stands up and says when in Rome and removes her bikini top. The other girls look on but she doesn't stop there and soon is also naked. She sits back on her towel to apply sunscreen to her breasts and bottom area.

She then tells Vanessa, let's see that one piece. Vanessa sits up and removes her bikini top. She takes the sunscreen from Tiffany and begins to rub it all over her chest. Dennis is mesmerized and doesn't notice that Gloria is now topless and Wendy is fully nude. They all pass the sun cream around and cover the unprotected areas. Dennis also does his front. He asks if anyone needs a drink and Gloria, Wendy and Tiffany ask for a beer but Vanessa want wine. He passes out the beers then looks through the bags for plastic cups for the wine. He fills a large solo cup and gives it to Vanessa. The girls move to front of the boat where there is a small deck just above the water line. They sit with their feet in the water drinking their beverages. Dennis now only can see the backs of these lovely ladies so he joins them on the front sitting on the end next to Wendy. Tiffany gets up and sits on the other side or Dennis.             

When Dennis finishes his beer he stands up and jumps into the lake. Soon each of the girls follows and they swim and splash having fun. Soon Vanessa climbs back onto the boat. She gets a fresh cup of wine and chugs it down standing on the deck. Then with a what the hell attitude she drops her bikini bottoms and jumps back in. Now only Gloria is wearing her bikini bottoms. Of course the other girls start to tease her but Dennis tells them to chill. She will be comfortable at her own pace if she even decides to go nude.

Soon everyone is back on deck and picking their spot to get more sun. Wendy and Vanessa each lay down on the benches on either side. Gloria and Tiffany get back on the deck on their towels. Dennis returns to the chair. As soon as he sits down Wendy tells him he needs to do every ones backs so they don't burn. He happily obliges and starts with Wendy. Squirting the sun cream on the middle of her back he then starts to work it into her skin. From her shoulders, down her back, making sure to get the sides of her breasts. He squirts a little more on her ass and rubs it in thoroughly before moving down each leg. This is repeated on each girl until only Gloria remains. He again starts at her shoulders and down her back. He is careful not to reach too far around her sides by her breasts. He does not want her to be uncomfortable. When he reaches her butt he rubs around the edges of her bikini bottoms then finishes her legs. She looks over her shoulder and gives him a smile.

He returns to his seat relaxing and sipping his beer looking over 4 beauties, 3 of whom are nude lying out in front of him. As he sits he becomes aware of the heat and after 15 or 20 minutes he decides to take another dip in the lake. Stepping around the girls he goes to the front and dives in. He is instantly refreshed so he casually swims towards the shore just 30 yards away. He climbs onto the shore and surveys the area. No other boats have entered their little cove. He decides to stroll along the bank. He then hears a splash and looks back towards the boat. He is surprised to see it is Gloria swimming towards him. He waits for her to come ashore. She tells him she noticed him on the shore and thought a walk would be nice. He reaches for her hand and she takes it and they continue around the cove. It doesn't take long before they are at the entrance to the cove and will either have to turn back or swim across the opening. They decide to enter the water and swim across. A few minutes later it is shallow enough to stand. Gloria stops and faces Dennis. Her upper body and small pert breasts above the water. Dennis moves towards her. She thanks him for being considerate to her feelings the night before and for trying to find her attacker. She leans towards him and he leans in for an embrace. After a long hug she turns her head and looks into his eyes before kissing him. They only kiss for a short time but it is electric. He takes her hand and they walk along the shore to the closest point to the boat. They wade in and swim back to the boat.

They climb aboard to find Vanessa and Wendy have rolled onto their backs and Tiffany is sitting in a chair with a fresh drink. Dennis takes the time to note that both Wendy and Tiffany are clean shaved at their vaginas but Vanessa has a small landing strip of hair. Gloria gets herself a beer and waves it at Dennis. He nods his head and she grabs one for him. She hands him the beer and takes a seat next to him. Tiffany looks at them and smiles and gives Dennis a wink. Then she gets up and with a huge splash jumps off the boat into the lake.

Suddenly she swims back to the ladder and climbs aboard. She points towards the entrance of the cove where another boat has started to enter. She asks if everyone thinks they should get dressed but Dennis tells them to chill until they can see who is on the boat. If it's a family then they should cover up but if it's other adults it should be okay. The boats continues straight in until it comes to the shore about 100 yards away. A fit looking guys jumps off and ties the boat to a tree on the shore. From this distance they can tell he is wearing swim trunks. They soon see another guy and 2 girls climb off the boat onto the shore.

Wendy asks what they are doing since she and Vanessa are lying down and can't see over the edge. Tiffany tells her they appear to be setting up some chairs on the shore. A cooler is carried off the boat and they all sit facing the water and the boat containing Dennis and the girls. They are all wearing swimming suits but don't seem to have noticed the attire of the group on the boat.

Since they have set up and appear to be staying awhile Dennis suggests that maybe he and one of the girls should head over and see if they mind their lack of clothing. Wendy volunteers to go along and stands up and waves towards the other group. They see her and wave back, then Dennis and her step off the boat and swim to the shore. They climb out and start walking towards the group on the beach. As they get closer it is apparent that they just noticed a nude Wendy and Dennis approaching. When they get close Wendy speaks first saying hello and I hope you don't mind our lack of suits. Both guys quickly answer that it's ok with them. The girls just smile and look both Wendy and Dennis up and down. They introduce themselves as Tim and Joe. Tim is muscular and tan. Joe is skinny and has a beard. The girls are Jane and Sally. Jane has short dirty blonde hair. An average figure and is wearing a modest multicolored bikini. Sally also has an average figure and has the same hair color, just longer. She is wearing a neon pink bikini; they both appear to have C cup breasts.

They tell Wendy and Dennis this is their regular spot when they come to the lake. Most days they are alone except holiday weekends when tons of people are on the lake. Wendy asks if they usually wear suits or do they like to skinny dip in the cove. Tim jokes that they do sometimes after a few drinks when the girls loosen up. Sally says to Tim, "I don't see you getting naked now either until you are 4 or 5 beers in." Tim replies, really and stands up and drops his trunks before sitting back down. Dennis notices Wendy checking out his package. He grabs his beer and says, "See no problem or shyness here." Joe, Sally and Jane look at each other deciding what to do next. Sally makes the next move removing her bikini top. Then Joe drops his trunks and finally Jane removes her bikini top. Tim looks at the girls and says to them that they are only half way there. Sally relents and removes her bottoms but Jane remains sitting.

Dennis and Wendy say see you later and head back down the beach before getting in the water heading back to the boat. When the water is at Dennis' mid chest and Wendy's neck and they are ready to swim the rest of the way to the boat Wendy stops Dennis and puts her arms around his neck and her legs around his body. They start to make out. This has Dennis beginning to get hard and Wendy reaches down under the water with one hand to stroke his cock until it is fully erect. She then slides down slightly and Dennis enters her. They start to fuck slowing keeping time with the small waves in the lake. Wendy continues kissing Dennis while he holds her by her ass to control their movements. Wendy stops kissing and puts her tongue in his ear, then down to his neck. Dennis has never had anyone do that before but it feels erotic and he quickens his pace. As he continues to pump into her faster and faster she sucks on his neck creating a hickey. It isn't long before they both are ready to climax and as Wendy starts to cum she yells out YES! Once Dennis has released his load into her he holds her tight against his body while they both come down and their breathing returns to normal. He releases her and she unwraps her legs from around him. With a nod and a smile they both swim the short distance to the boat and climb aboard. Gloria is now sitting in a deck chair next to Tiffany and Vanessa is again on her belly tanning her back.

Tiffany asks if the other couples seem nice and Wendy says yes. Tiff says to Wendy that it appears she talked them into losing most of their swimwear. Wendy tells her about the banter between Tim and Sally and how it convinced 3 of them to get nude. Tiff then asks why it seemed to take so long to get from the shore to the boat. Her smirk tells Dennis and Wendy that she already knows so they look at each other and shrug. Dennis says he noticed trails going off into the trees and maybe he will explore one in a few minutes. Tiffany asks if he wants company but before he can reply Vanessa looks up and says it sounds like fun to her. Vanessa gets up and drains the remainder of her drink and grabs Dennis's hand and pulls him up and out of his chair. He chugs the rest of his beer and follows her to the edge of the boat. They jump into the water and head to shore. Once there they take each other's hand and walk towards the closest trail off to the right. They hear splashing and look back at the boat to see the other 3 girls are now swimming around next to the boat.

They start up the trail and soon cannot see the boat or the girls in the water. They stroll along the trail making small talk. Vanessa tells Dennis that she was nervous at first when she went topless at the canyon but now she feels comfortable being nude here at the lake. She asks if he has enjoyed his time at the lake and he tells her it has been amazing. He was expecting to hear from Amber and was surprised to be invited by Tiffany. She tells him it is apparent that Wendy has the hots for him. Dennis admits that she is sexy and fun but that he is just going with the flow and trying not to get too attached to anyone at this time.

They come to a grassy clearing and Vanessa suggests they sit and rest and enjoy the sun. They then lay back on the ground looking up in the sky. Vanessa asks Dennis if he thinks she is a pretty as Wendy. He tells her they are both beautiful in their own ways and who is prettier depends on what any guy likes the most. If he is into big boobs then they would be drawn to Wendy but if they are looking for a beautifully proportioned body with great legs and ass then definitely her. She asks Dennis which he prefers. He tells her he is generally a boob guy but he has been drawn to her ever since they got on the boat. She tells him thanks. She is not looking for a new relationship with just breaking up but with what has been going on with the other girls she is jealous and horny. He tells her he can fix the horny part and reaches over to fondle her breast they brings his mouth to one while caressing the other. He continues to suck and fondle her breasts, then moves down kissing her belly and then down to her pussy lips. She spreads her legs wide and he dives directly into her pussy with his tongue. He licks up and down stopping to lick and suck her clit. He can tell she is really turned on by the wetness he is feeling on his face. He continues to give her clit extra attention while inserting a finger into her dripping wet pussy.

She tells him to stop and gets out from under him. Then pushing him onto his back she hungrily attacks his dick with her warm mouth. She sucks him off while playing with his balls. As her head bobs up and down she takes him deeper and deeper into her mouth. She is soon deep throating him on every bob. He tells her he is about to cum and asks where she wants it. She stops sucking his dick and says on my face and chest. He gets up and grabs his rod and strokes it pointing at her face. He starts to shoot his load onto her face then towards her breasts. She licks her lips and reaches up and finishes milking him. He sits down next to her and kisses her softly telling her how wonderful that felt. He tells her he never shot his load at someone's face before. She said she never had it done and her ex always wanted to and she refused and this was her way of spiting him. Dennis is limp and both are covered in sweat and Vanessa with cum. She suggests going to the lake to wash off. They get up and turn towards the path back to the lake when they see movement.


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