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Lap Dance Joke Gone Wrong

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Stripper joke leads to straight guy being used as a girl.
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I got a call from my cousin Pete. He is my cousin from the wealthy side of the family, whereas, I am from the poorer side of the family.

Pete invited me to a frat party at his college. He goes to a real college. It is a very prestigious university and people from all over the world go there. You would recognize the name if I told you, but, I probably shouldn't do that.

I go to a junior college, which is small, ugly and everyone there is local.

I was elated to be invited to Pete's fraternity party, until I realized he had an ulterior motive. There was a catch. I had to buy drugs for the party.

"That's fucking insulting, Pete." I said.

"You think that just because my parents are not as rich as yours, that I hang out with criminals and know where to buy drugs? I have no fucking idea where to buy drugs. I don't do drugs!" I yelled at him.

"Listen, calm down, bro! You go to a junior college, right? Just ask around; someone will know. Look, I've got an incentive for you to sweeten the pot. I'm going to hook you up with a girl, Denise, she's a horny rich girl with a soft spot for working class dudes like you. If you tell her you are poor and party of the oppressed disenfranchised class, she'll suck your dick as her way of giving charity to the underprivileged. What do you say? Come on, bro, we'll make you an honorary member of our fraternity." He said.

I hate to admit it, but, I was a 19-year old virgin, and the idea of finally losing my virginity was an offer I could not refuse.

"Fine, but, if you are lying about the girl. I'll send a couple of junior college thugs to break your legs. I'm not kidding." I said, trying to sound like I was a thug.

"Dude, I know Denise will like you, but, if she doesn't, there are college girls here that work on the side as high-class escorts to pay for their expensive ivy league tuition. One way or another, I promise to get you laid." He said.

"You better." I warned.

We talked about the drugs they wanted for the party, but, I'll leave that part out of my story out, so as not to incriminate myself.

I called Charlie. He is a big black kid in my intro to philosophy class. We have talked a few times and studied together in the library. I helped him to understand Socrates and Plato.

Charlie lives in the black ghetto part of town. I hoped he would not take offense to me asking him where to buy drugs.

"Hey Charlie, what's up?" I asked.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"It's Tim, from intro to philosophy class." I told him.

"Hey Tim, what's up?" I could tell he was surprised to hear from me. We had exchanged numbers when we studied together, but, neither of us had ever called the other.

"Charlie, please don't think I'm an asshole for asking you this." I paused.

"Do you know where I can buy drugs?" I asked.

"You know, I should kick your ass for the insinuation! That is so fucking racist! You think every black guy has drug connections?" He said in a very pissed off tone.

"No, Charlie, it's not like that. I'm sorry, man. Just forget I asked." I said, and I was about to hang up the phone, but I heard him bust out laughing. He said, "I'm just busting your balls."

I explained to him about my cousin Pete and the drugs they asked me to get for their frat party.

"Look Tim, I don't do drugs, and I don't know off the top of my head where to buy them. But, if you want to come over to my neighborhood, I can help you look for them. There used to be drugs dealers in every street corner here, but, it's cleaned up a lot. I'm sure there are still drug dealers, but, we may have to spend a while looking for them."

"Charlie, thanks man! I'll come by in about an hour." I said.

Charlie gave me directions to take the bus to his house.

I had to get cash using a credit card, but, Pete promised to pay me a 10% commission on top of the price of the drugs.

I rode the bus, and as I was getting closer to Charlie's neighborhood, I noticed that there were less and less white people, until I was the only white person in the bus. No one threatened me in any way, but, I was glad Charlie had offered to pick me up at the bus station.

Charlie was a big black guy, the kind of guy you want to stand by your side in a rough neighborhood. He was taller than 6 feet, and had big solid muscles. He had been a football player in high school. In contrast, I am a short skinny white guy. He is at least 6 inches taller than me.

When I finally got to Charlie's stop, I looked around, and there he was waiting for me, smiling.

"Bet you never been to the black ghetto before." He said.

I looked around and said, "It doesn't look so tough. They make it look a lot scarier in the movies." I said.

"Well, wait until it gets dark." He said, but, I couldn't tell if he was joking.

We spent the next two hours going from one person to the next asking about drug dealers, but, we found none.

Despite the disappointment of not finding a dealer, it was a lot of fun to hang out with Charlie. He told me interesting and funny stories about people that lived in his neighborhood. He knew everyone and appeared to be well liked in the neighborhood. He was smooth with the girls and I thought I could learn a lot from hanging out with him.

"Man, who thought it would be this hard to find drugs in the ghetto?" I said kidding around.

"It's really cleaned up a lot." He said. "It used to be bad about ten years ago." He replied.

"I know one guy that will know for sure where to get drugs, but, he works at the airport and will not be back for another hour. You want to hang out at my crib in the meantime?" He said.

"Sure." I replied.

Charlie's apartment was in an old building, but, I was very impressed to see the inside of his apartment. The living room had classy furniture and decorations, and an expensive-looking high-tech entertainment system.

"How can you afford all this, Charlie." I asked him.

He looked down. "Look, you can't tell anyone about this, okay?" He said. "Yeah, sure." I replied.

"It's not that I am ashamed or anything. This is really my sister's apartment. She is a stripper and makes a shit load of money. She is very pretty and the girl knows how to hustle. Right now she is a featured dancer in a new club that just opened in Vegas. She's probably make like five gees in just a week." He explained.

"Nothing wrong with being a stripper." I said.

"I love her, she's a good girl, and she's letting me live with her until I graduate from junior college, and then, I'll probably move out of state to go to a four-year university." He explained.

He turned on the sound system and put on some hip hop music. Even though hip hop was not my type of music, it sounded pretty good.

Charlie pulled out some beers from the fridge. I sat on the couch and Charlie started dancing to the music. He was a good dancer.

"Oh, you want to see something? I'm going to show you something, just wait here." He said.

I waited for about ten minutes and then he came out dressed in a stripper outfit. He looked ridiculous and I burst out laughing.

"My sister has quite the collection of stripper outfits." He said.

He danced imitating a stripper, and it was hilarious to see this big, muscular black guy in a tiny skirt, panties and tank top dancing like a stripper.

He came close to me and said in a fake feminine voice, "Aren't you going to tip me, big guy?"

"It would be my honor." I said and pulled out a couple of dollars and put them in his leg garter.

Then, he sat on my lap, but, he was crushing me, so I yelled, "I'll tip you to get the fuck off me!"

Charlie was hilarious, I don't remember when I laughed this much, and, the beer was giving me a buzz.

He did a lot of different stripper dance imitations, and then, he got tired, and sat down.

"Come here." He said.

I followed him to the closet in his sister's room. She had a big walk-in closet and the whole closet was full of sexy lingerie and stripper outfits.

"Wow!" I said in amazement. "I wish I could see your sister in these outfits!" I said.

He looked at me pretending to be mad, and then, he made a masturbation gesture. "So you could jerk off?" He said.

I touched some of the lingerie and stripper outfits. They felt so silky and sensual.

Charlie said, "It's my turn to be the customer and your turn to be the stripper."

I thought to myself, why not? Charlie did it and it was just funny; not gay in any way.

Charlie changed back to his clothes and waited for me in the living room.

I looked at all the nice outfits in the closet and finally picked a red spandex mini dress with cut out sides. I put it on and a g-string underneath and stared at the mirror. Not bad, I thought.

My legs were hairy, but, I was not about to shave them for some silly game. So instead, I found opaque black tights with neon pink fishnet design print on them, that concealed my hairy legs.

It felt weird putting on girl clothes, but, I wanted to put on a good show. I wanted to show Charlie I could be hilarious, too.

There were many shoes on the floor. I tried on black platform boots and they fit me well. I was about five inches higher with the heels, but, I had no idea how to walk.

Last, I grabbed a short pink wig.

I looked in the mirror and was impressed at myself. I just needed some lipstick, and there was plenty of lipstick in the bathroom.

Damn! I looked hot! It was easy to look like a girl with my small and thin body type. I was confident that I would do a much better stripper impersonation than Charlie!

When I finally came out to the living room, I could see Charlie's jaw drop.

I could barely walk in the platform heels, but, I tried my best stripper dance moves and Charlie laughed hysterically.

After a couple of songs, I walked over to Charlie, lifted up my dress to show him my leg garter and asked him for a tip.

"Hi handsome, you got something to give me?" I said pointing my garter.

"I've got a twenty for you,... if,... you sit on my lap." He said with a wink and we both laughed. He actually put a twenty dollar bill on my leg garter.

He pulled me down and I sat on his lap, facing away from him.

"Admit it. I make a better stripper than you." I said, bragging.

"Yeah, I'll admit it. Maybe my sister can get you a job." He said.

I was glad to be sitting on his lap, because the heels were killing my feet.

But, then, I felt his erection and I jumped up off him in shock!

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What the fuck! You're getting a hard on!" I told him.

"So what, man! Don't get all homophobic on me!" He said.

He added, "You look like a girl, that's all. Don't read nothing homosexual into it."

I stood there not knowing what to do. I was stunned! I had not anticipated that my stripper impersonation would cause this awkward situation!

"Sit back down." He said pointing to his lap.

"No!" I said.

"Sit back down." He said with a more emphasis and dominance.

"Hell no!" I said with equal emphasis.

"Alright, then, you have to leave." He said angry.

"Why?" I asked, not wanting to leave. The truth was I was really having a good time hanging out with Charlie.

"Because, you come out looking like this, and, then you pretend to act surprised that I respond physically to it." He said in frustration. "I hate girls that tease and then leave you horny and frustrated!" He complained.

"Dude! I'm not a girl!" I said, surprised to have to state the obvious.

"All I am asking you to do is sit on my lap for five minutes." He said.

I was confused. "Why do you want me to sit on your lap for five minutes?" I asked.

"Cause it felt good having you sit on my lap. You look so much like a real stripper and your body even feels like a girl. I just need five minutes, and, after five minutes, I'll go to the bathroom to rub one out."

I was not comfortable with this request, but, I saw the sexual tension and frustration in Charlie's face. I had gotten Charlie really horny. It was weird, awkward, and gross, but, part of me was also flattered.

I started to feel, like maybe, I was responsible for this predicament. After all, I had looked at myself in the mirror before stepping out into the living room, and, I had seen in the mirror how hot I looked. What had I been thinking when I purposely made myself look this feminine and sexy? God, that was so stupid!

I finally reached the conclusion that this was just a joke gone terribly wrong, and, Charlie was a victim of my stupidity! I could not resent him for being turned on by the hot little stripper that I had created.

"Fine" I said. "I'll keep playing for another five minutes. But, that is it! I mean it!" I said emphatically.

I told myself it would be okay. Charlie would get some stimulation from feeling my weight on his junk, then, when his engine was all revved up, he would run to the bathroom to jerk off. There would be no real harm from this, only some humiliation that Charlie had used me like that. But, you know what? I've survived other humiliations in my life. I'll get over this, I thought.

Charlie was a cool guy and I wanted to keep him as as my friend. I'll do this only little favor for him to help him get off. I kept telling myself that it is not such a big deal.

When I sat down, I could feel Charlie's boner more than before, even though we had layers of clothes between us. I felt it rising. It was big, thick and long. I felt it twitching under my ass. I was repulsed, but, I had already promised him five minutes.

Charlie put his hands on my waist, and then, on back of my neck. I pulled his hands away from my body, but, they just kept coming back to my body. I sighted. Whatever. It is just for five more minutes.

I would never admit it, but, after a few minutes it felt nice to be touched on my back, and specially, the back of my neck. The next thing that happened was even more shocking than everything else that had happened up to this point. I felt my own dick twitching and stiffening.

Fuck! Charlie cannot notice my dick getting hard. He would think I am enjoying this humiliation and that I am a homosexual! I tried to think about sports and homework to kill my boner.

Then, I realized that Charlie was subtly moving his hips in a grinding motion on my ass.

"It's been five minutes." I said and began to get up.

"No, please, please." Charlie pleaded. "Just a few more minutes, and then, I'll rub one out in the bathroom. I promise." He said.

He added, "My girlfriend broke up with me about two weeks ago and I haven't been with a girl since then. I've been so fucking horny, and, you look so hot right now!"

I did not know what to do. I wanted to be cool and understanding, but, I was feeling very uneasy. It was so humiliating to be used like this, but, I relented and remained on his lap. He whispered, "Thank you."

I felt him slowly and subtly grinding on me. I wanted to protest, but, I said nothing.

He continued to stroke the back of my neck and my shoulders.

Suddenly, he said to me "You're getting aroused, aren't you?"

"Fuck no! This is the most humiliating thing I have ever done!" I protested.

But, he reached his hand down to feel my stiff dick. He said, "That's a small dick, but, its hard as a rock. You're fucking loving this!"

"It is just a physical response to being touched like that. Basic human biological response. I'm not gay!" I yelled at him.

"If you stopped resisting and were more open minded to things, we could have an incredibly good time." He said gently stroking my ear. "It does not mean we're homos if we just try something one time. People experiment in college, you know." He said.

I was highly aroused at this point and wanted to give in to him so bad. But, I can't, I told myself. I could not let Charlie use me like a girl.

"Let me just rub it between your ass cheeks. That's all, I swear!" He said, sounding very desperate.

I wanted to scream, "No!" and run out of there. But, the alcohol and Charlie's hands on my body had made me very weak. I felt lightheaded.

"No!" I said trying to sound strong. But, I did not move away. "I don't know." I said in a softer voice.

Charlie understood. I could not say 'yes', but, I would not stop him. He knew he had won the battle.

He lifted my ass with his big strong hands. He pulled down his pants. He pulled up my dress. He peeled off my tights and panties.

Then, I sat back down on his lap again. Now, there was nothing separating his skin from my skin. I felt a baseball bat rising defiantly between my ass crack.

He moved his hips so that his cock sled up and down my butt crack. I felt it get wet and slippery and I heard Charlie breathing hard and moaning behind me, near my ear.

This was so disgusting! Yet, I was getting so turned on. It was so surreal.

His moaning and groaning got louder. I was probably also moaning at this point.

"Rub your clit so we can cum together." he said.

"My clit?" I asked.

"Haven't you ever watched porn? The girl rubs her clit to make herself cum at the same time as the man." He explained.

"But, I don't have a clit." I said. "Oh, you mean my dick is my clit?" I asked.

"What else do you call something so tiny." He said.

I should have been insulted, but instead, it turned me on in a weird way that he referred to my dick a clit.

When I started stroking my dick at the same time that Charlie teased my ass crack, my state of arousal escalated rapidly. I was breathing hard and moaning.

"Want to feel just the tip of my cock inside you?" He asked.

"No!" I said emphatically. Then, I said, "I don't know. Maybe."

Charlie understood, again. I wanted to say 'yes,' but, I couldn't.

"If you want me to stop at any point, I will." He said, like a gentleman.

He spat on his hand and rubbed the spit on my pucker. He probably did not need to do that, because I felt his slippery pre-cum all over my ass.

I felt something the size of a golf ball being forced up my rectum!

"Ohhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! " I screamed in pain!

"oh my God! I just lost my virginty." I told him.

"Really?" He smiled and pulled his cock out of me. My ass made a little popping noise.

Then, he pushed the tip of his cock into me again. He pulled out and pushed back in a number of time. It hurt each time going in, but, started to feel very good when it was inside.

"Deeper." I said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes, just a little deeper." I told him.

Charlie sank his shaft about an inch deeper, and I gasped and groaned.

"How much of your dick is inside me?" I asked Charlie.

"About two inches, I think." He said.

"Let me have two more inches." I said.

"You sure?" He said surprised.

"Yes, but hold on. Let me take a deep breath... Now." I said.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!! Fuck!!" I said. That did hurt.

Charlie was thrusting slowly. I could hear his heart beating wildly and his hard breathing. He would not last much longer.

My back arched by itself and Charlie put his big right hand around my neck. This made me so horny!

I had come this far, and, I became determined to go all the way.

In between my hard breathing, I asked him, "Charlie, how much of your cock is inside me now?"

He answered, "About half, I guess."

I couldn't believe it! I felt like I had a freight train going in my rectum and so fucking deep inside me, and it was ONLY HALF-WAY IN? Fuck!

"Charlie, I want all of it inside me." I whispered to him. This would either hurt me so bad that I would never try this again, or, if I liked it, I would have to accept the fact that I was gay and loved big, long, fat cocks.

Charlie put his hands on my waist. "I'm not sure we should do that the very first time. We should probably take it easy." He said.

"Do it!" I commanded.

"Okay, I'm going to do it very slowly and you can stop me any time... Ready?"

"Yes." I whispered.


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