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Lara & Adonis Ch. 02

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Lara begins to settle into her title and Adonis.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/09/2011
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**So I still haven't found an Editor! But I could really really use one. Please anyone out there willing to give out some crazy mad editing skills would be greatly appreciated! So for now I'm sorry for any and all grammar or punctuation errors :(


Chapter 2


The sound of chatter and laughter in the tent woke me up; wiping the sleep from my eyes I found Celeste and the other young girl whose name I still didn't know rolling fabrics and others of my supposed belongings into trunks.

Stretching out in the furs I found Adonis to be gone, I couldn't help but smile in relief the sexual tension he gave me was beginning to be too hard to bare.

"My Queen Lord Adonis went for a run and said for you to be ready to move camp when he returned" I scoffed what was with this guy's ego? I won't be told what to do

I stood "oh yeah? Well he can shove it" the two girls gasped. The tent look cleaned out there was really nothing left in it but the ostentatious makeshift bed. I turned to the young girl "I want my shirt and jeans" she looked at me like I had lost my mind.

Celeste shook her head "Lady Lara the outside world is not permitted to mix with our way of lifestyle"

I could help the dry laugh escaped my mouth "Really? Well that the funniest thing I've heard since being here well except for being here" they both had dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"And why is that m'lady?" a deep voice asked from the opening of the tent I turned and found Cael smirking at the young girl.

"That's an obvious question Cael because seeing that I am from the outside world I obviously do not belong here" my words were harsh and cold but I couldn't help my void of emotion. I hated this, it was like being trapped at the renaissance fair and I hate the renaissance fair. I turned back to the young girl who was giving googley eyes at Cael turning quickly I found Cael doing the exact same.

"What is your name?" I ask nodding to the young girl.

She smiled brightly and bowed "Lucida Utley my Lady I am the Kings Handmaid and Celeste is my mine" Celeste face redden at that turning to Cael he smiled and bowed "Caelden Vermouth m'lady second in command and the Kings closest friend and advisor.

"Why do you live like this? I mean just outside that forest line lies modernized civilization" I smiled at my sarcastic tone. Cael opened his mouth to answer me but Celeste beat him to it.

"Because the outside world is tainted and has tainted our blood once before Lady Lara, you see centuries ago an ancestor to King Adonis's known as King Damonte grew restless in his fortune and his kingdom. You see King Damonte could not find a were he loved to be his mate and when a werewolf of royal blood does not find a mate they fade. So to find one elders say he traveled here and set up a kingdom. Many say it is because of the loneliness that they lose who the really are and go crazy, werewolves Lady Lara are family and pack orientated we love our young and mates and will do anything to protect them and without the connection of a mate we become restless."

I couldn't help but be caught up and engrossed by the story "what happened to Damonte?" I asked in a whisper.

Celeste smirked "late one afternoon King Damonte came across a human maiden in his river bathing herself many say he knew she was his mate when he heard her humming but the poor King had been alone for far too long" she paused and raised her eyebrow.

I averted my eyes to the floor feeling embarrassed for the girl.

"He raped her in that river and claimed her as his mate of course she hated him for taking her in such a way and also away from her village and her family not to mention the man she was betrothed to the man she truly loved. But she got her revenge on the King and his people." confused I looked over at Lucida whose face was bright red.

I watched as Celeste sauntered over to the flap and exited the tent I looked around and found it to be completely empty.

Lucida sighed and walked over to a trunk digging through it she turned and held out a beautiful white gown that puddled at the bottom to me, the fabric shimmered in the light I shook my head lightly "um no I don't want to wear that" her face perplexed for a split second than it washed clean with an Ah Ha look.

She turned to the trunk and dug for a few seconds more til she pulled out a gorgeous deep purple dress even more lavish than the white one.

I huffed "do you have any pants in that trunk of yours?" she laughed and nodded "yes Madam I do but they are for the King."

I pinched the bridge of my nose feeling the beginnings of a headache I would have for the rest of my freaking renaissance life.


"Are we ready to move camp?" I asked as I watch some of the men struggle with the spikes in the ground.

Cael shook his head "afraid not sire m'lady had just woken and you quarters where just cleaned the men are having trouble shaking off last night."

He turned and continued to yell at some of the younger men who were not on their job.

I turned to leave when Cael caught my arm "Sir, Celeste told her the story of Damonte and Lady Bellanita" a few of the men gasped at hearing her name.

Cael and I walked closer to my tent only to stop a few feet short.

"Why? did Lara ask to hear of my history?" I just didn't understand Celeste's' reasoning to tell such a horrible story, no wolf would want to hear that let alone tell it to pass the time.

Cael passively shrugged his shoulders while running his hands through his sandy blonde hair "I would say to scare her, King Damonte went through the fade and that's a story that's bound to scare anyone."

My head was beginning to pound "I want camp ready to move within the hour and I will deal with Celeste." Cael shook his head at my statement but bowed submissively.

"Of course sire" and with that he turned ordering the men to work quicker.

Turning back to the tent I could help but move closer to the entrance and listen in on Lara and Luc talking.

"Lucida are you a ... a maiden?" Lara's voice cracked I couldn't help but smile I could just see the embarrassment redden her cheeks.

"Yes my lady I am, most if not all handmaids are, if I may ask why."

Lara laughed and I smiled.

"I was ... well I was hoping maybe you could give me some pointers on well pleasuring a man" she laughed even more at that.

"Well I may be able to make a dress but guys are my grey area I fear."

I threw the flap back and they gasped wide-eyed at me, I arched my brow at them "what is it? Have I something on my face?"

In unison they shook their heads "good than, Luc go on and help Cael" she bowed respectively and left us.

Lara opened her mouth to speak but said nothing I smiled at her embarrassment, she gasped and closed her mouth.

Sighing I took a step towards her "I hear that Celeste told you about my ancestors Damonte and Bellanita" she stiffly nodded her neck while she became seemingly interested with the floor.

"Would you like to hear the real version?" I'd made my way right in front of her and watched as she bit her bottom lip and nodded looking up at me through her thick lashes.

I fought my urge to kiss her but instead I put space between her and me I smiled at her "take a seat than"

She sat on a trunk close to the bed "what did Celeste mean when she said Lady Bellanita 'got her revenge on the King and his people' did she hurt them?"

"Yes she did but not intentionally Lara, Lady Bellanita grew to loved Damonte and all of his people. Yes she was very angry with him for taking her and mating with her without her consent but once the mating act is complete it is hard not to love your mate."

She blushed and looked away from me, a strand of her brilliant auburn hair fell over her ear and in instinct I tucked it behind her ear.

Her cheeks burned and her arousal wafted through the air between us I couldn't help but breathe it in deeply. Her scent was ravishing and delicious like a sweet liquor and it only made me yearn for a taste.

My wolf involuntarily growled at the thought of being between her snowy white thighs, my chest rumbled again at the corrupt images flashing in my mind.

"Adonis?" her scared voice shattered my contemplation of whether she tasted as good as she looked. But right now in this moment she looked terrified of me I could help but wonder did she hear my wolf's growl or mine? It should have just sounded like me growling at her.

"I ... I am sorry it was ... well I do not know what came over me" I was still surprisingly aroused and painfully erect.

Staring at the bulge in my pants I smiled up at her cause her to stare at my tented pants, I could feel my wolf begging me to mate with her at least sexually a blood bond could wait it howled at me in plea.

Inhaling with my mouth I asked her "Lara did you hear him?" excitement tingled in me if she could faintly hear the wolf in me that would mean her mind and body was trying to adjust to mating with me and it that were the case ...

She sighed "it sounded like there's a dog trapped in you ... when you well y'know growled at me" she whispered 'growled' I couldn't help but smile at her.

Again her arousal invaded my nose causing me to shudder, was that it? All I needed to do was smile at her and she would desire me? I couldn't help but think that there would be much more smiling in the near future.

"It's no dog love, it is my wolf and he wants you to be mated to me I can control my urges but in if I were in wolf form right now I'd be between your thighs."

She opened her mouth to say something but stayed quiet instead she stood and smiled sweetly towards the flap of our tent, turning I found Celeste filthy her dress had rips in it and her a bite mark on her neck, her arm was in the firm grip of an older man his eyes glazed with furry still out of respect did not meet my gaze.

Lara spoke before I blew up on their intrusion to my quarters "Celeste what has happened to you?" she stepped forward to them.

But Celeste didn't speak instead Baron answered her "My lady forgive me for my disrespectful intrusion but I came to tell my King of the dishonorable thing the wretched woman has done."

I looked at Lara, this was her handmaid I mean, yes Celeste was Lucida assist and Luc was mine... but I gave them to Lara this was her problem really.

I smiled to myself glad they were still staring at Lara I will let her handle this.

"I am afraid Baron that Celeste is the queens' handmaid you may tell her" I waved my hand over her direction and enjoyed the startled look on her face but it was quickly composed as if she had a trick up her sleeve.

"Yes Baron tell me of what my handmaid has done" pride swelled in my chest at the authoritative person she became.

"M'lady I caught your handmaid with my son! The law clearly states that no wolf under the proper age can lawfully blood bond nor mate for the ill effects of a premature mating could harm the wolf-"

Our attention turned to Celeste as she piped up "but that is only in the female's case and I am well over the sanction age for mating Baron!"

"Celeste that is enough!" shocked that Lara actually yelled at her Celeste and well that Celeste had stop talking.

She turned and faced me "does this law say that?" I nodded my head "and is it bias toward the gender it effects?" I shook my head this time although we all knew it was rare for a male wolf to die from mating when he was too young it wasn't rare for the females.

She turned to them Baron's anger was simmering now and had let go of Celeste's arm, While Celeste stayed emotionless still.

Lara sighed "well than I'm guessing you are wanting her punished correct?"

Baron just simply nodded, I was actually excited to see how she'd finish this.

"Well I obviously cannot banish her or tell her to simply stay away from your son because of this blood bond so ..." she trailed of and quickly snapped her fingers.

"I got it!" pointing at Baron "I'm sure you have a farm or a field you work in with your son correct?" he nodded with an unsure face.

"Celeste I hereby free you from your services to me and permanently bind you to Baron and his family you are of course his sons mate and will be with him until he dies also you are to work and earn you way by the sweat of your brow from now on just as your mate does til your mate can provide for you or til Baron see fit"

I gasped along with Celeste she opened her mouth "Lady Lara please it was a mistake it only happened out of lust I ... I will never let it happen again I do not even love Lucius please show me some favor m'lady."

Celeste had dropped to her knees her cheeks stained with tears I wanted to bust out with laughter, did labored work really make the great Celeste cry and beg on her knees?

And I that I did snicker only to receive a glare from Lara, quickly I covered it with a cough.

"I am sorry Celeste but if I show you favor what is stopping the other males from thinking they can mating with young women when they are not physically ready and will receive favor from me or Adonis? I cannot let a pattern being here with you."

I looked at Barons smug face I knew exactly what he was thinking she wouldn't last a week his property was the largest out of them all which required the most work.

Celeste still sat kneeling before her queen crying I looked into Lara's face, she was wishing she could have just smacked her on the hand and sent Celeste on her way.

"Baron if you are satisfied with your queens ruling please take Celeste to her mate." He nodded pulling her up gently and tugging her along she was still crying her plea's at Lara.

When the flap finally closed Lara let out I sigh I moved to hold and comfort her I know she needed to hear that she had done the right thing with Celeste but my movements where stopped when the flap was opened again.

Anger washed through me I wanted to be alone with her and if we were interrupted again I would surely bite some one's head off.

Turning I found Cael and Lucida, hand in hand. Cael spoke as Luc left him to help Lara into her jacket it was winter time in our realm Apollinaris.

"Sire we are ready to move camp Altair is opening the gate" I nodded even though it was clearly a statement.

I turned and found Lara looking at me.

"So your kingdom is closer than you said? Did you lie to me?" I could hear the anger behind her accusation.

My wolf growling at her for submission and she must've heard because her eyes wash from anger to apologetic slightly showing me her neck in submission. She became seemingly interested in what Luc was talking about.

I couldn't help but smile soon we'd be home and I would bury myself in her, spill my seed in her womb and she would bear my children.

Soon we would be mated and she will love me like I love her... soon.

**again sorry for any errors guys!! I am pretty sure I have messaged at least a thousand editors but no one has sent me anything back :'( I am in dire need of one I KNOW!!! If you're interested please let me know!


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stripespuppystripespuppyover 9 years ago

Another good start, but you are jumpinh around to much. It's hard to follow to story. I found myself lost seve times and having to go back and reread parts. Try to read over the story a few times after you have finished the whole thing. It'll give you an idea of what needs to be added or changed a little better

Mellymell25Mellymell25over 12 years ago
Omg come on

With the next chapter

Lovingwriter22Lovingwriter22almost 13 years agoAuthor

I am planning on uploading another chapter I've been very busy with school midterms but I am uploading very soon I don't have internet access right now so I am getting everyone's emails the through my phoneI am getting everyone's feedback about how they are willing to be my editor and I'm very excited about that so I'm very sorry for the wait it won't be much longer I promise!

Also thank you so much for constructive criticism!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I got confused with how the story jumps it doesn't seem to flow. But overall it's a fine story congrats

MizTMizTalmost 13 years ago
I Agree

with the previous commenter, you did better on this chapter. I wish I could help w/an editor but I am in no way able to act as an editor for anyone. If I hear of anyone I'll pass your name on.

As for the story, I wish it were longer. Posting 1 page every month is going to make it hard for me to remember. I'm hoping that by having the character Adonis my brain will click much quicker. The story over all is interesting. I don't think I've come across anything like it before. So you get bonus points for creativity. I do look forward to the next chapter and I want to wish you much success as an author!

Mellymell25Mellymell25almost 13 years ago
you did better

I really am starting to love this story. But please make the the story other then that great work and looking foreward to the next chapter

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