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Lara and the Zombie Apocalypse Ch. 02

Story Info
Lara is tied up and stripped in front of her sibling.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/02/2017
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Dear Reader,

In this chapter, the Heroine is tied up, stripped and exhibited naked to her younger brother.

That is the synopsis of what you are about to read. If this ain't your cup of tea, please move on; I've just saved you from a 3500 word retelling of a one line sentence.

For those of you who still wish to proceed, thank you and please forgive my brashness.

You will find some:



and some form of nonconsensual/reluctant sex.

Please do not proceed any further if these subject matters offend you.

As always, your votes and comments are very much appreciated if they provide polite and constructive criticism...


While the trio was sleeping, the sickness that had overtaken the planet was spreading like a rapidly propagating virus. The packed metropolitan centers were the areas of highest concentration of carnage. Contamination and propagation were almost instantaneous. Rural areas with very low population density were spared some of the brunt of the epidemic for now. However, even small towns such as the one where Lara's folks lived were already seeing the effects of the horror.


When Lara woke up famished, she was physically sore and emotionally drained.

For now, the effects of the worldwide pandemic had only manifested themselves to her on a very personal level unrelated to the horrors spreading outside. In a matter of a few hours, Derrick had changed. He had thrown out all of societies norms and taken possession of his best's friends sister.

He had ruthlessly taken her several more times that first day while, unbeknownst to her, her brother Billy had peeked in through the open door.

The woman was thoroughly humiliated by the entire set of events that had unfolded.

An eighteen-year-old young man she had known since his childhood had stripped naked the thirty-year-old woman, exhibited her to her mentally challenged brother, and taken possession of her body.

Derrick had grown up alongside her younger brother.

He was young. He was family. He was not supposed to take charge and oversee the group.

He was not supposed to have seen her naked or to have taken control of her body.

He, certainly, was not supposed to have fucked her to multiple orgasms the way he had.

Lara hated herself and her body for the way it had responded.

She was educated enough to know that vaginal lubrication and even climax were physiological responses that were not necessarily associated with any form of consent.

But why did she experience so much pleasure from the terrible shame and humiliation?

Was it the taboo? Was it the fact that so many rules were being broken?

She did not seem to have any control over how her body reacted.

Should she be torturing herself for bodily reflexes that were outside of her control?

The problem was that Derrick did not care whether she was reluctantly fucking him or not.

He wanted to get himself off and the fact that Lara was cumming too was just an added bonus.

The problem was that Derrick was using her body's natural reaction to further entice additional shame and degradation out of her and, like a vicious self-perpetuating cycle, the more shame she felt the hornier she seemed to get.

The problem was that she had not even gotten out of bed yet and she was already burning up with shame and humiliation and these feeling where already making her sex hot and wet with desire.

After trying to get a grip on her irrational arousal, she slowly got up and went to take a long cold shower.

How was she going to face the boys?

What was the World turning into and how would the few survivors be behaving now? Should she try taking control of the group? How? Should she accept her new station in life? Should she run away?

She knew the answer to the last question. It was almost rhetorical. She would not survive outside of the fortified house. She would be an exposed pray to the zombies and to all kinds of danger.

The other questions would need further thought, examination and planning she reflected as she dried herself.

As she opened her travel bag, the sexual arousal that had subsided thanks to the cold shower returned with a vengeance. As she looked through her things, a burning sense of mortification took a hold of her and made the pulsating heat at the center of her most intimate flesh swell further.

Lara had not planned on an extended visit.

She was supposed to be in town for one night only.

She had packed lightly and was horrified to see that she owned only one pair of cotton panties, a bra, and one additional summer dress... nothing more.

Lara had not lived in this house in many years and had no other belongings that would fit her.

Billy's mom, her dad's second wife, was a tiny five-foot tall petite woman who loved to wear tight fitting wear, none of her clothes would ever fit the athletic frame of the five-foot-eight Lara.

Due to his stunted growth, Billy was not much taller than his mom and Lara's dad was a six-foot-four giant.

For as long as the zombies were in town, Lara would essentially be stuck with the clean summer dress that was in her luggage and the one she had worn into town the day before.

A good old pair of loose comfy jeans would have made her feel so much safer from the impulses of the testosterone filled Derrick.

She half-heartedly got dressed hoping that her flimsy cloths wouldn't stimulate his overactive sex-drive.

She quietly made her way down to the reinforced dark first floor.

The boys were trying to watch the News and she tiptoed around them towards the kitchen trying to avoid detection.

She was not ready to face them yet.

However, the boys had nothing to see; most TV channels were either off-line, showing an emergency advisory, or showing the events of the previous night's massacres in a loop.

They were quickly alerted of Lara's movements by the squeaks of the creaky wooden floor.

Lara turned as red as a tomato in an instant.

It was Billy.

"Little" mentally-challenged Billy who had not spoken in so many years.

Billy who was mostly unreactive to outside stimuli.

He was the one who had just turned to Lara and had immediately started undressing her with his eyes.

Lara's shame soared to new heights.

Apparently, Billy's response to her forced nudity and exhibition had not been a one-off event and he was now reacting to Lara's presence in the same sexually charged manner as he had the day before.

Lara scampered to the kitchen hoping that the boys would turn their attention back to the television.

For a few seconds, she thought that she would be left alone.

She switched on the neon lights and poured herself a bowl of cereal with milk.

The two young men entered the kitchen as she pulled a heavy wooden chair to sit.

Her heart sank.

"Hey Lara! How did you sleep last night?" asked Derrick with a crooked smile on his face.

She smiled back and brought her spoon to her mouth.

Maybe, if she played it cool, they would leave her alone.

"You know, I slept like a log," he continued.

Lara struggled to swallow her food as knots formed in her stomach.

"I think Billy slept well too. Right Billy?" he asked as he turned to him.

Billy nodded eagerly with a huge grin on his face.

"Wow!" thought Lara forgetting her torment for an instant. Billy had answered a direct question? That was a first.

Unfortunately, her happiness was cut short by Derrick's voice.

"Did you see that? Billy just answered my question. Isn't that amazing?" he commented.

"I wonder what has happened to him since yesterday. Do you remember what brought Billy back to us? What made him come out of his shell like that?" he probed and prodded.

Lara started fidgeting in her chair.

The utter degradation was making her feverish and Billy was unwittingly at the heart of it.

"You know what I think? I think that it was your naked titties that did it. Right Billy?" he inquired.

Again, Billy nodded with a huge smile on his face.

Lara jumped up and sprinted toward the stairs. She did not like where the conversation was headed. She wanted to go back to her room and put a door between the two boys and herself.

Derrick caught up to her in a flash.

They wrestled for a few minutes as they had done the previous day.

Again, the fight had been lost before it had begun.

Despite her five-foot-eight stature, Derrick's massive towering body was no match for Lara.

He had once again lifted her by holding her arms high up above her head thus forcing her to stand on the ball of her feet.

"Please! Derrick! Let me go! What are you doing? Let me go!" she pleaded with him.

"Come on L! You want to cure your Billy, don't you? Who knew? All this time and all you had to do was flash him your tits. Now that's a heck of a cure, am'a right?" he teased.

Lara stared at him in silence. She could not believe what he was saying, what he seemed to be suggesting.

"You just need to strip and walk around naked for a little bit. That's all. Think of Billy... It's for him," he offered with the look of the cat who had swallowed the canary.

"No! He is my brother! Let me go! I can't do that! It's not allowed! It's so taboo! It's just not right! Let go of me!" she screamed.

Derrick looked at her amused.

"Oh well, if you are not gonna cooperate... I think I've a solution for that," he replied.

Derrick forced Lara once again towards the main staircase in the entrance hall of the farm house.

The young woman was being led with her arms stretched above her head towards the wooden handrail of the stairs.

Derrick pulled his leather belt from his pants and tied her hands above her head to the banister.

She was now standing on her toes tied up like an animal with very limited freedom of movement.

Derrick stood in front of her as Billy stepped in after them.

"Hey Billy, Did you like to see Lara naked yesterday? Do you want to see her again? Wasn't Lara so pretty?" he asked to his friend.

Billy nodded his head with a beaming smile.

Billy was happy. Billy loved Lara.

He started clapping and jumping up and down with excitement.

Lara could not believe what was happening.

She looked to Billy.

"No Billy! This is wrong. You cannot see me again. What happened yesterday cannot happen again. You cannot look at me naked. I am your big sister," she implored him.

Billy reacted right away with a sad frown on his face.

He clearly understood what she was saying and it made him sad.

Lara was shocked to see him react to her dialogue in such a manner. His mental capacity and emotions had certainly evolved overnight. The eighteen-year-old who had been mostly stoic, nearly catatonic, was showing a widening palette of emotions. The man who had remained impassive and pokerfaced for so many year was becoming very emotional and she was not used to it.

Though he was starting to interact again with the outside world, his emotions, feelings and reactions were very rudimentary. Unbeknownst to the two "neurotypicals", the connections in his brain were starting to heal but it would take much more time before his attitude would resemble that of a healthy young man.

Derrick noticed the emotional changes too and jumped into the conversation.

"Don't worry Billy... let her talk... I am going to make you happy right now!" he hollered enthusiastically.

At these words, Derrick walked over to Lara and grabbed the cotton fabric of her dress with his powerful hands.

He pulled it away from her until the material became taut as it stretched.

He kept on pulling and the light fabric began to rip in strips.

"Stop! Derrick! Please! Derrick can't see this. It's wrong. Stop it! Stop it now!" snapped Lara.

The dress fell in bits and pieces as Derrick kept on pulling and tearing.

Lara was mortified as she felt more of her body being forcibly exhibited with each passing second.

Soon the dress was in rags at her feet as she stood in her underwear in front of the boys.

Billy was beaming with glee.

"Billy! Be nice! Go to your room. You can't look at me like this. You are making me so sad! You are hurting my feelings!" said Lara.

And again, Billy's features turned sad and disappointed.

Derrick got mad at these words.

He realized how susceptible his buddy was becoming.

Any negative word from Lara had the power to alter Billy's demeanor.

Though he had shown amazing progress overnight, he could not yet handle all the new emotions that were coursing through his healing, diminished brain.

Derrick grabbed off the floor one of the long strips of the torn fabric. He bunched it into a ball and stuffed it into Lara's mouth, he tied another around her face to secure the gag in place.

He used a final strip of cloth to blindfold the blond.

Now, she would not even be able to communicate her disprovable to the fragile impressionable mind of the stunted man.

"Here we are buddy! She won't be mean to you anymore!" he exclaimed.

He walked over to an arm chair and dragged it a few feet away from Lara.

"Here, sit down Billy... Let's have some fun!" he added.

Lara was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, she was blind and mute.

Derrick began teasing her cruelly and mercilessly.

He silently got close to her and started touching her, caressing her and tickling her intermittently on various parts of her body.

Lara never knew where he would touch her next.

She kept on jumping and moving away from his hand but her mobility was limited. She could not avoid his teasing touch.

He was toying with her, mocking her, humiliating her and, like a traitor, her body was being set ablaze.

The heat of arousal was coursing through her veins with renewed fervor.

"RIP! RIP!" went her undergarments as Derrick tore them easily.

In an instant, she was nude in front of the two young men.

She was tied up with her hands above her head in all her glory.

The five-eight blonde's athletic body was stretched, it was made rigid and taut by the pull on her limbs. Her beautiful C-cup sized breasts were being displayed unabashedly by the position of her arms being forcibly raised in the air.

She felt so completely exposed, so fully exhibited without any recourse for modesty.

And again, her mind was screaming:

"Stop! Ugh! Don't look! Ugh! Why am I so horny? Not in front of Billy..."

Due to the gag in her mouth she had started struggling for air.

Her heart was pounding in her chest.

But this time Derrick would not be taking her up to the bedroom, she would not be removed from this embarrassing experience, she would not be fucked to mind-melting orgasms, not right then anyway.

This time her mentally challenged brother had a front-row seat to her nudity, a first-row ticket into her degrading arousal.

"NOOOO!" she screamed pointlessly into her gag as Derrick inserted his index in her over-lubricated sex.

She was already dripping wet and the penetration was smooth, effortless and frictionless.

He removed his digit as quickly as he had introduced it.

"Billy, you sit here! You don't move! You watch Lara! I'm gonna be gone for a little bit. I gotta see what's going on today with the zombies. You watch your sister, but no touching, OK?" he ordered.

Billy nodded affirmatively as the man made his way up the stairs.

"No touching!" shouted Derrick as he leapt through the second-floor windows.

Just like that, Lara was left tied-up, naked, hands above her head, in front of her dim-witted younger sibling.

"Nooo! Not naked in front of Billy!" she thought in despair.

As the room fell silent, her head began spinning with all the emotions coursing through her mind and body.

Why was she naked in front of her younger brother? It was humiliating. It was wrong. The shame was suffocating her. Yet, why was she so sexually aroused by this degradation?

The pounding rhythm of her heartbeat in her ears was deafening and added to her confusion as her mind was splintering in all directions.

"Hhh!...Hhh!...Hhh!" Lara kept on panting in her cloth gag as she breathed through her nose with difficulty.

She could not see, she could not talk, and her mind was so confused that she could not really concentrate to hear what Billy was up to.

The only sense that seemed to work was her sense of touch.

Her body was ablaze and hyper sensitive, it only seemed to exacerbate the shameful feelings of being exhibited.

She could not stand still. She was moving and trembling as she felt the rays of the sun on her erect nipples. Dangling on her toes, she kept on shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Attached precariously, she was dancing in the sunlight. The celestial heat was caressing every inch of her exposed skin.

Billy sat in silence mesmerized by the display in front of him.

Lara was so beautifully bare.

Her body was throbbing and heaving as she dangled all her womanly charms in front of him.

For the second time in as many days, his member swelled to a powerful erection in his pants.

This time, however, he was alone with Lara seated calmly on a comfortable armchair.

This new excitement that he had never experienced prior to yesterday grew and swelled to a fevering pitch.

Without really knowing the reasons why, he felt the need to free his rigid penis from its confines.

As his sister kept on moaning and panting into her gag, he removed his pants and started beating off for the first time in his life.

Lara could not know for sure what was happening.

How long had she been tied up like this now?

Where was Billy and what was he up to?

She had trouble balancing her body as it swung in an unstable position. The flood of overwhelming emotions was making her quiver and tremble.

She tried to still herself. She attempted to get her breathing under control. She concentrated to hear past the thunderous beats of her heart but alas she could not.

Billy was too quiet as he began discovering the great pleasures of masturbation.

Lara's mind began working overtime imagining all the possibilities of what her sibling could be thinking as she stood nude in front of him.

Invariably, the lust filled stare he had given her led her to visualize sexually charged images.

He was playing with himself and she knew it.

As her body kept on writhing and shaking, as her legs kept on flexing and relaxing to switch from toe-to-toe, so did her sex.

Her own sexual arousal was building up to a crescendo as the perpetual muscular contractions stimulated her intimate vaginal muscles too. Her arousal was mounting and she knew that it would not be long before she reached a climax.

Billy kept on tugging and pulling slowly and steadily on the hard column of flesh between his legs. The quest for a pleasure he had never known before was building up to a boil.

"Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!" he moaned loudly as his seed erupted powerfully from his manhood.

The ejaculation sent his semen flying into the air and a few drops of the hot liquid landed on the woman's exposed hip.

The heat of the gooey fluid provoked a chain reaction within Lara.

She heard her brother cum and felt the physical manifestation of his orgasm on her skin.

The watery caress made her vibrate as it ran down her hip and towards her thigh. It sent a signal to her oversensitive nervous system and a tingle traveled from her neck to her spine repeatedly. Its pulse, amplified with each passing breath, turned her entire being into an erogenous zone. Her pussy began to contract in powerful spasms.

The drop of sperm trickled the length of her inner thigh towards the back of her knee. The gentle moist touch rippled to her core and forced a powerful orgasm out of her.

"Mmphh! Mmphh! Mmphh!" she screamed into her gag.

The torrents of her lust broke through the floodgates of her passion. Her climax sent her crashing in lust filled ecstasy.

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