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Click hereToo long denied, Clint could not resist the expertise of Laresa's warm lips and tongue. With a sharp groan of release, his seed filled her mouth.
Laresa continued to suck him as he pulsed against her tongue. She swallowed his thick cream and felt it settle warm in her belly. When he ceased to spurt, she released him from her mouth's hot embrace and looked up into his eyes once more.
Clint's body went limp, his senses reeling from the feeling of a willing woman giving him pleasure for pleasure's sake.
When he recovered enough breath to speak, Clint asked, "You just doin' this because I wished it?"
"I desire it as well."
"It's gonna be a while 'fore..." Clint began, trying to find inoffensive words to tell Laresa that it would be some time before he could get hard again.
"Not so, if you wish it," Laresa suggested.
"I do. I ain't never laid with a woman what wanted it before."
Blood surged into Clint's manhood the moment he expressed his wish in words. Within moments, he had risen to full erection once again.
Laresa smiled and rose to her feet, walking back into the house. Clint rose up on wobbling knees and followed her, pulling off his shirt and hat as he walked. Laresa slid onto the bed, lying back and beckoning him with her eyes. Clint kicked off his boots and climbed onto the bed with the sensual genie.
Laresa parted her legs, and Clint moved between them. Years of sporting with whores that wanted nothing more than to get his money and get him off them, and women struggling to escape him, had taught Clint how to find her wet folds without a glance. He couldn't help but look as his cock slid into her velvety embrace, however.
Clint groaned as the tight squeeze of her virgin-like canal wrapped around him. Laresa shuddered as his manhood pushed into her depths, filling her full and sending jolts of pleasure to every fiber of her being.
Pausing, buried to the hilt inside her, Clint said, "I want you to get yours 'fore I come up. I dunno how long I can go with you squeezin' that tight and bein' so hot inside."
Laresa moaned quietly before replying, "It shall be as you wish. It is my wish that I reach my peak before you release your seed deep inside me as well."
His hips rocked slowly at first, entranced by the sight and feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her hot sex. In time, her steadily increasing vocalizations of pleasure drove him to greater efforts, increasing the speed of his thrusts.
Laresa moaned and yelped as the pressure of her orgasm built within her. His thick cock felt wonderful as it pressed deep inside her, driven by the need to give her release. Her powers held back his seed, though it allowed him to feel the ecstatic pleasure that immediately preceded orgasm for several minutes, until she too reached the top of her mountain.
With a loud scream, Laresa came. Instantly, Clint's buried cock swelled and released its hot cream into her womb as well. The joined pair collapsed to the bed as their orgasms released them from the initial shock of pleasure. They continued to twitch and gasp for quite some time before their climaxes subsided.
Clint was almost asleep when he realized something and asked, "You'll be here when I wake up, won't you?"
"You may twist the ring upon your finger and say my name at any time to summon me, to fulfill all your needs and desires," Laresa answered.
Clint nodded, the sheepish smile on his face looking almost comical in contrast to his rugged features. In short order, he was asleep next to the amazing woman who had entered his life.
* * * * *
The next day, Clint summoned Laresa back to his side. He never remembered his dreams, but he remembered the one that had awakened him this morning, vividly.
"You could find folks what were havin' troubles if I asked, couldn't you?"
"Of course," Laresa replied.
"You think findin' them folk and helpin' 'em could erase the blackness I done when I was taken by the devil and drink?"
Laresa smiled, "That is not for me to determine, but it seems a noble life."
Clint considered her words for a moment, and then said, "Nothin' can take away the wrong I done, but I reckon that's about the best a man can do to take back the mistakes he's made."
"Is that your wish, Clint?"
"I reckon so."
"Then that is what shall be."
His decision made, Clint Hendershot felt a sense of peace already beginning to settle over him. Along with that peace came realization that Laresa was once again dressed in the revealing garb he had first seen her wearing. That summoned up memories of the night before, and caused need to swell within him.
Laresa smiled, his unspoken wish coming to her long before the words.
"You want to..."
Laresa led him to the bed.
* * * * *
The years passed, a decade of travel throughout the country on the wings of wishes. Each day, Laresa sought out someone in dire need of help, and she took Clint there to see that help given through her power.
With each life saved, with each wrong righted, the burden on Clint's soul lessened. After each journey, they would explore the nearest town, Laresa on Clint's arm. Then as the night crept upon them, they would return to his humble home — and his bed. Laresa hoped each day that perhaps Clint might think to ask her how she might be freed from her bondage to the ring, prevented from broaching the subject herself by the shackles that tied her to the piece of jewelry. She yearned for freedom, and Clint seemed the perfect person to give it to her, if he were but to ask.
She was content to be at his side, however. He was a kindly Master who demanded nothing of her. His every wish was a request, not a command. It amounted to the same thing to Laresa, but his intentions made a great deal of difference to her. He was also an attentive lover, ever willing to satisfy her in any way she hinted would please her.
This night they walked the streets of a small town in Wyoming, their task the healing of a young widow with six children. Clint had posed as a doctor, and asked Laresa to work her healing magic in such a way that the woman appeared to recover from the disease gradually, but quickly. Before he left, the 'medicine' he had given her appeared to have already started restoring the young woman's strength.
A powerful thunderstorm threatened to overtake the town shortly, and thus the townsfolk were absent from the streets. Clint turned to Laresa, his thoughts revealing to her that he wished to return to their home before he even spoke the words.
The words never passed his lips, because a blast of laughter from between the two buildings they were passing distracted him. Three men stepped out into the fading light.
Clint knew them for what they were from the moment he saw them. Red faced and stumbling, they were drunk and looking for trouble. Instinctively, Clint's hand twitched toward his gun — a gun he no longer carried.
The largest of the men slurred to Laresa, "What's a pretty filly like you doin' with this old sumbitch?"
"Going home," Clint said with a note of warning in his voice, tugging on Laresa's arm gently. He doubted that walking past the men and ignoring them was going to prevent what he knew in his heart was about to happen, but he had to try to get out of this without a confrontation.
"With me!" The man laughed, and grabbed Laresa's dress.
He didn't think — he just acted. Clint turned and charged into the man holding Laresa, knocking him over into the muddy street. Reactions honed in a lifetime of misdeeds served him well, and Clint was back on his feet before the other man had time to realize what had happened.
His quick action didn't stop the bullet, however.
The man who had shot him holstered his gun with a laugh and grabbed Laresa, even as Clint fell to his knees. Through eyes dimming with pain and loss of blood, Clint saw the man tear Laresa's bodice, exposing her breasts.
His brain a fog, his heartbeat slowing, Clint latched on to the first clear thought in his head. Sucking in a shallow breath, he gasped out, "I don't love you, Laresa."
Just as the light left his eyes, Clint saw Laresa dissolve into misty tendrils of smoke, the lie causing her to vanish just as she had told him it would, so long ago. He collapsed into the street on his back, dead before he hit the ground.
The three would-be rapists jumped back when their victim simply vanished. They cursed and scanned the street around them.
The only thing they saw was a dead man wearing a content smile, with a pale band around one finger where a ring had encircled it only moments before.
Very sweet.
The title confused me initially, glad I got through it too read this.
You are sooo good! I just love your stories. Thanks so much for sharing them.
WOW! great tale, with a deep character! I lvoed the twist ending, that was just an awesome bit of story telling!
I loved this story, thanks heaps, Darkniciad. It was very well written, and the storyline was quite unique with regards to the main character who is trying to right past wrongs. I like how he tried to save her in the end, with such a sweet lie.