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Las Vegas Vacation

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Dad and daughter enjoy Vegas.
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My wife, Cathy, and I have been married for over forty years and have had an open marriage for all of that time. We were careful about our activities while we were raising our daughter but still got away to an on site swing club once in a while. The club we went to was couples or single women only. We had made some good friends there as well as some fuck buddies.

Our daughter, Darlene, was to put it mildly a wild child. She was more interested in partying than school and 2.0 her way to graduation. She got married two months later, against everyone's advice.

Cathy and I started to go to the club more often and also had some parties at our house. We may have been in our mid forties but had taken care of ourselves and still had a very healthy sex drive.

Our daughter ended up divorcing her scum bag husband when she was twenty, and asked if she could come till she got back on her feet. The only upside was that they never had any kids so it was just her.

After she moved back in Cathy and I were pretty open about our lifestyle. No surprise she said she had figured that out a long time ago. So much for hiding something from your kids.

About three months after Darlene was back we had planed to go to a big summer party at the club. Most of our friends were going to be there. The party would be Saturday night. Friday afternoon Cathy called me to say she had to fly to Georgia on business, no choice. I told her ok we would let people know we had to miss the as I could not go alone.

When I got home Cathy was all packed and Darlene and I drove her to the airport. On the way we were talking about how much of a bummer this was. Darlene said how about if she went with me. That would solve the single guy thing. Cathy and I both said no! Darlene said why not, she was an adult and she said she liked sex as much as anyone. Not what you want to hear from your daughter.

She continued it was not as if she and I would be having sex, and she hadn't had any in a while as her husband was almost always zonked out on drugs and couldn't get it up. This was turning into way to much information. She also told us it would be a chance to see if she would like to go sometimes as a single.

We got to the airport and as I was getting Cathy's bag out I asked what she thought about Darlene's idea. She told me it felt a little strange but she would leave it to me. Darlene and I talked it over on the way home and decided to give it a try.

On our way to the club I told her I would just introduce her by name and as a friend. She was ok with that. I had taken a look at her before we left the house and for the first time I paid more attention to her as a woman. She was 5'4" and I knew for what Cathy had said she wore a 36C bra. Her abdomen was still flat as only the young can be without working at it. I had to admit she looked good in the short skirt and blouse she had chosen to wear. I also told her it was customary to wear a robe or some kind of lingerie in the public areas. You could go nude but most didn't.

We got to the club and after intros went our separate ways. We both ended up in the pool at a later time and it was the first time I had seen her nude in several years. She looked good but I am sure I was biased.

We only talked in general terms on the way home but she said it was great to be able to just have sex without all the games. She also told me she be going back even if it was by herself.

Two months later Darlene got her finances in order and moved out to her own place. She started dating a nice guy and she never brought up going to the club as she said he was a straight arrow type. They got married a year later and moved to Oklahoma.

That was 1990. Now we are going to fast forward to the present.

Cathy and I have both retired and are very happy about. There are several ladies groups she is active in. I now play poker and have been pretty successively at it. We still have our house in Southern California and I bought a condo in Las Vegas with a wonderful view of the strip.

Every year from late May to the first part of July the World Series of Poker (WSOP) runs in Vegas. Cathy knows I will be there. She doesn't spend the whole time there as my days are long and I don't take much time off.

This year we got an invitation from her family in England to come over for a wedding and "holiday", British for vacation. After some discussion she decided to go. She would fly over the middle of May.

I got her on the plane and settled myself in Vegas. I always like to get to town a few days early to prepare my self for the grind.

I got a call from Darlene. She just wanted to talk as she was down in the dumps. Her husband had been killed in a car accident three months back.

I asked her if she wanted to come to Vegas for a getaway. We could do some shows and good food. I had those few days to kill anyway. She said ok and I told she could pick up her ticket at the airline counter.

I picked her up and after we got back to the condo I gave her a chance to unpack and we went to get something to eat.

I told her I wanted to make her vacation special. We went shopping for a new wardrobe. She had taken care of her self over the years and the only weight she put on had made her look better.

We started from the skin out. I told her not to worry about money as my poker had given me a very good bankroll. I also said that since I was paying I had some say about what she would wear.

We got her new lingerie and I was surprised to find she now wore a 36DD bra. The way she was dressed when I picked her up it wasn't apparent. We did not get her any pantyhose but garter belt and stockings.

I also helped her pick out some new dresses and all of them showed off her bust. Since she was shorter than anyone else in the family she had always worn shoes with some heel. We got her six new pairs of shoes. All had at least 4" heels.

While she was getting her self ready to go out I called Delmonico's at the Venetian and got us a table. I also got tickets for the late show of Phantom. Knowing who to talk to and what palms to cross in Vegas can get you almost anything.

While I was doing this Darlene primped. She came out of the bedroom and I was stunned. She had decided to wear a dark blue dress we had bought. It was cut low enough that her tits looked like they might pop out if she moved wrong. The hem was high enough that she needed to be careful when she sat down or the tops of her stockings would show.

I also had her set up for a full spa day at Bellagio the next day so tonight she had to do her own hair and makeup. She had done very well and she looked good. No not good, GREAT!

I had also arranged for a limo from the Venetian to pick us up. It was waiting for us downstairs and when the driver opened the door he was very defiantly staring at her. As we walked thru the casino to the restaurant I saw more than one man turn to look at her.

We had cocktails before supper, wine with the food. With some time to kill before the show we went to the casino. She played some roulette and craps and of course more drinks.

After the show we stopped at the Laguna Champagne Bar. After maybe more champagne than we should have we made our way back to the limo. She was holding on to me pretty tight as she was a little unsteady.

In the limo she thanked me for the night and turned to give me quick kiss. I am sure the alcohol was to blame but the kiss became more than just a quick peck. I put my arms around her and pulled her to me. She molded herself to me and very soon our tongues were intertwined and the kiss was becoming very passionate. Without thinking I moved my hand to caress her breast. She pressed herself as close to me as possible. With Vegas traffic it took a little while to get back to the condo.

We lost ourselves in the back of the limo. I started to stroke her thigh and found the top of her stockings. The skin or her thighs was warm and soft. I felt her put her hand on my cock. I was very hard and her touch sure didn't help any. I touched her panties and found they were already wet.

The driver said we were there. She had kicked off her shoes so she just grabbed them by the straps and we got out. I gave the driver a nice tip; he smiled and looked at her tits. I did not realize that I had managed to cause her nipple to show some.

She was giggling like a school girl on the way to the elevator. In the car I pulled her to me and kissed her again. I moved my hand to her ass and pulled her to me. She not only didn't resist, she dropped her shoes and pulled me closer to her.

When the car stopped she started to pick up her shoes and would have fallen if I hadn't caught her. I picked them up, handed them to her and got out my key. I was trying to unlock the door when she pulled my face down and kissed me again.

I got the door open and when we were inside I kissed her and at the same time unzipped her dress. She stepped back a little and let it fall to the floor. I pulled her to me again and her body was warm and soft. I unhooked her bra and pulled out from between us.

As I kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear I caressed her tit and lightly pinched the nipple. She arched her back and made a small moaning sound. I pinched a little harder and rolled the nipple between my finger and thumb.

She drew in a breath and mashed her lips to mine with a kiss that was full of heat. I kissed my way down her throat and pulled a nipple into my mouth. I sucked it in and bit gently. I eased my self to my knees and sipped her panties down. The musky scent of her cunt let me know she was getting very turned on. I ran my hand back up her leg and eased my finger into her pussy. She was very wet.

I got up, took her hand and led her to my bed. I think I could have undressed my self faster but it was a lot more fun with help. She sat down on the side of the bed, pulled my underwear down and when my hard cock appeared she took it into her mouth and gave me maybe the best blow job I had ever had. The things she did with her tongue cannot be described with mere words.

I eased her back on the bed and knelt between her legs. I kissed my way up to her pussy. I kissed the sides of her pussy then started to lick my way from her ass hole up to her pussy. I pushed my tongue as far into her cunt as I could.

I moved up and started to suck her clit and flick it with my tongue. Now she was humping hr hips up into my mouth. We moved up on the bed and she straddled me. She took my cock in her hand, lined it up with her cunt and eased down onto it. She was so wet that in one movement I was all the way in. For maybe a breath she just sat there then she started moving her hips and fucking me. I pulled my knees up some and soon was able to match her rhythm. I grabbed her tits and when I pushed up with my cock I pulled down with them. She started to cum and I pushed as deep as I could and filled her cunt with my cum.

She collapsed onto my chest and I just held close with her big soft tits against me. After a while my cock started to soften and she moved over to lie beside me. We cuddled and I ran my hands up and down her back and kissed her neck. We moved so that I was against her back. I had my arm over her and was just lightly running my hand over her tit and mostly the nipple.

She pushed her ass back into me. My cock was in the crack of her ass and felt so good I was getting hard again. Her pussy was so wet from her juices and my cum I slipped right in. I just held her and gently, slowly moved my hips to fuck her. She had another small orgasm and we fell asleep with my cock in her.

I woke up the next morning with her sucking my cock. She looked up, smiled and said good morning. We got up, had some coffee, and then took a shower together.

She told me she had wanted to do that since we went to the swing club together. I was not sure how I felt. I knew that the sex was very good but she still was my daughter. After I Thought about it more I came to the conclusion that the biggest problem would be if she became pregnant and that couldn't happen as I had vasectomy years ago. I was just going to roll with it.

I called for the limo and sent her off to her spa appointment. I had to take care of transferring some funds to pay for my WSOP entry fees. I also had asked her where she wanted to eat and what show for tonight. She said my choice.

I made reservations for dinner at Bouchon and tickets for Blue Man Group. I also called to set up the limo. I planed to have a few drinks but did not want to get wasted tonight.

Darlene came in from the spa looking radiant. We sat and had one drink then we got ready to go out on the town. Tonight she chose to wear a red dress that showed off her tits nicely, the skirt flared out some and swished when she walked which drew attention to her hips. Once again garter belt and stockings with 4" heeled sandals.

Tonight we were going to it easy on the drinks. She came out of the bedroom and I told she looked good enough to eat. She laughed and said later. In the limo she sat close and we exchanged a few kisses and just enjoyed being together.

After the meal and the show we went over to The Deuce bar at Aria. We only had two more drinks and decided to go home. The traffic was very bad so it took a while and we where not to worried as we were doing our best to get each other as turned on as possible. I had taken her panties off and was finger fucking her and rubbing her clit she had her first orgasm on the way and tonight she was being a little more vocal, I was pretty sure the driver was aware that she had cum.

We got to the condo and the driver got a good show as she got out as her dress rode up almost to her hips as she got out. She had he shoes in her hand again and as we got to the elevator I looked at her and asked if she remembered her panties. She said no they must still be in the limo. We had a good laugh at that and said the driver had gotten two tips and a show.

Back at the condo we got out of our dress clothes, I put on a robe and she had bought a long negligee. We got some drinks and went out on the balcony. I had put a good size chaise lounge out there and we were able cuddle on it and look out over the strip. We were on the 24th floor so the view was very good.

We wanted to talk thru what had happened and we had to decide what if anything to tell Cathy. I had always been very honest with her and I told Darlene I could not lie to her and I would expect her to do the same thing. In the end we decided to not lie but to not bring it up.

As we were cuddling I was running my hands over her body. I ran my fingers over her tits and her nipples got hard. I just lightly caressed her and she told it felt very good. She turned to me and we stated to kiss. Everything was slow and gentle at first. Being so close to her I was getting hard. Darlene reached down and ran her hand over my cock thru the robe, that took care of me getting hard. It was a done deal. She untied the belt on my robe and opened it. When she placed her hand on my bare cock I pulled her hard to me and we increased the intensity of our kisses.

She stood up and with one motion she pulled her negligee over her head and dropped it. Knelling down beside the lounge she started to suck my cock. I thought she was good the night before but tonight she was sober enough to really know what she was doing. I was in heaven.

I was getting close to cumming and I said so. She didn't let up and I said I couldn't hold it anymore. As I was cumming in her mouth she swallowed every bit.

We moved to the bedroom and I returned the favor. I used every trick I had ever learned as I ate her pussy. As I sucked her clit I used my finger to stimulate her G spot. When she started to cum I pulled my finger out of her cunt, and eased my lubricated finger into her ass hole. She was cumming so hard she squirted. What shot into my mouth was not piss but was very definitely pussy juice. She had been sitting on the side of the bed when we started. She had left a very large wet spot on that side. We cuddled up and went to sleep on the other side.

We had one more night before the WSOP started. We ordered pizza and spent that night in. We were in the bed and in a 69 when I slipped my finger into her ass again. I rolled her over on her back, brought her legs up on my shoulders and began fucking her. Her pussy was so wet I thought someone had hooked up a water hose to it. She told me to fuck her ass please.

I pulled out of her cunt and eased the head of my cock into her ass. As I pushed into her she pushed up to me. Once I was in all the way I stopped for just a moment so she could adjust. Her ass felt so tight I knew I wouldn't be able to last long. I said I'm cumming. She clamped down as hard as she could with the muscles of her asshole. When I came it was an unbelievable feeling.

After we caught our breath it was shower time. We washed each other and it felt good but both of us were spent.

The WSOP was starting the next day. I explained I would be at the Rio 12-14 hours a day. I had no problem with her staying as long as she wanted but she was on her on.

She asked me what the buy in was. I told her that it ran from $1000 to $25000. She said that was more than she could afford. I didn't even know she played poker. She played some of the small events at the Indian casinos near her house. I offered to buy her into the first weekend $1000 event. If she won anything I would get the fee back and we would split the profit, if she didn't cash she owed me nothing.

We made it thru day one, came back to the condo, showered together and had slow, gentle sex. That helped to get a better nights sleep. Halfway thru day two the money bubble broke. Darlene went out soon after. Her payday total $1950, I got my fee back and she got to take home $475. She flew back to Oklahoma the next day.

We made no plans to try it again but agreed if the stars aligned it might be fun. I also told her she could use the condo anytime she wanted to.

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cubbies4vrscubbies4vrsabout 6 years ago
Damn good stuff

Do you plan to continue this or was this it?

I think you have more to with it, so please it cumming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Too about "YOU"...

Never begin a paragraph with "I"................

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Had to laugh when I read he was married for 40 years but later he indicates they are in their mid forties

RockyStoneRockyStoneover 13 years ago

Story bored me mostly because of no development. I had nothing to be interested in. I haven't written for Literotica, so maybe I shouldn't criticize, but damn man. I could see how maybe mom and dad would be a little more open to incest because they are swappers, but there was nothing to tie anything together. One mention of way back when at the end of the story is not a piece of the plot. OK, ending rant.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great Story

A great story. More incest stories.

Dimmu_BorgirDimmu_Borgirover 13 years ago

As falcon29 said, the lack of any dialog was disappointing BIG time.

falcon29falcon29over 13 years ago
too eager

You started out alright, but you never really developed the characters. There was no actual dialog, just "I said; she told me, etc."

You were too eager to get to the sex and never addressed the excitement or the guilt over the incest.

Oh, yeah, and 'just not bringing it up' in that situation IS lying.

The concept wasn't bad, but there are some areas you should have addressed. One that occurs to me is what made Darlene so driven to have sex with her dad? Develop that aspect. Also, why didn't Dad hesitate or show any reluctance when she came on to him? Dialog might have helped us to know whether he had the hots for her while she matured.

You should think about finding an editor. No matter how many times you read through a story before you post it (you do that don't you?), you will miss some errors an editor will catch. Oh, and don't rely on spell check. It accepts any word in its dictionary, as long as it is spelled correctly. So you get confusions between 'there and their, to, too, two, etc.'

Keep working.

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