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Last Man Standing Truth or Dare

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Mike begins Monthly Family Game Night - Truth or Dare.
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Mike gathered the entire clan in the living room, "Tomorrow, seeing it is Friday, we are starting a family game night. Vanessa has been missing all of us getting together, so once a month we will be gathering for a fun and a sexy game night. We will be having Chuck and Brandon joining us seeing Carol is out of town and he's been begging me to join in. Are any of you unable to attend?"

They all looked around and they all agreed to attend. Ryan spoke up, "So what are we playing tomorrow, Mike?"

He smiled at him, "We are playing a revised version of Truth or Dare."

Eve cleared her throat, "Okay old man, what do you mean a revised version?"

"Okay here is what what we'll be doing. There will be three rounds. Round one will be only truth questions. Round two and three will only be dare. Round two will be tame dares, but the third round will consist of really, really risque dares." He looked directly at Ryan, "If you don't want to perform the risque dare, you are out of the game."

Kyle raised his hand, "What happens after round three Mister B?"

He chuckled, "Oh by then, it will sorta be a free-for-all, if you need for me to explain, you shouldn't be coming tomorrow."

They all groaned out and looked to Kyle. Mandy whispered in his ear and he laughed, "Okay, I understand, we'll be here."

The next evening the large kitchen table was set-up in the living room and the sofa and chairs were pulled back to allow easier access for everyone to move around the table during the game.

Unknown to the group, Mike set up the cards to correspond to the people seated around the table. He sat people in specific seats. To his left were Vanessa, Ryan, Kristen, Kyle, and across from him was Mandy. To her left were Chuck, Jen, Brandon and last, but not least was Eve.

"Okay directly across from you is your partner. So Mandy is my partner. Vanessa your partner is Chuck, Ryan your partner is Jen, Kristen your partner is Brandon and Kyle your partner is Eve. We'll begin and seeing Mandy is my partner, the first truth is directed to her."

"Hey, why me?"

Mike scoffed, "Because I made up the rules, so here is your question, "When did you lose your virginity?"

Mandy rolled her eyes and looked around the table, "I was fourteen, okay? So you're next Dad. She took the top card, "Dad, did you have sex with any women while dating your current wife and if so how many?"

He looked to Vanessa and gave her a sly smile, "Yes I did and there were two of them."

Vanessa slapped him playfully, "Wow, okay, who were they, Mike?"

He shook his head, "That wasn't part of the question, sorry. You're next Vanessa."

She grabbed the top card and after reading it to herself, she blushed, "Come on Mike, are they questions rigged or what?"

He shook his head, "Sorry Vanessa, you picked it and now it is time for the truth."

She let out a deep breath and read it aloud, "Have you ever had sex with a black man or female and if so, who was it with?"

Chuck's Jaw dropped and he cleared his throat. She looked to him and shrugged, "Okay, yes I have had sex with both black females and males. It just so happened to be with Chuck there and his wife Carol."

Kristen's eyes bugged out, "Mom, are you telling me you cheated on Dad?"

She shook her head, "No it was consensual, as a matter of fact your father was there too."

Kristen called out, "Dad, you had sex with them too?"

He shook his head, "Sorry Kristen, wasn't part of the truth question. I think Chuck is up next."

Chuck gave Mike a dirty look, "Making Vanessa come out....NOT COOL!" He drew a card and read it to himself. He cleared his throat and read the card to the group, "How often do you masturbate?" He looked to Mike and shook his head, "Well not every often, but with Carol away a lot in California, it seems to be a little more often."

Mike chuckled, "Seems you need to find yourself a pretty white woman, have any in mind, Chuck?"

Vanessa groaned and slapped him hard on the back, "Stop being so crude Mike. If I knew that was happening, I'd lend a hand."

Everyone laughed out loud and Vanessa suddenly realized what she said and screamed out, "That's not what I meant." She turned red and turned to Ryan, "Come on, your turn! Take a card and get me out of this sticky situation." She groaned again, "Sorry, not that again."

Ryan took the next card and read it and looked to Mike, "This has to be a set-up. Are these cards in order for you to find out specific things from each and every one of us?"

Mike shrugged, "I can not confirm or deny. You always have the choice of revealing the card or passing and drop out."

Ryan shook his head, "No, I'll play along, "Have you ever cheated on your spouse before or after being engaged? And if you have, with who?" He looked to Kristen and shook his head, "No I have not!"

Kristen smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Good answer Ryan, I just hope it's the truth."

The next was his partner Jen. She drew a card and immediately turned red. She looked to the group, "Well in my culture it is very, very bad to lie. She reread the card and licked her parched lips, "Have you ever had sex with anyone in this room before. If so, with who and when?" She looked to Ryan and he nearly fainted. She looked to Kristen and in barely a whisper replied, "Yes I have. I've had sex with Vanessa and Eve, several times and once with Ryan just after I turned eighteen. I wanted to see how it was."

Kristen looked to Ryan, "You fucking liar! You can't even tell the truth in a game we play." It was her turn and she grabbed the next card and smiled, "Oh this is perfect, thanks Dad!" She smiled and read it out loud, "Have you ever had sex with some else other than your significant other recently? If so, who?" She winked at her dad, "I like the way this was asked, it could be asked of a man or a woman and the answer is yes. Many many times with John Baker and Kyle here."

Mandy giggled, "Yeah, that was hot watching the two of them going at it."

Ryan was fuming, but couldn't say much, especially after banging the tiny Asian woman.

Next was her partner Brandon, he drew the next card and he read it. A noticeable sweat broke out on his forehead and he looked first to Eve and then to Mike, "Aw it says, have you ever had sex with anyone here at this table and if so, who was it?" He stared at Mike, "I'm sorry, Mr. Baxter, but yes, I have. It was with both Vanessa and Eve. It was just once and I'm sorry."

Mike chuckled, "Not to worry Brandon, Vanessa told me all about it and after that, we had some of the hottest sex in our lives together."

Brandon let out a sigh, "Wow, thank you, I feel better."

Next up was Kyle he was shifting in his chair as he got the evil eye from Ryan, but Ryan couldn't say much. He knew he fucked up and had to stay quiet, something that was foreign to him.

Kyle grabbed the next card and read it several times and thought about it and a smile crossed his lips, "Yeah, okay I know what.." He read the card, "What is your biggest fantasy and who is it with." He looked to Mandy and then to Kristen, "Okay, well as you all know I dated Kristen before I married Mandy. I had the pleasure of having sexual relations with both of them and I'm proud to say it's known as having the sisters. My fantasy is the trifecta."

A couple of the guys chuckled, but the ladies and Ryan had looks on their faces not knowing what it meant. Mike knew and looked to Kyle, "It seems like a few of the people here at the table are unaware of what that means, could you please explain?"

Kyle grinned from ear to ear, "It means I'd like to finish it off and have sex with all three of the daughters. Even better would be a more-some, that is having all three daughters and the mother."

Mike gave him a sly smile and knew before the night was over, it was going to be a fuckfest!

Eve and Vanessa looked to one another and they smiled and Eve winked to Kyle.

The last one left was Eve and she grabbed the final card and let out a groan, knowing it was a set-up question only directed to her. She looked at her father, "Nice one Old Man!" She read it to the group, "Have you ever had sex in a basement and if so, with who?"

Mike shrugged, "There are a bunch of basements here in Denver, not that specific, Eve."

"Yeah, sure Old Man, keep telling yourself that. Yeah, okay, I have had sex in my basement apartment. With who, let me see, there was Justin, Rob, Cammie and oh yeah, Kristen."

Everyone looked to Eve and she threw up her arms, "Yeah, okay I'm a slut. Mandy taught me well."

Mike cleared his throat, "Well that was an enlightening round. Seems everyone told the truth except one person."

Ryan blurted out, "Yeah, okay I lied, but I was trying to keep my marriage solvent. Seems like my wife doesn't feel the same way."

"Well at least I don't lie about it, like someone else we all know."

Mike stood up, "Okay, okay let's cool down. Take a fifteen minute break before round two, the tame dare cards. And yes, they are set-up specifically for each and every one of us, so deal with it or drop out."

A bunch of the group headed to the kitchen where there was a bar set up and some of the ladies took wine, while others like Eve and Jen opted for some of the hard stuff. The guys stuck with beer, except Ryan who had a stiff drink to try and settle his nerves.

They all returned to the living room and took their original seats. Mike pulled out the next set of cards, "Here are the tame dare cards and just like the truth cards, we'll keep the same partners and just like the first round, anyone can drop out after reading their card, LOSERS!" He put out the stack of cards, "Mandy you're first."

Mandy (Molly Ephraim) was grinning from ear to ear. She took the card and giggled as she read it to herself. She licked her freshly painted lips, "Chose either your partner or the person on either side of you. Lower your skirt or pants and sit on their lap and grind on them for sixty seconds,. No hands allowed by anyone involved."

Kyle grinned at her. He thought for sure she was going to pick him. He was shocked when she lowered her skirt and standing there in her tiny thong, she turned to Chuck, "You wanna slid back a little Mr. Larabee."

He was grinning from ear to ear, "If you're going to be twerking on me, you can call me Chuck." He slid back and stared at her tiny, tight ass as she slowly lowered her butt to his lap. His hands slid up her body and she slapped them away, "The card says, "No Hands" and we have to do as it says."

He put his hands down and they turned to fists as he did all he could to not grab her. He closed his eyes and felt that tight ass sliding back and forth, side to side on his growing lump.

Mandy let out a tiny gasp as she felt his lump growing and probing her aching clit. She pushed down harder and she was really getting into it. A tiny moan escaped her lips when Mike called out, "Time's up, get back into your skirt and it's my turn."

He watched as a flushed Mandy bit her lip and swung off of Chuck and wiggled back into her skirt, pointing her ass directly at Chuck as she did so.

Mike drew the next card and knew exactly what it was going to say, he read it aloud, "Give your partner or the person on either side of you a passionate kiss for thirty seconds." He looked to Vanessa who was smiling, but it faded when he turned to Eve and nodded, "You're up Eve, come over here and get the kiss you've been waiting for."

She chuckled, "In your dreams, Old Man!" She stood and leaned over him and as their lips met, she felt his hand on the back of her head, tugging at her long ponytail and as she let out a gasp, her lips parted and she released a moan as she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She returned the kiss and her hands were on his chest. The kiss grew steamier as their tongue darted back and forth. All of a sudden Vanessa yelled out, "Time's up, my turn!"

She read the card and her eyes lit up and looking to Mike she chuckled, "Oh Mike, paybacks are a bitch!" She looked to the card, "Remove your shirt or blouse. Make sure your chest is bare and run your chest or breasts against your partner's face or chest for sixty seconds." She stood and unbuttoned her blouse and undid her bra. She let it slip from her body and her large tits, still standing high, came into view. She massaged them playfully and stood beside Mike and when he slid his chair back, she sidestepped him and moved around to Chuck.

He slid his chair back, "Why am I being singled out here?"

She looked to him, "Well I can always go to Ryan, up to you." She chuckled when he reached for her and pulled her to his body. She straddled his legs and grabbing his head, he leaned forward and his face was enveloped in her sweet smelling tits. He turned his head slightly and as one stiff nipple poked at his lips, he opened them and sucked at it. He flicked out his tongue as he felt Vanessa's hands clutch at his head and pulled him tighter to her lush tits.

Mike yelled out, "Time's up, get your ass back in your chair and cover up."

She did as instructed and she was breathing heavily as her stiff nipples ached against the bra as she tossed it aside and just put her blouse back on, without her bra.

A couple of the people saw that, but ignored it. Up next was Chuck and he knew Mike was going to make it hard on him. He didn't know how right he was until he read his card. He read it out loud, "If you are a female, remove your panties and masturbate in front of the group for one minute. If you are a male, pull out your penis and masturbate for one minute in front of the group." He looked to Mike, "NOT COOL!" He slipped his chair back and lowered his pants and boxers. He stood before everyone and fisted his big, black cock and started stroking it. He looked to Vanessa, then Kristen and finally turned towards Mandy and did the same. His cock swelled up and he swiped a pre-cum drop of the tip and slid it up and down his shaft. He smiled when Mandy licked her lips and leaned towards his cock.

Mike yelled out, "Time's up, put that monster back in your pants."

Chucked chuckled, "Sorta backfired on you didn't it Mike?"

He handed the cards to Ryan, Your turn, liar!"

He gave Mike an evil eyes and grabbed the next card. He rolled his eyes, "Are you kidding me?" He read it again, "Okay it says, "If you are a man, lean over your partner or the person on either side of you and nuzzle their neck and massage their breasts for thirty seconds. If you are a female, nuzzle their neck and caress them between the legs for thirty seconds."

Mike chuckled, "If you'd like, you can do the part of the female and caress either Chuck or Kyle for thirty seconds."

"Nice one Mike, but I'll pass on the guys. He moved over to Kristen and pushed her long blonde hair aside and as he nibbled on her neck, he reached down and began to caress her huge tits and nipped at the flesh of her neck. She let out a gasp and a groan and she arched her back, causing him to squeeze her tits harder.

Mike yelled out, "Time's up, back in your seat liar!"

Jen was next and she quickly drew a card and her eyes grew wide as she read the card to herself, "Oh My God, you really want me to do this?"

Mike shrugged, "I don't know, what does it say Jen?"

She licked her lips, "It is sorta like Mr. Larabee's. It says, "If you are a female, drop your panties and masturbate for one minute, slipping your wet fingers into your butt too. If you are a male, stroke your penis and use your pre-cum to lube your finger and finger your butt hole too."

Mike shrugged, "You drew the card Jen. You can always pass and drop out of the game."

She shook her head and stood and lowered her tight shorts. She was without panties and she sat back down and looked to Brandon and Chuck, "Would you please each hold an ankle so I can do this right?"

They did and she placed her tiny ass in the edge of the chair and began to diddle her clit. She dipped first one and then a second finger into her pussy and pulling it out, it was covered in her slimy juices. She ran the tip of her fingers around her dark, puckered hole and biting her lower lip, she slipped the tip of her finger in. She let out a gasp and shoved it in deeper. Her entire body stiffened and she let out a gasp as Brandon's hand ran up and down her long, slender leg. He got close to her pussy when Mike yelled out, "Stop Jen, time's up."

She groaned out in frustration, but dropped her legs, slipped back into her shorts and turned to Brandon, "You wanna have a taste?"

He grabbed her wrist and sucked on her fingers and she groaned out.

Mike turned to Kristen, "Your turn."

Her eyes were glazed over watching Jen and Brandon across the table. She turned her card over and she let out a gasp. She read it several times and nodded, "Okay, I can do this. it says, "If you are a male, bare the breasts of your partner or the woman on either side of you. Suck on them for one minute and they can play with you while you do this. If you are a female, bare your breasts and allow your partner or the person on either side of you suck on them for one minute. During that minute, they and use their hands on you anyway they want to." She let out a deep breath and looked to Ryan and she shook her head, "No way buster, you lied and you don't get to do this." She looked to Kyle and he was grinning too, but she just watched Brandon sucking on Jen's fingers and it made her wet. She moved around to the other side of the table and wearing a form fitting dress with a zipper from the bodice to the waistline, she lowered the zipper and undid the front clasp of her bra. Her huge tits came flowing out and she turned Brandon in his chair and fed him her huge tits, "Start the timer Dad!" With the full skirt on the dress, she immediately found Brandon's hands sliding up her bare legs. She closed her eyes and released a groan when she felt his large, black lips close around one fat nipple. She crushed his head to her tits as she felt his fingers glide past the gusset of panties and slide easily into her tight, wet hole, "Oh fuck yeah Brandon, suck on them harder, don't forget the other one."

Mike watched in awe as Brandon's fingers finger-fucked his oldest daughter and as the one minute passed, he continued to allow him to have his way with her. He felt his cock growing harder as Kristen pulled away and he saw her fat nipples, all red and dripping with his saliva. Mike called out in a husky voice, Time's up!"

Brandon pulled his fingers out of her panties and turned to Eve, "You wanna lick them off, Eve?"

She grabbed his black wrist and sucked on them both. She watched as Kristen tried to settle her breathing. She watched her lower her dress, pull off her bra and tossing it aside, she slipped back into her dress and zipped it up. She slowly moved back to her seat on shaking legs.

Mike turned to Brandon, "When you are done seducing my daughter, I think it is your turn."

Brandon flashed him a big grin, "It sure is Mr. Baxter." He grabbed the next card and reading it, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. He looked to Mike, "Are you sure this is correct?"

Mike shrugged, "I don't know, you have to read it out loud so you can decide if you wanna do it or not."

Brandon read it again and nodded, "Okay, it says, "If you are a female, bare your breasts and allow your partner or the person beside you to slide their penis up and down between your breasts. If you are a male, get your penis stiff, if it isn't already and bare your partner's breasts or the person on either side of you and slide your stiffened penis between them for a whole minute. If you happen to ejaculate or if you are a lady and makes them ejaculate, that person is ejected from the game." He looked to Mike, "You mean if I cum, I'm out?"

Mike nodded, "Yeah Brandon, that is what ejaculate means."

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