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All Comments on 'Late-Night Conference'

by MissLollipop24

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

no mention of incest just a couple fucking

MissLollipop24MissLollipop24over 7 years agoAuthor

A student/teacher relationship is Taboo in my eyes. :)

MissLollipop24MissLollipop24over 7 years agoAuthor
Author's Note!

I am now aware that I have added this story to the wrong category! Apologies for any Inconvenience. I'm new to this and learning the ropes! :)

prop69prop69over 7 years ago
Who are you?

Are you his sister or daughter or student?

Give us more at the end.

MissLollipop24MissLollipop24over 7 years agoAuthor
Author's Note

There is a line that reads "Your whole teaching career could be in danger." That was my way of specifying that she is his student. I'll be even more specific next time. Thanks for the feedback!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not Wrong

The category is Incest and TABOO!

To those complaining that this is in the wrong category, I suggest you use a dictionary to find out what is taboo, as taboo isn't just limited to incest!

Here are some examples of taboo hopefully to enlighten those of you who've complained.




1A social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

‘many taboos have developed around physical exposure’

‘the use of violence must remain a taboo in our society’

mass noun ‘Freud applies his notion of taboo in three ways’

‘Our country has a substantial number of disabled people who have excelled in various walks of life, overcoming poverty and social taboos.’

‘Through mythology, one is able to violate the taboos of society without the guilt.’

‘Many in India are reluctant to talk about Aids and prevention because of societal taboos about discussing sex.’

‘I'm surprised because the film wasn't about breaking taboos.’

‘For her, the relaxing of rules and taboos about sex have been pivotal in changing the way we think.’

‘All of these are thought to be dependent on the ability to observe taboos.’


‘Divorce is still taboo in some cultures - find an immigrant family that has been rocked by one.’

‘Information and counselling on once taboo subjects are now freely available, yet traditional mores still predominate.’

‘The fact that the subject is taboo also means that a man who is traumatized by the experience may be retraumatized again and again, with each child born to him.’

‘Contraception and abortion - once taboo topics - have been enshrined into law.’

‘Previously taboo areas were opened for examination, and laws and legal attitudes were modified.’

‘But his live show is much more casually cruel, and no matter how sensitive a subject, nothing is taboo for his one-liners.’

‘As a writer, he comes across as someone who feels that by trumpeting loudly about a taboo subject he is breaking down social barriers.’


‘Some magic users, magicians, and quite strong ones at that decided that magic shouldn't be tabooed and decided to rebel against the society that had made them outsiders for so long.’

‘Conversely, in some cultures, when a person dies, his or her name and similar sounding words may be tabooed, so new words have to be coined or borrowed.’

‘The inside of the tabooed room leads to the outside; here too it constitutes an inside of the external local world associated with modernity.’

‘Clearly, it was she, and felt sorry for the creature outside, that she was tabooed never to speak with.’

‘She asks whether statutory rape laws really protect girls, or serve to target them by making them sexually tabooed and, hence, more attractive.’

‘That these kinds of magazines have been tabooed in our society; forced universally under mattresses, in private drawers, and into unmarked brown boxes.’

‘Almost all animal flesh is edible and nutritious, yet most human societies taboo many of the animal species available to them.’

‘Sacred and tabooed beliefs also work as membership badges in coalitions.’

mountaincat4mountaincat4over 7 years ago
Don't care so much about the category

My stories often cross category boundaries and could be placed in several. My chief criticisms are the use of the word I used so often and the entire piece seeming like it's only a part of a story. It could have benefited from a little bit of an intro while she was walking over to his house so we get a better feel for who the characters are and what the relationship is.

What was there was good but not quite a coherent whole.

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