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Legally Blonde

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Dad's sex skills are judged by a jury of three legal blondes.
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Legally Blonde

I can't believe I had it again. It was so damn vivid. This time it was a different ending. I quietly and smoothly pulled the covers off, sat on the edge of the bed and headed to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door. Lights on, I stood in front of the mirror. There it was, a fricking wet spot on my pajamas bottoms. You are kidding me. The last time I had a wet dream was 30 years ago.

What a dream. It is the same thing over and over again for the last two months. She is kneeling in front me, my erection in her mouth, cut to her on top of me working up and down, breasts tantalizingly just outside of my reach, cut to me on top of her, face framed by her abundant blonde hair, cut to her between my legs, stroking me, leaning in and kissing the head. The dream always ended there. I would wake with a hard on. This time the dream kiss triggers a shot of cum. I came in my pajamas! So embarrassing.

I thought why is it different this time? No sex with June for a whole month which was very unusual?

The blonde? We didn't do anything different. I shouldn't have a wet dream over her this time. Her face always fuzzed out like the news shows do.

After the dreams, I always felt dirty and disgusted. Even though June was blonde, it couldn't be her. She played sex pretty straight - maybe my dream was that she changed her mind? I don't know, it doesn't feel right.

I was close to my wake up alarm time, I returned to the bed to turn it off before it went off. June was sleeping soundly. She is so beautiful. I hope the dream was about her. I love her so.

Back in the bathroom I inspected the inside of my pajamas. It was cum for sure. I laughed out loud. Brought back memories of using one my socks to catch my 13 year old masturbation messes. Mom did the wash, I always wondered if she knew.

Jump into the shower and focus on the upcoming day. A full docket of pro bono cases. June questioned why I dedicated one or two days a week to free work when I could be billing. I never said this to her, but we didn't need the money. Plus, these people needed my help. She had a lucrative family law practice. She has juicy, high profile divorce cases. Pretty much wins every case. Success breeds more clients.

She was a study of contrasts, the sweetest Mom Jasmine could ask for. The toughest bitch of an attorney that a female client could ask for. Her reputation for ruthlessness to support her clients made opposing attorneys, especially male attorneys, cave into her divorce decree demands. Impressive. Hope I never am on the receiving end of that furor.

Full battle gear for the courtroom. Expensive blue suit, bright white shirt, blue tie with matching pocket square. Polished dress shoes. Expensive leather pouch for laptop and papers. My pro bono clients need to know that it was no schmuck defending them. I needed them to know, I had their back, that someone cared for them, someone who they never envisioned would represent them. A high power, criminal defense attorney.

Over the years, I learned that no contest plea agreements are usually the best deal for my clients. More often than not, they were clearly guilty. Achieving a reduced sentence was the best deal they could get. Many were not happy until I explained how bad it could be. They turned happy along with their families. I became a rock star pro bono public defender. It felt good. Word spread. Defendants asked for me.

i was fine with that, it just made it tougher to pay attention to every case. I recruited several law students to help. It worked. Mostly females interested gaining experience. The majority of the males viewed it as a waste of time. Never tried anything with what lawyers called my harem. Not that at least one tried to seduce me. I let her down easy. We kept up with the load.

Today, the majority of the cases were arraignment for the entering the plea. I lost count, somewhere around thirty. My team has prepared the docs for me to use for the plea, to avoid jail and determine the minimum bail. If a client couldn't make bail, I have outside resources to help them, expensive, but kept them on the streets.

I had one case though that my team recommended an innocent plea. Reading the police report, I was astonished. It read as guilty, guilt, guilty. She took a hammer and cracked open her boy friends skull. He had been cheating on her. Reading through the teams summary and recommendation based on new evidence, I could see why we would plead innocent. Nice work team.

Judges are alway so imposing and intimidating up above the court room floor. The honorable Ingrid Tyson asked 'Hammer' Evie how she would plea.

'Innocent your honor.'

The judge looked shocked. So did the prosecution.

'Plea of innocent entered. Court is in recess for 30 minutes. Counselors join me in my chambers.'

'Close the door gentlemen and have a seat.'

She sat at the end of table, her legs up and resting on the edge of the mahogany table. Her robe riding up to her knees.

'I don't get it. Counselor, this is a clear cut case. What are you thinking?'

'Your honor, we have evidence to present, that proves her innocence.'

'Really? Can you share?'

'The only thing I can say its that we have a witness.'

'OK. Jim, can you please leave? I have another issue to discuss with Colin.'

He left.

'Can you come over tonight?' Ingrid asked.

'i wish I could. But Jazz is coming home tonight. She was accepted to her top school choice. We are going out to celebrate.'

'Didn't she graduate last week? She is just coming home now?'

'Yep, she had to say her good-byes, pack, make the drive.'

'Which law school?'

'Harvard. She is ambitious. Corporate law is her goal.'

'Clearly that came from June. None of your blood, but you are a hard charger. I won't be seeing Jazz in my criminal courtroom then. I would help her out if she did.'

June's reputation was well know across the law community.

'How is your son doing? Did he find a job?'

'Yes he did. His majored in Aerospace Engineering from MIT. All the big name aerospace companies offered him jobs ... except for SpaceX. He pursued SpaceX, he wanted to know why they were not interested. It paid off, he got an interview with Elon Musk himself! He only does that for applicants who graduated at the top of their class and showed some spunk. They had to show they really wanted the job.'

'Well obviously, he got all his smarts from your ex!'

'Stop it, What a mouth! I can think of a better use for it.'

'I should have called a longer recess. We could have done something right now.'

'Your honor, may I be excused to meet with my next clients?'

'Sure. Do you want to win the hammer case? If you do, we need to get together soon ... and often. You have been neglecting me.'

She was insatiable. I thought I had a strong sex drive. It is hard to keep up with her. Maybe she is the woman in my dream, another beautiful blonde. She would get a kick out of the wet dream for sure.

I gave Ingrid a kiss and said, 'I do want to win the hammer case although we do have proof that there was extenuating circumstances, but that won't stop me from getting together way too often.'

Yes, huge advantage for my clients that I was fucking their judge. My win rate of getting the plea and reduced sentences astonished the other pro bono attorney's. One female attorney in particular spread the theory I was fucking the judge. Pure speculation on her part. I just had to be careful. Ingrid and I were discreet. Unless a private dick tailed me, there would be no proof. We are pretty smart and savvy having our affair.

If we were caught, both careers would be in jeopardy. She was elected, so there might be pressure to resign, but knowing her, she should would not. She could be sanctioned, but probably not. She consistently has the highest volume of cases and manages it well. Who could replace her without a significant drop off?

Me, probably a divorce. For some clients it would not bother them at all. Others, a big deal. Some sorry, that their case wasn't decided before we were discovered. They see the advantage.

I worry about how it would effect Jazz and Harvard. It might be catastrophic for her, with the shit rolling down hill to me.

We just can't get caught.


Jazz is her own woman. She is so independent, so low key. She was a joiner in high school and college. She had her sights on Harvard Law since high school. she did the research to determine what it takes to be accepted there. They receive hundreds of applicants, almost all graduating Summa Cum Laude with perfect GPAs and top of their classes. All with a portfolio of references. She had all that too.

But Harvard looks for more than academic, Jazz delivered on that. Starting in High School she was class president. She was on the dance team, band, led the debate team and of all things was in every musical or play, but not always the lead. Her day started at 5 AM and ended at midnight. I get worn out just thinking of it. Graduated with above 4.0 GPA due to taking all the advance college level classes she could.

Roll into Stanford. Graduated in 3 and half years. Debate team again, they were national champs, class president, leader of the law club. She amped up her community service, serving breakfast every Sunday morning at a homeless kitchen. Visited retirement communities with her guitar, singing whatever they requested. Trained up her dog to be a comfort dog for visits to the critically ill at hospitals.

And she was beautiful. Five foot ten, slim and trim with a large bosom that she kept under wraps. He blonde hair was always in the latest popular style. Her eyes were the best part of her looks, They were a piercing blue that I got lost in amongst others.

Ingrid was right, Jazz got her drive from June. i have only been around for four years. June caught her husband cheating and nailed him to the wall. Not only did she take him to the cleaners she followed it with a disassembly plant. Felt sorry for him.

Big driver not to get caught with Ingrid. This was my first marriage, so I had all my sizable assets. The disassembly plant was not a pretty thought.

Jazz and June made an awesome Mom and daughter couple. They both dressed up and glammed out. I felt dressed like a homeless person - no offense intended.

We had reservations at Jazz's favorite French restaurant. Nice private booth in the back. Waiter asked for our orders, Jazz started a conversation in French for some reason. The waiter said he didn't speak French.

'I am so sorry! I should have asked if you did, please forgive me.'

'No problem, happens all the time. Should I get a French speaking waitperson for you Miss?'

'No, no. I am so embarrassed. Please stay with us.'

He looked at her closely. 'Are you Jasmine who went to school at Stanford? I just moved back here from Stanford.'

'Yes. I am sorry your name escapes me when it should't have.'

'Allen. I was in a class with you. you knew more about the subject than the professor. I am a big admirer.'

I gave June a look and elbowed her with a smile. June had told me Jazz was not dating and didn't plan to do so until she graduated law school. Good luck with that, you have less time when you are grunt in a big name law school. But you never know.

'Thank you Allen. I remember that class, you were great at challenging his bizarre teaching methods. That was cool.'

Another elbow and smile for June.

'So, can I take your order? The boss is watching.'

We complied.


'Congratulations Jazz. You are going to Harvard. That is some accomplishment. To your success!'

I raised my glass of wine and clinked them both. I wasn't done.

'Congratulation June. You have been the best Mom for Jazz. She inherited your drive and need for success!'

Clinking of glasses once more. I settled in to eat.

June spoke up, 'To Colin, you have been a great, loving husband and stepfather. You pulled me out of the pit of despair after the divorce. I probably should have been easier on him. He is Jazz's Dad. I have been working to mend fences, but he is not interested. I will keep trying.'

Glass clinks.

'Thanks June. I am honored to be part of this family. Let's eat!'

We had several bottles of wine, nothing but the best. All with a higher alcohol content. Good thing June had a limo and driver for the to and fro to the celebration.

Riding there, June and I sat together in the large back seat, Jazz in a side seat. Coming home, I was in the middle with the two gorgeous legally blondes on my sides. I was feeling my oats and my thoughts went to unlikely places. What if? Bad Daddy, purge that thought.

June said, 'Let's get a selfie!'

She pulled her phone out, launched the camera app, ready to take the picture.

'Kiss on each cheek!' Jazz and June posed with their lips on my cheek. The familiar fake sound of a camera lens opening and closing as the flash illuminated the picture.

'Jazz take a pic of me and Dad'

This time June kissed me hard on the lips, arms wrapped around my neck. I kissed her back, Jazz clicking off pictures of it all.

June whispered in my ear, 'I am ready for you'

I think Jazz heard and said, 'Y'all need to get a room!'

We were home, I helped the ladies gallantly out of the car. Jazz stumbled and fell into me holding onto my shoulders to steady her. Jazz's face was no more than six inches from me. She whispered, 'That was some kiss. When do I get mine?'

I didn't know what to say. That was totally unexpected. I had an urge to push her away. But I didn't. I stupidly said, 'Whenever you want it.'

She backed up and said, 'I will think about that.'

She smiled and walked into the house.

I was close to drunk, was I imagining this? No, too real. I have known Jazz for only four years. She was away at StanfordI never had any thoughts of doing anything with Jazz till tonight. Talk about divorce material. Jeez. This is radioactive material.

'Colin, are you coming? I am waiting for you,' June yelled out to me.

'Yes June, coming.' She was horny. I was in for a long night.

The next morning i was worn out. I don't know what got into June other than mass quantities of alcohol. We made up for the absence of sex in the last month. Maybe the dreams will stop.

But, there was a problem. After she worked me up to an erection with her talented mouth and tongue action, she moved up top, guiding me into her wet pussy. She was doing all the work, but It wasn't working for me. That has never happened before. She could tell it was not working for me. She sensed that was the case, had to be the alcohol for me. She took control.

'Colin, get on top of me.'

Now it was my turn. Once again she guided me in after first stroking me. I went off script, usually I take my time working it in and out. Because I wasn't feeling it with June on top, I started pounding her hard which totally surprised her.

'Colin, we have all night, slowdown cowboy.'

I had to perform. June likes a sperm shower rather than in her pussy. I can't fake that at the rate I was going.

I slowed down, then a naughty thought crept in. It was Jazz I was inside of! I had to show Jazz what an experienced sex partner could do for her. I returned to my usual script that June loves, i wonder if Jazz would love it too.

Slow fucking, pull out, tease the clit, rub against the lips, hold them together and then force my way in parting my hold on her labia. Pound down deep, pull out, more teasing. Rhythmic thrusting. Pounding hard. I would ask Jazz how it felt, did she want more. I asked June instead.

'Colin, you are back to normal. Yes, fuck me harder. I am so close.'

I picked up the pace. It was time. Jazz are you loving it? Do you want Daddy's cum all over your breasts and face. Oh, yes you do, well here it comes.

I pulled out, moved forward and sprayed one load after another on June's breasts, then mouth, cheeks, forehead, up into her hair.

'Yes, that's my Colin. Don't know what happened earlier.'

Then the surprise, a hard knock on the door,'

'Mom, Dad can I come in?'

We quickly covered up, 'Sure baby, come on in,' I said.

Cum still evident on June's face.

'Oh, did I interrupted something?'

'It's Ok Jazz. What's up?'

'Can we talk about the waiter, Allen?'

''Sure, let's talk,' June said.

'Mom ... Dad, I really like him. He caught my eye in that class we were in. I feel ... I feel attracted to him. What should I do?'

'Jazz, it is OK to be honest and direct with him. Does he have a social media presence or whatever it is called?'


'Reach out to him, start talking. If you like what you hear, move forward. Ask him out for a get together or whatever dates are called now.'

'Thanks Mom. Good advice.'

'Mom, Dad, one more thing. I have been standing out in the hall for a while. The door was ajar. I knocked softly. I wanted to talk about Allen. I heard talking then the bed squeaking. I was curious, I slowly pushed the door further so that I could see. I saw Mom on top of Dad, then switched to Dad on top. i could see white stuff coming out of Dad's penis. Mom, you have it all over your face and hair.'

June said, 'Honey it is OK. You witnessed Dad and I making love the way we like to do it. It is perfectly natural.'

'Yes, usually a daughter would be surprised and back away. I didn't, but I should have. I was surprised with my reaction.'

She lifted up her Harvard t-shirt, she looked down at her panties.

'I am wet down there. I got so excited watching, touching myself down there. I could feel my hard nipples against my T-shirt. I decided I wanted learn how to do all that and then do it with Allen at the right time.'

'Honey, slow down. You don't really know him. You don't know if you will go that far. You and I will continue this conversation in the morning. Please close the door on your way out. Thank you.'

She left.

'What has gotten into her? I am her Mom and I don't get it. Such a change, so out of character. What am I missing?'

'Hormones. Stress relief? She has been a hard charger for years pretty much ignoring social activity. Let's cut her some slack. Talk to her tomorrow. She and I will be together a lot, I hope. It is time we got to know each other better. I have barely seen her for four years.'

'Yes, yes, you are right. I just hope she doesn't lose sight of her goal that she worked so hard to achieve. I will talk to her in the morning. So ... let's get back to what we were doing.'

I love this renewed insatiable sex drive. Now I have two. Maybe three?

'Lets start with doggy and go from there,' June ordered.

After another two hours of going around the world, I fell asleep. The dream came to me. At the end it was weird. When on top, the flashcards of faces replaced the fuzzed out blonde. First June, then Ingrid then best for last ... Jazz. she takes the last kiss of my cock, then thank God, no shot of cum. I don't know how I could have mustered more semen, I had to be empty.


'My talk did not go well. She is bound and determined to have sex with Allen. She doesn't even know if he likes her! This is absolutely crazy. It is driving me crazy. Has she always been like this and I didn't know? To give her credit, she told me she is on the pill. Went on it in the last month of school. So no worries of early grandkids and dropping out of Harvard. I guess.'

She needed a hug. She had to focus on her custody battle case. I asked for details to shift her brain out of this bizarre development.

'I don't get why the hearing is 100 miles away? What's with that?'

'I handled the divorce when they lived here. Classic narcissist. Great first impression on her and her family. Three kids in two years - twins year two. She was turned into slave labor, doing everything for the kids, getting orders from him to mop all the floors before he came home from work. Make sure all the kids toys were picked up before he got home. He wouldn't walk around them or play with the kids. Then the abuse started, the dog would hide under the bed when he started yelling at her. She never admitted to physical abuse, but I had my doubts.'

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