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Lesbian Seduction - Intern Pt. 01

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Young college girl seduced by older lesbian boss.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/09/2022
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With the blessing of the author I have created this revised version of their excellent story. If you haven't read hr6183's story I highly recommend it. All characters in sexual activities are 18 or older. Nitpickers, please accept that the narrative occasionally is first person from the POV of the main character and that the grammar is how I intended it to be. Thank you and I hope that you enjoy this story. Let me know what you think.


My name is Kaylee Carlson. I am 21 years old and have been described as your typical California beach bunny. While I was not as tall as many of the blondes on the beach (I was short an average 5 feet 6 inches tall). While I was not an amazon in the height department my figure made up for that. My breasts were a natural 32D with quarter-sized nipples. I had a trim waist and a bubble butt. During school and summer, I spent my free time swimming, running, and playing volleyball so I was quite fit. Currently, I was in between my Junior and Senior year of college and I am out of school for the summer.

As I was always in need of money to pay for all the things that a girl my age could want I was in dire need of a summer job. Fortunately, my well-influenced father made some calls to his business associates and was able to find a job for me at an investment company. He was friends with the Director of Human Resources and based on my skills the man had the perfect position. Dad told me that I was going to intern at the firm as an administrative assistant for a woman named Riley McAvoy. When I heard the word intern I panicked as usually, they were unpaid positions but my father assured me that this was a paid internship and when he told me how much I would be getting an hour I jumped him and showered his face with kisses.

After I was done ravishing him with affection he went on to tell me that he didn't know much about my boss other than the fact that she was a senior executive working for the company and was in need of a new assistant. The daughter of a big-time businessman it had been drilled into my head at a young age to always excel at everything I do. Still, I was a little nervous about meeting my new boss.

I wanted to make sure that I made a good impression on my boss so I decided to wear a knee-length dark grey skirt with a slight slit down the left side, a matching blazer, a sheer white blouse, and open-toed heels. I spent a fair amount of time on my makeup and hair as I wanted to look like I belonged in this environment. To further impress I was pulling into the parking lot of the firm at 7:35 AM. I was almost a good half hour early but that just gave me time to get acquainted with the area. I walked into the building at 7:45 AM and told the receptionist that I was Riley McAvoy's new assistant.

The receptionist, a middle-aged woman gave me a once over, smirked almost evilly, and said "Oh, I see. Have a seat, she should be in shortly."

I didn't know what that was all about, but I decided to let it go. I didn't want to get into the office politics thing yet. So as instructed I took a seat over on the couch in the lobby and proceeded to wait for my new boss to arrive. At exactly 8:15 AM, a person walked through the door, wearing what Kaylee guessed was a very nice high-end suit.

The woman was tall, taller than Kaylee's 5 foot 6 inches. She with not the typical-looking businesswoman that Kaylee has seen moving throughout the halls. The black suit she wore was tailored to her frame and it showed hints of a white blouse underneath her blazer. The other thing that tipped Kaylee off that her boss was tall was that she was wearing flats. The person had short blonde, almost white, hair. The suit and haircut she had did a good job of masking her femininity. To be honest, I wasn't sure if this was a man or a woman until she spoke to the receptionist in a deep but definitely female voice.

"Good Morning Susan, is my new assistant here yet?" The woman asked in a decidedly feminine voice.

"Yes Ms. McAvoy, she's right over there." The receptionist says as she pointed at me. I stood up upon seeing and hearing this.

The woman thanked the receptionist and made her way over to me. Just by the way this woman walked I could tell that she exuded confidence. The expression on her face was stoic and she moved with a purpose. Yes, this woman was a real go-getter. I only hoped that I could learn from her and not do anything to get fired. As she neared me I saw a slight smile creep up on her face and I got the impression she was sizing me up. Under her scrutiny, I was already intimidated by her and she hadn't even said a word yet!

Now standing face-to-face Riley appeared to be a good six... maybe eight inches taller than me (and I was in heels). When she extended her hand to shake mine, I couldn't help but notice how different we both were. Up close... this woman was an Amazon. Her legs were long, hidden behind dark slacks that conformed to her legs. Her waist was trim as her light gray blouse was tucked into her slacks. Speaking of, she had a very nice bust, larger than mine in inches but not cup size. They were straining against the blouse as they were on display as her blazer was unbuttoned. Her frame was definitely a stark contrast compared to my slender, tight, young feminine body.

Besides her physical stature, this woman has short hair. From the look of it, while her hair was blonde it was obviously colored as the roots were dark. It was actually a good look in my opinion. My guess was that she was in her mid to late '40s. We were definitely polar opposites physically speaking.

"Hello, you must be my new assistant Kaylee Carlson, it's nice to meet you!" Riley said as she smiled and shook my hand with a firm grip. "Let's go to my office and get to know each other."

As we walked side-by-side to her office, I could see that Riley was checking me out in her peripheral vision. I've had plenty of guys ogle me before in such a manner, but this was the first time that I have ever had a woman do it (or at least be so obvious about it). I have to admit that at first, I was a bit uncomfortable having my boss, a woman, leering at me! However, as I passed other men in the hall that blatantly turned their heads and stopped what they were saying or doing to catch a glance at me I decided to let it go. She was going to be my boss for the summer and I didn't want to start off on the wrong foot.

Riley showed me my desk which was located right outside her office. She was at the end of the hall on this floor (which was very spacious) so it was quiet and the only people that would be by would be people coming to see Riley. She held the door open for me and allowed me through it. Once we were inside she had me sit down in the chair in front of her desk and once I was seated she followed suit and sat behind her big desk in her plush chair. Riley told me what she expected from me as her assistant. She said that she could be demanding and a "hard ass" at times but she promised that it wouldn't happen very often and that she could be a fun boss too as long as I did what was required of me when asked and in a timely manner.

Along with job expectations, Riley told me more about herself. I found out that she was 45 years old, a mother of two fully grown daughters, one of which was married and starting her family while her youngest daughter had just joined the Army and was on her way overseas.

All of the sudden Riley got very quiet. She had a pensive look on her face as if she was coming to some grand decision. Leaning forward she locks her gaze on me and says, "I like you Kaylee so I'm going to be blunt... you're going to hear a lot of rumors and gossip about me so I'm going to sort out the facts from the fiction. I am a lesbian. I have been for a large part of my life. I tried to do the heterosexual thing for a while and it got me my two amazing daughters but then the relationship crashed and burned and I never looked back. I am currently in a relationship with a younger woman named Vanessa."

Riley pulls out her cellphone, unlocks it, and turns the screen toward me. On it is the image of a lovely raven-haired woman who looks to be in her 30s. Her hair is long and she has wire frame glasses that bring out her brown eyes. Her skin is a creamy complexion and she has dimples in her smile. Riley shows me several other photos of the woman. She is a head shorter than my boss, her body is average for a woman her age that probably only works out when Riley makes her. Not frumpy but not as lean as say... me.

"How long have you been together?" I ask making small talk. I have to admit I'm mildly intrigued as I don't know any openly gay women.

"Two years. We met through friends at a big social event our companies were hosting." Riley tells me.

Even though Riley told me that she was in a relationship, I wanted to make sure that she knew that I was unavailable just in case. I told her that I had a boyfriend named Trevor that I was deeply in love with. Pulling out my cellphone I showed her a photograph of the two of us together. Riley complimented me on my taste and handed my phone back. I also told her that I was going to be a senior in college and planned to be a teacher.

I had to admit that I was a bit uneasy at first but as we talked I felt very relaxed and at ease with her. I realized that I had lived a very sheltered life and had never been exposed to a lesbian before. Riley was a woman like my mother and the only difference was that my mother liked men and Riley liked women. I don't know that my parents would've freaked out if they knew that their little girl was working for a lesbian.

My dad might not care as much as he's the one who found me this job but my mother tended to be a bit more conservative about her beliefs. More than likely she wouldn't have wanted me to consort with a woman like Riley. She would have been afraid that my new boss would try to take advantage of their little girl. In the back of my mind thought I found that it made this whole thing a little thrilling to me, knowing that it was something they wouldn't approve of. With that thought, Riley showed me back to my desk just as one of the other assistants came to go over the office systems that I would need to be familiar with.

The first week of work was great. Riley and another young intern, Rachel, got me up to speed and showed me what I need to do. It was hard work but as I got into my grove I found it to be quite fun working for Riley. She was stern and at times demanding but she was also fair and considerate (diametric differences I know).

The more time that I spent with Riley the more I enjoyed working for her. When we were alone I found her to be very down-to-earth, funny, and charismatic. Honestly, if my dad got to know her, I think he would have liked her as well. Even though she was like 24 years older than me, Riley had an almost boyish charm about her and she was able to make me laugh a lot. She had a devilish look in her eyes and cute dimples whenever she smiled.

The daily grind made the summer zip by. I worked Monday through Friday, usually, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. As soon as my workday was over I would head for the beach to enjoy the sun as much as possible. I would meet friends or join locals in a game of beach volleyball. If no games were going on I would jog the beach and finish my day off with a swim.

The month of June passed by so quickly that I didn't even realize it. Over the four weeks that I worked for Riley, I think that I had developed a bit of a crush on my boss. I found myself playfully flirting with her whenever we were alone. It was hard to rationalize as I knew that I wasn't gay... I liked boys my age, not women who were as old as my parents. Still, there was a certain exuberance as I let my touch linger on her hand, and her shoulder when I lean over to see something she is showing me (or vice versa).

I don't know if it was because I just got to know her better or if I had just become so comfortable with her that my previous misconceptions were gone. Maybe part of it was the thrill of knowing that I could be the object of lust and affection to both sexes. The thought of doing something my parents, or today's society, might not approve of, it all felt so very taboo. Whatever it was, it made me feel both dirty and sexy at the same time. I had to admit to myself that I loved the feeling. I think I decided to get flirtatious after the end of my second week.

It was Friday evening and time to start packing up. I had plans to go out to the beach with several of my girlfriends. Earlier in the day, Riley offered to buy our lunch as a thank you for doing such a good job thus far. While we were eating she asked what my weekend plans were after telling me that she was going to a business dinner with her significant other who was an investment trader. They were winning and dining several big-stakes investors.

I told her that five of my college girlfriends and I were going to the beach immediately after work. I don't know what made me do it but I pulled out my cellphone and pulled up a picture from my Instagram and showed her an older photograph of myself in the bikini I currently had down in the bag in my car. It was my favorite suit, a Venus brand Wavebreaker bikini. The colors were black, white and aqua blue splashed over the cups of the string bikini top and bottoms. Showing her the photo of me center stage with my friends actually made my 45-year-old boss swallow hard. At the time it was completely unintentional but at the same time brought a sense of pride to my ego that I (or maybe we) did this to her. We returned to eating but as we did so I would catch her glancing more intently at me. Not just my tits... but at me as a woman.

This brought us to the first of my life-changing events. The summer evenings tend to get warm in the building as the heat rises during the day. I had taken off my blazer and my sheer white blouse was clinging to my body. As I usually wore my blazer all day I bought several very sheer blouses as they were more comfortable. As it was very hot today you could almost see my skin as the material stuck to my sweat-sheened skin.

I sighed as I was putting away my files and preparing to lock up my desk I heard someone clear their throat. I was shocked as in the short time I had been interning no one came down this way on Friday after 3:00. When I looked up I came face-to-face and eye-to-eye with Riley's significant other, Vanessa Killborne. The woman looked striking all dolled up (in my opinion). She was thinner than the photograph on Riley's phone but also looked less... sincere. She had a scowl on her face and her arms were crossed in front of (what passed for) her breasts.

"And who might you be?" Vanessa asks me with a lot of sass.

"Hello, my name is Kaylee Carlson. I am Ms. McAvoy's personal assistant." I say politely and extend my hand to Vanessa.

The older woman just looks at my hand and scoffs at the gesture. "I didn't know she had gotten a new assistant," Vanessa informs me.

"Yes, I am only a summer intern as I am currently a full-time student," I say retracting my hand.

"Is Ms. McAvoy in?" The woman asks in a harsh tone as she gives me a full once over now that I am standing up.

"Yes, she's on an important conference call with the partners," I tell Vanessa. I realized now where the attitude was coming from after Vanessa sized me up. I have seen it many times on the faces of girls and women that feel threatened by my looks. Usually, it's from women that think I am out to steal their man. I am not the typical man-stealing slut but on occasion, if the woman is rude enough, I have flirted with the guy as a means to say I could take them if I so chose to.

Our eyes met and I never broke contact as I didn't want to appear weak. Vanessa had nothing to fear from me but she obviously felt threatened. As if to shatter the tense moment my phone beeped. This was a signal Riley and I developed to let me know when she was off her important calls if I needed to discuss something with her.

"You can go in now, Ms. McAvoy is free," I inform Vanessa. Walking over to Riley's door I open the office door to allow Vanessa through. The raven-hared woman storms in and curtly greets her lover.

"If that's all Ms. McAvoy I will be leaving for the day," I tell Riley. Riley wishes me well and as I close the door behind me I can hear the start of what has to be a bad conversation between the two lovers about (I'm sure) little ole' me.

The following week Vanessa started showing up at lunch and closing time and every encounter seemed to get uglier and uglier with me. She never did or said anything when Riley was around but I always knew when the witch was around as the temperature seemed to drop by 10 degrees when she was around. The last straw was Thursday at lunch when Vanessa blatantly made sure that she made out in front of me with Riley. That didn't annoy me... much. What got to me was as she closed the door she turns, looks at me, and says, "Stay in your lane tramp!"

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I had neither said nor done anything (as far as she knew) at this point other than looking professional and doing what my boss instructed me to do. Now... now it was on. Friday morning Vanessa had to drive Riley to work (I knew this as I had scheduled the car maintenance appointment for Riley's Audi).

The pair had just pulled up in front of the building prior to Riley's start time and as they were saying goodbye I walked right in front of them. I had on a white blouse that conformed to my upper body like a second skin. I was wearing a pushup bra that emphasized my natural tits (I usually did wear something like this as I had wanted to be taken seriously for my skills, not my sex appeal but the bitch crossed the line). My Navy Blue skirt was just above knee length with a slit down the right side (as I would be walking in their line of sight). The daggers that Vanessa gave me brought a smile to my face once they couldn't see my face. I know Riley was enticed as several times that day I could see her nipples poking through her blouse after she took off her blazer.

Over the course of the next week, I had begun to wear tighter, more revealing clothes at work in an effort to get Riley's attention. Especially when her witch of a girlfriend was around, I made it a point to walk past her, and as I did so I would sway my hips a little more. On the Friday at the end of the week, I changed into a pair of thong panties that were outlined against my thin skirt. I knew Riley could see the outline of them against my bubbly ass, as could her girlfriend who was red-faced as I wiggled my ass in front of both of them before I announced I was heading out for the weekend.

What I didn't realize was that while my plan to antagonize Vanessa was working very well, my antics had an unforeseen effect on my relationship with Riley. It seemed to work too. I would catch Riley staring at me more often than before. She would give me all sorts of projects that required me to be in her office. Everything came to a head the first Friday in July. It was the holiday weekend and the 4th of July was Monday so that meant three day weekend! Due to my schedule, I couldn't join my friends or family out of town so I just planned to go out for a drink and relax at my parent's home.

As the week was extremely hot and the AC was having a hard time keeping up for work I put on my skimpiest black thong panties and a matching black bra. I then slipped into a black mini skirt that had a slit running partway up my left leg. I also put on a skin-tight white button-up blouse, leaving a few buttons undone to accentuate my full breasts. Then I put on a pair of open-toed stilettos. I even put on an ankle bracelet.

I knew that I would get Riley's attention when I saw every guy in the building checking me out as I walked into work. It also pleased me to see the luck of disgust on the receptionist's face as I made my way to the elevator to go to my floor. I felt sexy and naughty all at the same time. I couldn't believe that I was doing this to entice my boss and annoy her lover. I know that Riley was a woman, a woman old enough to be my mother! It was crazy, but at the same time, it had become arousing to me as well!

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