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Letting the Ape-Woman Through Pt. 01

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Michelle's ape-woman transformations spiral...
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Michelle laid back on her bed, her hand resting on her lower stomach. She knew she was imagining that there was a bump there, because it was still early days in her pregnancy, though "Shelly," that ape-hybrid part of her, had known right from the start. Maybe it was to do with Shelly's more animalistic instincts, even though Shelly, of course, was not fully an animal either.

They didn't honestly know quite what Shelly was, considering that she had just appeared, one day, Michelle blacking out and not remembering the times that she transformed into a hybrid ape-woman, not one or the other, though she was starting to remember more and more of her "ape" moments, which was a bit of a relief. All those black spaces, where there really was "nothing" to her, had frightened her.

But Shelly was not something to be frightened of. With her new partner -- well, not so new anymore -- Oliver, she had worked out that it had been the vitamin tablet, when interacting with banana or banana flavouring, that had transformed her. They had tried to investigate and experiment but, as her transformations kept coming and coming, even shifting into ape-woman form right in the middle of a supermarket, they had just decided to stop triggering them. Still, Shelly came out increasingly, making herself known, even as Michelle slowly accepted that they were both a part of each other.

"What do you think about all this, Shelly?" Michelle breathed, her brown hair fanned out across the pillow as she idly traced patterns on her stomach. "Hm? What do you think? It's all a bit crazy, isn't it?"

To be pregnant, so randomly, though she hadn't been completely on top of her birth control when she'd been sleeping with Oliver. Regardless of it being a surprise, it was very much a wanted pregnancy and she had already been for a doctor's appointment, even though it was only a month into her pregnancy. He had expressed, with eyebrows raised, surprise over how she had realised that she was pregnant so quickly, especially with how busy Michelle had said she had been with work.

Of course, different women experienced pregnancy differently, though she had known, really, before she had even taken the pregnancy test. Everything was normal on the check-up, which was just fine by her, though it was too early for an ultrasound. That would come later and she would make sure that Oliver was there for that too, for he had been adamant about supporting her through it. They were a team and both she and Shelly, even if they were one person, were head over heels for him. A man that loved them exactly as they were was worth hanging onto, even if she would have gone full ape-woman just to keep him close to her.

Well, it was a good thing that Oliver wanted to be close to her too. Their relationship wasn't standard, but it was as close to normal as they could manage. With them supporting one another, it was at the very least healthy, which was sometimes all that someone could hope for.

But they had plenty to hope for and look forward to, even though things were not progressing as standard for Michelle.

Her hunger, of course, had shot up drastically. She had a vague sense of self when she transformed into Shelly, muscle bulging and hair covering her body thickly, but she had no will to control herself when Shelly wanted to savage the fridge and devour everything that she could find within. She'd had to keep the house even better stocked than usual to make sure there was enough, cheaper food too, to satisfy her ravenous appetite.

That was something that she had expected, however, if only slightly, because it made sense. However, she had not expected that a sense of anxiety and concern over herself, over her baby's wellbeing, as if she was guarding from other things.

She shook her head, trying to go about her daily business, though even the bathroom felt tight and claustrophobic as she stepped into the shower cubicle. The bath had been more appealing to her of late, but she had taken to transforming into Shelly in there too and there was only so much she could do about getting the long, dark, thick Shelly hair out of the drain. The shower had already been modified, after they had both realised that she was going to keep transforming into Shelly, with a more open drain and pipes. She still had to pour special chemicals, bought more often for zoos and veterinary practices down the drain to make sure that the hair disintegrated. As soon as they had the pipework ready for the new back (it was on order), that would be back on the table too.


Michelle sighed as she stepped into the shower, her hair slicked back and soaked, wet against her skull and coming down to her shoulders. It was a lighter blonde again after her holiday with Oliver, though Shelly's hair was darker, coating her shoulders and arms too in a darker shade still.

The transformation came quickly and, once again, it reminded her of just why she wasn't keen on using the shower cubicle, the changes rippling down through her body from head to toe.

First, her hair thickened up, even while wet, the curls trying to define themselves even with the weight of the water in them. It was untameable, when she was Shelly, but there was no denying how it slipped down into a rich, deep, dark brown shade, a little curling down across her eye, plastered to her face. Michelle gasped, her sense of self wavering as she melded, not for the first time, with Shelly, both Michelle and Shelly at the same time -- although she had kept the name "Shelly" for her ape-woman form. In her mind, it was just one small thing that helped differentiate one from the other.

The sensation of hair slicking wetly down her body was different when she was in the shower, not fluffing up at all to trap a layer of air, protectively, down against her skin. She groaned, her head falling back, her jugular prominent, dark hair racing down her arms, covering the back of her neck and her shoulder blades like a mantle. It was thick and soaked swiftly with water, coming down between her breasts too, though her breasts were still bare, despite the hair framing them.

Even though Michelle had no way to control the transformations, not yet, she rather liked how her breasts looked; Oliver had snapped a photo once when she had transformed. That time, however, as always, had ended up with the two of them in raunchy sex, so it had just been the one photo. The thick hair came down between her breasts in a soft dip and point, framing them nicely, though she was still hairier around the nipples, even if it was not thick, ape-woman hair.

More hair layered her back, coming down her spine and spreading out thickly there, covering both the middle of her back and her lower back. Her glutes were treated to a thick layer -- though her muscle bulged out too. It was more easily noticed as it pushed and grew, bubbling and rippling as her flesh settled more nicely over the top of it. Few knew that gaining muscle also gave the body more definition when there was fat held in certain parts of the body, though she had been going to the gym and familiar with that little trick for some time already before her very first transformation. Hitting thirty, for Michelle, had certainly been a revelation...

"Mmph... Shelly...like...water..."

She grunted, not quite knowing what she was doing, her mind softening, allowing Shelly to take control. Michelle, however, knew that there was nothing that Shelly would do to hurt her, not as her shoulders bulked up into cannonball-like rounds, thick and dominating, her breasts even swelling a little bigger, despite them still being very perky for their size. Nothing was outside the realm of what would have looked natural and inviting on her ape-woman body, of course, hair covering her hips and the tops of her thighs on the upper side. Not all of her body was hairy, of course, leaving some humanity behind in her hybrid body.

Her stomach, however, was not flat anymore, no, not with the abdominals and obliques showing through in smooth lines. There was a greater softness there that was not like when she gorged herself on every food item in the house that she could find, even though she was only, roughly, one month pregnant.

"Unff... Yes... Mmmph..."

Shelly groaned, leaning back against the wall of the shower, though her elbow came up against the side, rattling it. She grunted, eyeing it as if it had done something to offend her as she widened her stance, the muscle in her thighs smoothing down to a narrower point above her knee, squatting a little as her centre of balance changed. It was right as it was, of course, her calves throbbing while they pulsed up to their correct size, her toes thick and covered with a good layer of bristling hair.

As Shelly, she groaned, turning in the shower -- but it was too small! The ape-woman groaned, frustration boiling through, though it was not as if she couldn't do anything about it, of course. Even if the ape-woman's attitude was sharper and more abrupt than what she would have done as Michelle, of course, slamming the cubicle door open as steam wafted out and she bellowed.

"Unff... Too...small!"

Frustration snarled through her -- and yet she was much shorter-tempered than she had been before. She slammed back against the walls, jolting them with her elbow and knocking one straight off its tracks. Her hand was down between her thighs, grunting, shifting, prodding and probing -- and yet Shelly didn't quite seem able to please herself as she had done before.

Which wasn't good at all for the ape-woman, no, not in any way. She grunted and hopped and slipped on the bottom of the shower, as Michelle had forgotten to put a mat down to offer some grip, though it was too late for her to remedy that issue. Truthfully, Shelly was more than capable of finding the sticky-bottomed shower mat to pop down, but it was actually doing it that was a problem.

When the shower was too small for her, she pushed back, shoving the second wall of the cubicle off, where it crashed into the wall and slid down to the sink with a resounding bang that echoed through the still small confines of the bathroom. Shelly moaned and shot it a glare, though, at the very least, she had some space in which to please herself in the shower after that, leaning back heavily against the exterior wall and masturbating.

"Unff... Ohhhh..."

Now that the space issue was taken care of, the ape-woman focused solely on relieving her frustrations. Yes, yes, that was much better, very much better, her fingers more easily finding her folds and sliding into herself, shoving two straight up into her pussy and curling them into her G-spot.

"Mmph... Shelly...horny..." She groaned, eyelids fluttering, her eyes half-closed. "Need...this..."

She knew what she craved, how it bundled and twisted in the pit of her stomach, though it was fortunate that the nuances of her body understood that too, masturbating furiously. Her fingers drove into her pussy as she rubbed her clit with her thumb, working her hand back and forth so much that her thumb was not in contact the whole time. She just wasn't able to consider the finer details like that, not when lust and desire were snapping at her, irritable even while she was building to climax.

And orgasm, when it came, did not soothe her shortness and sharpness of temper as much as either Michelle or Shelly, together, would have liked, a burning high of a climax that soaked her hand in her juices. It was all swiftly washed away, of course, as if it had never been, with the momentary wash of ecstasy and relief softening too swiftly. It left her blinking at the shower room with a strange look in her eyes, glassy and faraway, the mirror on the wall tilted askew.

Shelly didn't know why the mirror was like that, but Michelle understood that something had happened when she had changed. When she reverted to Shelly, having left the shower running and gone into her bedroom, frustration still heaved inside her, like a storm that her body was doing its best to contain. And yet that was not the sort of thing at all that a body was designed to cover, even if she was doing as well as she could.

She gulped and blinked, looking around her in the bedroom, pulling her bare hands over the thick, dark layer of hair that had erupted from her body when she had reverted to Shelly. The reversion transformations, back to human form, were not ones that had stuck with her in the slightest and, still, she only had impressions and some memories of what happened when Shelly was in control. They worked more as a team than they had before, but it was not an infallible arrangement.

Michelle wasn't sure at all that it had ever been one.

"What the heck?"

She murmured softly, picking up a chunk of hair and rubbing it between her fingers, her body naked -- though that in itself was not all that unusual. She had gotten used to coming back to herself again, usually after Shelly crashed out asleep, and wondering what was around her, what had happened, where her clothes were. That time, at least, she did remember going into the shower.

Her hand rested protectively on her stomach as she padded, barefoot, back to the shower room, her eyes widening as she took in the wreckage, everything that didn't feel intentional and yet was born from the simmering worry and fret in her stomach, winding its way around the core of her being. The shower was still on, steam wafting and filling up the room on too high of a setting, and Michelle stepped into the cubicle without thinking, turning the water off.

And then her lips parted and something tightened in the line of her jaw, as if her muscles were all contracting at once in a sudden flashing of roaring adrenalin and urgency.

"Slippery!" She bellowed. "No!"

Squeaking, for she did not have the breath in her lungs for another word to break free, she startled back out of the cubicle, the water sputtering to a stop, for she had just about managed to switch it off. Yet how had that snarl even come from her own lips? She had not intended to say anything, no, not at all. And yet she had slid a bit on the floor of the shower cubicle, the lightly raised sections, which were made from smooth plastic, not enough on their own to give her the grip that she'd needed.

Retreating to the bedroom again and making a mental note to ask Oliver to help her set the bathroom to rights, for it did look somewhat fixable, she tried to relax for the rest of the afternoon she had off. It was the best she could do, in that moment and, of course, for the baby she was carrying.

One thought, however, lingered in her mind.

Had Shelly been trying to protect her...them?

It wasn't something that she could just figure out in an evening and neither could Oliver, even though they were both sure that it had something to do with the pregnancy. Still, she could still mostly go about her daily life and making things around the house just a bit safer did seem to help a little. The things deemed risks for her and the baby were taken care of, even if Michelle had to take the stairs carefully to avoid the rumblings of Shelly from once again rising in the back of her mind.

"I don't mind letting you out," Michelle said softly, pausing at the bottom of the stairs to let the knots and twists of nerves in her body settle, Shelly threatening to take over. "But...we've still got to live. There are always going to be stairs and stuff, things that we have to get around."

She dressed comfortably in a pair of jeans with a generous stretch at the waist (thank god for elasticised waistbands) and a long, flowing shirt with poppies on it, before heading down to the bank. It was a relief just to be out and Michelle leaned into the movement a little more, striding out as she walked down the street, even though it was a bit of a walk for her. It was fortunate, of course, that her bank was open for some slightly later hours on a Wednesday evening, which meant that she didn't have to rush there straight from the lab, where she was still working on safe projects, just to get her business done.

Maybe I should add another gym workout in every week, she reflected, musing over just how relieved and good she felt simply to be walking, using her body, her trainers smoothing over the tarmacked pavement with every step. It might help with feeling so stressed. It's not as if I can do my usual loads and workouts, of course, with who I'm carrying.

And that was something that Michelle was more than happy to give up, for it would only be for a time. She would never stop looking after her health, no, but she had swapped her workouts also to safer ones, even though, before she had gotten the positive pregnancy test, she had found an aptitude for swinging across the bars of the gym, the bars fitted between racks to test upper body strength. That she looked just like a confident, powerful ape flying between the bars and swapping her grip was not lost on Michelle. It was that strength and ease that she sought to emulate.

She wanted to bring the best parts of Shelly into the life that she had with Michelle as much as she wondered if the best parts of Michelle could be brought into her transformations, when Shelly "took the wheel," as she had taken to thinking of the shift. But that was something a little deeper that could only come out when the transformations came and, undoubtedly, as time passed too. As always, Michelle would be a scientist at heart.

The bank was unusually busy that day and she sighed as she waited in line, wishing that she could just skip to the front. She wasn't usually all that impatient and yet she knew that there were other things that she would much rather be doing. Walking was definitely much better than standing there, hopping and shifting her weight from foot to foot, not knowing what to do with herself. Even the soft fabric of her long shirt, with a couple of buttons for decoration between the neckline and the chest, seemed too annoying them, itching and catching at her skin in all the wrong places. Since when had it even been that tight under her arms?

The air in there was hot and sticky and she grumbled, red in the face and fanning herself with her hand. It didn't do much good but made her feel like she was, at the very least, doing something, even if it was not true. Her nerves rumbled, frazzled and frayed, a muscle jumping at the corner of her eye.

"Everyone get down on the ground! Get down on the ground!"

The man roared and time seemed to slow down as she whipped around, fear clawing at her, chilling, as if she'd gulped down an entire glass of ice-cold water all at once and the whole thing had dropped straight into her stomach. It no longer even felt as if her feet were connected with the ground anymore, everything floaty, shifting, turning slowly, so very slowly, adrenaline gripping her.

Yet it was that adrenaline that Michelle so sorely needed as she took in, in a split-second, the robbers lunging into the bank, firearms levelled and ready, though she could not have said what guns they were. She didn't need to, not as the masked men with thick balaclavas, despite the heat, pulled over their faces charged through the bank, swinging guns about and shouting.

It sounded like she was hearing them from a very long way away, one hand on her stomach, yet there was nothing Michelle could have possibly done about what happened next.


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