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Leviane King: A Romance Ch. 01

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You could say...she was born to be his.
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(!!A big thanks to my second editor, because I need all the help I can get, Spagettii!! When I first wrote down the ideas for this story in an old notebook I was seventeen, I found it a few days ago and re-wrote it.

As per usual I have twisted things for my story so don't go searching for information on the creatures I use because a lot of it is based off my own imagination. Hope you like this even a little.

Leviane - pronounced Le-vy-an

Naithaniel - pronounced Nye-thani-el)



The many kings and queens were warned about the end of the world as they knew it, some of them laughed at the warning. Others grew scared and wondered about the details of their future demise. On the first day in every month when the clock struck three am there would be an earthquake. The vicious earthquakes devastated the land, tearing apart forests, destroying mountains, and reduced many castles to piles of dust. Many built homes underground, the rich had the most safety. Toward the end of the final day the earthquake added to the strength of the eleven before it. This pushed everyone back to the surface. The sight they were met with was nothing like they expected.

The sky was a bright blue, the forests that had been torn apart were even larger, the animals were healthy and not frightened a single bit. Many of the shattered mountains were even taller, the villages stood in perfect condition as if the homes hadn't been swallowed into the Earth to begin with. Even the cobble roads and natural springs were perfect and untouched. It was as if the Earth itself had shifted and stretched, nothing was as it was before the earthquakes began. As they went through the vast forest they could see that castles, much larger than their human-made counterparts, had come out of nowhere.

All of the humans who survived were taken hostage and escorted to different locations; it was at these locations that they found how life would change. In reality the Earth had always been this size, when the thin veil between the human and demon world was shattered all of the things in the way were simply removed and replaced. The various creatures in charge decided to play fair because in reality, these tiny humans couldn't do a thing to them. The humans had to tell the leaders what they owned and how they lived before the veil was broken.

Slowly month by month each human family was placed back in their posts; some were even removed from power. Former corrupted kings and queens were stripped of their titles and thrown into peasant life. As far as the humans knew they were all at peace, those that were allowed to have all of their riches had to pay a price, their youngest sons and daughters were sent to whichever kingdom needed them.

Whether they become slaves with nothing, servants with a chance at happiness, or pets with special treatment there were different stories for each group here is one that is the most important.


Several young children were sent to the training grounds that belonged to the head Leviane kingdom of the South. The Levianes were one of the most vicious creatures that lived; they were the result of the coupling of a dragon and dark elf. They ranged from 6"4 to 8"5 in height; they were lightly scaled and came in a large range of colors. Like dragons they had claws and fangs that could cut through anything, and they were generally nocturnal but they slept lightly. That being said, even a fool who had lost everything wouldn't be dumb enough to attack one of their homes. They had strong bat-like wings that grew out of slits on their back and were short tempered.

They weren't known for yelling, if you had committed suicide by severely angering one of them you wouldn't know it until they came to kill you. They had two forms, the use of the dragon form depended on the owner, much like how each lady chose to wear their hair. Like dark elves, they had elfin ears and were startlingly beautiful. They were skilled in hand to hand combat, archery, and magic. Those in the royal family could secrete a poison from their fangs that promised a slow and painful death. Only those that were privileged got to learn more about them aside from that.

The children were pushed into plain black cells one for boys and one for girls and they were never told what their purpose was. They were told that they would be kept healthy and fed if they worked on their lessons and behaved.

As the years went on the children would disappear at random until there were only two left, but by then, they weren't children anymore. Princess Fiona was now eighteen and a beauty at that.

She was slim and petite, her pale skin was flawless, she had a set of blue eyes more vivid than any ocean, and her long auburn hair fell in waves around her heart shaped face. However, she wasn't the delicate little flower she appeared to be. She had been trained to handle a sword, was easily one of the best female archers around, and she could cook, clean, and mix poisons and potions like she had been born to do it. The princess next to her was Princess Madeline, she had been taught to fight just as Fiona had.

She had long blond hair that she kept in a simple braid, her brown eyes showed deceitful innocence, Though she had not been trained in potions like Fiona;she could identify them with ease. During the children's stay they had been trained in this room, and out in woods. Fiona wondered if they would ever see the actual castle, she was sure if they were being so heavily trained that there was a reason for it.

Fiona looked up as the wooden door was unlocked and their keeper, Hazel, came into the room. She was a low class demon and had aged a bit, but she held mature beauty on her pale face. Her green eyes only held wisdom and her graying hair was always kept in a proper bun. She wore a simple blue and silver dress, she stopped in front of them and they walked over to greet her.

"Hello ladies, I trust you had a relaxing personal night?"

"Yes Lady Hazel." they said in unison.

"Excellent, I'm here to tell you that your first bit of training is complete."

"First bit?" Madeline asked.

"Yes, you two have been chosen for a set of important roles, you could say you were born for them."

"What roles are those?" Fiona asked.

"For starters, I am no longer Lady Hazel to you my lady." she said to Fiona.

She turned to Madeline.

"And Fiona is now Lady Fiona to you Madeline."

Madeline swallowed.

"I'm to be a slave?"

"No you will be her lady's maid, her personal attendant, Lady Fiona you are to be his Royal Highness Lord Naithaniel Frederick Gabriel VIII's wife."

Fiona's eyes widened.

"What? There must be a mistake, I have never met him, surely he wouldn't want a woman chosen for him without meeting her first."

Hazel smiled.

"My lady, his royal highness has come here many times to scan the children being trained and decided several roles, you were the one who stood out the most."

"Lady Hazel, why is it that she was trained to kill if she is to be the queen?" Madeline asked.

"Because unlike in human kingdoms, the women are completely equal to the men, they are taught skills to protect the castle should the men be called to battle. While there are few that would try to go after a large group, the Levianes have many allies. The queen should be able to protect herself as easily as her husband."

Fiona bit her lip.

"So...I'm off to train more then?"

"You both are, you must be trained for your roles in the kingdom, a week after your twenty first year you will be married. Any more questions can wait until after breakfast, and then your lessons will begin."

End Prologue...



Fiona toyed with the empty vial in her hand, it had contained a mix of Naithaniel's blood and a strong potion that she would not be taught to brew until she had children. The mixture would prevent her from falling ill to life threatening diseases, and having his blood inside of her would make it easy for the king himself and the guards to find her if she was in danger or simply lost. She had learned plenty about their history and other traits.

One of which was the fact that they drank blood, the nutrients found in human blood did about the same for them that water and milk did for humans. Which is why certain humans are bred for marriage. Part of the wedding included that she would take a bit of his blood, when not diluted with anything it was a drink that caused eternal youth, a sort of perk for a human bride. While the king's blood was strong enough to promise pure blood offspring, she would remain human forever unless he decided otherwise.

It was her wedding day; she didn't remember much of her family but wondered if they would be present. She stood in front of a mirror, the top of the dress had high sleeves but the bodice itself was heart shaped. Silver vines decorated it making beautiful patterns on the white material. The skirt was bell shaped and fell to the floor, it was made of silk and cut down the middle to reveal the silvery mermaid tail skirt that clung to her well-shaped legs. Her hair was placed in a decorative side bun and several waterfall curls fell from the center to rest on her shoulder.

Little white rose earrings hung from her ears and a matching choker rested on her neck, all she needed was to pull the veil over her face and she would be ready. She sat in a simple white room that only held a bathroom, vanity and the wardrobe that had held her dress, along with two chairs. It would be redesigned to her liking after the ceremony; she would get dressed in here for as long as she wanted. Or she would be given a new room, it was her decision. She looked up as a knock came to the door; she stood up and told the person to come in. It was Madeline, as she was the personal maid to the queen she wore a simple white and silver dress to mark her place right from the beginning.

"Oh Lady Fiona, no words can describe your beauty."

Fiona huffed and walked over to close the door behind her.

"Thank you....but don't give me that, you're my best friend."

Madeline smiled at her.

"And I have nothing but love and respect for you, you could have let the power go to your head but you still stayed the same, I have no trouble treating you as you should be treated."

Fiona sighed and Madeline circled her to make sure her dress was perfect.

"Did you see Naithaniel?"

"No my lady, he will be waiting for you when the ceremony begins."

Fiona sighed, during her training as a bride she had never met him, Hazel explained that during this time it was customary for the bride to focus on her studies. She was expected to be presented to her future husband when she was at her best and not a moment before. Fiona had asked Madeline to take a walk and try and spot him but apparently it was hopeless. Hazel assured her that Naithaniel had not seen her much either, he had only sent guards to check on her health.

Another knock came and Madeline opened the door, it was Hazel, she also wore a white and silver dress. She walked over and handed a bouquet of red and black roses to Fiona.

"My lady you look beautiful."

Fiona smiled at her and thanked her, she could try with Madeline, but with Hazel it was useless to try and change her ways. Hazel covered her face and they walked with her through the beautifully decorated hallways, that were easily better to look at than the art that was in the way. They walked to the grand staircase that currently had several roses and chrysanthemums falling around the steps. She couldn't see the massive living area that was a tasteful mix of white, silver, black and red. They walked down the steps and toward the throne room. She couldn't see the many guests either but their clapping was enough.

As soon as they reached the black velvet carpet in the center of the beautiful throne room they would stop every so often and she would curtsy. This was a silent thank you to every group of guests that came. After they reached the steps that normally led to the twin thrones, they each gave her arm a gentle squeeze and moved to stand on her side. She took a breath as the music stopped and she held out her right hand, soon it was taken by Naithaniel. They walked up the small set of stairs and stopped in front of the priest. Though she couldn't see it, he wore a black cape with blood red vines stitched in, that covered a blood red silk like top. Paired with black trousers and perfectly shined black boots, the most traditional wear of a young demon groom. His skin tone was a curious shade that looked like the mix of blue and onyx black. His eyes were a blend of liquid gold and silver, his long white hair was in a decorative ponytail that rested on his left shoulder and fell to his pelvis.

He stood at 7"8 while his bride was only 5"6; his massive wings were closed, so currently he stood in all his kingly glory. The priest began as everyone took their seats and quieted down.

Aside from sharing her first glass of wine with Naithaniel, and the part where he cut the bottom half of her veil so she could take some of his blood, the ceremony was much like a human wedding. Well there wasn't a part for someone to object, it was no one's place to decide why a woman wasn't fit for the king, unless the king himself questioned the union. The bouquet would be preserved and replanted in the castle garden as the centerpiece.

As the ceremony came to a close, she was given a silver jewel encrusted ring and the priest raised the remainder of the veil. At the gasp it was made clear that the crowd hadn't expected her to be as beautiful as she was. She paid no attention to them as she got a good look at her husband.

It was soon on everyone's mind, they would make gorgeous children, the reception would begin after the end of their first dance.


The reception was definitely odd, even though she had already read about it, all of the women including the bride went in one room and the men followed the groom into another. Fiona smiled and thanked everyone as she was congratulated. She had learned that the new couple was separated one final time before their wedding night, sort of like a set of misplaced bachelor and bachelorette parties. Fiona was worried about spending the night with her new husband. She was a virgin and only knew about sex from the many journals she had had to read.

Madeline sat next to her.

"My lady are you alright?"

She nodded.

"I was just thinking about...well you probably know."

Madeline giggled.

"I don't see what is so amusing, what if.....I can't please him?"

"Then a second woman will be sent in." Hazel said.

Fiona looked at her as mortification covered her face, Hazel laughed.

"I'm only kidding my lady, you have no reason to worry, the males of his royal highness's breed are full of nerves, a novice only has to pay attention to reactions to get started."

Fiona blushed as the mix of women burst into giggles and they shared numerous stories with her to calm her nerves.


After dinner, Naithaniel showed Fiona to her new bedroom, the beautifully made canopy bed was carved from gold the sheets were black. This was the color scheme of the room, but a bit of red accented several of the items. She felt nervous as he extended his claws to cut into the first layer of the dress. Leaving her in the slim skirt underneath and the silver corset that barely covered her breasts. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her close.

"You do not need to fear me Fiona; I will take my own life before I harm you."

His deep voice was soothing to the ear, another skill that dark elves inherited from their high elf cousins. She looked up at him as her nerves were calmed, he took her hands and placed them on the buckles on his shirt and cape. He would undress her and she would do the same for him. Her blush grew darker as his skin was slowly revealed; as she felt during their dance, he was extremely well built. Embarrassed or not, she couldn't resist running her hands over his bare chest. Several scars could be seen, if anything that only calmed her the rest of the way.

To know that this fearsome creature could be harmed at all proved that he couldn't be the indestructible monster she had read about. It was an odd comfort, but to know that her skills wouldn't be useless if he did turn out to be a monster was a relief. He made a noise of approval at the feel of her soft hands tracing his muscles. He pulled off her corset with a swipe of his claws and undid the ribbon holding her skirt in place. It took a second for her to see how the laces on his pants were untied but soon his pants and shoes joined her skirt and heels on the floor.

Her modesty was finally destroyed when his gaze turned hungry and he crashed his lips to hers. She opened her mouth to him and moaned against his lips, as their tongues shared a dance of passion. He had to bend quite a bit to keep the pose but soon pulled her up and wrapped her legs around his waist while he moved them to the bed. She loved the feel of the soft mattress under her, with his more than welcome weight on top of her. He wasn't completely resting on top of her; he understood that even with his blood his new wife was fragile.

He pulled away from her lips and kissed on her neck, growling in pleasure as she offered her neck willingly. He felt her fingers running through his hair; the defenseless ribbons hadn't stood a chance against her strong fingers. He ran his tongue down her neck and toward her breasts. She moaned as his somewhat rough tongue gently caressed each nipple. She felt herself getting wet as he explored her body, he moved lower and her legs parted.

He took a long look at her, naked of course, she was well toned but held the soft curves that most men preferred. He bent to lick her pussy gently, the slow movement sent chills all the way up her spine and down to her toes. She moaned and gasped as she arched against him. He flicked his tongue quickly over her clit teasing the bud and getting harder while hearing her moans caused by the action. She bit on her glossy finger nail as his tongue worked in-between her folds, she twitched and squirmed before he brought her to orgasm. She had a second orgasm as he licked her clean.

"You taste divine Fiona."

She swallowed and blushed darkly as she pushed herself into a sitting position; he chuckled slightly and stroked her cheek.

"Do not be embarrassed, what you feel is natural."

She looked at him through her messy bangs.

"Actually my king...I'm more embarrassed that I wish to return the favor and don't know how."

He smirked though he felt himself harden as completely as possible.

"It is something that merely takes practice." he said, his voice thick with arousal.

She lay down on her back and he moved to lay over her so they were in a 69 position, his cock was long and thick. She reached up to stroke him feeling a need, a powerful need to bring him the same pleasure he had brought her. She opened her mouth to lick the head of his cock; he shivered as her virgin tongue caressed his cock. She might not know what she was doing but the way her tongue slid over the various veins and around the head while moving up and down was almost enough to make him crazy. She opened her mouth further and pushed herself up to take his head into her mouth.

Of course she couldn't take much, but made sure to massage the half that couldn't fit, true to Hazel's words she was hitting every nerve on his cock as she toyed with his manhood. Before long he moved and came, his kind was known for cumming quite a bit and he didn't want to choke her. She sat up but still didn't manage to escape being sprayed in the face, his cum smelled nice and tasted rather sweet. Had she not been trying to clean the cum off of her face she would have noticed she had brought the first blush he'd ever had in his adult life to his face. She moaned a little as her pussy twitched.


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