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Life Can Really Suck

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The dating practices of an American girl.
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I was in love. I was 23 and just out of the US army. I had been engaged to my child hood sweet heart for 3 years. We'd talked marriage for the past two years while I was in the army. Amy had decided we needed to wait til I was out. We grew up next door from each other in Richmond, Indiana right on the Ohio state line. While I was in my second year of my tour Amy moved to the DC area and was going to George Washington University.

Not long before I had joined the service we had gotten engaged when I was 20 and Amy was 18. Shortly after our engagement Amy finally gave in and we became lovers. And she was my third lover while I her first. I was more than proud Amy had waited til we became engaged and her life partner chosen before she finally gave herself up. And then just before my enlistment was up I got my Dear John letter. She had met someone else and fallen in love. Now is is a hard thing to let a life time of friendship just go and I was really curious what my future wife had found that ended our relationship.

I had been what could be termed as a scary motherfucker for two years in the Army. So I knew how to do things normal people didn't. I had no ideas about hurting anyone I just wanted to know what happened. I had no need to talk to Any as she had made it clear her mind was made up. So I just melted into the culture in the Dc area where she was. I got a part time job being a guy who took care of things in an apt building a couple blocks from where Amy lived.

In my spare time I staked out her apt and just watched. The second day I saw a 6' 2" bald black man of maybe mid thirties come down from the floor where Amy's apt was. Not what I would call a real handsome man of any race. More of a real African, but not the total black color. My guess was he had maybe quarter blood mixed into his blood. But still the thick nose and lips of the race. The next day I watched them come down together with his hand on Amy's sexy ass.

So my guess was he was her new boyfriend? I followed from a safe distance and they walked about ten blocks and turned into a club. The sign on the door said live nude dancing nightly. Well that was much better than dead nude dancers? The door was locked and the sign said 5 pm. I moved over and saw a poster with six girl's pictures on it. Amy was one of them and her breasts were barely covered. I decided I would come back later. At seven that evening I entered the club and slipped into a corner table for two.

But it had a good view of the stage where a girl was totally nude dancing. The club's clients were mostly young black men. Several white girls were scattered around with the black men. I had two beers and watched 2 more girls become nude on the small stage. It became to my attention the girls who came off the stage were soon giving lap dances in the back. I wanted to slip back and see how intimate the dances were? But as I was trying to figure how to do that with out getting into something bad. Amy came out on stage. Four dances later my future x wife was nude on the stage. Her breasts were even better than I remembered them. Her little slit was completely bare. And she spread it for the customers. Amy danced three songs completely nude before she left the stage. Soon after I saw a large negro male leading her into the back room.

As I sat there I grew very curious when I watched the sixth black lead Amy into the back room. She had spent nearly twenty minutes with each man. I was less than 4 minutes behind them and I slipped into the semi dark area in the rear. There was noise coming from the tented area to my left side and I eased that way I peaked between the sheets. Amy was facing the negro male with her breasts being fondled and kissed while she slid her smooth vagina up and down on his way more than average black erection. Very Bare black erection. Her head was thrown back as she gave herself to him as if he was her husband.

I slipped out and left her to her passion. So now I knew my friend was not a one man woman any more. I was sure she had just fucked six different guys in lap dances. Six black guys. Was she hooked on drugs? Was she owned by a pimp? Was she in love and doing what he wanted? I guess I needed to know. So I decided to hang around to find out. The next day Amy came out alone and I met her just outside.

"Johnny, I am so glad to see you!"

"So Amy is the guy you broke off with me , the one you came out with yesterday?"

"No, my Love, he is my pimp."

" So you are now a whore?"

"Only for black men, Lover."

"Yes, I saw you on stage yesterday."

"Fantastic, your breasts are the sexiest I have ever seen them and your body looks like it belongs up there."

"So if we were still engaged you wouldn't make me quit?"

"No, it would be a sin to stop you dancing."

"And did you see me in the back room?"

"I saw you go back with 6 young men and when you went back with the 7th I slipped back there."

"And did you watch us?"

"Amy. you have never been more beautiful ever."

"Are you being snide Johnny? I was to become your wife."

"You still could be Amy."

"Even knowing what you know about me now? And if I wanted to do it as your wife?"

"We could talk about it Amy."

"Are you interested in how it happen to me, to us?"

"Yes, very interested, It's why I am here."

"Over coffee, or over me in bed?"

"Let's start over coffee and go from there."

"Good answer, John."

We sat over coffee and she told me the brutal story. She met Troy in a class, and they became friends. He is a twenty five year old handsome African man from South Africa. And they began to spend more time together. They became better friends. She'd seen him casually in class and out for 5 months, before they kissed. After the first one she let him kiss her when he wished. They became more frequent and more passionate.

Two months more passed before she gave him her breasts bare. She was topless for him from then on when he wished. He kissed and fondled them. And then they made love and it was something she never imagined. The thrill of having him bare inside her as she looked into his eyes was something so sexual she fell deep in love. As she gave herself to him every day she fell even more deeply in love. They moved in together then. As they went more and more in the relationship his friends began to visit them .

Men from his home and American negro men. The first time some of them came over she slipped into their bedroom and put on a T shirt. He came to her and kissed her deeply. And he pulled her shirt back over her head. He told her how proud he was of her and wanted her to show off for his friends. From then on she was semi nude when his friends came. Men came and went from their apt. She told me maybe 40 guys came and went and she became comfortable with her nudity around them.

And then some began to fondle her breasts. He told her he had given then permission to feel them. And she admitted it excited her. At first it was only his closest friends. But it soon became every one. And then his five best friends pulled her into their bedroom and stripped off her panties. And they shared her completely. Troy watched. They began fucking her when they wanted. And then Troy brought Morgan in to fuck her.

Morgan is her pimp. And Troy disappeared. Until she saw him with a very beautiful blonde freshman girl from the midwest and she knew she would become his next whore. Morgan took her to the strip club and she had worked there for several months. She had been giving lap dances for 2 months now. Morgan had her arrested twice for prostitution and the next time would get her a year in county jail.

"So Baby what do you want to do?"

"What can I do Johnny, Morgan is my pimp. He has connections with the police." "

"Does he fuck you Baby? and do you like it?"

"His cock is huge, I love it. He makes me dance and lap fuck. It is so sexy. I want to do it Johnny."

"Marry me Amy. and when it is time we will change what needs to change."

"I am a whore John, can you love me like that? Worse I am a prostitute."

"So after I become your husband. will you hire me as your pimp?"

"Oh, God Johnny can you pimp your wife?"

"Yes. and much better than Morgan does!"

Amy went back to the club that night and danced.She danced 5 sets. And she did five lap dances between sets. I ask how many cocks she did? She told me she had 36 bare up her! Twenty three of them were guys she had never done before.

"Til you marry me I will break my record every day."

"So 37 tomorrow?"

"Yes, Johnny you want me fucking more than 36 blacks tomorrow?"

"Let's get married tomorrow?"

"You want to? If I tell you I am married will you hate me?"

"No I won't if it is Morgan?"

"Does it excite you I am married to my pimp?"

"If you are, yes it does!"

"I am and have been for over a year now. And yes I am married to Morgan. So what do we do?"

"Are you happy? Being his whore?"

"His cock is very big and her uses it very well. He makes me want to be his whore. He gets me to do things I never dreamed I would do and it makes me ready to do it again. So yes I am and for now I am married to the right man."

I kissed her and I made love with her. I told her I still loved her and she told me the same thing. And I left her there with her pimp. I went back into the Army and was gone for three years in some very bad places doing bad things to very bad people.

When I got out the second time I was very unsure what to do and where to go. I was twenty seven years old and still had little idea what I wanted to do in life. I was very good at killing people my government said needed killing. I had six years of practice at it and had done it in six different countries. I knew the smart thing was to reup and finish my twenty.

I also knew I was tired of that life and desired something much more normal. I knew I wanted to find Amy and see where her life had gone in the past three years. I went back to the Club in DC where she had worked three years earlier and checked it out. Nope, Amy didn't work there anymore. I did find Morgan was still a pimp in the area. So I staked him out. After three weeks I knew Amy and Morgan were no longer together. So the easy way was to ask.

Morgan is a street smart black pimp in DC and very cocky. He told me he knew who I was and I could go fly Kites. Well not exactly but close. I in turn taught Morgan and Killers were on a different plane. And he got it. He is the DC pimp. I am the guy who would kill the pimp and go have lunch . Morgan told me every thing he knew.

Amy divorced him. She went home and she married a friend of ours two years ago. No she was not happy ever after. Her husband was killed over a year ago in a robbery. She had moved to Jackson, Mississippi.

Jackson is pretty good size and all I had was her name. But in two days I had her house staked out. She and her daughter lived in a small but clean little house in a not so good part of the town. She worked two jobs neither in the sex business trade and I saw no man in her life.

I watched her for three weeks and I knew she was very careful of some thing. She had changed her name from her married name and she went by Marie now. She had married Richard Johnson but now went by Mrs. Jamison. I can tell you how I sorted all this out in short time but I would have to kill you. I have unusual connections and I know people in our home. People who trust me.

I had found out Richard was not just killed in a robbery, It was a hit. What he was into I had not learned completely yet, but it had killed him. And they were after Amy too. I had followed her as a shadow for another week when I picked up two guys on her and I was on them. She was going from one job to her second and as she crossed an alley they grabbed her and took her deep into it. One had opened her blouse and had his knife about to carve on her breasts when I took them both out.

Nope I didn't kill them I just put them to deep sleep and I split a small spot on their privates. Just telling them how nearly they had come to very nasty. I put them both in the dumpster near by and turned to Amy. I was in full face paint and she had no clue who I was. I whispered for her to go on to work and to be normal. She ran down the alley and I ghosted her to her second job.

I followed her as she left her second job and she went home. As she was going up her walk I pulled her into the bushes near her door and held her quietly. I knew they had found her and I knew they would be in her house. I knew she had been seen coming home and had staked the guys in the car around the corner. I knew they could not see us where I had taken her.

I whispered in her ear that she was found and they were in her house and around the corner. I felt her melt into my arms so I knew Amy had figured out who her savior was. Against her ear I told her to melt into this spot and stay til I came back and got her. She nodded.

I slipped into the back seat of the car around the corner and I double tapped both men behind the ear with the quiet little one .22 pistol I'd taken from the guys in the alley. Then I slipped into the house and I broke three men's necks cleanly so not to mess up the house. I then took Amy in the front door.

"We can talk later, now you pack everything you and your little girl will need. You are moving and are going to vanish."

Amy never said a word she just packed two bags and I slipped her over two blocks to my car and we drove away. It took me nearly and hour to find the two teams who had staked out the baby sitters house. They had not checked on the guys who were at her house yet or they would have already have taken her daughter.

Amy had tried to explain what Richard had gotten into and with whom but I needed more time to find out all. I knew they were very bad people and they wanted something Amy had or that she knew.

As of now I had six guys that I needed to remove without hurting the people in the house or leaving them exposed. Just how to do that was a problem. I slipped over to the first car and zip tied the three men there to disable them. I then took the others in the second car and I had the driver go to a salvage yard ten miles away. I left them zip tied in the yard. I drove back and brought the second car to the same yard and left them there. I gave them a pep talk about the baby sitter and that if she was bothered they would need to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives.

Amy got her daughter and we drove away. I them hid Amy to the point no one would ever find her unless she screwed it up. My job now became to clean up the mess for Amy and give her life back to her. This was much harder than just killing them. And I did consider doing that.

From my connections in the Military I ask some favors and got intel I could use. Richard cooked the books for a part of the mob. They thought he was skimming off the top. And a hit was put out on him. The estimated skim was around ten million dollars. They were after Amy to recover it.

I sat down with Amy and we got down to it. She did not know at all what I was talking about with the ten million? She had no idea Richard worked for any people of the sort who would kill them nor that he had done anything that could put them in danger. I believed her. So now I had first to figure out if her did it. Second if he didn't who did?

Richard was killed in his office down town so I started there. It had been tossed. But not very expertly. I then learned Richard had a partner he worked with. A Mr. John March who is a CPA and was Richards partner. The guys who tossed the office weren't smart enough to find light bulbs that were lit. The proof was in the pudding. Richard and John shared everything. I even found evidence they shared wives. I found pictures of the two couples switching. John's wife Jenny was every bit as sexy as Amy.

I could find no proof Amy was guilty of anything other than fucking Mr. March, but I think Jenny talked Richard into shimming and I was sure I also knew who got the money. John and Jenny set Richard up to take it and run off with Jenny. Jenny ran off alright but only with the money.

I went back to Amy and ask all the important questions she would probably answer if she was part of the swindle and she passed. I then ask the questions that lead to Jenny framing Richard and getting him killed.

She got to the same place I had.

"That Son of a bitch was going to run off with Jenny and she set him up to get killed. And to get me killed as well."

"That is where I got too."

"Any idea where they hid the money?"

"My guess is they have not moved it anywhere deep yet so I think I can find it. But I need to turn the heat up on our loving couple who stole it."

My new job was now to get them on the trail of the people who skimmed the money. In my search for what had happened I figured out who had put the hit out on Richard and had the bad guys go after Amy. So I knew where to drop the tease to sic them on Richards' partner. I did so and watched the guilty couple abandon ship and head for high ground with the bad guys not far behind.

I went back to the partners office and it only took me a half hour to find the hidden safe in the floor. Another ten minutes to find the numbers to open it posted in plain sight in the side of the inside of the desk. Once opened the Pass code and entry code for the account where the money was.. They had no idea the money they'd lost could be recovered so easily. They just wanted to show you couldn.t steal from them and get away with it.

Amy, her daughter and I disappeared with their money and You can live quite well on 23 million dollars.

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Buster2UBuster2Ualmost 2 years ago

I Love a happy ending 5Stars to writer!

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